Chapter 463

In time for the last 5 hours of the graduation exam, Du Shiyu completed her 'graduation project'.

It is divided into two parts, one is a paper with a partial theoretical description, and the other is a well-designed alchemy experiment.

The former is to summarize her thoughts and achievements since learning alchemy, and the latter is to test her practical ability as an alchemist.

The former does not have a correct answer. Every alchemist is famous for his unrestrained imagination. This kind of imagination is reflected in the description of their thesis. Du Shiyu chose the topic of the thesis after consulting several experienced alchemists. And before the final statute of limitations, the final induction and arrangement were completed.

For the alchemy experiment, she chose to produce the 'ghoul's cerebellum', which she is best at. Compared with the brain, the production of the ghoul's cerebellum is more difficult, barely meeting the difficulty requirements of being promoted to a junior alchemist.

Hurrying back to the association, the third-floor lecture hall 7, the jury consisting of seven or eight players and NPC alchemists had already sat down.

Du Shiyu bowed to the rostrum, and the system prompted to enter the life career promotion story mode. When she looked up, she saw the alchemist, the player who had harassed her, sitting on it.

This guy even winked at her, thinking that part of his own fate was in the hands of this bastard, Du Shiyu could only force a smile.

Quietly got up, silently found a seat not in front of the back and sat down.

A total of more than a dozen apprentices took the exam together, all wearing black cloaks and hoods, and most of them couldn't see clearly.

Soon, everyone arrived, and as the middle-level alchemist rang the bronze bell, there was a sound of "铛~", the lecture hall was cut off from inside and outside, and the light suddenly dimmed, except for the people and a large alchemy card that stood out. The console, nothing else can be seen clearly.

The middle-level alchemist started the storyline.

What is an alchemist?
Alchemists are a group of people who discover and apply the truth, they are a group of people who are struggling to find a little light in the dark night, they are navigators and helmsmen sailing alone on the vast ocean, they are free and unruly souls, they are indomitable will, they are ...

"Attention, children, the alchemist has only one belief, and that is the truth!"

Such words of blatant contempt for theocracy and rejection of faith sounded like nothing to the players. Several NPC alchemists were restless, as if these words stabbed them and made them feel very uncomfortable.

The intermediate alchemist didn't say much, and rang the bronze bell again, announcing the official start of the graduation exam.

The first Apprentice Clover to come on stage raised his hood, revealing the face of a female elf.

This face is a bit strange, unlike the jade-like white skin of the elf race, she is black, that is to say, her race is actually the dark elf drow.

Does the player have this hidden race?

Maybe not!

Therefore, this is an NPC, and of course it can also be said to be an aborigine of the system.

Seeing her, Du Shiyu suddenly remembered that her best friend once said that she joined a new adventure team, and the target was really the entrance to the dungeon deep in the fairy forest. It is said that she had met the dark elf drow, and several small-scale battles broke out conflict.

It's just that he didn't expect that some dark elf drow had already defected to the rebel camp, and even became his 'classmate'.

Is this considered an 'international exchange student'?
This metaphor made her relax a little bit. Seeing this dark-skinned 'classmate' on the 'defense platform', Du Shiyu quickly cleared away all distracting thoughts and prepared to listen to her high-level speech.

"I request that only the jury can hear it!"

"Required to pass!"


So stingy!

Du Shiyu was disappointed like the other apprentices. This person didn't want to tell them. It was just a thesis on the promotion of the apprentices. It was like some rare secret book. I'm afraid it would be cheap for them.

Du Shiyu took the opportunity to take out her thesis and reorganized it to see if there were any omissions.

Half an hour flew by.

"The thesis is passed, and the apprentice Kamiya will start the actual operation."

"Thank you, what I want to refine is the basic effect of 'the improved formula of Huiyue powder to achieve the magical property of any magic material +2'."

"let's start!"

Now we can't stop them from watching, can we?
Du Shiyu and the others quickly put down the things in their hands, and concentrated on watching the hands-on operation of the dark elf drow.

Camia appeared on the alchemy table and began to take out various materials from the cloak.

The materials for alchemy are all strange things, such as ores, poisonous glands, suspicious powders, etc., everyone is familiar with it.

However, when this 'classmate' took out a [Beholder Larva], they were still shocked.

Not for anything else, just because of this kind of embarrassment.

The beholder is an elite monster around level 50, and the upper limit of the beholder boss is the gold standard, that is, the area lord level, which shows that this kind of creature is extremely rare, at least rarely encountered on the ground.

Camilla put the [Beholder Larva] on a stand, facing the tong pot, and arranged all kinds of unknown materials in an orderly manner, lit the magic furnace to heat the tong pot, poured the [basic Liquid], then nodded to the rostrum.

The intermediate alchemist signaled to start, and she began to operate.

Since it is an improved formula of Huiyue powder, it is natural to use Huiyue stone as the main material for alchemy.

Fist-sized Huiyue Stone is a rare mineral, and it is generally produced in very deep, very deep mid-to-high-level veins. It needs extremely strong magic power of shadow attributes and light attributes to be born.

Therefore, it cannot be said that there are no players who have dug this kind of ore, but the number is very small, resulting in very few opportunities for these apprentices to practice mobile phones, and the price is extremely expensive.

The main function of Huiyue Stone is to improve the "magic" of materials. It is indispensable in some puppets, magic cannons, and high-level magic equipment (above purple). Xia Miaomiao's [Dragon Crystal] is lacking Du Shiyu dared not do anything about Huiyueshi, for fear of refining the orange-quality [Dragon Crystal].

There is nothing to say about the purification of Huiyue Stone. The dark elves completed this step first, and then ground the finished product—the crystal crystal the size of a fingernail—into a powder, and then took out the common magic material——Mithril, and started Refining.

At this time, the [Beholder Larva] was like a work lamp, casting a beam of rays on the tong pan, and the boiling base liquid on the surface of the tong pan immediately turned into a solid state, and the dark elf Drow poured the powder of the bright moon stone into a solid state. Sprinkling on the frozen surface, the crystal moonlight suddenly enveloped the entire console...


I don't know that the player apprentice couldn't help being amazed, seeing the moonlight under the gaze of the [beholder larva], it also [petrified], turned into a raindrop shape, and splashed clangingly on the solid foundation.

The dark elf Drow began to chant loudly, and while singing, quickly threw various auxiliary materials into the tongs.

With a bang, the flame exploded, followed by lightning and a rumbling thunder... Finally, Mithril was thrown in.

All reactions end in Mithril, and what you get is not Mithril, but a very strange alloy.

The finished product finally went to the rostrum and was reviewed and inspected by seven or eight alchemists.

"The magical property has indeed increased by more than 20%!"

The annoying player alchemist nodded and said with a look of "I am very relieved".

The NPC alchemist who was in charge of the trial was different. He rang the bronze bell and commented unceremoniously.

Du Shiyu's obedient meaning is that she thinks that she used "too high-grade materials to achieve low-level primitive results", which is quite a bit like "anti-aircraft guns hit mosquitoes".

However, it was still given to the dark elf Drow [Pass].

In this way, a freshly baked junior alchemist was born.

The sternness of the jury made the remaining apprentices beat their hearts.

When the second apprentice stepped on the stage, he stepped on the cloak nervously, staggered and almost fell.

"Don't be nervous, don't be nervous..." Du Shiyu secretly encouraged herself.

She was nervous, and the annoying player alchemist on the rostrum winked at her again.

——How did this guy become an alchemist? It seems that he is still an intermediate level... What an embarrassment to an alchemist.

But after such an interruption, she was not so nervous.

The second apprentice started his 'dissertation defense'. This time, he didn't block the apprentices at the scene. The topic was "On the Effects of Rigorous Alchemy Procedures in Practical Operations." "Strictness" should not be used in the alchemy steps, but should be used in the alchemist's self-cultivation. There is no "rigorous steps" in alchemy. Alchemy first refines people, and it is impossible to do alchemy steps that vary from person to person rigorous.

Obviously, this is a guy who has gone astray.

Then there is no need to look forward to it.

Sure enough, when he finished his long speech, several alchemists who were reviewing had no expression on their faces and gave him a "failed" evaluation.

This poor guy hides his face and walks away. He failed the first test, and the jury is not even willing to comment. Then [Sanye]'s apprenticeship qualification may not be kept, and he must be regretful.

If I had known this before, I might as well be in a hurry to graduate, and now even the benefits of top apprentices are gone.

How good are the benefits of the Three Leaf Alchemy Apprentice?
Alchemy apprentices are divided into first-leaf, second-leaf, and third-leaf apprentices. Only three-leaf apprentices are qualified to be promoted to junior alchemists. Integrating into the system's "alchemy narrative", I don't believe in the knowledge and skills I have learned at all. I only think of it as a game program, and I also use the form and strategy of playing games to tackle key problems.

These people can only be 'skilled workers'.

Only Sanye apprentices are considered as those trained by the Alchemy Association, and they enjoy more benefits.

Not only is there an exclusive alchemy laboratory, but there is also a free quota every day, using the materials of the association for alchemy experiments.

This free quota is only enjoyed during the apprenticeship stage, and it will be gone after graduation. This has caused many Sanye apprentices to use the free materials of the association to entrust the tasks in the lobby on the first floor, and to collect the wool of the association at almost zero cost. The reason why Du Shiyu It is because of this welfare policy that I can accumulate a huge sum of 0 platinum without knowing it.

Most of the Clover apprentices are very rich. Some people think this is a bug. They are afraid that it will be corrected. Naturally, they will not let it go if they have the opportunity. However, the system has not been corrected for such a long time. Only when there are no restrictions on the phenomenon, do we know that this is a welfare policy recognized by the system rules.

What the hell!

Isn't this a disguised form of distributing money to Sanye's apprentice?

A stingy system so generous?

I heard that the three-leaf enchantment apprentice also has a similar welfare policy.

This is really the son of the system!
Then why make such a high door frame to prevent players from taking office?
Du Shiyu didn't think of this for the time being. The third apprentice has already appeared on stage, and she is the fourth apprentice.

She was already so nervous that she didn't care about what was being said on the stage, her mind went blank, she stared at the title of her thesis: On the self-cultivation of an alchemist and the cultivation method in the occult narrative.

It is also a practical question, with the previous example of the unlucky ghost. She already knows that this kind of retreat is easy to touch the mine, so it is better to be more pragmatic and make the question smaller. Even if you fail, you can still keep the qualification of Sanye.

But it was too late to change at this time.

When the third apprentice came down, Du Shiyu didn't even know if she passed or not.

As the reminder to let her take the exam appeared, she stood up in a daze, and stood on the defense table in a daze.

"This apprentice looks very nervous!", the annoying player alchemist looked at her and teased.

The NPC mid-level alchemist who was in charge of the trial glanced at her coldly and said, "Only those who have no strength and no self-confidence will be nervous."

Got it!
Not a good first impression.

Du Shiyu wanted to go up and strangle this annoying guy to death.

"Let's begin!", the presiding judge rang the bronze bell and said.

"Everyone, judges, students, the title of my thesis is..."

Nervous to the extreme, Du Shiyu went all out instead. What he said at the beginning was bumpy, and following the opening question: "Alchemy first refines people" once you say it, it doesn't matter. If you pass it or not, you can do whatever you want.

She didn't notice that the nasty player alchemist reviewer of "alchemy first refines people" instantly became serious, and the NPC reviewer immediately blocked her speech, and isolated the apprentices on the scene from the defense.

There was also a 'judge' who no one knew about, who was about to leave, but heard that she 'stayed' and listened to her long speech with great interest.

ten minutes later.

"Alchemy first refines people?" In the laboratory of the Mage Tower, Bei Gaoyang withdrew his listening ear and whispered with a smile: "This is the first time a player has extracted what I and the system want to express, right?"

It's not that no one has discovered it before, otherwise some players will be promoted successfully, but this is the first time that this layer of window paper has been pierced.

No one answered his words, Xiao Ai can no longer participate in the discussion of this kind of topic.

So lonely!
At this time, the magic net fed back the news that Tias also successfully condensed divinity.

It can be considered... good news! ?

Bei Gaoyang sent a "congratulatory letter" as usual, opened the system background, and saw that the label of Tias, the goddess of life and harvest, had become the hot gold prefix of the goddess of harvest.

The topic of life is too big for Thias to bear.

(End of this chapter)

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