This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 466 Xia Miaomiao's 'Intuition'

Chapter 466 Xia Miaomiao's 'Intuition'

"Ding, congratulations on your successful enhancement, Bronze Refined Iron Wrist Enhancement +1"

"Ding, congratulations on your successful enhancement, Bronze Refined Iron Wrist Enhancement +2"

"Ding, it's a pity that the enhancement failed, the Bronze Refined Iron Bracer is enhanced by +1"

"Ding, it's a pity that the enhancement failed, the Bronze Allowance Wristguard enhancement +0"

"Ding, congratulations on your successful enhancement, Platinum Purgatory Ring enhancement +1"

"Ding, it's a pity that the enhancement failed, and the bronze and iron wristband equipment is broken."


"Ding, congratulations on your successful enhancement, Platinum Purgatory Ring enhancement +2"

"Ding, it's a pity that the enhancement failed, and the exquisitely tuned harp of the bronze is broken."


Repeatedly, after breaking four or five pieces of padding equipment, Xia Miaomiao finally strengthened the orange equipment ring to the position of finishing touches.

Strong 2 to strong 3 is recognized as the first difficulty. The system shows a success rate of 45%, but the actual operation may not even reach 4.5%.

I don't know how many people have lost their homes and properties in this huge pit. If you look around, the frustrated, frustrated, incompetent and furious, and those who are mad like swearing at the world... you can see how difficult it is.

If you are lucky, you can get in once, but if you are not lucky, you will be lonely if you spend a lot of money and equipment.

I don’t know how many examples of unbelief tell the people behind, don’t go against the system, just like don’t go against God, firstly, it’s unnecessary, and secondly, it’s useless.

Strong 3 can activate the first layer of attributes of the enhanced suit. The aura of the whole body equipment is integrated. As a high-level fighter, you don’t have to show it to the outside world, but you must have it, otherwise it’s nothing high-level. You don’t even have a strong 3 set , Speak out and laugh people's big teeth off.

Whether it is for strength or face, this 3 must be played.

Xia Miaomiao is a frequent customer of strengthening, luck is very good, the original 4 strong sets are lost because of the replacement of a piece of equipment, I don’t feel it when I have it, but I feel uncomfortable when I lose it. If the reinforcement level is recovered, nothing can be done.


Gritting his teeth, he put the lucky talisman, perfect talisman and strengthening stone on it, and finally put on the strong 2 Platinum Ring of Purgatory, closed his eyes and clicked the strengthening button.

"Ding, congratulations on your successful enhancement, Platinum Purgatory Ring enhancement +3"


It was even more nervous than checking the score of the college entrance examination, and Xia Miaomiao, an old bird, was no exception. After taking back the ring, she couldn't help looking through it, ignoring the noise of queuing up behind her.

Looking at it, Xia Miaomiao suddenly had a strong urge to put the strong 3 ring on it without putting in the lucky charm and perfect jade charm, and clicked the strengthening button without thinking.

"Ding, congratulations on your successful enhancement, Platinum Purgatory Ring enhancement +4"

First ecstasy, then scalp tingling fear.

If the strengthening fails, it's okay to return to 2, but if it breaks, she will really buy a piece of tofu and kill her.

Gambling, this is gambling, the intuition of gamblers, there are more successes and less failures, for no reason, exclusive to Xia Miaomiao's own 'super power'.

This 'superpower' is inexplicable and extremely metaphysical, and it feels like it's just one click, and the success rate is surprisingly high.

Xia Miaomiao didn't tell anyone, all she could say was that she really had a big heart.

"Damn, strong 3 will immediately become strong 4, what kind of fairy operation is this?"

"True or false, true or false."

"No lucky charms!"

"Are you going to pad it?"

"Will you use top 3 equipment to fill the field?"

"Maybe it's a piece of rubbish. It got stronger by accident. There are many such things."

Afterwards, there was a lot of discussion. Once again, the strong 5 will equal the previous enhancement level, but Xia Miaomiao didn't feel it anymore. Even though she replaced the +5% lucky charm with a +10% advanced lucky charm, she didn't feel it. Feel.

Knowing that there was nothing she could do, she decided to withdraw.

[Platinum Ring of Purgatory +4, Quality: Orange, Category: Left Hand Ring, Level 45, Durability 63, Weight: 11, Equipment Requirements: Level 5381 General Profession, Combat Strength Rating: [-].

Advanced attributes: CD time of all skills -5%, physical attack power +11%, magic attack power +11%, crit rate +2%, casting distance +2, shooting range +2, game vision +2.


Special Attributes: Follow the Wind - Dexterity +5, Strong - Not Easy to Wear, Hellfire - Fire Elemental Skill Damage +20%, Equipment Soul Binding - Cannot be dropped.

Rare Attribute: Abyss/Purgatory Environment Affinity +2.Surrounded by Abyss Breath—Reduces damage from demons and monsters of the Devil genus by 5%. 】

Strong 4 added 400 battles, counting the reactivated 4 battle points of strong 233 sets, that is 633 combat points. After finding a familiar enchanter and marking a [low need] attribute (equipment level -5, Occupation level -1) can be equipped, but it also spent all the funds given by the buddies.

With the 20 gold and good luck, Xia Miaomiao's combat power reached 11004 points.

The combat power has broken through 1, and when the combat power rankings are updated, they can get back to the top 1, so happy.

Speaking of this orange outfit ring, orange is based on the percentage of physical and magic attack power, combined with the basic attack power that can be improved by strengthening attributes. In terms of attributes, I am a bit sorry for the name of the orange outfit, and it is not as good as the blue top-quality ring she replaced. One gain and one loss, overall the gain far outweighs the loss.

Moreover, because it is a set, the original ring cannot be enchanted, but this ring will not be able to. One of the 5 enchanting slots is used up, and there is still potential for further exploration.

An orange outfit is an orange outfit!
Feeling the swelling feeling coming from the ring that made her light, relaxed and almost flying, Xia Miaomiao got used to it comfortably for a few minutes, and sent a message to her best friend, telling her that she was the "God of Gamblers".

The best friend didn't reply, and it seems that she is playing with her boring alchemy formulas and laboratory benches again. Xia Miaomiao really doesn't understand, what's so interesting about those things besides making money, it's more boring than doing scientific research in reality , I didn't find the potential of my best friend to be a scientist again.

"Boss, how did you strengthen it? I'm about to cry."

Xia Miaomiao didn't want to respond to a private message sent by a person who didn't have much contact with him at ordinary times, so he replied, "What do you mean? No brains?"

"Boss, I was right behind you just now, Pit No. 7"

"Oh, what do you want to strengthen, how much stronger?"

"Strong 3, life and death can't be stronger, I'm going crazy."

Only then did I remember who this guy was.

Isn't Young Master Tang Shisan the one who snatched the fourth-level professional purple?

"It's as strong as that, it depends on luck"

"Boss, please teach me, please, I think you are on 4th, why is it so easy for you? You can't finish the last 4th, I am stupid in the back, are you not afraid of breaking?" ? Yours is an orange..."

What can Xia Miaomiao say, say that when the feeling comes up, it's up, and when it's over, I'm afraid?People won't believe you when you tell them, and they will say that you put them in a cup...

Just a few words to deal with this guy, Xia Miaomiao sent a message to Yijiang Chunshuiliu, and then got on the teleporter to teleport to a coordinate of the national server.

The outpost on the national server closest to the border of the Fairy Forest, the newly built safe zone, has relatively few people, and they are all powerful players above level 35.

In front of the blacksmith shop, "clang, clang, clang", NPC blacksmiths were sweating profusely, and there was an endless stream of players who came to repair equipment.Further ahead, the former site of the Mercenary Association was even more lively, with small merchants recruiting people, seeking groups, inquiring about news, and selling various goods and services... it was very lively.

In front of the task entrustment notice board outside, a storm bear mount is fully dressed, which is extremely eye-catching. A human paladin player stands in front of the storm bear. He is tall and burly, wearing high-end equipment, just like the protagonist in a magical CG blockbuster. of.

Seeing Xia Miaomiao approaching, the man showed a smile on his expressionless face, gave a thumbs up, and pointed to the top of his head.

Xia Miaomiao asked him what his consciousness was, and the man said silently, the ranking list.

It turns out that the combat power ranking has been updated. Xia Miaomiao returned to the 1th place with 1 battles. This is really an admirable ranking among tens of millions of players.

Xia Miaomiao smiled happily in her heart, but she looked nonchalant on her face. She summoned her pet: Xiaomeng (camouflage butterfly), and summoned her mount.

The mount is also a storm bear, but the outfit is not as advanced and complete as the opponent, and the momentum seems to be a bit shorter than the opponent.

Pets and mounts are two huge pits, which cannot be filled no matter what. Pets need various "elixirs" to improve growth and understanding. Both are closely related to the level of pets, and the level determines the skill bar and talent skills of pets. , and pet skills are closely related to the player's blessing status.

One link after another, one hole after another.

There is also a pet skill book...

Mounts are indispensable in some game scenes. The mounts are actually the player’s equipment. Depending on the type of mounts, the mounts are also different. There are also grades such as green, blue, and purple. Although the mounts cannot be fed back with skills The master can't help the master improve his combat power, but he can act as an assistant in the implementation, especially in team battles, gang battles, large-scale battlefields and dungeons.

Pets and mounts are the standard equipment for big water hoses and high-end games. In this regard, Xia Miaomiao is very weak. She has no time to pile money on herself. Facing these two huge pits, she is really powerless.

But being able to reach the 127th place in the combat power rankings without relying on pets and mounts also shows her strength and... luck.

The person in front of him was about the same combat strength as Xia Miaomiao before. If it was a one-on-one PK, Xia Miaomiao would be sure to beat him in seconds with a set of skills, but if both pets and mounts were on the field, the outcome would not be certain up.

Now that she is dumping the other party, is it because the other party has no money?

No, it's because they have money and have no place to spend it. Even though the orange equipment on the equipment ranking list is ranked after page 10, it is not worth mentioning in front of the huge player base.

This kind of high-level play and high-level combat is the current norm. As long as there is room for improvement, all of them have achieved the ultimate. +6 sets are the basics, and pets and mounts are very cool when released.

Riding a shabby storm bear, I exchanged greetings with him and stopped talking.

There's nothing to say, Gao Wan, they are all relatively reserved, besides, everyone knows each other well, they were all recruited into the regiment, so it's fine on the face of it.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, people came one after another, all of them Gao Zhan.

"Miao Miao, Miao Miao!"

"This is called a soul"

"Okay, you, go to the 1 battle."

"Hey, luck, luck, the gang has exploded an orange outfit."

"I saw it, Platinum Ring of Purgatory, this should be able to use the 7th test, why is it not strong enough to be 6th?"

"Feel bad, don't rush, take your time"

"I really envy you... Small gangs have the advantages of small gangs. If you have good things, no one will grab you. Unlike our gang, everyone is like a wolf."

"Who said no one snatched it up? I bought it at an auction. It's real money."

"Come on, how many people in your gang can pay a high price? Put it in our gang and try it? You are so cheap and you are so good."

"Then you change jobs, come to us to help, the first priest in the 41st level 10200 battle, wow, we will wake up laughing when we help pigs dream."

"I really want to, but I can't help myself."

The person who came here was to save lives and heal the wounded. He was the genuine number one pastor. He was even more famous than Xia Miaomiao. The advantages are of course over 1 combat power and the title of the first priest, but the disadvantage is that he loses his freedom and becomes a senior wage earner.

Xia Miaomiao has formed a group with her a few times, and they have become acquainted for a long time. The two civilian players 'cherished each other' and formed a plastic sisterhood.

It was also she who put tremendous pressure on Xia Miaomiao. She didn't want to fall behind or be compared, so she naturally had to work harder.

The mount used to save lives and heal the wounded was a snow-white unicorn, and the pet was also a camouflage butterfly, but it was mutated and of a higher grade than Xia Miaomiao's.

Not to mention the scarcity of unicorns, Xia Miaomiao was envious because of their appearance.

This mount was caught last time when a group went deep into the Fairy Forest. She lost the competition. Unexpectedly, the big water hose and the princelings gave it to her in a huff, which made Xia Miaomiao scratch her heart and lungs for several days. , but also forced to congratulate her and not let her see it, it was really hard.

If it wasn't for plastic sisterhood, the two of them were secretly ignoring each other, whipping themselves with each other, absolutely not showing it on the face, and they were more affectionate than anyone else.

Talking to the Plastic Sisters, the founder of the team, the big water pipe and the real princeling, Fifteen Thousand Wars, the real top [-] masters: Yijian Guanghan [-] states have arrived.

The mount is a flame fox, and the pet is a black and white cat?
Ah, where is Xiaoyu's pet Doraemon?

(End of this chapter)

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