This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 467 An Extraordinary Meeting

Chapter 467 An Extraordinary Meeting

The bright moonlight shines on the soft carpet through the window screen that floats gently with the breeze. A black cat is curled up in the shadow that the moonlight cannot reach, and its eyes are shining with a color similar to the moonlight.

Du Shiyu lifted the heavy alchemy experiment table, facing up, and carefully placed it on the reinforced base. Things that weighed four or five hundred seemed weightless in her hands.

The tong pot is easy to solve. There are many surprises on the Internet. The complete set of hand-made alchemy equipment restores the shape and even the material of the line one by one. If you don’t consider their jaw-dropping price, everything is perfect.

For other tools that cannot be copied, such as the magic stove, Du Shiyu replaced it with an alcohol heater. On the surface, a small offline alchemy laboratory looks good.

The best friend is still online, and participated in an adventure activity at the entrance of the dungeon of a high-playing team. Du Shiyu doesn't have to worry about being discovered by her too soon.


"Understood, I will tell you when I get a chance."


It's finally time to separate from her best friend. My secrets are getting more and more. The current state of my best friend is just right. Telling her not only won't help her, but will destroy her current "harmony" state. This is what Du Shiyu doesn't want to see of.

After lighting the alcohol lamp and heating the tongs, Du Shiyu tried to complete some simple operations on the line.

Take out a piece of iron ore ordered online, wait for the base liquid (also high-purity water ordered online) to be heated to boiling, then break the iron ore, use a sieve to separate out the finest powder, and pour it into the fingers with spiritual power Stir in the container for a while, and your fingers are like a magnet, picking up some black powder.

Adding these powders to the boiling base solution, she began to chant spells, hugging the tong pot with both hands in the air, and then constantly changing the angle.

At this time, Doraemon's eyes lit up, and the bright moonlight was attracted by these eyes, turning into a beam of light that shot directly at the alchemy platform, covering Du Shiyu and the alchemy platform.

Du Shiyu's shadow was pulled out and projected on the wall.

The shadow seems to 'live', and it has to go up to the main body for a second or two. The atmosphere in the room becomes extremely mysterious, as if it is separated from the real atmosphere and placed in the boundary between phantom and reality.

Du Shiyu obviously felt that the 'signal' had become stronger, the mantra was chanted more smoothly, and the spiritual power passed through the hands smoothly and entered the reaction of the tongs.


Half an hour later, a piece of iron that had not been smelted by modern processes lay tightly in the tong pot. The base liquid seemed to be evaporated, as if it had been absorbed by it, together with Du Shiyu's spiritual power.

This simplest magical metal took ten times the time and effort of the online team. After Du Shiyu woke up, she couldn't wait to put on the rubber gloves, picked it up carefully, and looked at it in front of her eyes.

At this moment, the black cat suddenly moved, and he appeared on Du Shiyu's shoulder instantly, the hair on his neck exploded, and a pair of eyes that radiated strong light stared in one direction.

"What's wrong?" Du Shiyu asked in surprise.


"The west?"


"Why has the signal from the West been strengthened so much that it has surpassed the direction of Modu?"

At the same time, Beimi.

There were endless construction vehicles driving on the simple road. Smith hummed a song, swayed with the bumps of the car, and grinned at the female military officers driving side by side from time to time.

The female officer is heroic. She wears sunglasses, props one arm on the open window, rests her cheek, and raises her middle finger to the guy who keeps harassing her.

Smith laughed, put on his headset, and cut into the team's communication channel.

"How are our 'Earls' gentlemen, are you satisfied with our service?"

"Fuck, shut up, Doctor."

"Seriously, don't you guys see that there's something wrong with the situation ahead of us?"

"That's not what you should care about."

"Honestly, I feel like I'm going to hell, lol..."

In front of the convoy, a faint outline of the city stood under the thick dark clouds. Strangely, the clouds only appeared above the city, and the edges were neatly cut like a piece of cake, cut by a knife.

The end of the road was the entrance of the city. It was sunny outside, but the entrance was indeed dark, as if there was a barrier, a water film, separating the inside and the outside.

The atmosphere in the convoy was far less relaxed than Smith's performance. The drivers of the engineering vehicles were all wearing military uniforms, and they were protected in more than a dozen containers with luxurious interiors in the convoy. They were divided into rooms. Smith said, " The earls and gentlemen were lying in containers that looked like crystal coffins, being carefully cared for by the medical staff.

Ten minutes later, the city was even closer, and it had already reached the boundary of the cloud layer. At this time, the only thing left to people was shock.

The spectacle that seems to be formed naturally has been displayed in such an extremely 'static' way, as if there is something hidden in the thick clouds!
Some starship from the depths of space?
It's like the flying saucer in the movie Independence Day hovering over the city, obscuring the entire city.

The convoy stopped less than 500 meters away. Smith opened the door, stood in the cockpit more than ten meters high, built a pergola with his hands, and looked into the direction of the city.

One, two, three... Many human-shaped shadows appeared, somewhat distorted by the visible dividing line, and then they seemed to float from the bottom of the water to the surface, one by one showing their true faces in Smith's eyes.

"Hi, fellow countryman!"

Smith waved happily to Philip.

The black pharaoh frowned, and he glanced at the companions wearing the death priest's robes on both sides, and took the lead towards Smith.

Gentlemen and ladies from the military, chaebol, Baigong, and top scientific research institutions came to Smith one after another, silently watching Philip and his party approaching.

"How is it, compatriots, how is your new home?"

Philippe took care of the madness. He first shook hands with an old man with messy hair, and then exchanged greetings with the others.

"The situation is good, the network... the signal has stabilized a lot"

"That's good, that's good...", the old man with messy hair said with trembling lips, he looked at Philip, and then at the city behind him with a little fear, hesitant to speak.

"How many immigrants did they bring this time?" Philip asked.

"Not much!" Smith interjected unwillingly, "You players are too difficult to deal with. You always have delusions of persecution. We all feel that this job has to be done. Those people from the North Micanan Company are a bunch of trash, trash !"

"All my people are here!" Smith interrupted him impatiently.

"Let's talk about this later," the official whose line interrupted the dispute, "Shall we start?"

Philip nodded, and Smith opened his arms and shouted with an exaggerated aria: "Welcome to the legendary Garden of Eden, ladies and gentlemen, the time to witness the miracle has come"

The endless convoy was awakened again, the roar of the engine made the ground tremble, Smith at the front looked excited, twisting his limbs in the co-pilot seat with the strong beat of the music, shouting, and gradually arrived at that place. Layers of water film-like divisions.

First the front of the car went in, and then the body including him.

It feels like passing through a mysterious star gate, a burst of coolness, a burst of numbness, and a surge of electricity, and you are in a completely different environment.

The field of vision suddenly became dark, and the same blue buildings with only seven or eight floors were lined up on both sides of the road, and it was impossible to count how many there were at a glance.

The lampposts and tracks next to the four-lane road are still freshly painted, and the input and output devices of intelligent urban design are all over these public infrastructures. The electricity has not yet been connected, and these costly facilities have not yet been activated. It was pitch black, with only a few buildings still lit.

Walking along the main road into the city, the identical buildings are like a huge chessboard, and also like the extremely regular and strict formation diagram enlarged by the micro-processing chip. The accompanying reporters and media are allowed to work, and one after another The lens sticks out of the car window and takes pictures of this dead city.

A total of more than [-] immigrant players have been offline one after another, looking curiously at this city that will soon belong to them completely. The sick and old people who are sleeping in coffins are also sitting in wheelchairs, moving like Inside the shipping container of the presidential suite, their... graves of the frail.

"I don't like this place!" said a retired billionaire. "There's no light at all."

"You'll like it," advised his attending physician, "As for the sun, you don't need it, and besides, Canaan has plenty of light."

The billionaire muttered childishly and fell silent.

After advancing four or five kilometers, the convoy entered the part of the city that was still under construction. The construction vehicles dispersed and entered various construction sites through roads like a chessboard.

The roar of generators and engines is not friendly to patients, and container vehicles drove onto another main road, heading for the completed urban area.

"This is a completely intelligent city. The city's intelligence and all infrastructure are controlled by the intelligent center. It is expected to accommodate a population of about 200 million..."

"what is that?"

"Uh, Mr. Entertainment Center in planning."

"Does a tomb also need this thing?"

"This... considering the actual needs of offline players and tourists..."

"Damn, for God's sake, there's no need for this entertainment center, it's all my money, mine!"

"Don't get excited, little Mr. Phoenix . . . Ah, doctor, doctor!"

"How do you feel, this ghost place..."

"Uh... It feels like I'm back in that underground base."

"Haha, the black pharaoh didn't lie to us, this place is indeed a good place, I feel the 'power' is back."

"It's like..."

"Swimming freely is the same as breathing."

"Haha, yes, yes."

"Then we'll have a big fight!"

The convoy drove into an urban area dotted with sporadic lights. The identical eight-storey buildings were like standing resistors, so organized and compact that people couldn't tell the direction and location.

Smith was the first to get down, listening to the explosive music with headphones and exaggeratedly swinging his limbs. The cars behind him opened one by one, and the luxury buses with more than 3 players stopped in front of the resistance-like buildings one by one.

"Should we have a party next?" Smith suggested excitedly, gesturing on the street. Philip pulled him away, made a gesture of inviting him in, and walked in first.

Representatives of the chaebol, officials of the Baigong, scientific research institutions, etc., a group of hundreds of people walked into the building, and what they saw was an interior layout just like a space capsule in a science fiction movie.

The soft lights are lit up one by one with the steps forward, walk on the automatic induction conveyor belt, enter the elevator, and go all the way down to the underground core that cannot be seen from the ground.

The ground is sci-fi style, and the underground is full of Canaan style.

There are hundreds of dungeons in this city modeled on the safe zone of the online national server. Philip's real home is here. The statue of Kelenvor, the god of death, is carved with a kind of dark rock, a kind of creepy, hairy hair. A golden halo of numbness and difficulty in breathing enveloped him.

As if they couldn't look directly at the sun, everyone looked away in unison. The sense of existence and pressure of encountering inhuman life made them paralyzed with horror.

"Hey, compatriots, is your behind-the-scenes boss finally willing to meet us?"

The lifeless Smith yelled strangely, and Philip smiled mysteriously, not minding his offense, and led the way up the steps of the temple.

"This... When was this place built? Why didn't I see it in the progress of the project?" The White House official asked the people behind him with an ugly face.

"I... I don't know, I..." The lieutenant colonel in charge of the infrastructure project of the City of Angels panicked, and the horror and fear made him lose his composure.

"Let's go, don't talk about this yet." The representative of the chaebol stopped him.

"Baigong needs an have crossed the line!", even the representative of the chaebol doubted it.

"I said, do you have to argue here? In front of a great life that is about to meet?" Smith shouted dissatisfied standing on the steps.

Only then did the crowd put aside their disputes, leaving their terrified entourage behind, and nervously climbed up the majestic and solemn steps of the temple.

Oh, God!
what is happening
As soon as you walk into the temple, you have a strong feeling that it has an owner, and the owner is waiting in the depths of the empty confinement, as if standing in front of the gate of the banquet hall, with a smile on your face, just like an ancient gentleman. Wearing a wig, a tuxedo, a half-height silk top hat, and a civilized stick, she quietly waits for the arrival of the guests.

Of course, this is an illusion.

Waiting for them was a priest.

Very special, very special, very frightening sacrifice.

His face was extremely old, and his whole body was covered in a pitch-black divine robe. The corners of the robe were inlaid with golden lace, and a line of words floated above his head——Church of Death, City of Angels Branch, Cardinal (Nigut. Cage, LV55).

"This is an NPC!" someone shouted in surprise.

"Welcome to come!" Cardinal Nicot Cage, who walked from the online to the offline, opened his arms as a welcome gesture, and said with a smile: "This is a very meaningful meeting, isn't it?"

(End of this chapter)

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