This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 51 Magical Automation

Chapter 51 Magical Automation

It's hard to come back, so it's natural to maximize the benefits.

There was still a lot of money in the account, so much that Bei Gaoyang didn't even bother to count it. After finishing the workstation, he went to the largest bazaar in Yanjing to start a big purchase.

Food and cloth are hard currencies in that world. Although players can't use them, they will always be useful in the future.

Others are useful or not, as long as they look pleasing to the eye, they will be bought. After sweeping through the past, after buying out a few shops, the whole market knows that a local tyrant has come.

A large amount of materials were collected into the space ring, and no one thought it was abnormal under the eyes of everyone. This was a very terrifying thing, and made the people who monitored his every move shudder, and they dared not act rashly.

It wasn't until the evening that the frenzied shopping was finally over. Bei Gaoyang stopped a taxi in the electronic city and went back to the hotel.

That's how it went the next day.

I will stay for three days at most, and I will leave tomorrow. The itinerary is very full. After enjoying a sumptuous dinner, I simply wash up and go to sleep.

Tonight was another sleepless night for many.

How to treat him and how to get in touch with him have not yet come to a conclusion. There is a lot of controversy and more scruples.

There was no reply online, which made those experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences lose their hair in a hurry. They didn't know that the so-called "game producer" was swaggeringly sweeping goods in Yanjing, and they didn't know that the relevant departments were monitoring him all the way. Be wary of throwing rats and dare not act rashly.

The same is true on the official website.

The second test game device is being drawn... It has been drawing all the time, even after the fucking refresh until the web page crashes.

The unchanging page makes people can't help but wonder, won't there be bounced tickets, won't it be yellow?
On the third morning, Bei Gaoyang went out early again. This time it was the hardware and building materials market. Metal products were the most frequently shopped items. At first he wanted to buy some productivity tools, but after thinking about it, there was no energy source for buying them back. No one knows how to use the raw materials, so forget it.

Excavators and tractors will increase the risk of game exposure, so the most purchased raw materials can be processed secondary.

Steel ingots, iron ingots, even some silver and gold, anyway, the money in the account is just a bunch of numbers.

In this way, he squandered so much that he didn't call it a day until the money in the account was only 7 figures.

In the hotel, the last purchase also went smoothly.

Although the source code of the general templates, materials, gameplay, and structure of online games cannot be understood, he does not need to understand it, and it is enough to leave it to [Xiao Ai].

At two o'clock in the afternoon, he boarded the flight back to Fuyuan City.

Ten thousand game helmets are piled up in the entire warehouse, and a not very bulky "digital laser engraving" device is lying there quietly. The smell of paint on it has not dissipated, and it is brand new under the light.

Bei Gaoyang took apart a helmet, checked it carefully and nodded in satisfaction, and put him on the "Digital Aurora Engraving" device.

In fact, this thing is not uncommon, if it is not necessary to adapt to the size and shape of the helmet, there are similar equipment for sale on the Internet.

However, this one is very different from those common DIY Aurora printing equipment. The biggest difference is that it integrates 3D digital control. You only need to draw the corresponding pattern on the screen to engrave ten helmets at the same time.

You can also scan existing drawings, intelligently match, generate, and engrave, and all fool-like one-key operations are extremely convenient.

Technology changes life.

It is simply a sharp weapon for engraving the magic circle.

Of course, the magic circle is not simply engraved, but engraving is the foundation. Every magician has a good inscription technique, which is practiced with a carving knife for decades.

Bei Gaoyang slantedly drew the formation configuration of the [Magic Network Access Device] on the touch screen, failed several times, and found that he could not reproduce his inscription skills on this kind of technological equipment.

The difference is a thousand miles away.

Xue Liangdong had no choice but to accompany the big client attentively, and he didn't want to lose the chain at such a time.

"Liu, Xiao Liu!"

Bei Gaoyang smiled slightly and stepped aside.

"I'm coming!"

Liu Chongshang agreed, and walked into the warehouse with the utmost restraint.

The opportunity is rare, he knows his mission, he knows who he is going to contact at this moment, and he understands the risks and significance of this move. He makes himself not think about anything, only remembering his current identity and what he is about to do.

He didn't look at Bei Gaoyang the whole time, and hurried to the equipment to adjust it.

"Boss Wu's pattern, can you see if there is any way?"

Xue Liangdong pointed to the parchment placed on the LCD screen.

Now he is the only one who has no psychological burden, but he is not without muttering in his heart, one is this pattern, but this old parchment.

Who still uses this kind of thing to remember things now?
What the hell is this pattern? Why does it look like a ghostly talisman? It makes people panic?

"Actually, it can be scanned, like this, like this..."

Liu Chongshang pulled out the 3D scanning gun, scanned the sheepskin scroll into the device, and worked with his head down all the way, mouthing non-stop, "Then call out the pattern, like this... and then match the helmet, like this... This is the preview of the effect, no problem Then you can work."

Bei Gaoyang walked behind him, obviously felt his whole body tense, and said, "Do it again, I didn't see clearly."


He nodded hastily, until then he mustered up the courage to look up and glance at the people around him.

"Xiao Liu, why are you in a daze, why don't you teach the boss how to use it!"

"Ah, oh, this is the scan switch, point the light source at the scanned model..."

"Can anything be scanned?"

"Yes, but some too complex and irregular three-dimensional models are difficult, not so high resolution..."

"Is the planar model okay? Is it more complicated than this?"

"Below 100 microns is not acceptable, the highest support is 100 microns..." At this point, he paused and said: "In fact, we can make more advanced ones, but it will take time..."

"Uh, thank you for your hard work!" Bei Gaoyang nodded, "This level of precision is enough, you can do it again."

You have worked hard, you have worked hard, what does he mean by this, could it be...

Liu Chongshang barely maintained his composure, pressed the engraving switch, and the equipment started to work. The aurora shot down from the fast-moving probe, the helmet moved and rotated to the corresponding angle, and a complete and precise magic circle configuration was engraved in less than 10 seconds. come out.

Bei Gaoyang picked up the engraved helmet and thought about it. At 100 microns, no matter how steady a human hand is, it cannot reach such precision. The reason why most magic circles are huge is because the limit is there. Almost, no magician has even tried to do this.

This is a good breakthrough direction.

Bei Gaoyang soon realized.

It can also be used in games, at least in terms of enchanting and forging, which can greatly reduce system power consumption.

(End of this chapter)

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