This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 57 Sand Sculpture Player

Chapter 57 Sand Sculpture Player
[System Announcement: The player Walking Hormone was banned for 30 days due to the crime of obscenity]

[System Announcement: Player Xiaocai Feidao was sentenced to 8 hours in prison for theft]

world channel.

A little milk dog: "Haha, who is so handsome, the crime of obscenity, who knows what he did?"

Xiaomeng Da Shuaibi: "I know, I know, that guy took a peek at the forest goblin in the bath, and even recorded it, haha..."

Big cousin: "Really, where do you take a shower (drool)?"

Xiaomeng Da Shuaibi: "Of course it's true, you all pay attention to the forum, there must be a video."

Vanilla Pudding: "Dirty, Shameless!"

Xiao Meng said: "Sister, I have teeth, do you want to count them?"

Vanilla Pudding: "Report, sexual harassment!"

[System announcement: Marshal Xiao Meng sexually harassed players of the opposite sex, and was banned by the system for 2 hours. 】

Vanilla Pudding: Yes, haha...

A big smoking gun: No, that's fine too, the system really meddles in its own business.

Big Cousin: ...Can't you talk nonsense in the future?

A small sapling: (question mark face)
Big Cousin: Yes, you should silence your words, everyone is responsible for creating a harmonious game environment!

A small sapling: (stroking the dog's head)

Big Cousin: What are the saplings doing?

A small sapling: Waiting to form a group to collect the certificate of the brave.

Creation out of nothing: What happened to the theft?

A little milk dog: It seems to be stealing something from an NPC shop...

Tiejun: The team has started, the team has started, the work of the certificate of the brave, level 5 players +++
In the kobold camp in Area B, the BOSS of Novice Village is patrolling dignifiedly. Dozens of level 5 players have formed several circles. They are rehearsing and waiting for the battle steps in full swing. With the team channel, finally there is no need to shout at the top of their throats. There are 5 people in a team, and a group can form a team of 25 at most, that is, 25 people. Even if [-] people pile up, the BOSS will be piled up to death.

Everyone was full of confidence and was about to win the first kill, so the rehearsal was very tense.

Zhang Miao also got into a team and was listening to the group leader Yijiang Chunshuiliu assigning positions, but the people in the channel talked too much, which made him dizzy, so he couldn't help shouting: "Is there no silence?" Well, what kind of plane, how many commanders are there!"

There is really no ban, otherwise it wouldn't be so chaotic. Like him, several players complained about the "bug" of this system, which made it even more chaotic.

This side is not organized yet, another team is ready to start.

I saw a team of 25 people divided into 5 combat groups, and entered the warning range of the boss at the same time. Two groups of front and back double-teamed with shields, rushed up at the fastest speed, and just surrounded the boss who entered the fighting posture. The attacking archer began to output impatiently, and the flying arrowheads swarmed, and a series of -4-5-3-2-6 rose above the boss's head.

Zhang Miao was in a hurry, and no matter how organized the rehearsal was, no one knew who shouted in the channel, and they all rushed into the battlefield!

Take monsters!
Happy to hear...

The team leader on the opposite side turned on the nearby channel and yelled, and this side cursed back not to be outdone, the three circles around the boss and the three circles outside were all people, Zhang Miao stood behind, only saw one head, and then looked at When the white light kept flashing, the boss bravely protruded from the encirclement, his body swelled in a circle, covered in yellow light, he stomped heavily on the ground, and the [Ground Spear Stab] stringed the four remote output players into candied haws.

Crying for father and mother, wolves running for their mothers, the boss is a tank, a charge returns to the chaotic melee team, the two one-handed axes are rounded, and they spin twice like a whirlwind, densely packed damage numbers rise , continuous white light flashing...

The melee output players only hated the loss of two legs, and ran away screaming one by one, leaving corpses all over the place.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Zhang Miao and several smart ghosts broke away from the battle group immediately, fled far away, and waited for half a minute to get out of the battle state.

Land reclamation failed!
The world channel is in chaos again, the two groups greet each other's relatives, fights, booing, and cute new players are eating melons to join in the fun... The news is flooding the screen.

Zhang Miao had no choice but to turn off the world channel, and yelled a few times in the team channel with righteous indignation.

The player who died went offline and went to self-isolation, and the staff was reduced by one-third in just a short while, and the head of the team, Yijiang Chunshuiliu, started calling the world to recruit people again.

Adorable new players who are less than level 5 come to join in the fun again, those who ask for belts, those who ask questions, those who receive system copper coins from RNB, and the game studio's advertisements to recruit people, etc... How can it be so confusing that no valuable information can be seen at all? .

Good guy, more than a hundred people have turned into a posture of more than a thousand people.

Five hours of game time have passed, and the level 5 experience is more than halfway through the mission process, and the certificate of bravery has not yet been obtained, so all level 6 players are very anxious.

With so many people killed, they couldn't get enough recruits. The head of the group, Yijiang Chunshuiliu, had no choice but to discuss with the other two groups.

You were still greeting each other’s relatives just now, and now you’re working together again?

Negotiations went smoothly, the three groups merged into two groups, there were not enough places, and seven or eight players were kicked out, not to mention these few players were cursing, the two groups with enough people negotiated in a lottery situation to decide who would go first Come and avoid the previous situation.

After Yijiang Chunshui was lucky, the lottery came first, and the team channel was full of cheers, as if the first kill had been won.

"A bunch of clubs..."

Zhang Miao has the reputation of being the first "Potion Master", but he was not kicked out. He complained on the friend channel with his big cousin, brother Ruoran, brother Xiaosa and other company partners, and at the same time listened to the head of the team. Arrange everyone's fighting position and coordination steps hoarsely.

"Min Dun, Min Dun, you must dodge the first range damage, and kick whoever doesn't dodge..."

"Hang up without hiding, and don't need to kick..."

After repeated orders, no one could speak except the commander, and another guy who didn't have long ears jumped out. Yijiang Chunshuiliu was rude this time, kicked him directly, and then pulled a player who had just been kicked out into the team.

"Pay attention to your position from a distance. Damn, if I see that stupid and surprised person, I will blacklist it and see who will group you in the future!"

"Melee output must wait for Min Shield to restrain the BOSS before attacking, listen to the command, don't bluff!"

And so, another half an hour passed.

Seeing that there was not much game time left, Yijiang Chunshuiliu organized it one last time, and led the team into the boss's warning area.

ten minutes later……

"What kind of plane is it? You can't fly it without changing your job!"

"That idiot just now didn't dodge, what the fuck he..."

"Are you blind? You shot me on my ass. Fuck it!"

"The BOSS is too perverted, I can't beat it with a level A!"

"Still brushing or not?"

"Five more hung up, I'm tired!"

"Game time wasted!"

Zhang Miao knew that there was no way to fight, and the hearts of the team were all scattered, and he was about to leave the team. Jiang Chunshuiliu disbanded the team before him.

"What are you doing, wasting my time!"

"Commander Taicai!"

"Ah, there is no game time!"


The world channel was full of wailing.

(End of this chapter)

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