This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 52 Inventing the Second Layer of the Magic Web

Chapter 52 Inventing the Second Magic Web

"If you need anything in the future, you can come to us directly!"

Before leaving, Liu Chongshang finally completed his mission.

"Here's how to get in touch."

"We will do our best to accommodate your request."

He spoke as sincerely as he could.

Although Bei Gaoyang accepted the business card, he shook his head and said with a smile: "It's too much trouble, I'd better cooperate with Boss Xue, it's simpler."

Xue Liangdong didn't know the subtext in it at all, and said courteously: "Yes, yes, there will be more opportunities for cooperation in the future... Is that a contract of intent?"

"Boss Xue can't trust me?"

"No, how could it be, how could it be..."

"Don't worry, I will definitely contact you when the time comes...that's it, two?"

Send the two away, and it's time to leave.

Three days is too short a time to take a good look.

Bei Gaoyang sighed, put the digital laser engraving machine into the ring, and finally installed a thousand helmets (the space ring is full), cast [Prayer Travel Technique] and left the earth.

Two hours later, the cargo terminal where the warehouse is located was blocked, and an "epidemic surprise inspection team" arrived here. People in chemical protective suits tested the air and the composition of the soil, especially at the location where the "black hole" disappeared.

When it was over, they restored everything as before, as if it had never been here.

During the meeting, Liu Chongshang accurately described what happened two hours ago in detail. Opposite him, several men listened with serious expressions, and the audio and video equipment was working.

"He said no trouble?"


"What was his attitude at the time, how did it make you feel?"

"I feel... just don't care."

" there any more?"

"I can't say anything else..."

"Okay, there is no problem, you have worked hard."

"I... did my mission fail!?"

"Failure? Why do you have such an idea? Young man, don't think about it so simply."

Next, Liu Chongshang underwent a rigorous physical examination, including consciousness, thinking logic and cognition, and found no problems.

It is a good thing that there is no problem, but the person who checked him seemed a little disappointed?

When he left, Bei Gaoyang assigned work to Edward, Yaris and the goblin sisters, but when he came back, he saw that these people hadn't even finished the foundation of the blacksmith's shop after so many days.

Yaris is sitting under the sun umbrella and drinking coffee leisurely, the goblin sisters are flying around with brooms, Edward seems to be working, but every time, every time, he hasn't even finished cleaning the ground...

Feeling angry, he ignored these guys and went straight into the cave.

First check whether your magic secret has been touched, then go straight to the underground birth point, and release some of the materials brought back from the earth.

Beside the huge magic solution pool, Bei Gaoyang picked and picked among the piled supplies, and then sealed the entrance of this underground treasure cave, so that no one could enter except him.

Players will be sent to the outside when they are born and online, and it will not be enabled here easily.

Back in the laboratory, he took out a computer workstation, and prepared to cast [Magic Net: Two] spells without stopping.

First carved a huge and cumbersome spell configuration on the base of the ground, and then took out many precious spell-casting materials to hide the spell.

The mysterious incantations poured out and whispered, like whispers from another world, and the lighting in the laboratory suddenly became strange, as if a weird filter was cast on it, making people under the filter And things seem grotesque and distorted.

The crystal-clear light spots turned into magic-casting materials swayed like fireflies, pulled by the invisible spiritual force, and fell towards the cold hardware.

As these crystals attach, the surface materials of metal and plastic are melting, combining with these crystals to become another strange substance.

After casting the spell, Bei Gaoyang closed the "Book of Canaan" and pressed the start button.

An electric spark and light smoke flickered on the chassis, and after shaking a few times, it calmed down.

The fused display leaked garbled characters that no one could understand, and finally stopped on the pitch-black interface where the cursor flickered.

"Xiao Ai, enter the second layer of magic net."

"The second layer of magic net has successfully settled in. During the self-inspection, the system loads 10%..."

Bei Gaoyang breathed a sigh of relief. He was delighted to see the fusion of Magic Net [-] and Magic Net [-]. The appearance of the two computer workstations has changed drastically. They are neither like the technological crystallization of the earth nor the magic creation of Canaan.

From the original electric drive to the magic drive, the two hosts "breathed" the magic aura, and the invisible network was spreading out around them.

The spider spits out a second silk, which is longer and weaves a larger, more complex and stronger network. As his assistant and stand-in, Xiao Ai is like a spider climbing up the second layer of web and sensing the entire network , starting and checking many functions that are going to be implemented on the network.

"The system loads 100%, and the self-test is complete."

"What is the coverage of the magic net!?"

"The theoretical perfect value is 20 kilometers, and now it is 6 kilometers."

That is, the radius is 3 kilometers, not bad, not bad, it has been increased several times in one fell swoop.

If the radius is 3 kilometers, the covered terrain and 'monsters' will be even more. The kobold mines, the wetlands where the lizardmen live, a small river flowing into the forest is haunted by murlocs, and wasteland demon wolves are also roaming in this area. The camp with the deserted people is also close, and it can be covered by about 6 or 7 kilometers without using the theoretical perfect value.

"Where is the magic network access device?"

"The theoretical perfect value is 300, now it is 160."

Is it only 300?
He came back with more than a thousand helmets.

But think about it, this is normal.

The perfect value of the first layer of magic net is only 100, and the second layer can be doubled. Could it be tens of thousands all of a sudden?

The magic net needs to grow and develop, and needs to be nourished by the spirit and soul of the players. This is a gradual process, how can it be accomplished in one fell swoop?

Besides, the game time is staggered, and the upper limit of 300 can completely connect several times the number of players.

Bei Gaoyang comforted himself, after resting and meditating, he immediately went to the next job.

The most tedious work was replaced by a machine. All he had to do was take off the helmet with the engraved spell configuration, and then guide the magic solution to fill the groove on it.

After a helmet was made, Xiao Ai discovered a new [access device]. Bei Gaoyang put it on and tested it, and found that it was not much different from the spell configuration he had inscribed.

"This is the biggest surprise!"

He touched the "3D digital laser engraving machine" and was overjoyed. This is the first combined application of magic and science.

It took two days to process the helmets and survivors brought back, and the qualifications for the second test can be screened.

In fact, he already has a batch of lists in his hand.

Those outside of Huaguo are planning to send a batch, and they should test the waters.

The email from the Chinese Academy of Sciences was very wordy, and it was always bad not to give any care.

Ahri's, Penguin's, other game guilds and organizational entities... Although they can't cooperate, their participation will surely promote the enrichment of game content and the development of the magic net.

And some fanaticism on the forums always has to be taken care of...

Counting in this way, 200 helmets already have a place to go, and there are more than 600 second-test qualifications that need to be drawn.

(End of this chapter)

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