This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 49 Personalization

Chapter 49 Personalization

Fuyuan City Electric Bicycle Factory was originally a small hardware factory. The owner, Xue Liangdong, was born in the hardware processing industry. He resigned to start a business and founded this small factory with less than 50 workers.

More than ten years ago, he saw that the country was vigorously promoting clean energy, and saw that there were more electric vehicles on the street. He felt that this was an opportunity, so he resolutely transformed, invested in the renovation of the factory, and launched the "Black Bird" brand electric bicycle. Very popular with surrounding counties and cities.

It's a pity that Xue Liangdong's cultural level is not high, and he has a deep-rooted belief that if he is a little rich, he will be safe. After he succeeds, he doesn't want to become bigger and stronger, and improve the competitiveness of his products. He still maintains a small factory and is satisfied with the surrounding counties. In the city market, when other competitors enter the market one after another, the Black Bird electric bicycle will not be enough.

The market has been eroded, and the factory's operating conditions have been deteriorating, and soon it has reached a situation where inventory is squeezed and capital turnover is not working.

He has no choice, he can only follow the trend to see what is lacking in the market, he will do what he can, follow the trend of what he can sell, and make it for others, copying other people's products, and barely survive.

The turning point came more than a week ago, when someone suddenly came forward and said he wanted to invest, and he was fooled by the amount offered. The other party did not ask for control of the factory, but asked for an upgrade of the factory.

This kind of good thing is like a pie in the sky, and only a fool will refuse it.

Huge amounts of money were inexplicably injected into this ordinary small factory. The old factory building was pushed down and the new factory building was erected. It took less than three days.

A large number of modern machinery and equipment have come in, and many dizzying units and technical experts have transformed his small factory into an intelligent and fully automatic workshop. His workers only need to send raw materials to the conveyor belt, and the products that come out are tops and tops with novel styles. , quality and reliable motorcycle helmets.

Ah, by the way, the other party is only interested in motorcycle helmets, and dismisses other production lines.

Xue Liangdong was both happy and worried about this.

The joy is that the factory has come back to life, with funds, technology, and the help of this group of strong men, even if it is no worse than those famous brand products on the market.

What worries him is the market. The product has been produced, but how to push it to the market really makes him worry. His own brand is not good enough. Such a good production process and quality are in vain. The smell of wine these days is also afraid of deep alleys.

That day, he was looking at the helmets coming off the assembly line and thinking about how to open up the market, when a phone call made him happy.

"Really, is the customer really going to order [-]?"

"Director, he's still sitting in our sales department."

"Entertain the customer well, I'll come right over!"

Xue Liangdong left the workshop and ran to the office building. He remembered his partner halfway and made a quick phone call.

"Uh... I see, you can receive me, I won't show up."

Xue Liangdong was anxious when he heard this, and the price was [-], maybe it was a big customer, and there might be orders in the future, wouldn't this market be opened, how could he not pay attention to it?
But he is obviously different. This partner who has invested heavily and has a lot of hands and eyes is not not paying attention to it, but paying too much attention to it.

"Old Xue, meet all the requirements of the other party, and we must negotiate this business. It is not convenient for me to come forward. Remember, we must negotiate!"

Is not this nonsensical?

Xue Liangdong hung up the phone, ignorant of his partner's weirdness, hurried to the office building, and met the big client in the sales department.

He was stunned for a moment when they met each other, but after he was stunned, he warmly greeted him, held the other person's hand with a smile on his face, welcome, welcome...

"Boss Xue, we meet again!" The other party said with a smile.

Xue Liangdong was stunned again, and then he slapped his forehead suddenly, "Look at my memory, it turned out to be Brother Wu, how is it, are you satisfied with the last batch of goods?"

"If you are not satisfied, you will not come to the door."

"Haha...Okay, okay, brother Wu, you don't know, we have changed the shotguns now, and the products have been updated, and the quality and style have nothing to say, just look at our samples."

"I've seen the sample, it's very good, Boss Xue, I want to visit your workshop, can I?"

"Okay, okay, I wish I could."

If he hadn't agreed so happily before, now... Huh, there is no second one in the city with more technical content than himself.

In the workshop, as expected.

"Look, Brother Wu, this is the feeding port, this is the injection compressor, integrally formed, and this is the control computer, our programmers are all hired by high-paying coastal factories, intelligent and automated..."

Bei Gaoyang watched the mechanical arms on each station work in a pleasing rhythm, and the parts and semi-finished products on the assembly line were assembled together in an orderly manner, and nodded with satisfaction.

Xue Liangdong picked up a helmet that had just come off the assembly line, and praised his own products endlessly, talking in a straight line, but Bei Gaoyang interrupted him, saying: "Boss Xue, I have another request."

"Brother Wu is polite, just ask for anything."

"That's it. I need to engrave a special pattern on these helmets. I wonder if you can provide a machine like this?"

"Uh... personalized customization?"

"Forget it, I will take your helmet back and do secondary processing. The quantity is small, but the quantity is too large, especially considering that it will be [-] or million-level in the, it's too much. Trouble."

"Hundreds, hundreds, millions!?"

Xue Liangdong almost bit his tongue, and was furious for a moment. He suspected that the other party was bragging, but the suspicion disappeared without a trace as soon as it popped up.

My mind was completely muddled by the million-level supply, so I hurriedly agreed not to say anything, and even called my business partner on the spot.

The equipment requested by the customer is not complicated, he cannot provide it, but his partner can, look at this workshop, look at these equipment...

"Brother Wu, it's done. The equipment you requested is not complicated. I contacted a friend. How about using laser printing?"

"Laser printing?" Bei Gaoyang looked at the mobile phone he was covering, and said with a smile: "How to solve the supporting energy?"

This strange question, energy, natural electricity, is it possible to burn coal?
"You can use a generator or a battery pack, but do you need to replenish fuel and batteries regularly?"

"That's okay too!" Bei Gaoyang laughed, "How much does such a set of equipment cost?"

Xue Liangdong asked over the phone again, and then quoted an extremely cheap price in his opinion.

"Then please!" Bei Gaoyang was very satisfied, "Let's sign the contract!"

Xue Liangdong was overjoyed, and when he was thinking about the million-level supply contract, he bent down and followed the God of Wealth all the way, vowing to settle this matter.

In the early stage, 30 helmets, a set of fully automatic, computer-controlled laser printing equipment, a contract value of more than one million yuan, and a [-]% deposit received, Xue Liangdong let go of his heart.

Truth entertained the God of Wealth well, but he was in a hurry to go to Yanjing, so he had to make an appointment next time.

In the evening, Bei Gaoyang boarded a direct flight to Yanjing.

(End of this chapter)

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