This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 48 The Source of Confidence

Chapter 48 The Source of Confidence

Bei Gaoyang sensed something as soon as he stepped on the earth, followed his keen intuition, looked at the camera that was slowly turning around, a smile appeared on his face, and then politely saluted as a mage.

People are always confident in what they are good at, and so is he.

This kind of self-confidence is based on the establishment of a civilization. Behind the camera represents a huge and rigorous scientific system, and he represents the indescribable and indescribable mysticism.

Mages are extremely sensitive on the level of consciousness and soul.

The camera is dead, but the person behind the camera is not, and the distance is not far away, there will always be some fuzzy sensing.

Walking out of the alley, the magic effect of [Prayer Travel] slowly disappeared behind him, and a gust of wind blew in, making him feel the coolness of late autumn.

Canaan is always like spring all year round, even in the abandoned wasteland near the [Antarctic], but on Earth, the power of the autumn tiger made him quite overwhelmed. After snapping his fingers, he activated the [Adaptation Environment] array on the necklace.

Stepping on the withered yellow leaves, he saw the sanitation workers in the early morning doing the final cleaning. A sanitation worker who had wrapped himself up tightly saw him, and the moment he frowned, the impression of Bei Gaoyang in his consciousness was "distorted".

So she seemed to see an ordinary passerby, and she did not leave any traces in her memory.

Take out the mobile phone I bought back last time from the space ring, oh, it can still be used.

He dialed a Yanjing number.

The owner on the other end of the phone was very enthusiastic. After listening to his needs, he happily promised to meet his requirements in the shortest possible time.

On the bus, Bei Gaoyang hung up the phone and leaned against the window to watch the city waking up from silence. Traffic and people gradually filled the streets and alleys. Everyone was in a hurry. The fast-paced life made him feel extremely strange.

A mage is slow to the passage of time. It is common for a magic experiment to "retreat" for ten and a half months. According to the standards of the earth, Canaan's productivity development is still extremely primitive. Even if it has magic and extraordinary, it is just Mastered by a very small number of people, most people spend their entire lives without touching anything supernatural.

Live ignorant, ignorant and self-righteous.

Without a destination, Bei Gaoyang let the bus take him anywhere.

Every time he comes back, his mood is always so "sentimental", inexplicably thinking of the past when he was a human on earth, his memory is like a yellowed old photo, which has been wiped away from the traces of time and become brand new.

——He wanted to go back to that house again.

"Forget it, that's not my home."

at the same time.

The mage ceremony that was frozen on the screen caused a room in the traffic control command center to explode. Wu Guodong stared dumbfounded at the disappearing vortex like a black hole, unable to believe his eyes.

After guessing [-] times, all kinds of speculation and evidence point to an answer. It stands to reason that they have been psychologically prepared, but when it really happened, everyone found that they were not ready.

"He got on the 21 bus!"

"He's still in the car!"

"Ah, what should I do, there is a section of road ahead under construction and maintenance..."

"He got out of the car and went into a bun shop."

"So, so... So many people didn't see him?"

"No, no, I ignored him subconsciously, ignoring the abnormality on him."

Yes, abnormal.

It was like a white swan breaking in among the ducks. It was so obvious, but all the ducks were "accustomed to it". This kind of "usuality" made everyone in the task force shudder.

"Is there a camera in the bun shop?"



As soon as the screen changed, it turned into the inside of the steamed stuffed bun shop. I saw that person was queuing up, looking around with great interest. His eyes met those of the people in the office through the camera, and he turned around with a mysterious smile.

"He, he, he seems to have seen us."

"How, how is it possible!?"

"What to do, this situation!?"

"I... I think it's time to stop the surveillance, in case..."

"He didn't appear to be overtly repulsive."

"Look again, look again..."

"I found it, I found it, the phone call he made."

"What about the content?"

"He wants to order a second minicomputer!"

"Could it be for... the second internal test?"

Wu Guodong took two quick-acting heart-rescuing pills, unable to rectify the order in the office, so he threw himself in front of the screen and stared at it stubbornly.

"Is it recorded!?"

"no problem."

Bei Gaoyang started to eat breakfast, a drawer of steamed buns, half a catty of fried dough sticks, and a bowl of tofu nao. He didn't mind huddling with others, and his appetite seemed to be good.

Everyone was watching his every move, not even letting go of his satisfied micro-expression after eating a steamed bun.

"He's...he's familiar with all of this."

"Perhaps his identity...maybe he is really from Huaguo!?"

"It must be, it must be!"

This has a strong subjective will.

Based on these evidence alone, it is impossible to explain who he is, but, but they cannot be blamed, this is human nature, because they know the meaning of this person.

After breakfast, Bei Gaoyang took out a silver coin to pay the bill, the cashier accepted it without any abnormality, and threw it into the drawer.

The pattern on the coin and the unfamiliar words made Wu Guodong's pupils shrink in front of the screen, and on impulse, he gave an action order almost immediately.

But rationality prevented him from doing so, and he waited until Bei Gaoyang left before he got people to the steamed stuffed bun shop as quickly as possible to take back the silver coin.

"He went to the ATM to withdraw money."

"He seems to be very surprised by the amount in the account!?"

"He entered an amount that the ATM machine couldn't withdraw."

"Oops, call the police, and the bank's security guards have come out."

"Surprise but no danger..."

"This person is terrible. Is this a "group suggestion"? He has the power to manipulate people's hearts."

"He's dangerous, extremely dangerous!"

"Long-range sniping doesn't seem to be able to deal with him, he has an incredible intuition... Ah, he looked over again, he seems to be able to sense other people's malice towards him!?"

"He stopped a taxi."

"It's unbelievable that the taxi driver is fine..."

"He went to the bazaar."

Bei Gaoyang also felt that surveillance was everywhere, but he didn't care. This is a desert of magic, and human thoughts are like sand.

But this does not mean that he can be unscrupulous. Science and mystery are another strict system for you. I believe that as long as the elites here know him enough, they can easily formulate [-] methods against him.

But now they don't understand, and Bei Gaoyang understands them very well, so there is an information gap.

This information gap is the source of self-confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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