Chapter 462
Alchemists and enchanters are a very low-key group of people in the game. Everyone knows that alchemy and enchanting are very profitable.

But very few people know the extent to which this 'can make money'. The theory of the humanoid money printing machine is only an exaggeration, and they did not expect it to be true.

The funds of up to 2 platinum refreshed Xia Miaomiao's understanding of this 'making money', you know, the best friend is just an apprentice.

...Could it be a mistake, is there a bug in the system?

Otherwise, how could it be so... It doesn't make sense!
What is the concept of 2 platinum? It may be the market value of a listed company offline, the annual profit of a large enterprise group, and how long it took for the best friend to learn alchemy.

With such a huge amount of funds in hand, no one in the gang can be stronger than their own, even if the gang has shared funds, it is invincible. It is too perverted and too much.

The result is no suspense.

Bid at a price of 51 gold and 20 silver to get an orange outfit——Platinum Ring of Purgatory.

I got it at a price of 21 gold and 15 silver—the joints of the stone puppet mechanism ([-]), the joint of the stone puppet mechanism ([-]), the alchemy (plant genus) notes with low-requirement attributes, a total of three alchemy formulas and notes fragments.

Bid at a price of 3 gold - Adamantite Rough Stone (10 units), Mithril Ore Rough Stone (4 units), Demon Wings (a pair), and Trolls, Ogres, Ghouls, Trees It is a material that can be used in alchemy that is dropped by middle and high-level monsters such as monsters, werewolves, and vampires.

Even though Xia Miaomiao still has something to say, Du Shiyu doesn't want to snatch it from the gang anymore. He can't take away all the good things, can he?One cannot be so alone.

Such a boldness naturally attracted the attention of everyone in the gang. Originally, Xia Miaomiao meant nothing to hide, but Du Shiyu didn't let her talk nonsense. She only said that she borrowed it and got it together, but she refused to say so much money. She took it all by herself.

In the competition for orange equipment, there were a lot of reckless people who were ready to cut it off. No matter how much they bid, Xia Miaomiao would keep up with her without changing her face until the price rose to an unbearable level.

51 gold is as cheap as picking it up for nothing.

Xia Miaomiao was dissatisfied, and was still in pain. She didn't expect that there were so many rich people in the gang, 51 gold, these bastards made her pay so much money.

If he didn't get the orange outfit, he couldn't miss the purple outfit anyway.

The purple outfit can only be used by thieves, and there are only a few thieves with names in the gang, and Huaguoshan Saint Warrior is one of them.

Xia Miaomiao originally wanted to make trouble, but did she get angry? Usually, hello and I are good, but at this time, he completely forgot. Even the two guys, Huaguoshan and Zhenzhen, have snatched the orange outfit, so it would be polite.

"Monkey, this dagger is not bad!"

"Grandma, I was wrong, please forgive me, please let me go!"

"Snatch the orange outfit from me, and cost me so much money?"

"I made an offer just once, I couldn't hold back, I couldn't hold back, big sister, please forgive me!"

"I'll let you off this time, don't want a next time!"


"How is the money enough?"

"I prepared 30 gold, it should be enough."

"Wow, 30 gold, why are you all so rich..."

"No matter how rich my elder sister is, she can't compare to you. I'm just throwing money at me, and I even borrowed money from an institution!"

"Loan usury? Just sell it badly."

"Whoever lied to you, puppy"

Forget it, if the buddies want to keep a low profile, then keep a low profile and make these old sixes cheaper.

Unexpectedly, 30 gold was not enough, Huaguoshan Saint Warrior, this unlucky ghost, finally got a higher price than the orange equipment.

55 gold and 33 silver.

Soaring to such a price, it should be said that it is crazy.

Oh my God!
It was almost the same as the price on the outside auction.

As the NPC slammed down the hammer, the room was filled with silence. It wasn't Gao Zhan from the gang, nor was it an active member who was more open-minded, but a guy who was usually unknown.

"Acceptance, acquiescence, laugh at me, laugh at me!"

This human thief whose ID is Tang Shisan Shao is only level 32, and his combat power is less than 3000, not even [Ling Jue].

The few bidders who failed in the bidding watched helplessly as this guy took the stage and took away the last piece of powerful equipment.

"This old sixth!"

"Hey, why do you have so much money?"

"55 gold, Wori!"

"Help the pig to check quickly, is there someone who eats the inside and outside as someone else's white gloves?"

"Everyone, everyone!" Tang Shisan raised his right hand under the eyes of all the cannibals, "The money is my own, I use the things myself, and the soul contract has also been signed. Don't worry, everyone, don't worry, everyone."

"What do you want a level 32 professional purple to do with a level [-] dust? Are you making trouble?" Huaguoshan Saint Warrior shouted in despair.

Tang Shisan Shao ignored him, and returned to his seat triumphantly with the fourth-level professional Zi.

It was agreed in advance that the one with the highest price will win, no matter how angry you are, it will not help, you can only blame yourself for being too poor.

Since then, the good things have been divided up, and the internal bidding of the gang, how high the price can be, is much cheaper than outside, so those people in the gang, such as passer-by A and younger brother B, made their moves one after another. Treacherous astonishing.

On the contrary, the backbone players in the gang, who are generally at level 38 and have a combat power of more than 4000, have missed and lost to these ordinary gang members.

"It turns out that you are so rich, last time you fucking cried poor with me, and cheated me of a lot of potions, pay back the money, pay back the money!"

"Okay, you're here pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger... Don't, don't, don't... How can a local tyrant let the poor take him?"

"10 gold, I don't even have 1 gold, how dare I be your big brother, you will be my big brother in the future, I will mess with you..."


Seeing that the atmosphere in the gang is not bad, Yijiang Chunshuiliu breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that this step is done right. Not to mention everyone is satisfied, at least they can barely explain the past, and it also makes ordinary gang members have a sense of existence. It was a pleasant surprise.

Unless the mainstream game process is abandoned early, who is willing to be a green leaf to set off others?

In a gang, there are five people and six people in the family, and I can only be the background. I have been ignored for a long time, and people will feel unbalanced in their hearts, and their sense of belonging to the gang will decrease.

Through such an event, the ordinary gang members also showed their strength, which made the elite gang members look at each other with admiration, and was less arrogant, which contributed to the overall atmosphere of the gang.

Overall, the pros outweigh the cons.

Shao Bing was very pleased.

It's really not easy for him to be a pig.

He himself does not have a strong capital, neither a top high-level fighter, nor a big water pipe that convinces people with money, nor does he have strong online and offline connections. It is true that an ordinary person can fight to the present level. I did my best.

He also wants to be like some gangsters, and he doesn't want to be able to be majestic, it's really...

He has only recovered from the big hole in the real estate development of the metaverse until now. If it weren't for a group of old people who supported him, he wouldn't know who it was.

"The saplings are fine, isn't it a big water hose? Haha..." No matter what time it is, the number one expert in the gang must win over.

"It's not me, it's Xiaoyu, she is the big water hose, rich woman, billionaire"

"Is alchemy so profitable?"

"It's not about making money, it's about stealing money...Don't spread the word, just say we borrowed it, Xiao Yu wants to keep a low profile."

"Understood... that's it?"

"I'm fine, really, very satisfied, go and coax others, haha..."

Shao Bing returned a wry smile, and he went to comfort those Gao Zhan elites who didn't get anything.

After the auction ended, there was more than half an hour of chaos. According to the final statistics, a guild dungeon auction yielded 3 platinum proceeds, 1 official members shared it, and each person was less than [-] gold. Regarding this result, most people Very satisfied, a small number of people can't help but look down on this little money, after all, they themselves are 'poor', and they can't blame the gang.

Du Shiyu was delighted when she got Xin Niannian's formula, including her best friend's share.

The alchemy formula has a price but no market, and it was snatched away before it was released on the market. Either there is no one, or there are so many at once, what a happy trouble.

Du Shiyu didn't want to wait for a moment, and just wanted to go back to her laboratory to study the formula clearly, but Xia Miaomiao didn't let her go, and forced her to appraise the first orange suit she got.

Opening the leaderboard, she found that her golden sun-shooting bow had been squeezed to the back of more than ten pages. Later, she exchanged her and Du Shiyu's feats for a level 3 professional purple armguard, and replaced all the others with I bought the blue top-quality outfit, and the shoes and headband were still a suit.

The whole body has been strengthened to 4, the weapon has been strengthened to 5, and the cloak has been strengthened to 6!

It is really exhausting to play like this, and all the time and energy are spent on it.

That is to say, she was lucky, and if someone else came to charge the 8800 combat power, even if she invested twice as much as her, she might not be able to get it out.

High-level play and high-level combat are accumulated with time, money, energy, luck, and talent. It is the combined result of the above elements, and most people dare not even think about it.

"Orange outfit, [-] battles, wow haha..."

"It's almost done, my mouth is crooked."

"I love you so much Xiaoyu, you know what, I'm ready to give up, this time I won't be able to shoot the orange outfit, I really can't hold on, you know how long I haven't been offline, me, I took a shower last time I forgot when."

"I remember, last week 4"

"Ah, what day is it today?"


"It's only a day away, isn't it?"

"It's a week and a day, what are you thinking about?"

"Isn't that going to be rotten? Why didn't you remind me?"

"Say it again!! I let you go offline and you listened to it that time..."

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this, anyway, we can't smell it in the game, let's go to identify it, haha..."

"What did you say you were going to give up?"

"Give up struggling and choose to lie down. You don't know how difficult it is to maintain the current ranking. I have used all methods. I have gambled on every opportunity I can bet or not. I can only watch the ranking day by day. If you lose your combat power, you won’t be able to make it to the top... Do you still remember that when the 5th test was about to end, there were people who went to [-] battles?"

"Didn't that person say he was from the national team?"

"Whether it's the national team or not, it's the five tests. Level 30 is the best, and everyone can go to 40 battles. We are now at level [-]. The last [-] battles are still so hard. Without orange equipment, we don't even need to think about it." ,too tired."

"He has the support of the country behind him, can he be like you? You are already very good, 238, 238 out of tens of millions of players, is not enough for you to show off."

"I was 79th in the beginning"

"...Are you serious?"

"Okay, okay, just kidding... I really want to thank you this time. Really, I didn't expect that you are already so rich. You are so rich, you are so hidden."

"I also... can't tell."

"You still don't know how much money you have? By the way, how much money does alchemy make?"

"I don't know, really, I have been accepting commissions from the mission hall. After completing the commissions, the system settlement is delayed, and the players also have a settlement cycle. You know that the most people looking for the Alchemy Association are NPC merchants and casual players... "


"I really didn't pay attention to the changes in the numbers on the book. I think about the graduation project every day, just like when you strengthened it. People are stunned."

"Understand, understand."

Speaking of this, Xia Miaomiao felt the same way. This reinforcement is so exciting and addictive. When you are strong at 3, you want to go to 4. When you are strong at 4, you want to go to 5. After you are strong at 5, you want to go to 6 in one step.

Knowing that there is little hope, he still gives up everything like a lunatic, just like a gambler who has the last chip left. If he doesn't lose this chip, he will feel uneasy.

I don't know how many players, whether they are high-level players or big water hoses, have been systematically taught how to behave in terms of strengthening.

On the contrary, ordinary players don’t have such troubles. They are full of shortcomings, and it’s more reliable to play around with money than to strengthen. High-level players are different from big water hoses. Squeeze potential.

Squeeze, yes, squeeze.

That's why it's so difficult to increase combat power now.

This also illustrates the value of this orange outfit from another aspect.

More than 50 gold?


There is a kind of world auction to see how many can be sold.

"Looking at it today, I was also taken aback. Looking back at the log, I realized that the commissions completed every day are so profitable."

"What kind of commissions are they? Making equipment for people?"

The most closely related to alchemy is forging, and forging is divided into many categories, such as weapons, armor, jewelry, special accessories (badges, amulets), etc. Of course, you can't use "fan iron" to make high-quality things. While processing, the processed material will have certain magical properties, and then forged into the required things according to various formulas.

Enchanting is to add one or more attributes to the existing props.

"No, I can't make equipment yet, just make various materials, forging, sewing, and commissioned task bounties."


"Tourists also need it. The quantity is huge, and there are too many commissions. There are also many people who entrust privately. The materials cost nothing, but the finished products are very expensive."

"Wow, I want to switch to alchemy."

"It feels like the system is deliberately...forget it."


"It's nothing, I was just thinking about it"

(End of this chapter)

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