Chapter 55

"Xiaoyu, I'm so nervous!"

"There are still five minutes, why are you nervous?"

"Ah, don't hurry up, the server is about to start."

"Wait a minute, wait until I finish scolding this idiot!"

Du Shiyu gritted her teeth and typed, and sparred with a troll on the forum for half an hour. Seeing that the time to open the server was approaching step by step, and the other party was still competing with her online, she laughed and said: "I said, so You don’t have a helmet, and from what you said, I thought you were a first-time tester, but I didn’t expect (covering your mouth and laughing)..."

"Say me, don't you do the same!?"

"Haha, my game ID is Xuewu Feiyu, I'm the first player to change my job as an enchanter in the first test, if you don't believe me, go search (smirk)!"

This sentence successfully broke the troll's defense, and the other party yelled, what's so great about the first test player, broken the game, please me, I am too lazy to play, and the door will be closed sooner or later...

The other party became angry from embarrassment, Du Shiyu closed the webpage contentedly, turned around and saw that the best friend had disappeared.


She quickly lay down on the bed, picked up the helmet and put it on:

【The server is busy, waiting in line, please wait...】

"I, I, I..."

She almost uttered the curse words, but she pinched herself angrily.

Forget it, wait 4 hours and then enter the game.

Then he sat back next to the computer and saw that the guy he was confronting with was fighting someone else again, raised his eyebrows, and joined the battle group.

As soon as Zhang Miao logged into the game, she noticed a big change.

The birth point was changed to the outside, on a stone base, the continuous white light pushed him to go out, and densely packed players landed behind him, rushing out like a swarm.

The birth point is in the square, and there are many NPCs standing around the square that were not there before. There are also grocery stores and daily necessities stores. A dull forest elf, without a name, stood not far in front of her.

Many second-test players who logged in for the first time were startled, and the square soon became chaotic. The old players of the first test all left the square with a clear goal and went to the NPC for job transfer training.

"Too, is it too exaggerated!?"

"Oh my god, am I time-traveling?"

"What a game!?"

"Ah, it hurts so much, it still hurts!"


The players in the second test were noisier than the ducks out of the cage. Looking at them, Zhang Miao looked like, like... Fuck, they all pinched their faces!

I saw "handsome men and beautiful women" yelling with their bright IDs, and some short, bearded, thick-limbed players, dressed in linen clothes and leather pants, were running around.


Now he didn't know whether to envy them or despise them. At least they could pinch their faces, and there was another race to choose from. The first test players like himself didn't have such an opportunity.

Shit, it's not fair!
"Dude, what bonus do dwarves have!?"

Zhang Miao grabbed a player whose ID was 'short, big and tight' who was running past and asked.

Short, big, tight and adaptable, he has calmed down a lot, his face was a little flushed, and the beard on it was shaking, "The first test player?"


"Boss, please bring me."

"...I asked you, do dwarves have any bonuses?"

"Let me see... oh, the strength and constitution will be increased by 10%."

Depend on!
Zhang Miao was even more jealous, and asked again: "What about your initial attributes?"

"Strength 6, Intelligence 2, Spirit 3, Dexterity 4, Constitution 5."

Damn it, it's both physical and strength, and the strength is 6, which is higher than myself.

Zhang Miao is even more jealous. I don't know if this guy is lucky or a common phenomenon.

At this time, the first-test players who rushed to change jobs ran back again, and they had to start the mission process again.

The unnamed escort was surrounded by people, and some new players with strong adaptability also gathered. Everyone seemed very restless, as if they were afraid of falling behind.

Zhang Miao also felt a sense of urgency, and hurried over to go through the task process.

This time, there is no need to talk one by one. The voice and text dialog box will appear automatically as soon as you get close to the guiding NPC.

"Congratulations on ending a long sleep. As you can see, we have added a new batch of blood. The resources of Chenxi Town are very tight. Can you provide some help?"

"I am willing!"

"Very good, please pay a visit to the Legion Commander Lord Rumsfeld for me, he is very short of manpower."

[Accept the receiving task: report to the leader of the Rebel Army, Lord Ramsfield]

A transparent arrow appeared at the foot, pointing to the direction of the mission. Zhang Miao followed the direction of the arrow novelty, and found the main thread NPC in a pile of debris behind the square.

"As you can see, my son, our business has grown and grown, but I, the legion commander, don't even have a place to work. Can you help me build a town hall?"

[Reception task completed]

[Gain experience 5]

[Gain Faction Prestige 1]

[Accept the main task: the construction of the town hall. 】

Zhang Miao found that the NPCs in the main thread had become...a lot more sluggish, and they didn't need to wait for each one to go through the task process. They could talk to him as soon as they approached, and the voice and text dialog boxes appeared at the same time.

Only then did he notice a flashing chat icon in the lower right corner of his field of vision. When he clicked on it with his mind, the world chat channel was immediately opened.

"Young milk killer: Yaoshou, the change is not ordinary, the balance of the human race is increased by 10%, what is the balance!?"

"A little sapling: Ah, what should I do, I can't pinch my face, I want to commit suicide and start over!"

"Vanilla Pudding: Sapling, why is Xue Wu not online?"

"A river of spring water: the first test for old players and friends!"

"Mengxin Xiaobai: Brothers and sisters, how do you play this game?"

"Big Cousin: Xiao Er, Ruo Ran, chic, Er Niu sees +++"

Big cousin changed his name! ?
Zhang Miao quickly opened the character panel and found that the game ID can be changed.

Finally, he gave away the evil Dynasty ID, lost a piece of his heart, and he was in a good mood.

After fiddling for a long time, I finally found the social button, hidden in the extra system panel, and added the big cousin as I wished.

"What are you doing!?"

"Town office mission."

Chatting with friends is like VX, which has both text and voice, which is much more convenient and quicker.

"Why are you so inky, hurry up, let's gather at the mage-change NPC."


Zhang Miao walked into the construction site of the town office according to the system prompt.

There are at least a hundred people moving bricks on the construction site, some are compacting the ground, some are digging foundations, some are laying walls... It seems to be chaotic, but in fact, under the obvious reminder, everyone is adding bricks and tiles to the town hall.

I feel that the gameplay has been enhanced, and the authenticity has been weakened, just like this town hall. It is definitely not possible to build a house like this, but with the prompt and help of the system, a circle of walls was built in a few minutes.

The prompt task is completed, and the time is exactly five minutes.

[The construction of the main task town hall is completed]

[Gain experience 5]

[Get faction voice 1]

[Gain Ramsviel's favor 1]

Zhang Miao thinks this is not bad. It doesn’t mean that the higher the degree of freedom, the better the gameplay. Most players are not so hardcore, and they still need a clear guide.

The tasks suddenly increased.

The main line, the branch line, and all the extra NPCs must be visited.

Blacksmith shops, tailor shops, potion shops, and magic supplies (enchanting) shops all require players to build them up brick by brick.

By the time these missions are completed, 2 hours of game time have passed, and the new players in the second test have generally reached level 2. You must know that they haven't fought a single monster yet.

This is really a huge difference from the first test.

(End of this chapter)

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