This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 56 Good Start

Chapter 56 Good Start

"It must be those damn goblins, can you help me find the necklace?"

[Task: Whether to accept the commission from tailor shop owner Catherine]

"Oh yeah, I finally received the task of spawning monsters!"

"Go, go!"

"Team up, team up!"

The last wave of players rushed out of Chenxi Town after completing the mission process. When they came into contact with the vast world outside, they shouted like they had never seen the world before.

"So true!"

"What a nice view!"

"Look at the sunset, I can smell the burning graphics card!"

"How can there be a graphics card in this game, is it in the helmet?"

"Hey, don't be so serious, let's go kill monsters"



In the underground hall, Bei Gaoyang watched all the players in the camp leave.

So far everything is going well, the highest number of people online is 162, the queue is 279 people, the game time has passed for 3 hours, and there are no major loopholes.

The first test players are working hard to change jobs, and collectively went to the novice village boss to die. In the second test, the new players start the task, spawn monsters and upgrade the process. The world chat channel is very hot. It doesn't look like there are only 162 people online.

At present, no player has changed jobs, and it will probably take a few days anyway. The coverage of the magic net has been slowly expanding, and the system surplus is not as good as when the first test ended, but this is just the beginning of the second test. A lot of new players are not familiar with the game, so the power consumption is particularly large.

After a while, the power consumption will drop, and the profit can be expected. As long as this momentum is maintained, the theoretical perfect value of the second layer of magic net will be reached soon.

He returned to the laboratory and used the magic net to log in to the Internet on Earth. He saw that many players who were queuing up to enter the game on the forum on the official website were swiping their screens. Lucky players in the forum will be given free gaming equipment" This carrot is hanging in front, and the overall atmosphere is more positive and harmonious, but there are too many messages about @他这个administrator, and it's hard to see.

The background emails were full again, and Bei Gaoyang browsed ten lines at a glance, and was soon attracted by an email from overseas.

Why...the helmet didn't arrive! ?
Considering the long distance, he contacted Xiao Liu to ask about the situation.

The helmets were sent out normally, but there was nothing I could do when I left the country.

Xiao Liu seems to have overreacted a little, and he talked at length, and also sent a mailing list and evidence that the overseas courier company took over.

"I'm just didn't enter the game?"

"...I'm still in line."

"Well, I wish you a happy game."

In fact, Liu Chongshang has already entered the game, and his account has been taken over by someone else, and every word he replies to him has been carefully researched, with archives, backups, and relevant responsible persons.

"I, I, I can't find an accurate description..."

"This world is really a game!?"

"The sun shining on the face is exactly the same as in reality, and the wind, it smells like mud. When you look at the leaves, there is chlorophyll... What kind of plant is this, why am I bleeding?"

"You're poisoned, idiot!"


Liu Chongshang's ID Whirlwind Boy, a dwarf, is in the middle of the teammates of the "national team" and is located in the monster spawning area of ​​the goblins. The overall performance of the team is worse than that of ordinary people.

The more you know, the more shocking you will be. If it weren't for the game window reminding you all the time, who would regard such a world as a game! ?

"There is no need to doubt it. The experts have done scientific proofs. It is indeed a game."


A teammate pointed to a mosaic spot and said, "The leaf is broken to a certain extent and it becomes like this. It is obviously beyond the computing resources. What is it if it is not a game!?"

While speaking, a teammate actually burst into tears. This man is a disabled athlete and a world champion. He has never seen the outside world with his eyes since he was born. Now, to him, it is like a new life.

The captain comforted the blind teammate, and said with great ambition: "We have a mission, we can't fall behind, let's kill monsters!"

"Start, start!"


"Haha, why am I so excited, my heart is pounding..."

"You guys have to help me, I've never played a game before."

A total of 11 people came in from the national team, five people in a team and one person on the list, plus a few old players from the first test, everyone was full of enthusiasm.

"I'm going to get the blame!"

As a dwarf, Liu Chongshang did his part. He walked slowly towards a lone goblin, his palms sweating nervously.

Damn, it's so real, I can't hold the stick tightly.

"Little Liu, come on!"

"Don't quote too much!"

"No, two more popped up over there!"

The more afraid it is, the more accidents are likely to happen. As soon as he entered the warning range of the goblins, two goblins emerged from the burrow, and the three goblins rushed towards him together. The team members behind were afraid that he would have an accident, so they rushed forward.

It's messed up, it's all messed up.

"Ah, it hurts!"

"I was beaten to the bone..."

"I only have 12 blood left."


There are also rookies in the national team. The Chinese Academy of Sciences has considered everything, but it has not considered the "adaptability of the game".

After finishing the three goblins in embarrassment, the teammate of the blind athlete also died in order to save others.

The one who was rescued was a female team member whose ID was Yilian Youmeng. It is said that she came in through the back door.

"Woo, it's all my fault."

"Don't be afraid, it's just a game."

"Yeah, it's not really dead."

It's hard to go online if you hang up, the team's high optimism was hit head-on, and everyone was a lot more careful next.

At this time, a player from North America landed and caught Bei Gaoyang's attention.

With an English ID nickname on his head, the player knelt down in disbelief as soon as he walked out of the birth point.

With tears in his eyes, he exaggeratedly kissed the ground under his body, and he was so excited that he didn't know what he was muttering.

After all, he was the first player from outside China, so Bei Gaoyang replaced his own "thread" and waited at the unbuilt town hall.

Ten minutes later, the player from North America approached him.

"Congratulations on waking up from a long journey, children, you have arrived in a dark and cruel world, where gods and their minions control everything, including people's minds and souls."

"Confinement is everywhere. The creatures have long been numb and lost in the long and hopeless suppression. You must become stronger as soon as possible and take on the important task of liberating the whole world!"

"You are the glorious rebels!"

This player whose ID is James Lee has invested more than the players from Huaguo. He actually knelt down on one knee, obviously immersed in the plot, listened to Bei Gaoyang's lines carefully, and then uttered a series of birdsong... …

Well, Bei Gaoyang can't understand English.

After Xiao Ai translated, he nodded in satisfaction, "I saw in you a piety that other people don't have, very good, come to me when you change jobs at level 5, let's start with simple tasks .”

The North American players who didn't know that the hidden mission was triggered burst into tears, shaking with excitement.

"As you can see, my son, our business has grown and grown, but I, the legion commander, don't even have a place to work. Can you help me build a town hall?"

Xiao Ai's "thread" took the place and continued the following process.

(End of this chapter)

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