Chapter 53
Canaan official website.

[Canaan online version 1.02 update announcement. 】

【update content:
1. The maximum server load limit for the second non-deleting test is increased to 300 people.

2. Open the new race of dwarves, open the face pinching system, and the real face data mapping function.

3. Open first job transfer: magician, archer, warrior. Players who have reached level 5 can accept the job transfer task from the "Job Transfer Training Instructor NPC". road.

4. Open new maps: [Kobold Mine], [Lizardman Wetland], [Murloc Riverside], more maps will be released during the second test period.

5. Interactive functions such as team formation, trading, online channel chat, and family are open to players. To establish a family, you need to change careers, and the camp reputation reaches: Fame (500).

6. Open life occupations: blacksmith, enchanter, tailor, potion master, open life skills: mining, gathering, cutting (skinning) and identification, life occupations need corresponding task props, elite monsters drop probability, life Skills that every player can learn.

7. The nameless hill at the player's birth point is named [Dawn Town], and the teleportation points between maps will be opened in succession. 】

1. Several new monsters have been added.

2. Optimize the battle system.

3. Fix some bugs.

4. Optimized and enriched the task system.

5. Optimized the resurrection system.

6. Optimized the drop mechanism.


[Game equipment will be sent out in the near future, and the second closed beta will start on time at 11:4 on November 14th]

After the announcement was made, Bei Gaoyang logged into the forum and posted the extracted list with administrator privileges.

Not counting the 227 accounts in the first test, a total of 773 lucky people were listed this time. As soon as the long list was announced, the forum instantly became stuck.

The originally active forum temporarily lost its voice. Taking advantage of this time, he also posted the edited post.

This is the first time he has advertised as a game producer, which is of great significance.

"Hi, everyone, I am the producer and planner of Canaan Games. Thank you for your enthusiasm and support. Since the first test, everyone's enthusiasm is obvious to all. As a game producer, I am deeply honored and feel a great responsibility (laughs) .

Please rest assured that the game will not be yellow. The first test, second test, third test, and public test will continue until anyone who wants to enter the world of Canaan can obtain the qualification for the game.

Our goal is to build a second home for mankind, a spiritually and spiritually perfect world (make a fist).

Since the first test, many problems have been exposed. After our day and night efforts, the second test has solved some of them.

The problem of team formation and online channel communication that everyone complained about the most has been solved in the second test. In the future, players can freely form teams and perform some complex interactions. By the way, there are certain experience rewards for team formation. It is said that the higher the overall lucky value in the team, the higher the burst rate will be.

There is no problem with online communication, world channel, friend channel, and family... By the way, the family function is also launched, what are you waiting for, friends, go and build the gang and city-state in your mind!

Your dream has already set sail, aren't you excited? (smirk)
The transaction between players has also been officially launched, without any restrictions, I seem to have seen countless explosive liver emperors, small money, who doesn't love it.

It is said, but it is said that functions such as store opening, chamber of commerce, auction, and consignment will be launched in the future. Our goal is to create a real and complete ecosystem, so that all players can get corresponding rewards in the game for every effort.

However, due to limited server resources, all problems cannot be solved. Please be patient, and Canaan will get better and better.

For so many days, I saw that many people on the forum clocked in on time every day, placed candles to pray, and expressed their loyalty and determination to us (laughs). I also saw some hardcore players eager to enter Canaan, but they had no chance. It is undeniable that they have high game quality. In view of this, in addition to the list announced above, we will regularly draw some lucky players on the forum and give away game equipment for free. "

"In addition, the upper limit of the server is 300 people, which cannot be reached at the beginning. Queuing is a common phenomenon. Please arrange the game time reasonably. If you encounter any problems during the game, or have any ideas and suggestions, you can Leave a comment below this post.

Finally, I wish everyone a good harvest in Canaan, and sincerely wish everyone good health and happy family (prayer). "

As soon as the post was posted, there was a reply below, Bei Gaoyang refreshed it, and a bunch of garbled characters appeared.

This breaks down! ?

Refresh again, or.

Forget it, see you later, need to send the helmet now.

There are too many materials brought back from the earth, several laboratories are full, and only two rings are emptied, which is estimated to be enough to hold the remaining helmets, before returning to the earth with the [Prayer Travel Technique].

"That's not possible!"

Standing in the warehouse that he left less than a day ago, Bei Gaoyang thought to himself.

Every time I have to go back and forth twice... Why can't I solve it at one time, or I didn't plan it in advance.

How come the brain is not sober at such a time!

Introspecting himself, he realized he needed a helper.

[Magic net access device] can be handed over to this person for mailing, just give him a list through [Magic net].

Just looking for who?
Bei Gaoyang took out the business card.

"Hey, I just rejected someone, and now I'm back again."

Tucao himself, he dialed the phone number on the business card, beeping several times before getting through.

"Hey Hey hey……"

It's a very nice and flustered female voice.

"Hi, I'm looking for Xiao Liu."

He doesn't know the name yet.

"Xiao, Xiao Liu, who is Xiao Liu?"

"Uh...the one who gave me the helmet..."

"Game... ah!"

Bei Gaoyang took the receiver a little farther away, and heard a falling sound from the other end of the phone, followed by several ding ding bangs.

"Please, please wait a moment."

"It's okay, I'm not in a hurry."

A call made a hornet's nest, and half an hour later, Liu Chongshang rushed to the warehouse as quickly as possible.

"That's it, we contacted through the Internet, you just mail the helmet according to the list I provided."

Liu Chongshang swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva, managed to maintain his composure, and replied dryly, "Yes, yes, no problem."

"Excuse me, here is the processed game helmet. This is the list. Those who are rich will keep it here. I will notify you when needed... Oh, by the way, have you joined the group yet?"

"No, no."

"What are your requirements for treatment?"

"I...", Liu Chongshang opened his mouth, "I want a helmet..."

"That's it?"

Liu Chongshang nodded repeatedly.

"Just take one for your own use."

Bei Gaoyang didn't take it seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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