This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 50 Psychological Portraits

Chapter 50 Psychological Portraits
The plane is still in the sky, but the ground is already busy.

Yanjing Airport has already prepared corresponding arrangements, and none of the personnel involved in the operation knew what the reason for this inexplicable mission was. Even some of the persons in charge were puzzled by Monk Zhang Er, and only knew part of the operation they were responsible for.

Catch a criminal in a major case?
Not like!

Protecting someone important and secret?
A bit like.

Yes, but this kind of guard is heavy, as if you are facing a big enemy.

This is the heart of the Republic, what danger is there, why kill it in the cradle?

But on the surface, everything is normal at the airport, and ordinary people don't feel anything at all.

8 pm.

"There are two hours left, what should we do, the superior is still waiting for our explanation!"

In a brightly lit building, a higher-level "special task force" is in a meeting. After reading the detailed information from Fuyuan City, experts, backbones, and elites from all aspects of Yanjing frown. Tight, everyone stared at the screen in front of them.

There is a black hole-like vortex on the screen. With this vortex as the background, there is an empty alley. The target character is located directly in front of the camera. He is wearing a decent, elegant and mysterious robe, and is saluting to the camera with a smile.

The expert in charge of the character's psychological portrait was the first to say: "He is very confident, very confident. This confidence comes from his belief that even if his identity is revealed, we, this planet, have nothing to do with him!"

Another expert in human psychology and behavior went on to say: "I think this kind of confidence is real. Judging from the information we have obtained, he does have this incredible ability."

A third expert said: "This ability lies in influencing, distorting and even manipulating people's perceptions and thoughts. No one, remember, anyone has the ability to protect themselves against him."

The fourth expert looked tired, but his eyes were extremely excited, "We might as well be bold and hypothesize what his ability is!?"

The official presiding over the meeting knocked on the table in dissatisfaction, "Now is not the time to discuss these things. The problem now is that he is about to arrive in Yanjing, the capital of the Republic. In case, I mean in case, there will be extremely serious consequences. Consequences, consequences we cannot afford."

Those present fell silent.

"Continue, the analysis just now was very good!" said an old man who attended the meeting through the video screen.

The expert in charge of the character's psychological portrait coughed and said: "He has such self-confidence, but at the same time, he also conveyed a signal of friendship to us. His body language clearly told us that he came with good intentions and would Follow...follow our code."

"How do you see it!?"

"You can see that he obviously has such abilities, but he goes to line up and eats with people without hesitation. Looking at this picture, someone is spitting next to him. Looking at his brows, he is very disgusted, but he restrained himself , and this picture, he gave up his seat to an old man on the bus, and when the bus braked, he bumped into a person because he didn't feel used to it, and the person scolded him..."

"So, this is a person with a strong self-control ability. He is very proud and confident. He seems to think he is superior to others, so he looks at the people and things around him with a superior 'tolerance'. But he is also extremely dangerous, so Once people think that they are in danger, they will not hesitate to take decisive I suggest to observe cautiously for a while."



"But this is the capital... Something went wrong..."

"Okay!" said the old man in the video, "The minority obeys the majority, this risk is worth taking, and I will advise my superiors."

In a blink of an eye, two hours came.

When the plane came to a complete stop on the runway, the passengers stepped down the gangway in an orderly manner, and a man who was very unusual in his clothes and demeanor walked out of the cabin, dazzled by the dazzling lights outside.

He squinted his eyes and blocked the light with the back of his hand. He waited until he got used to it before looking left and right. He smiled and let a young woman who was holding a girl to the front.

"Thank you!" The young woman thanked politely.

"Goodbye, uncle!" After getting off the plane, the girl waved to him obediently.

"Goodbye!", Bei Gaoyang said goodbye to the mother and son who met on the plane.

Fifteen minutes later, an unknown taxi left the airport, drove onto the highway, and headed for the city.

When the tenth police car roared by tonight, the taxi driver mumbled a few words, saying, "I don't know what big person is coming tonight. This posture is at least the head of a small country."

"Master, are there many cases like this?"

The driver said with a tone of seeing the big world, "It's often seen, and sometimes the road is closed. It's just last month. Well, the signboard hasn't been removed yet."

Bei Gaoyang looked at the banners on the viaduct in front that said friendship, welcome princes, etc., and laughed.

He was satisfied that he saw no danger, and he thought it was a good start.

Of course, surveillance is everywhere, and there is a sense of restlessness and tension in the air, but this is normal. If I were myself, I can't guarantee that I will be so restrained.

When he came back this time, he was fully prepared.

On the mage's robe, there are constants [Detect hostility], [Group suggestion] and [Bewitching humans], with a spell ring of [Dark Element Barrier] on his hand, and on his neck are constant [Flash], [Adaptation to the environment] , the obsidian necklace of [Puppet Substitute], holding a [Advanced Energy Defense] amulet in his hand...

As long as it doesn't make him too late to react, he is confident enough to deal with any unexpected situation.

Besides, this place is still a desert of magic, and a great magician is almost unlimited.

After entering the urban area, the taxi stopped at an express hotel. Bei Gaoyang paid the fare and checked in.

In the guest room, he stretched himself, took a shower first, called the room service and ordered a takeaway dinner, enjoyed the convenience of modern life, and then sat cross-legged on the bed to meditate.

——Everything is good, but there is no magic power.

An environment without magic is harmful to him, just like fish in the sea cannot survive in the river, so there is not much time.

Meditation has no effect, it is better to use sleep.

Early the next morning, he contacted the shop owner who supplied the goods, and saw the goods he ordered under the warm hospitality of the other party.

"This one……"

The minicomputer in front of me seems to be...much more advanced than the previous one?
"Boss Wu, what's the matter!?"

The eyes of the shopkeeper who had cooperated once were a little flickering.

"It's nothing, it's fine, just this one!"

Bei Gaoyang smiled, and happily paid the final payment.

The subject of [Magic Net: Two] is in hand.

The owner secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and pretended to be enthusiastic and said: "Boss Wu is still so grand, where will the goods be delivered, or the hotel?"

"No need!" Bei Gaoyang glanced at the camera above his head and said, then with a wave of his right hand, the desk-sized device was put into the space ring.

The owner blinked his eyes, his expression suddenly became terrified, and he was about to open his mouth to say something...

"What's wrong!?" Bei Gaoyang asked.

"Ah, no, nothing, nothing!", the shopkeeper said with a normal expression.

(End of this chapter)

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