This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 468 Tourist Guild

Chapter 468 Tourist Guild
"I'm not moving, no one wants me to leave my house, no one."

"Mr. Anderson, I need to remind you that the tourist status agreement signed at the beginning clearly stipulates this situation. You must perform the contract, otherwise you will violate the law."

"Damn it, talk to my lawyer. Guess what, I didn't find out until now that I was cheated. You took advantage of monopoly power and information asymmetry to deliberately conceal many unfavorable and even hindering my personal freedom. I have the right to refuse to fulfill the clause, my lawyer advised me so, and I said so in court, anyway, I just won’t move, no one can force me to leave my home.”

"Well then, Mr. Anderson, since you violated the contract, your tourist status will be frozen, and you will also face huge compensation lawsuits..."

"God, why must I live in that concentration camp? Is there some ulterior conspiracy? Don't deny it, you are planning something, I know..."

"Beep beep..."

"Damn, damn, I won't give in!"

Anderson hung up the phone angrily, went to the basement to get a semi-automatic rifle and came out, locked the doors, closed all the curtains, and held a gun to guard against every stranger who appeared in front of his house.

The phone rang, and he thought it was someone from the North Micanan Company, so he yelled as soon as he got on the phone, "If I don't move, it's useless, those policemen outside can't scare me..."

"It's me, Joey"

"Ah, Joey, have you received their ultimatum? The police are right outside my door. They may rush in and take me away at any time. You have to think of a way."

"Anderson, the guild has decided to relocate to the City of Angels, and I'm here to inform you."

"What, you actually gave in, didn't you say it was a concentration camp, it was..."

"Watch TV, Anderson, your way of obtaining information is too backward."

"What about equal pay for equal work, what about marches, what about protests?"

"Only if we are all concentrated in one city, one community, those politicians will please us, because their votes are in our hands. The reality is that we are too scattered, and we can't make a fist with open palms. Naturally, there is little power. But relocation It won’t be the case in the City of Angels, independent constituencies, new electoral qualifications, politicians and capitalists need to curry favor with us, even in the face of players, we will not be cowardly, because we have a numerical advantage.”


"Move Anderson, the media, public opinion, and the law are all on the other side, and we have nothing."

"But...that's a concentration camp!"

"Watch TV, we'll talk about the rest when it's online."

"Okay, okay."

Without the support of the tourist association and other tourists, Anderson lost most of his confidence. After hanging up the phone, he walked around the house several times in agitation, and finally gave in when the police outside broke into his yard.

"I'm moving, I'm moving, get those people out of my yard, immediately!"

"I'm glad you made the change, Mr. Anderson. Excuse me. Regarding the follow-up immigration matters, a dedicated person will take over soon. Congratulations in advance for becoming a resident of the City of Angels..."

"Go home and eat yourself!"

Neighbors were pointing outside, and those policemen took the opportunity to tarnish their reputation, and someone was already preparing to negotiate with him, offending the neighbors around him, and it would be inconvenient for him to stay in this community.

A small arm can't twist a thigh, and capitalists have plenty of ways to make themselves submit.

Now that even the guild has to compromise, what else can we do?
Anderson really didn't want to leave the house where his grandparents lived here, but he couldn't help it.

He put the gun down sadly, looked at the house with some sadness, picked up the family portrait on the coffee table and wiped it, the police outside should have received a call.

Turn on the TV, and the reporter on the screen is introducing a strange city behind him. Judging from the picture fed back by the camera, this city is really a utopia, extremely 'beautiful', extremely different and extremely mysterious.

Seeing the clear dividing line surrounding the city, Anderson sat up straight.

"...This is a miracle, the city of miracles, the city of angels, it uses the latest technology obtained from Canaan, leading the world."

" breaks the barriers between virtuality and reality, and is the highest crystallization of the application of artificial intelligence and VR in reality. It is a city of the future, a city of dreams that will be composed of tourists and players."

" is a kind of foreshadowing of the future, a template, a display, the Garden of Eden now and for a long time, it is pregnant with new hope, it is God's gift to us, it is the angel city."

The reporter tried his best to flatter, and Anderson repeatedly looked at the city outline on the screen, and slowly, he didn't resist as much as before.

Annoyed by what the anchor, who looked like a talk show actor, said, he changed the channel.

Almost all the channels are saying the same thing, City of Angels.

You know, in the western culture of Beimi, conspiracy theories are prevalent. Even if this so-called City of Angels is really as good as they say, you can usually see pros and cons, but now, there are overwhelming praises. Not another voice.

This is the case after changing several channels in a row.

This is not normal!

Anderson, who likes to think wildly, became nervous again.

Turning on the computer, there were some different voices on social media, but they were all restricted, and it took a long time to get them.

"...Look, look, City of Angels, haha, I think it's just a factory, don't ask me what kind of factory, just look at The Matrix, in the future all of us will lie in coffins and live in a It is believed that in the real world, the body is maintained by the men in black, and the soul is taken over by the rich, politicians, and capitalists. They have compiled a dream called Canaan, let us immerse ourselves in it, and let us become their 'batteries', okay give them eternal life."

"...I know, I just know, that thing is true, Canaan can bring people back from the dead, rich people, capitalists, and politicians have already reserved a position, but this kind of resurrection is not possible As a condition, the agreement reached with the aliens is to sacrifice our souls, look, this city of angels is just the beginning, there will be countless more in the future, until it can accommodate everyone in the world."

To be honest, such conspiracy theories are not new. After reading the limited comments below, there were half of them in support and half in opposition. He was about to type his keyboard to express his opinion, but when he refreshed, the post disappeared.

Looking back, those posts with negative comments are all gone.

Seeing the overwhelming praise online and offline, Anderson felt chills in his heart, and sat in the living room in a daze for a while, and it was time to go online.

In order to quell all kinds of doubts and legal issues offline, the Beimi national server has certain restrictions such as the longest online time of tourists.

It's daytime offline, and night online. The popularity of City of Angels has spread from offline to online. As soon as it came up, it received several system prompts from the national server.

Or go to the guild as soon as possible and ask.

The tourist guild established in order to fight for 'equal pay for equal work' with players and protest against the 'systematic discrimination' behavior of the system and Canaan Company is not recognized online. Tourists do not have friend lists and various chat channels, so communication can only be done by Roar, traffic can only rely on walking.

Leaving the bustling resurrection point, I saw from a distance that the Statue of Liberty that was just erected yesterday was pushed to the ground. I don’t know what kind of plot the NPC priest of the system temple is leading the player believers. There are a large crowd of tourists watching. What other disputes occurred between the two sides?
Anderson didn't want to get involved, for fear of being pulled over to pretend to be someone's head, he turned around and took a secluded fork in the road.

Just a few steps away, he was suddenly hugged from behind, and a sharp, hard object was pressed against his lower back. A guy with an obvious black accent asked him if he wanted money or his life.

Got it!
Anderson could only admit that he was unlucky, and took out two coppers to send the opponent away.

Seeing the other party and his accomplice running away laughing and laughing, Anderson spat, and then swallowed the racially slurred words.


The mood is even worse.

There are houses on both sides of the alley, owned by the owner, and the private land is the same as in reality. Those who are recognized by the national server are also tourists. These people are the online property class as soon as they go online, and they quickly divide up the national server. All kinds of resources, players are not as good as them.

In addition to the territory of the public server, the tourist functions and services have been fully developed by them at an astonishing speed. Its maturity far surpasses that of Huaguo, and it is even boasted by the offline media.

But the players were very dissatisfied, because the service prices they enjoyed did not decrease, but increased.

To a certain extent, the establishment of the Tourist Association was promoted by these wealthy classes. People like Andrew, whether offline or online, can only be so-called 'red necks', rude, conservative truck drivers or Small farmers.

At the end of the alley is another main side road of the cross-shaped main street. New York is not as large as the main city of Huaguo, but it can accommodate hundreds of thousands of players and tourists. The area is still quite large.

On this side road that has not yet been named, similar excitement is taking place.

"You can't do this, you can't do this, God!"

Still led by the NPC priest of the system temple, the believers of the players continued the task and were destroying an evangelical church of Jesus Christ.

On the surface, there is nothing special about this church. It is indeed a secret place for tourists and some players to worship non-system and national server 'certified' evil gods and false gods. The city lord's mansion, which represents the authority of the national server, is not there, and the city guards and magistrates are watching Lively, it seems to be hiding from the limelight.

Anderson was delighted to see the capitalists in the national costumes being deflated. Seeing that there were a lot of tourists mixing in, he joined in if he didn't see anyone he knew, and shouted slogans with the crowd.

religious freedom.

Faith is innocent.

The Gospel of God is true, the online ones are all fake...

Anyway, it won't lose a piece of meat, and it's good to vent bad breath.

Shouting slogans is useless, the player has a mission and his relatives do not recognize him, even in reality he is a 'lamb of God', within a short while, the small church was destroyed, and several tourists suspected of 'sacrificing to evil gods and false gods' were arrested. They were escorted and imprisoned in a certain systematic church. What awaited them would be a severe trial, or they might lose their tourist qualifications permanently.

Eating melons was boring in the end, and Anderson finally took a sympathetic look at the destroyed church, sighed, and walked towards the branch of the Tourist Association in New York.

The resident composed of several houses connected together, except that it cannot be publicly listed, is not much different from the offline truck driver's guild he belongs to - talking about the feeling and atmosphere.

"Anderson, are you here? Have you received the notice from the national server? Which shift are you assigned to?"

The old acquaintance Joey's office, Anderson looked around enviously, and was pulled by him enthusiastically to sit down on the 'sofa'.

The same tourists have similar identities in reality, but they have already received high salaries and sat in offices, so how can they reason?

"Tea?" Joey said, "Sorry, it should be said that drinks like tea, coffee or something, have not been tested yet."


Only then did Joey yell out the door of the office, and after a while, a seductive secretary came in with his ass twisted.

Seeing Anderson staring at the secretary's buttocks, Joey gave a smirk and leaned closer and said, "Don't look, it's a minority group."

"Ah!?", Anderson was so disgusted by this, he quickly picked up the 'tea' and took a sip to suppress his shock.

"Pfft!", he vomited out after taking a sip, "What the hell!?"

"Haha...", the old friend's embarrassment made Joey very happy. He also picked up the 'tea', took a sip, and looked after it.

"This thing... are you sure you can drink it?" Anderson called.

"The first person who discovered coffee beans may be like you," said Joy, "Try, try again, don't rush to spit it out, you will find a different taste."

Anderson picked it up hesitantly, followed his example and took a sip lightly. As soon as this weird warm liquid entered his mouth, he 'rebelled', and all kinds of weird flavors came up all at once, a strong stimulation It made him tremble... But after enduring the most unbearable stage, a strange and indescribable taste appeared, replacing all the stimulation and weirdness, and flowing all the way into the body along the esophagus.

"Heh!" Anderson couldn't help but let out an alcohol-smelling breath.

"How about it, isn't it good? Haha..."

"It's okay!" Anderson took another sip, savored it for a long time and smiled, "It seems to be not bad?"

"You're going to love it, I promise." Joey patted him on the shoulder vigorously.

"To be honest, haven't you guys tried making wine? The wine sold by the system is too expensive and tastes bad, and most of us tourists can't drink it..."

"Old man, is this why you came to me?"

"Of course not." Anderson took another sip of tea, licked his lips and said what he wanted.

(End of this chapter)

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