This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 469 The City of Angels

Chapter 469 The City of Angels
Tourists from the international server, especially those from the Omi national server, are more... developed than those from the Huaguo national server.

how to say?

should say.

Just like the tourists in the national service of the United States, all walks of life quickly took shape, such as taverns, hotels, material purchases, initial processing, human resource intermediaries,... Anyway, tourists can The industry he set foot in was quickly occupied by people, and he quickly became the wealthy class in the game.

And other tourists form an employment relationship similar to reality with them. The national service also encourages this kind of behavior, and there are also "advanced" organizations that Huaguo national service does not have, such as various guilds, various gameplay consulting, training groups, various It has little to do with the content of the game, guild organizations that meet the various needs of tourists, etc.

Money is like water, and if floods are flooded, everything is naturally expensive. Correspondingly, the price of human resources has also soared again and again.

For a tourist like Anderson, he doesn't need to work hard to find tasks or encounter opportunities. Naturally, relevant guilds, information companies, and human resources intermediaries will arrange for them. These organizations are open to business, but they are not recognized by the system. That's all.

Huaguo National Service also has organizations, but more of them are rooted in a certain resource, a certain gameplay, or a certain industry. After the toss of the previous tests, each of them is relatively low-key. Generally, players and tourists are used as white gloves. , Embedded in the game narrative and content, it is not so blatant.

In a word, the privatization, service, and financial industries of the national service of the United States have surpassed that of the national service of Huaguo, showing a momentum of prosperity.

The human resources of tourists are well arranged by the invisible hand of the market. Every tourist doesn't need to do anything, so someone will tell him what to do.

Huaguo tourists are still in the state of herding sheep, and the gameplay and game awareness are closer to the players. The direction of the national server guide is to cut off from reality, rather than introduce real things.

Which of the two development directions is more effective remains to be tested by time.

For now, the national service of the United States still has more control over tourists than the national service of Huaguo.

There is no mandatory agreement for tourists to sign on the US national server, but tourists from this country are still firmly controlled. Not only that, but its degree of freedom and privatization also attracts many non-Omi national server players and tourists. Showing a momentum of catching up.

This tourist guild is a kind of 'advanced organization' that has little to do with the content of the game. Its offline target is the North Micanan Business Group Company, and its online is the national server.

It was initiated by the wealthy class among tourists. All tourists can become its members, but they have to pay. The routine is the same as in reality. After its birth, it has caused troubles for the national server.

"Listen man, conspiracy theories have existed before and are not going away!"

Hearing Anderson's worries, Joey got up and closed the door, sat down and put his arms around his shoulders, and said earnestly, "Then we don't do anything? Can you give up your identity as a tourist?"

"But we can unite and fight them"

"Who are you fighting with? Kang Muang, don't be naive, man, no one is on our side this time."

"But you are the tourist guild, you should protect our interests instead of standing on the side of the national service and capitalists."

"So?" Joey spread his hands, "Where are the tourists you mentioned? Other than you?"

"I don't believe it, I'm the only one who thinks it's wrong!" Anderson exclaimed, "I don't want to move, I don't want to leave the community where my grandparents lived, I..."

"Then you reject them, as long as you can afford the price of rejection."

Anderson opened his mouth.

"Let me calculate how much you will pay. First, you violated the tourist agreement, and then you will be caught in a long lawsuit. Second, the national server does not say it is against you, but your online income will be greatly affected. Big impact, no one will hire you, you have to find opportunities on your own. Third, people in your community will ostracize you, believe me, they can do it, then you can't make mistakes, because you have no mistakes capital, they will stare at you and warn others of your end”

"Very quickly, you'll have nothing and you'll still be moving out, but you'll be evicted from your home after bankruptcy."

"The court will decide next, no doubt, you will lose your tourist status, then you will be a homeless person, living with drug addicts, bankrupts, illegal immigrants... Tell me, Anderson, you can afford this price?"

Anderson was silent.

"Yes, many tourists have found the guild, and the guild is also obliged to help you fight for your due rights, but... this time is different, buddy, they are serious and will not allow you to resist, they will use everything, the whole world power to silence dissenting voices, we have no chance, no."

"Damn, what are they plotting?"


"Tell me Joey, for the sake of the past."

"Okay, do you know about the immortality plan?"

"I knew it, I knew it..."

"Don't worry, this is not a bad thing. Big capitalists and old men have a chance, and we also have a chance. With a population of more than 3 million people, even if it is the end of the world and we have to board the spaceship, we can still have a ticket."

"You mean..."

"I didn't say anything, it's a city of angels, we have to cheer, sing, praise, and not question it... Let's change the angle, buddy, since you can't resist, just join in, no matter what conspiracy, big Guys always need someone to serve them."

"These vampires!"

"They are really vampires, lying in coffins, vampires who are about to gain eternal life."


"The real world is so cruel."

"I see, Joey, thanks for telling me that."

"Don't say that, we are friends, right? We've known each other for a long time, and I'm tired of logging."

"Tired of logging!"

The two laughed and fisted and hugged, and after that, Joey took Anderson by the shoulders and sent him out of the office.

"When will the national service notice move out?"


"Then I won't see you off."

"Well, when are you moving?"

"It's getting to the end, you don't know how busy I am, it's a guy like you every day, Falk."

"Ha ha……"

After seeing off Anderson, Joey returned to the office, took out a roster, found Anderson's name, and ticked the back.

After thinking about it, he put an uncertain question mark behind the tick.

At this time, the flirtatious secretary knocked on the open office door and pouted outside.


Joey cursed and put the roster back, and slammed the drawer shut, the second visitor had already entered.

"Hi, Sura, long time no see, how are you?"

"Not at all, Mr. Joy, I'm here for help."

"Let's sit down and talk."

In this way, a busy day starts with each visitor.

On the other side, Anderson left the guild, took a public carriage, and headed for the west city where his workplace was located.

There are both passengers and players on the carriage, and the two are clearly separated. The players look down on the tourists, looking at the arrogance of the countrymen, and the tourists deliberately ignore the players.

Players have a variety of private channels, and tourists can't hear them talking. In order not to suffer, tourists don't speak on this occasion, just like the "disabled" taboo to show their "disability" in front of healthy people. It's very interesting.

The city is very big, and relying on legs alone is a waste of time and inefficient. Many national services have begun to provide basic services such as public transportation. On the one hand, it solves the employment problem of some tourists, and on the other hand, it also reflects the "people-oriented" principle of the national service. care.

Players pay to take the stagecoach, but tourists are free, at least in the North American server.

This unearned right was fought for by people like Anderson led by the Tourist Association. This alone has saved a lot of commuting time and costs for a large number of tourists.

Online time is equivalent to money, and it also increases the income of tourists in disguise.

However, the online time of tourists is also limited due to various worries and public opinions offline. People who are online [-] hours a day are dead bodies in reality. In this regard, the Huaguo national server does not have it, which is exactly the opposite of Omi. Come here, it's amazing to say the least.

It took half an hour to arrive at the destination, got off the bus in an unnamed block, and met a group of non-player, non-tourist aboriginal NPCs.

Seeing that there was a priest NPC accompanying him, Anderson hurriedly stepped aside.

The surrounding tourists also gave way one after another. This attitude of avoiding snakes and scorpions shows that they are afraid of NPC priests.

Let's put it this way, tourists can fight with the national server, and compete with players for various resources and benefits, but they dare not prick with NPC clergy.

Guys who do this will end badly. At least they will be thrown into the church's prison and suffer enough, and at worst they will be tried by the church for blasphemy. The most serious end is...burning.

Tourists who die in this way will permanently lose the chance to be revived (the system gods will not help them revive), thus losing their tourist qualifications.

In this regard, the national service can do nothing, because this is the content of the public service, which symbolizes the highest power of the system.

The situation of the players is just the opposite. Few players really care about NPCs. Even the legendary highest NPC, the Grand Duke of Norman, doesn't have much respect for them. They can only use other NPCs.

The system shows its harshness towards tourists everywhere, causing the vast number of tourists, regardless of the national server, to be criticized.

Anderson's work place is nearby, which happens to be the same destination as the pair of aboriginal NPCs, an inn.

When he arrived, the player boss Wilson was busy setting up the aboriginal NPCs, especially the few NPC clergymen who were carefully served for fear of offending them.

"Anderson, hurry up and help in the kitchen."

"Okay, boss!"

Players and tourists can visit NPC shops, and NPCs can naturally take care of their business. This team of aboriginal NPCs is sent to the public server from nearby settlements. In the territory of the national server, there are many such settlements, and they often Anderson was not surprised to encounter such a migration team.

By the kitchen stove, several tourists and colleagues were already busy. Under the assignment of the monitor, Anderson picked up a heavy wooden barrel and put it on the cart outside the kitchen.

With more than a dozen wooden barrels piled up, he set off with a helper, creaking along the narrow path, heading towards the city wall not far away.

"Hi, Anderson, are you a little late today?"

The NPC guard on the city wall greeted him from a distance, and Anderson quickly stopped the trolley, smiled and bowed slightly to the NPC on the city wall, "Today is busy, Master William!"

The city guard William nodded and waved him to pass.

As a tourist, you must never offend such a well-known intelligent NPC. The other party is still the captain of the city guard, and there are many ways to make things difficult for him.

In the rules of the system, tourists are just civilians, and their 'status' is far lower than that of the other party. This is a system narrative, and it is best to integrate and abide by it, otherwise it will be him who suffers.

It’s fucked up, players can easily improve their status through meritorious deeds, and they can conversely live above intelligent NPCs through missions and reputation systems. Tourists can only change their “birth” through donations and huge donations, otherwise they will never be It's a head short of them, but at this stage there is another tourist who spends huge sums of money on these 'innocuous' details.

In the small river outside the city, Anderson struggled to bring up a bucket of water, but one of them lost his footing and nearly fell into the river.

Not far away, two goblins wandered over. Maybe they saw that the two humans were more ups and downs, so they rushed towards them brandishing their ridiculous sticks.

Two thick bed crossbow arrows shot from the city wall behind them, scaring the goblin back.

"I really hope I'm also a player!" said a fellow tourist.

Yes, if you are a player, this is the money and experience that will come to your door.

There is a shortage of monsters in the national server, and the two blind goblins were quickly picked up by the passing players. Anderson was very envious to see the players "skinning and cramping" the goblins and using them up without any waste.

"There are more and more monsters on the national server." Anderson heard from passing players.

"I heard it was exchanged with the system?"

"It's still not enough. We shouldn't have opened servers in this kind of place in the first place, so we can only be robbers..."

"Shh~, don't talk nonsense."

"What are you afraid of, you're just a tourist... After level 20, you can only go to the Huaguo national service for one ticket?"

"Hua players are not easy to mess with."

"Or go to the public service, the national service has no resources."

"Lets see."

"By the way, is your migration order issued yet?"

"Well, I'm the day after tomorrow, and the whole family moved there together."

After fetching water and pushing the heavy trolley, Anderson and his companions staggered into the city gate following behind the group of players.

"Tomorrow will be a fine day, won't it?"

City guard William shouted towards the city in a good mood.

"Boss William, do you have a mission?"

The team of players who came back asked eagerly.

Behind, Anderson struggled to push the water truck, but because the players blocked the way, he had to stop and wait.

The setting sun is slanting to the west, and under the red-burning clouds all over the sky, it is like a rich and colorful oil painting.

Will the weather be nice tomorrow?
(End of this chapter)

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