Although it has been emphasized that the magic net should be closer to reality, the alchemy in the system and the real alchemy are two different things.

The alchemists in Canaan are all spellcasters without exception, and the magician is also an alchemist. Alchemy is only a means of magic research, and it is still a relatively "turbid" means that is not valued.

Alchemy pays attention to application, and applying what you have learned is tailor-made for it, but most of the spellcasters who prefer theoretical research are obsessed with the exploration of spell configuration, spell spells, spell principles, spells and rules, minds, and even how to break the ceiling.

Most of those who prefer practical use are battle mages, focusing on how to cast spells better and faster, how to correctly and quickly enhance mental power and magic power, and how to advance.

Alchemy is very important, but not so important. The general understanding of spellcasters is that it is only an auxiliary method to serve the first two.

No one has ever paid more attention to this kind of "ingenious skill" of "staying in the house" and doing handwork like Bei Gaoyang. Many mages even despise alchemy, thinking that it is a kind of "outsider way" that uses foreign objects.

It makes sense to say this, only one's own spirit, magic power, soul and spell level are real, and the rest are illusions.

However, because of the knowledge and experience of two worlds, Bei Gaoyang always believes that alchemy is a powerful tool to study and explore mysterious rules, truths, principles, and even point directly to the core of mystery.

First of all, its 'logic' is very strong, of course, this 'logic' is relative.

A strong 'logic' means that it can be passed down well and can stand on the shoulders of predecessors.Second, it allows many people, many people with sparks of brilliant thinking to work together.

These two points alone are enough to explain its value.

The spellcasters in Canaan are too self-absorbed. Although there are various secret organizations, mutual aid associations, and various "academies" that have been reduced to the minions of the church, in general, they still rely on the method of passing on from master to student and blood. Complete knowledge transfer.

Magic and mystery are extremely idealistic. When the truth is passed down from generation to generation, it has long lost its original true meaning, which makes the current magic research look like archaeology. Coupled with the confinement of people and thoughts by the church, The Iron Curtain formed as a result made people breathless.

Alchemy and Enchanting are the only two breakthrough points.

Bei Gaoyang's Utopia, the first thing to break is this iron curtain, lowering the door frame of knowledge dissemination.

Real alchemy is difficult to spread, so use systematic alchemy instead.

At this point, some people may say that systematic alchemy is not self-deception, because it is false.

Hehe... The interesting part of the mysterious core rules is here. Most of the time, true and false can be switched.

When many, many people think it is fake, then even if it is real, more real than real money, then it will definitely become fake.On the contrary, when many, many people think it is true, even if it cannot withstand scrutiny, violates common sense, and makes people doubt IQ, it will become true in time.

Become an established fact, phenomenon, rule.

Calling a deer a horse is absurd offline, but it is an ironclad fact online.

Besides, Bei Gaoyang didn't want to completely overthrow it, he just 'improved' the existing ones, sawing off the high threshold, so that many people who were blocked could have the opportunity to enter this gate, thus planting hope and harvesting possible.

Having said that, you understand what the alchemy of the system is all about, right?
To put it simply, nine truths and one falsehood or even half-truths and half-false, the real and the magic net are combined together.

This has another advantage, which is to judge the 'compatibility' between the magic net and Canaan's mysterious rules.

When the 'compatibility' is high enough, alchemy and enchanting will be reflected first, just like the ph test paper, which can test the 'pH' of the entire magic net.

Whenever the alchemy and enchanting are 'smooth', the feedback results are very 'harmonious', and the system spends little or no resources for this, it is the time when the 'fitness' is the highest.

Whenever alchemy and enchanting are 'bumped', the feedback results require a lot of resources for the system to maintain, that is when the 'fitness' is the lowest, and it takes time for tens of millions of thoughts to 'dilute' , so that the mysterious rules have a buffer to adapt and accommodate it.

Alchemy first refines people.

This 'refinement' is wonderful!
Although it's just a layer of window paper, it has grasped Bei Gaoyang's intentions extremely accurately and pointed out the key hidden under the many appearances.

Perhaps the players who put forward this point of view are not aware that they have unintentionally revealed the core secret of the system.

Refining people is naturally self-analysis, self-refinement, and self-correction, which will naturally lead to one result: belief.

Haha, I believe that only what you have worked so hard for will be convinced, and you will go deep into the spiritual and even soul level. This is fundamentally different from what others told him, what was taught in books, repeated preaching, and forced and semi-forced brainwashing.

This is faith!

That's right, Bei Gaoyang is quietly cultivating his own beliefs, but the beliefs he wants are different from those of the false gods of the system. As early as the previous few tests, he started to make mistakes, and it happened in the 'full eyes'. The false gods of the system include Xiao Ai didn't even notice it.

Third-rate companies make products, second-rate companies sell technology, and first-rate companies set standards. The false gods of the system can only be regarded as third-rate at best, and he has stood at a first-rate strategic height from the very beginning. Know the lofty aspirations?No wonder they didn't understand what Bei Gaoyang wanted.

"Pass, excellent!"

"Pass, excellence!"

"Alchemy first refines people? Damn it, why didn't I say it earlier?"

With this "high-mindedness" opening question that scratches the g-point of the mastermind behind the scenes, even if Du Shiyu's later remarks are absurd and unreasonable, it is enough to cope with this elementary level of graduation exams.

After she finished speaking, the judges did not even have any doubts, and all gave high evaluations.

This made Du Shiyu heave a long sigh of relief. She secretly sobered up without knowing the inside story, and didn't stumble on the 'retreat'. If she was like the unlucky ghost in front, she would have no place to cry.

"Very good, you are very talented!" The chief judge intermediate alchemist NPC's eyes did not hide his admiration, "The viewpoint is novel and thought-provoking. Alchemy first refines people. I think it can be included in the general alchemy catalog of the association. .”

Du Shiyu was overwhelmed by the flattery, thinking about things by herself, and took them out on impulse, why did she have such a big reaction?
Has no one brought it up before?
This is the case with the pragmatic and theoretical aspects. Many people know about it, and many people are doing it. It doesn’t mean that they can extract it accurately, simply, and concisely. The person who first proposed it, although it only pierces A layer of window paper is added, but it has a great reminder meaning, giving people a sense of enlightenment.

The so-called flash of genius became the apple that fell on Newton's head.

There is also a 'manual' assessment.

Du Shiyu has already passed the most difficult and most important part of this 'graduation project'. Because of her excellent grades, the second part is actually just a formality.

At this time, her pressure was gone, and she came to the alchemy experiment table very easily and started preparations.

[Ghoul's cerebellum] Although it is more difficult to produce than the brain, the difficulty lies in the progress of the operation. Because of the participation of spiritual power, the manual precision operation online is not the same as the offline one. A skilled alchemist It is completely possible to do some offline micro-operations that require precision instruments, but the steps are cumbersome and cannot be compared in terms of efficiency.

The production process that reached the micron level was carried out in a state of silence and no one disturbed. Due to the ups and downs of emotions, Du Shiyu did not complete the best, but when the walnut-sized cerebellar trunk was produced, after several alchemy processes , the jury still gave an excellent evaluation.

——Junior Alchemist!

The moment Du Shiyu saw the system prompt, she almost cried.

It's not easy, I spent several months on it, forgetting to sleep and eat, and I didn't pay so much attention during the college entrance examination.

"In view of your outstanding talent, on behalf of the association, I would like to grant you the title of Sanye Junior Alchemist!"

Still three leaves!

Now even the mid-level alchemist who is the player who is the judge is jealous.

The benefits of Sanye Junior Alchemist and Sanye Alchemist Apprentice are similar, but the daily free quota is one level higher, that is to say, an upgraded money printing machine is born.

You can pluck the wool of the association, and pluck it openly, and if it spreads out, I don't know how many people will be envious of it.

Alchemy and enchanting has a lot of money, plus this kind of welfare, it is really... the son of the system.

That is to say, every alchemist is very low-key (people with a lot of 'distracting thoughts' can't become an alchemist), and the authority of the Alchemy Association is very high, so it's so calm.

If the truth is spread, it will definitely detonate the offline and offline public opinion. The gate of the Alchemy Association will be broken by the players who come from the bee pupae, right?

"...I hope you can always keep this original aspiration and make persistent efforts in the process of exploring the truth and mysterious rules of the world in the future..." The player's intermediate alchemist reviewer recited impromptu lines, and sent an official member of the Alchemist Association The badge of identity was pinned to Du Shiyu's chest, and the presiding judge NPC personally removed the icon of the apprentice Sanye for her, and carefully handed over a brand new alchemist robe and cloak to her.

"My child, I am very optimistic about you..."

At this moment, Du Shiyu really had the honor of getting a degree certificate.

The subsequent assessment was still going on, Du Shiyu was gifted by the jury, and left the 'lecture room', there were already NPCs from the association waiting outside.

"This is your new laboratory, Master"

"You now have the right to choose an assistant. You can choose from this list of candidates, or you can hire yourself. Your assistant is arranged by the association."

"This means that you have enjoyed a free quota every day. Now you can not only receive commissions from the mission commissioning hall, but also issue commissioned tasks for adventurers to complete."

"Because you have the title of Sanye, the association will bear part of the remuneration you use for entrustment, and the maximum comparison will not exceed 20%. If you intend to share your research results with the association, this comparison can be improved in principle, but it will take more Senior jury deliberation."

"From now on, you are eligible to initiate a project research. You can report to the association once a month for an alchemy project undertaken by the association's funds, but it can only be limited to new topics. You can freely recruit or join other alchemists Division projects, the association will not make any restrictions..."

"Your obligation every month is to take several lessons for the apprentices. The class hours and content are arranged by you. In addition, the association has the right to recruit you when needed, but it usually occurs when major changes and crises come. You have the responsibility And obliged to respond to the association's call and complete the tasks assigned to you by the association."

"From now on, the door to the first floor of the secret vault is open to you. This is your 'key'."

"Congratulations, you are now able to complete the [Complete Preparation] of the alchemy formula. This is the tool you need for forging, sewing, potion preparation, scroll making and painting. Because it is a standard tool, it only has a green grade. You If you are not satisfied, there are more advanced tools, but you need to pay for it.”

"Here, on behalf of the association, I welcome you again!"

Dazed, he sent away the management NPC of the association, and stayed alone in the huge and luxurious alchemy laboratory, watching the alchemy equipment worth tens of millions neatly stacked around, as if he was in a wonderful dream.

These, these are all your own?
Du Shiyu was so happy that he was a little silly, how about the apprentices who have sharpened their heads and have to pass the graduation exam?
Even if it is not Sanye, after becoming an official alchemist, he can make equipment by himself.

The dragon crystal of the best friend can finally be used.

As a junior alchemist, her life occupation unlocks the two categories of [Complete Alchemy Formula Preparation] and [Complete Alchemy Formula Invention]. [Smelting and design and application], that is, in the past, we could only make parts, but now we can make finished products according to the drawings or design drawings by ourselves.

Make your own equipment.

That's a real money grab.

Even if you go out to strike iron, you have to pay the blacksmith's rent.

And this extravagant laboratory still has a free quota every day, and you can also recruit a coolie to help yourself, without paying the salary... The price is nothing more than a few classes a month, and you need to be hired by the association when you need it. enlist.

But a fool would refuse this kind of recruitment, even if you ask for it, you can't get it.

"Is it not the best friend, but me, I am the pig's foot?"

Otherwise, how could it be so smooth? Others can't pass the exam no matter what, but I can do it all at once, and I'm Sanye right away!

This is it!

"Xiaoyu, are you alright?"

"If you fail the exam this time, there will be another time. Don't be sad. It's not that you haven't failed the exam."

"I said, you won't be autistic, will you? Not at all."

"Have you ever passed? I'm so anxious, call me back!"


"The exam is over!", the explosive joy wanted to share with her buddies, but at the moment she suddenly 'calmed down', and the words came to her lips, "Have you verified the orange suit? I don't think it's on the list yet?"

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