Chapter 58
"I told you earlier that it's useless. It's better to go up a few levels and then get some insurance."

"Where are you brushing?"

"fish man"

"Where is it, is there still room?"

"If you are just off the assembly line, there is a position, come quickly."

Zhang Miao passed through the attribute points of the zombies, crossed the red zone boundary line during the first test, and walked all the way north, walking on a wider game map.

It was already dark, and holding the torch, he felt that the starry sky above his head was very close to him. There was a wolf howling in the distance, and the rustling sound made by the falling and friction of vegetation in the night wind. The strong impact and shock made him feel like a lonely In a wilderness, apart from him, there are only beasts hiding in the dark.

Suddenly a pair of blue glowing eyes drilled out from the bushes in front, Zhang Miao threw an identification technique over, and the outline of the beast slowly emerged in sight.

It is a monster that looks like both a rabbit and a deer.

[Wasteland Devil Rabbit, LV5, Elite]

It turned out to be an elite monster.

Ordinary level 5 monsters have a white-gray name, and those above elites have colors. Elite monsters are far stronger than ordinary monsters of the same level, and some of them have skills. Can't handle it.

Zhang Miao carefully kept a distance from it, and waited for a while without moving, until the "Wilderland Devil Rabbit" retreated into the bushes, then circled around and continued to go to the coordinates sent by the big cousin.

Going forward, I heard a faint sound of running water.

At this time, there were more insects in the grass, and a piece of luminous insects like fireflies were flying in the hairs and bushes, and some luminous fungi grew on the dark stone crevices and rotten wood. After identification It showed that they could be collected, but he was in a hurry and didn't know the value of these things, so he ignored them.

After walking for more than ten minutes, I saw a bright river lying in front of me under the moonlight, and many wandering black shadows were scattered on the sand on both sides of the river.

"This way, this way!"

The big cousin sent the language.

"Group me first!"

[System prompt: The big cousin of the player invited you to join the team]

Once you enter the team, you can see where the other four players are.

They hid behind a patch of loose saplings, lying in a raised lowland, recovering their strength.

"Is there a bandage?"


"Bring a group here."

Zhang Miao traded a set of bandages to Chisa, and the trading interface popped up when he handed it to him, and the interface disappeared with a single thought, so the act of directly stuffing it to other players is a gift.

With the bandages, the recovery speed of the four teammates was much faster. Zhang Miao found out after asking that they had all reached level 6.

"Is it okay if you don't change jobs at level 5?", he asked.

"I don't know if it will affect it. It's true that level 5 can't beat the boss. Instead of wasting time, it's better to upgrade and explode with better equipment before going...Look at this!"

The big cousin proudly showed off the dagger in his hand.

[Ice dagger, quality green, equipment level 6, load 2, physical attack power 7-14, additional 2-4 points of frostbite effect, special effects: 1% chance of freezing, freezing for 2 seconds, durability 13/15, equipment: Big cousin. 】

Zhang Miao's eyes are almost popping out, grey, white, green, blue, purple... gray and white equipment are seen a lot, and this is the first time that green equipment is seen in the hands of players other than the black shop of the system.

"Fish, the murloc exploded!?"

The big cousin nodded with a grin.


Both Xiao Sa and Xie Changqing are teammates in the same company and in the same villa. They have long been envious and jealous, and said impatiently, "Okay, haven't you shown off enough?"

The big cousin really didn't show off enough, he couldn't put it down touching the ice-blue texture on the surface of the dagger, just like a pervert touching the jade feet of a beautiful woman, it was very obscene, "Didn't you see it when I posted it to the world?"

"No, the channel is too chaotic... Use it for me!", Zhang Miao grabbed it.

"Don't even think about it!", the eldest cousin immediately turned around to protect him.

"Should I still brush?" Xie Changqing said impatiently.

"Swipe, swipe, hehe, the murlocs are such a good thing, no one else knows about it yet."

Zhang Miao's heart was burning, the four of them slowly crawled out of the hiding place, and Xie Changqing, who was the most agile, sneaked out quietly.

Looking at his agile appearance, it is hard to imagine that he is a big fat man weighing more than 200 kilograms in reality.

The murlocs are somewhat like crocodiles walking upright, with a long tail dragging behind them, and their bodies are covered with blue-black scales. Some are particularly tall and strong, and some are particularly slender and sensitive. They either walk or lie on the river beach , basking in the moonlight.

At first glance, there are so many of them, all of them are ugly, and they can definitely be ranked as ghosts in reality.

But here everyone's nerves are much thicker, and they don't care about their ferocious shapes and faces, and all of them have eager eyes, as if watching a moving treasure house.

Xie Zhangqing walked forward almost on his stomach, locked on the one that looked particularly slender on the outside, and threw a stone over to attract its attention.

The murloc found him, unexpectedly pulled out a harpoon from that place, and rushed towards him at an extremely fast speed.

"No, it's an elite," the eldest cousin yelled in the team channel, and was the first to rush out to meet him.

Zhang Miao was the last one to rush out of the hiding place. When he arrived, Xie Zhangqing had already been hit with -31 points of damage by the murloc's harpoon, and fell to the ground with serious injuries.

Raising the shield gracefully and knocking the murloc away, Zhang Miao shot out with an arrow in a hurry. The eldest cousin attacked from behind, and stuck a dagger into the murloc's back, breaking through the protection of the scales, and splashed a large amount of blood .
22, crit.

The damage value is ice blue, but the green weapon is different, with elemental damage, a piece of frost formed on the murloc's back, and a scream was screamed.

Zhang Miao's arrow missed, so she quickly held her breath, bent her bow and set the arrow, but did not shoot it, waiting for the fighting teammates to create opportunities for herself.

The strength of 5 o'clock can't last long, the handsome shield is very difficult to resist, the big cousin can't find a chance to backstab, and is chased and hammered by the murlocs who have attracted a lot of hatred, dodging in embarrassment, and the danger is everywhere.

Xie Changqing was lying on the ground waiting to die, the top of his head was still bleeding, and he was about to die.

"It's now!"

Under the extremely tense situation, Xiao Sa blocked the murloc's harpoon with his shield, Zhang Miao finally waited for the opportunity, aimed at the murloc's head and shot an arrow.


The murloc's eyes were pierced with arrowheads, his head raised and hissed in pain. The -14 damage was not the main thing. The stiffness caused by the critical attack gave the big cousin with a sharp weapon a chance.

Another backstab.

Another crit.

This time it was even more exaggerated, hitting a 1% chance of freezing, the murloc turned into an ice sculpture, and within 2 seconds, the big cousin and Xiaosha launched several rounds of attacks, successfully making it hiss and fall to the ground .


That harpoon popped out!

The others didn't react, Brother Xiaosa picked up the harpoon and put it in the backpack without looking at it.

"It's time for my game, let's talk offline!"

Brother Xiaosa went offline after he finished speaking, regardless of whether he was in the wild.

"Fuck, what kind of plane are you doing!?"

Xie Zhangqing didn't care if there was only a little blood left, so he went offline.

The remaining big cousin and Zhang Miao looked at each other.

Big cousin: "Let's talk about it offline."

What's going on here?

Zhang Miao still doesn't understand the situation!
Grab equipment?
Still have this?
【You killed Murloc Elite LV5】

[You have gained 45 experience points]

[You have gained faction reputation +2]

With 15 minutes left in the game, Zhang Miao was about to go back to the camp and go offline when he suddenly found that the murloc's body was still glowing.

Something else?

Type A items are directly exploded, such as equipment, and Type B items need to touch the corpse, which is similar to those old-fashioned online games before.

He placed his hand on the fluorescent light on the corpse, and a selection box popped up.

【Bandage 10】

【Bandage 10】

【Elementary Red Potion*1】

【Elementary Blue Potion*1】

[bone needle (requires identification)]

[Primary Armor Enchanting Blueprint (Secondary Protection)]

【Copper coin 20】

"Ah, there are quest props and enchanting blueprints!"

They were all Class B, and Zhang Miao put them into the system backpack in one go.

(End of this chapter)

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