This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 465 The Persistence of Two People

Chapter 465 The Persistence of Two People
The top ten pages of today's equipment rankings are all occupied by orange equipment. The number one is the staff. It is said that it was exploded by a frost giant lord-level boss, and it came from a land reclamation book.

Its combat power score of 5198 is not something people talk about. The most enviable thing is that this staff can summon a 24-level frost giant to help fight every 48 hours. The frost giant exists for up to 2 hours. During its existence, it can be upgraded, healed, and can use up to 6 innate spell-like abilities indefinitely. In addition, it is nearly 3 meters tall and has the brute force to knock a barbarian at level 40 away with a stick... That is really an invincible existence.

This is not only the attributes and state blessings of the magic staff itself, it is said that it can also reduce the cooling CD of frost-type magic skills to as much as half of the original one.

Needless to say, such powerful equipment is naturally from the national team.

This national team is also very mysterious, because most players don't know who they are, and there are even different opinions about what they are called and what professional race they are. Few people have met them face-to-face.

Xia Miaomiao was fortunate to have played against this national team.

The location was the pioneering book where the first magic staff was released. She was hired by a big water pipe and a high-level player. A team full of high-level players like her competed with the national team for this copy.

No need to say more about the result?
Recalling the scene at that time, she was deeply impressed by the discipline and cooperation of the national team. It was really a small special force, like a sophisticated machine, without any personal feelings, without a word of nonsense, just like Their high-playing team fought.

In less than half an hour, they were cleared out of the dungeon.

This is the most embarrassing team battle that Xia Miaomiao has fought since playing the game. I feel that [-]% of my strength has not been used to [-]%. I feel that the opponent understands herself better than herself. Her output, before she understood what was going on, was sent a copy by a thief.

In second place is a harp.


The attribute is still hidden, but the bard's main weapon can occupy the second position, which is enough to explain everything.

The attribute must be abnormal, but I don't know that in the hands of that lucky guy, there is a high probability that it will be the national team.

The third place is a dagger called [Platinum of Walder von Welsh's Blood Kiss], the name is long enough, and it has a surname. It can be seen at a glance that it comes from a humanoid monster with a lot of background, and it is the same.

This was dropped by a level 46 thief humanoid monster in the early stage of the Battle of the National Server, and it was snatched by an unknown player. At that time, the appraisal required 3 gold. At the auction, it was finally bought by a big hose called Ebola in the United States at a price of 88 gold.

When this equipment was identified, it caused a sensation online and offline. At that time, the harp had not been released yet, and it was airborne to the second position. Compared with the price of 88 gold, it was really the same as picking it up for nothing.

Not to mention how regretful this player who was stingy with the 3 gold appraisal fee was, it was Xia Miaomiao's liver pain that people who eat melons watched.

What a pity.

Does this count as a huge loss of state-owned assets?

This is the asset of the national service, let the rice guy pick up such a big deal?
There was a hot discussion offline for a while, many people beat their chests and feet, and the Huaguo national server and this unlucky player were sprayed all over.

The national service is doing it on its own, whatever you want to scold, I just won't respond.

This player was unlucky. He was scolded, stalked by all kinds of things, and he was pointed out when he went there. In a fit of anger, he committed suicide again, and changed the character's race ID to stop.

These are the top three, commonly known as the 'Three Artifacts', which have a special status in the player group, and the latter are ranked according to their combat effectiveness.

"Goddess of luck, bless you to be in the top 10"

Before the appraisal, Xia Miaomiao devoutly touched the badge of the newly-acquired Lady Luck, and muttered a prayer.

"Have you changed your faith again?"

Du Shiyu rolled her eyes and asked.

"There are too many gods in the system, and the titles are always changing." Xia Miaomiao made excuses for her disagreement, "This time is different. If I can identify the attributes that can be ranked in the top 10 this time, I will definitely ...I will remake the golden body for Lady Luck."

"...I'm the pastor of the Lucky Church, and I'm going to be mad at you, and even reshape my golden body, so why are you worshiping Buddha?"

"It's not important, it's not important, the important heart... well, I'm going to start, don't interrupt."

Naturally, such an important appraisal cannot be crowded outside with many people. This is a VIP room, and an intermediate alchemist NPC from the Alchemy Association is waiting for the two of them with a smile.

Anyway, it is charged by the hour, and the NPC is not in a hurry.

In fact, Du Shiyu can now appraise it, but Xia Miaomiao's equipment is too high in grade and quality, and she has no confidence.

Besides, the best friend thought she failed the exam, and they will tell her later to scare her, wondering if she will be jealous if she knows that she graduated with honors and became a junior alchemist of Sanye, hehe.

"Wait, what are you doing?"

What Xia Miaomiao took out for appraisal was not the orange ring, but a blue wristband.

"Padded equipment, you don't understand."

"Do you still need a pad for the appraisal?" Du Shiyu was speechless, "It's useless, don't waste your money."

"You don't understand, don't worry about it."

Xia Miaomiao stubbornly handed the blue outfit to the NPC, said a few flattering words, and watched eagerly with her hands folded.

The NPC took it, wiped it casually, and threw it back.

"Excellent, what is it, ah!", Xia Miaomiao was not surprised when she took back the blue outfit, but scratched her head in distress.

"Is the best quality bad? What the hell are you doing?"

"I've run out of luck... I don't have a lucky charm equipped, how can I identify the best!"

"Convinced, the attributes of the equipment and props are generated when they fall, and the identification is only to unlock a layer of seal."

"You don't understand, don't worry about it."

"What are you doing?"

"I'll find some more cushions"

"Come back...Okay, okay, okay, I have it here, I have it here."

Du Shiyu stopped his best friend, took out a few low-level equipment and props that he was going to practice appraisal, and stuffed them to her angrily.

Xia Miaomiao was a bit nervous, probably because she was too nervous. In fact, the matter of building equipment is really popular. Many people believe that there are many people who have succeeded. Online and offline research on this can produce a book.

VIP rooms and VIR services naturally have VIP prices. Identifying good equipment is a failure, identifying garbage is a success, success and failure have been repeated many times, the NPC is smiling from ear to ear, but Du Shiyu begins to feel sorry for the two of them wallet.

After appraising all the useful and useless things in Du Shiyu's backpack, Xia Miaomiao only 'succeeded' three times in a row, and finally she was willing to hand over the orange ring.


She was so nervous that she didn't dare to look at it.

I saw a flash of orange aura, and the room was full of strong magical aura, and the ring, which was originally inconspicuous, became radiant.

[Platinum Ring of Purgatory, Quality: Orange, Category: Left Hand Ring, Level 45, Durability 63, Weight: 11, Equipment Requirements: Level 4981 General Profession, Combat Strength Rating: [-].

Advanced attributes: CD time of all skills -5%, physical attack power +11%, magic attack power +11%, crit rate +2%, casting distance +2, shooting range +2, game vision +2.


Special Attributes: Follow the Wind - Dexterity +5, Strong - Not Easy to Wear, Hellfire - Fire Elemental Skill Damage +20%, Equipment Soul Binding - Cannot be dropped.

Rare Attribute: Abyss/Purgatory Environment Affinity +2.Surrounded by Abyss Breath—Reduces damage from demons and monsters of the Devil genus by 5%. 】

Xia Miaomiao didn't dare to look at it, Du Shiyu glanced at it, and said in shock: "This ring's attack is so high!"

Only then did Xia Miaomiao turn her head abruptly. She felt frustrated when she first looked at the combat power rating, and then felt rejoiced when she looked at the detailed attributes.

The attributes are very good, and the score is only a little bit short of 5000. Don’t worry about the top ten, the top 50 is enough, but the attributes are really good, extremely practical, and it’s rare that there isn’t a flashy one, all of which can be used, like customized for Ranger Streak of.

Xia Miaomiao's attack was already high, but with this ring, it became even more perverted.

The fly in the ointment is that the life attribute is not brushed out.

At level 40, the ranger's crispy skin is becoming more and more prominent, and he can only rely on his superior agility to save his life.

We all know her now, do you play high-level battles? During PK team battles, you will not let her stay comfortably behind to output output. The thieves will entangle you immediately, and those with a little less consciousness and luck will even stay behind. There are no chances on the battlefield.

Of course, thieves with combat power below 6000 can't even touch her, but in high-level battles, Xia Miaomiao has already felt more and more serious... targeting.

Now it's all right, the output ability has increased again, but the crispy skin has not improved much, and life depends on agility and awareness, Yali Shanda.

I don't know whether to be happy or lucky, but when I opened the leaderboard, the newly released Platinum Ring of Purgatory ranked 4981th with a score of 79.

Replacing the original blue top-quality ring, the combat power only increased by less than 1500, and the combat power broke through the 1 mark in front of it, reaching 10671.

The replaced blue extreme ring has been strengthened to 5, and it is a complete set with the necklace, which activates a set item. After the replacement, these are naturally gone.

Calculated in this way, the improvement of this orange outfit seems to be limited, far from being able to be completely reborn.

"I'm going to strengthen it!"

Whole body strengthening +4 also has additional attribute bonuses, which adds up to more than 5 combat power. If this ring is stronger than the original 1000, the combat power can be increased by at least [-]. How does Xia Miaomiao want to wait? It seems like I can't stand for a moment.

"Where's the ring you replaced?"

"Why, can't sell it"

"You are 'broken', give me the broken material."



A good two-piece jewelry set is ruined just like that.

This is also impossible.

The reason why the supply of top-quality equipment and props is still in short supply is rooted in this soul binding.

Once equipped, it can no longer be used by the second person, making players complain.

[Broken] Reverting to materials can recover a little loss.

Du Shiyu paid the fee for the VIP room and the appraisal, staring at her unaware best friend in pain, Xia Miaomiao hurriedly broke it up, stuffed a bunch of rough stones and gems and the like into her, and then flattered her laugh.

The two of them left the VIP room, and it was still lively outside. Du Shiyu said at this time, "I passed the exam, and now I am a junior alchemist, Sanye."

"Wow, you are really good Xiao Yu, then can you make equipment?"


"Here's the dragon crystal, try to make an orange pretend."

"It's not that easy, I'll practice first, and then I'll talk when I'm sure."


"Why don't you leave, what's the matter?"

"Little rain~~~"


"People have no money"

"It's none of my business"

"I'm going to strengthen it!"

"you really……"

"Xiaoyu~~, I used to have a +4 set. If I don't strengthen it, the light and shadow effects can't be activated, so I don't have the heart to do anything else."

——I gradually become "attached", why not my best friend?
Du Shiyu sighed in her heart, so she stopped teasing her, "Is 20 gold enough?"

"It should be... er, more or less?"

"Only these, don't forget"

"Enough, enough!"

The two of them chattered and didn't expect to avoid people. The nearby players who were waiting to appraise and repair their equipment listened and said that these two were acting aggressive. When Du Shiyu really took out the system-standard gold coin bag, three coppers and five coppers As if, he casually threw it to his best friend (a gift), and his eyeballs protruded.


Look at the weight of no less than 10 pieces!

"Thank you Xiaoyu, I love you to death, come on, give me a mouth"

"Go away, disgusting!"

Xia Miaomiao was full of energy, eager to wait, extremely excited... and left. Du Shiyu looked at her back and bet if he wanted to. Everyone has their own obsessions, and the obsessions of best friends may be constantly improving. Ranking, combat effectiveness Numbers and the feeling of being needed and envied.

Du Shiyu also found her own persistence.

She picked up the alchemist's badge and put it on, touched the uneven texture on it, smiled slightly, and rushed to the alchemist's association.

There are several recipes, and I am excited to think about it. Another happy time that can make people forget to sleep and eat is about to pass.


Enhanced NPCs are the most lively places in that urban area. Here you can see all kinds of beings, including those who hate bitterness and bitterness, and some who are ecstatic like Fan Jinzhongju, but the most are nervous, suspenseful, and mysterious people everywhere. dangling.

A row of NPCs, ranging from No. [-] to more than [-]. The numbers of these tool people are also particular. Today, the NPCs with this label are shipped, and the players are like migratory birds, going back and forth on the heads of these NPCs' Migration', some NPCs are empty, and some are indeed congested.

This is also the place where Goddess of Luck's business is the busiest. If the belief is deeply rooted among the players, it must be the goddess who just woke up during the 6th test.

"how are you today?"

Xia Miaomiao has her own news channel, which is an NPC waitress in an NPC tavern. She has long been the same as the 'sister' of this intelligent NPC. The tavern is in such a location, so it can be said that there is no disadvantage in inquiring about news.

"No. [-], No. [-], and No. [-] are the best shipments. No. [-] and No. [-] are fake news released by someone. Don't believe it."

"Thanks, Camilla!"

"Forget what you promised me."

"Don't worry, wrap it on me."

Xia Miaomiao is an old horse who knows the way and is familiar with the road. She first went to the Temple of the Goddess of Luck to ask for a lucky charm, and then equipped her with the lucky equipment and props collected in the warehouse. She hid her ID and even wrapped her head in a scarf. It was only after entering the team in front of the No. 7 enhanced NPC.

"It's out, it's out!"

As soon as I stood up, I heard someone shouting excitedly in front of me.

Like everyone else, Xia Miaomiao didn't have the slightest reservedness to be playful. She stretched her neck to look forward, and kept asking, who, where, and how strong?

"Haha, strong 5, finally 5, woo woo woo..."

An orc paladin dressed in 'tattered' was holding a piece of +5 ultimate blue, crying with excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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