This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 47 Before Earth

Chapter 47 Before returning to Earth

Bei Gaoyang finally completed the design of [Magic Net: [-]]. He only needs to go back to Earth to purchase the necessary equipment before he can start "building".

He looked at the completed design draft and was very satisfied. The magic level of [Magic Net: Two] would not be high, at most two rings.

This is very important, and it has laid a solid foundation for future "expandability".

[Magic net: [-]] Second ring, [Magic net: [-]] Third ring... The nine-layer magic net in the blueprint will not exceed his design ability, otherwise, it may be unsustainable in the future.

After putting away the design draft, I went out to see that the camp outside was completely empty. Except for Edward, everyone else was "on vacation".

The forest goblin sisters can finally go back to the forest to see if the brood of goblins starved to death. Yaris said he has some opinions on the abandoned camp. To be able to have a little relationship with the old and young of the Principality of Oran.

Putting on Edward, went to the place where his body was buried, and retrieved the corpses of a total of 208 alpine dwarves, and received an unexpected surprise.

The bones of several orcs.

The corpse is still very "fresh", even the flesh and blood haven't completely rotted. This kind of tall and burly barbarian is a product of the Northern Wilderness, and the abandoned wasteland in [Antarctica] is rare.

Orcs are also one of the mainstream intelligent races, but they were the first to be labeled as [White Ghosts]. After the gods they believed in fell, the orcs endured countless sufferings. The unanimous disgust and curse of the gods plus the invasion of the abyss , few orcs can remain sane.

An intelligent race and civilization collapsed suddenly, just because they were defeated in a jihad, it is really sighing to say.

The professional system of orcs has long been destroyed, and they can only be found from the pile of old papers. It just so happens that Bei Gaoyang knows an ancient profession-barbarian.

The barbarian's advanced profession [Orc Defender] is very suitable for playing the role of a titan in the game.

Tell Edward to find a way to collect some orc bones, use the space ring to take all the bones in one pot, and return to the camp.

"My lord, I emptied the cemetery in that camp."

Edward showed his merits all the way, "It's best to take down that camp. You must know that there are many such settlements in the wasteland, human and dwarf, and they are all connected to each other..."

Listening to the vampire's nagging, Bei Gaoyang stood in front of the "birth point" ponderingly, rubbing his chin and looking at the wooden boxes.

The first works started shortly after.

Amidst the sound of the incantation, the ground of the cave became extremely soft, and several summoned [Magic Earthworms] rolled over their ten-meter-long bodies, devouring the soil with big mouthfuls.

There was a lot of commotion, and the whole hill was shaking slightly.

Soon, a pit the size of a football field emerged.

"Go ahead!"

Bei Gaoyang ordered the vampire.

Edward looked at the countless rush-made wooden boxes behind him, sighed resignedly, grabbed two boxes and [flashed] to the bottom of the big pit.

Place a wooden box in the reserved small groove, and arrange it in order according to the configuration of the magic circle of [Magic Cloning].

Bei Gaoyang was not idle either, the great magician did the hard work himself, first buried the smelted fine gold and mithril according to the lines of the magic circle, and then engraved the precious and hard magic metal with hair-thin magic texture.

The work lasted two days.

Two days later, he beat his sore waist and sighed, "I'm old, I'm old."

"You're too young for what you've achieved!", vampires kissing asses at every opportunity.

Especially after seeing so many blood cores being made into corresponding materials, there is a sense of crisis.

With Xiaona's flattery, Bei Gaoyang snapped his fingers and activated the huge magic circle.

The spell began to be chanted, and the magic circle became brighter and brighter as it trembled, "Little love, inject active substances!"

The "holes" opened up in the void, and the [active substances] collected by the players finally came in handy. A large amount of blue, green, and red solutions were poured into the pool the size of a football field, turning the magic circle, wooden The boxes flooded.

Bei Gaoyang went outside again, next to the stone bases, chanted a spell, and activated the teleportation pointing to the big pit.

In the future, when players log in, they don't need to appear in the mountainside, and they don't need to wake up in a box, they will be teleported here directly.

The same goes for offline, as long as you are near the big pit, you can log off without hindrance, without having to run into the cave every time, which is convenient for colleagues and more in line with the "game setting".

Moreover, the power consumption is greatly reduced, and hundreds of jobs are replaced by a giant [magic clone], which eliminates useless losses and greatly saves the system surplus.

"Test it."

Bei Gaoyang took out his gaming helmet, and the "Number Zero" who disappeared still appeared on the stage. Except for the feeling of soaking in the pool for a moment, when the vision brightened, he appeared on the stone base outside.

The protection time of three seconds on the line is surrounded by white light. After three seconds, No. [-] walks down the birth point/resurrection point, looks left and right, and is generally satisfied.

"Power consumption is expected to save scale."

"Not bad."

From the perspective of No. [-], the login is much more convenient, and it is more like a game, but he becomes dissatisfied with the camp he is in.

There are two lonely buildings, one is a grocery store, and the other is a store of daily and professional supplies.

Blacksmith shop, drug shop, tailor shop, job shop, training NPCs for various job transfers, training grounds, etc., the infrastructure and people have not yet been settled.

NPCs can be solved, but the lack of some necessary infrastructure is too unreasonable.

"Let's talk about it when we come back from Earth."

"By the way, buy some construction equipment, excavators, etc. Some small projects can be solved with magic, but building a city is not enough. I am a magician, not an engineer."

" about ordering some from Earth?"

Bei Gaoyang found the space ring with the largest capacity from his collection, and he remembered that it was the spoils he got during a plane trip in order to steal the "Book of Canaan".

"My lord, in fact, taking down that camp will solve everything without building a city." Edward began to sell again, "I went back this time and found out that there are no more than 5 of their professionals, and the tallest one is an earth knight. The magic level is level 3, and it looks like a dog in front of you."

What kind of professional is never Bei Gaoyang's concern. What he really worries about is more than a thousand people, more than a thousand people. If any one of them makes a mistake, his news will be leaked.

It was as if he had just hooked up with Bahn, the place where there was no hope and could only slowly slide towards the [White Walker] was the favorite hunting ground for dark and mysterious creatures, and he broke into it by himself... There are too many variables what.

But what Edward said is also reasonable. Taking that camp can save a lot of trouble. With a population of more than [-], players can monitor and resolve it. Besides, didn’t you always complain that the game content is too little and too thin? The child is all solved.

Besides, its position is too close, I'm afraid it can't be avoided.

Forget it, forget it, let's talk about it after returning from the earth.

On the third day (Canaan time) after the end of the first test, Bei Gaoyang returned to Earth again through the [Prayer Travel Technique].

(End of this chapter)

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