This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 54 National Team

Chapter 54 National Team

The task force was elated.

"This is a good start. These helmets must be kept well, Xiao Liu, have you checked the list clearly?"

"The investigation has made it clear that most of them are domestic, and only a small part are abroad."

"Those places abroad?"

"North America, Europe."

"Are they all normal players?"

"This... is not very clear!"

"Look at me, it's okay if there are any problems, you can mail all these helmets out through the normal channels, do it well!"


The tension and depression of the past few days were swept away. Everyone was beaming and understood the meaning of this step. As for tampering with these helmets, no one would do such a stupid thing. The future will last forever.

"Everyone has worked hard these past few days, and I will ask my superiors for your credit!"

"Long live!"

"Finally it didn't mess up, my heart has always been on it."

"It's still right to be cautious, but fortunately I didn't act recklessly."

"Yes, luckily!"

"Everyone has made meritorious deeds, let's celebrate tonight!"

"team leader?"

"You young people go, I'm an old man and I won't join in the fun."

Wu Guodong gave the whole group a holiday with a smile on his face. Everyone was exhausted these days, with a heart hanging in their throats all the time, fearing that something might go wrong.

Fortunately, there was a good result, enough to explain to the superior.

After the team members left, he wrote the report and sent it to his superiors through the internal network, packed up his things and prepared to leave work.

The task force used a guest house of the Fuyuan Municipal Government to work in the name of a quarantine team dispatched to the public. In the reception hall on the first floor, Liu Chongshang, who had made great contributions, had not yet left. When he saw him come out, he greeted him with a smile.

"Captain, what about my helmet, you won't pretend it's not the case!?"

"You bastard!" Wu Guodong scolded with a smile. Seeing that there was no one around, he said, "I haven't held you accountable for cheating for your own gain. How dare you talk to me about...stolen goods?"

"It's stolen goods!" Liu Chongshang felt aggrieved, "They gave it to me on their own initiative, in order to reward me, this is my reward."

"Remuneration, what remuneration? If you don't have the convenience of your position, they will pay you? Why don't they look for someone else, but you?"

A series of rhetorical questions left Liu Chongshang speechless.

"My little comrade, you don't know how important this matter is. On the surface, we are the only people who are busy working. In fact, from Yanjing to Fuyuan, I don't know how many people are supporting us..."

"So many helmets have been given away, what's wrong with me..."

"What did you say?"

"No, nothing!?"

"A helmet is not important? How many units are looking forward to, looking forward to, eagerly waiting for a place. Whose head is bigger than yours, is it important for you to play games and entertainment or scientific research? How many units have grabbed the dog's brains? , are you sorry to..."

Liu Chongshang was very frustrated. He didn't say that so many helmets have been given away, and the rich ones are also stored in the warehouse. My one is nothing.

This kind of talk is unprofessional, and he also knows that he is a little "smug", after all, it is a fluke in his heart.

He left the unit dejectedly, and was not in the mood to celebrate. When he got home at night, he logged on to the game's official website, and saw that there was a real difference between fire and ice.

Those who won the second test were overjoyed and posted posts to celebrate, and most of the people who were not drawn also posted posts, but they were just trolling, cursing, and complaining.

The page is very stuck, and a lot of new posts pop up as soon as it is refreshed. The most popular one is the official post sent by that person, which has hundreds of pages of replies.

The news related to the second internal test qualification was on the hot search, and it was only ranked in the top ten due to artificial suppression, and the traffic on the major self-media platforms was also restricted. Liu Chongshang knew the inside story, and this was also the work of their team.

On the one hand contact and cooperation, on the other hand cautious vigilance, in the face of such an extremely special "new thing", we must be careful and careful, try not to cause too much social heat and influence.

Others can only take one step at a time.

If this game and this person are tested step by step, what will happen in the future? To be honest, no one knows, including the above.

The next day, all the game helmets on the list were sent out through "normal" channels, not only cannot be deducted, but also be careful of mistakes during delivery.

For example, if a courier sees what is being delivered, what should he do if he is confused?
There are too many such links in the middle, as long as the temptation is strong enough, some people will take risks.

Very contradictory, isn't it?

On the one hand is the extreme desire for helmets.On the other hand, they have to be spread out, and people can take it for leisure and entertainment...

Each delivered helmet has a positioning device, and a dedicated "courier" follows it all the way. Liu Chongshang sits in the office, monitors their movements, and reports in due course.

Especially for those who boarded the plane and dropped it overseas, something happened as soon as the plane landed.

After FedEx in North America took over, the helmets lost their signal. At this time, it was beyond their reach, so they had to save the relevant evidence. If the person asked in the future, he would have a saying, at least he would not blame himself.

Liu Chongshang didn't understand at first, why he did the thing of beating dogs with meat buns.

Now he understands.

There is such a counterexample, will that person send helmets overseas in the future?

I'm afraid I should be cautious, right?

"Xiao Liu, come here!"

"Oh, here we come!"

In Wu Guodong's office, Liu Chongshang sat down at his desk, waited for Wu Guodong to finish calling, and asked, "Captain, it can be delivered by tomorrow afternoon at the latest."

"Well, nothing went wrong?"

"No, just stare at it the whole time."

"Okay." Wu Guodong took off his reading glasses and stared at the young man sitting opposite him.

Liu Chongshang was a little confused, thinking that there was something on his face...

"This is your transfer order. Someone will take you to the new unit to report in the afternoon."


"Ah shit, you got shit luck, kid... and this, a helmet retrieval certificate."

Liu Chongshang was dumbfounded. Isn't it a dead end? Why...

"This is a project initiated by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It is considered a national team. Your kid is now a national team player."

"National, national team!?"

"Your organizational relationship will be transferred to the Canaan World Group under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which is full of elites selected from all walks of life..."

"Yes, yes, but why me!?"

"If you say you're stupid, you're sometimes quite clever... What else could it be? Because you bring your own quota, they're picking up a game device for nothing, so naturally they're willing to accept it."

"Bring your own... ah, I, I..."

At this time, Wu Guodong's expression became serious, and he said meaningfully: "Don't worry, how can we lose the big because of small things?"

That's right, even the meat buns were thrown out to feed the dogs, so it doesn't make sense for me...

How much attention should be paid to that person!

Pay attention to the need to scruple on such a small possibility that may affect his perception.

(End of this chapter)

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