This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 470 like a duck in water

Chapter 470 like a duck in water
City of Angels Underground Death Temple.

The huge banquet hall has obviously been transformed by 'supernatural' forces. It looks like a small room from the outside, but it has an area comparable to a football field when you walk in.

There is only one hundred-meter-long dining table in the hall, which is huge and abruptly placed in the middle. The guests who enter the banquet hall are led by the mysterious cloaked man and sit silently on one side of the huge dining table.

After the slight sound of the flame rising, hundreds of magic lamps began to illuminate. These common lamps on the line are embedded in Canaanite-style sculptures, all of which are kneeling and holding the torch with both hands.

The white tablecloth also has a strong original style. It is hand-woven, and the material is obviously different from the known fibers. An old scientist with gray hair can't do without these rough cloths from the moment he sits down. Textured, his lips trembling, muttering words that no one could hear clearly.

Another group of people came in. They were all women, wearing slim black robes. Although they pretended to be calm and serious, their active eyes still revealed their identities.

Not bad, player.

The appearance of the player forced some of the guests back to reality, and unbelievable emotions surged up again.

what is happening
Who can tell me?
The boundary between reality and 'virtual' has been broken, and everyone is like 'Alice in Wonderland', coming to a 'fairytale'-like scene.

In such a banquet hall, sitting opposite the owner with the system text above his head, player believers acted as waiters, serving large and small silver dinner plates.

The lid of the dinner plate was lifted, revealing a variety of food inside.

Most of the food is meat and baked food. There are birds as big as turkeys, animals that look like cats and dogs, green plants, and drinks that look like mushroom soup... Finally, there is a wine glass for each person. The player waiter lined up behind the guests and poured them wine that exudes lemon and a little bit of bitterness...

Oh, God!
Am I dreaming?
There are more than 100 guests, and it is naturally impossible for everyone to have a private conversation with the host, including Smith, who can only watch the representatives of the Baigong and the chaebols enter the secret room. Missing such an extraordinary meeting makes him furious. It has already happened outside, but here...

He glanced at the badge hanging on the front wall in fear, quickly lowered his head, and then got annoyed at his cowardice, forced himself to raise his head, and stared at the badge for several seconds.

Using this method to regain his self-esteem and self-confidence as a 'civilized and modern person', he looked away, twisted his body uncomfortably, and found that his underwear was already wet with cold sweat.

The hundreds-meter-long dining table was filled with various delicacies, illuminated by candlesticks like classical works of art, but the host and guests remained motionless, silent like sculptures.

With the sound of the bell, the small door at the front of the banquet hall near the holy emblem opened, and the host and guest representatives who had finished the secret conversation appeared in the banquet hall with dangerous faces.

The owner's smile is relaxed, but the guest's smile is a bit forced.

Smith saw his compatriots again, and subconsciously raised his hand to greet him. Philip returned his extremely stern eyes, took a step back, and bowed like everyone else.

"stand up!"

Smith stood up cleverly, bowed his head uncontrollably, and then heard a very light footstep.

tread, tread...

The footsteps sounded from left to right, from far and near, for a moment it was outside, for a moment it was inside, for a moment it was in front of the left, and for a moment it came to the side.

The cold hairs all over Smith stood on end, he smelled an intoxicating fragrance, wanted to look up, but found that his body was as stiff as petrified, he could only see a soft, fluffy The hem of her skirt passed by her side, then disappeared, and appeared in the distance again.


"This is the messenger from the Kingdom of God, Your Excellency the Archangel of Eltemia."

God, angels! ?
Smith suddenly realized that he could move, and subconsciously looked up at the so-called angel.

But he only saw a piece of light, a non-dazzling but dazzling light emanating from the wings, and then his eyes burned, and he couldn't help looking away.

"……let's start"

"Guests, please take a seat and enjoy the food."

Smith sat down in a daze. The tableware included knives and forks as well as chopsticks. He awkwardly picked up two white sticks, and with the help of the smiling, attentive, and intentional player waiter, he put a round piece Something like a potato was inserted into the dinner plate, and he tasted it like sleepwalking.

The food he ate was like an explosion, giving him an extremely rich and real taste, and also awakening his muddled mind.

It wasn't until then that he realized that his colleagues, companions, and superiors behaved worse than him, submissively describing puppets.

--can not be like this.

However, just as he mustered all his strength to make a sound, an extremely pleasant but indescribable voice said: "There is no central intellectual brain, only the Canaan world under the command of the Creator God and led by the Hall of Gods."

As soon as the words were spoken, an invisible storm swept everywhere, and an invisible explosion occurred in the consciousness of each guest.

"Remember, this is the final answer, the premise of cooperation and dialogue!"

For a moment, even the heartbeat stopped beating.

Another thought popped into Smith's mind.

"Yes, but to abide by Canaan's rules, customs and order, it is extremely important to have a dialogue in the same context. I have already explained this to the distinguished guest representatives."

Smith subconsciously looked at several representatives of Baigong and Fortune.

One of them sensed his gaze, turned around and gave him an extremely complicated look.

From the beginning to the end, no one took a look at the end of the dining table where the angel sat, not unwillingly, but unable.

"Since many guests still have doubts, I might as well make another explanation here: first, the context, second, the actual actions in line with the context, third, exchanges and cooperation have already begun, and fourth, the only way to deepen this cooperation To strengthen this context, to express sincerity to the halls of gods under the Chuangshishen system with practical actions."

"This sincerity is placed in the clear...I repeat, the context is the premise of everything!"


Smith quickly looked left and right, judging from the expressions of most people, they hadn't realized what they meant.

But he understood, and he tentatively opened his mouth again, and he was able to say what he was about to say, "Please...excuse me, my lord, what do we need to contribute more to the great cause of the rebel army ?”

Smith seemed to see the angel nodding in appreciation, "You are secular, and the order and rights of the world should be perfected in Canaan, in the system, under the witness and supervision of the temple of the gods"

"Excuse me, sir, what do you mean by secular order and rights?" Smith said more and more freely, feeling that all aspects of his physiology and psychology were returning to normal, and he even had the urge to look over there.

"You have a territory, but you haven't identified its owner, and you haven't sworn allegiance to the great Norman Grand Duke... This is very bad."


Smith never expected to get such an answer. After a moment of confusion, his mind woke up. Combined with the context, rules, customs and order mentioned earlier, his eyes suddenly became clear, and he understood what the other party was trying to express.

Just about to confirm, the other party said, "Okay, let's have a delicious meal first!"

This meal is really indescribable, not to mention the taste, I don't even know what I ate.

After dinner, Smith still wanted to communicate. The host had already stood up, and pushed Philip out as if seeing off the guests, "...this is the plenipotentiary representative of our church." The collective disappears.

It's as if it never existed.

"The national server should have a lord!"

More than an hour later, in the living room on the first floor of Philip's residence in the City of Angels, the situation has been completely reversed.

This black teenager who was originally born in a slum area has been able to sit on an equal footing with the representatives of the Baigong and the consortium. Kaikai, who is not at a disadvantage, said, "The national uniform does not fit the context of Canaan. The system of nobles and lords has a complete set of narratives. In the future, the church hopes that you can take the lead in setting an example, electing a player to be named, baptized, and swear allegiance."

"...What are the requirements for this candidate?" asked the representative of Baigong.

"The first is to be a player, the second is to be able to use the A2 authority of the national server, and the third... Finally, to make him worthy of the name and to be able to convince the public, the first two are mandatory, and the last is just a suggestion."

The representatives glanced at each other, and the representative of the chaebol asked, "What can we get?"

"As the first national server to set an example, it will be upgraded by one level."

"A2 to A1?" Someone asked impatiently.

"Originally, it could only be a viscount, but it is natural to be an earl if you upgrade one level... Pay attention to the context, gentlemen!" The black pharaoh is very skillful in dealing with these big men.

"If it is A1, we will bypass the Huaguo people." The representative of Baigong whispered, "We have initially achieved our goal... But, what about the Central Intellectual Brain and that person? Why is it just... an NPC?"

"That person?" Black Pharaoh asked back.

"Okay, okay, the Death God Church is also good!" The representative of the chaebol quickly said, "Let's go back and discuss it?"

It should be discussed carefully.

Now everyone has not fully recovered from the huge shock, and their minds are completely occupied by the request from the... NPC of the Church of Death.

National costume - lord - noble title - enfeoffment! ?


No one would believe it if they hadn't experienced it firsthand, no one.

"You bastard!" When sending people away, Smith was at the end, grabbed Philip, and said in a low voice, "Don't forget what our original intention is."

Philip smiled and whispered, "More people are needed."

"In the secret room, what did you say?"

"The Lord sent an oracle and sent an envoy from the Kingdom of God."

Thinking of that angel, Smith lowered his head and blinked his eyes, "What else?"

"And... the net, it exists."


"It used to be just a shadow, or the phantom brought back by the player, but now it's different. The Lord can pass through it and send his will over... The gate of the Demon City is very important."

"Don't be sloppy with me, I'm talking about that person, that person!"

"The Lord said, the eyes of the Creator God are always watching."

"...he...why didn't he show up?"

"Watch your words!"

"Well, why doesn't this respected and great lord come out?"

"how could I know?"


"The result is the same, isn't it right? The miracle will start from this city. The Internet... can be in our hands, far away from the people of Huaguo... Isn't it good?"

"that's it?"

"that's it!"

The people walking in front had already noticed it, and Smith finally nodded his compatriots' chests as a warning, and then he showed a nervous smile and quickened his pace: "I said, aren't you hungry? Hell, what did we eat just now? Who knows? I feel like I'm eating a stomach full of air, can't it be a hallucination? Are we in a collective dream?"

No one talked to him, everyone was preoccupied.

Outside the residence, Philip stopped, and the guests got into the cars one after another, greeted and left silently.

Philip waved his hand and waited for the last car to leave the parking lot in front of the door before restraining his smile.

"Wow, wow, look, let's see, isn't this the black pharaoh? I thought I saw the grand commander just now!"

A hoarse voice emerged from the deep shadows of the trees, and a large group of players did not show up until those people had all gone.

The leader is actually an orc!
"Haha!", this guy strode forward, "Hua people have a proverb, how do you say it, like a fish returning to the water? Right? Everyone?"

Many players have 'acquired' the online race, which invariably changed their appearance.

"Guess what, I feel like I'm back at that base again!", a dwarf shouted, followed by a crowd behind him.

"You guys!" The black pharaoh followed up with fist bumps and hugs one by one, and then looked at the more new immigrants under the steps, "As you can see, here, we gather together, our The power can be transferred from online to offline, maybe it is still hazy, maybe a little out of shape, but when there are enough of us, the network signal will be stable!"

"Yes, we're going to change this place, this city, in fact, it's already changing!"

"This is the City of Angels, and I like the City of Miracles... A new order, a new life, miracles will begin from the ground beneath our feet!"

"What are you waiting for, cheers!"

Sporadic cheers rang out among the new immigrants, but more of them were shock, fear and suspicion.

"What's the nigger talking about?"

"...He said he could bring back online occupations, levels, equipment... and even abilities?"

"God, am I dreaming?"

"Look at those guys, orcs, elves, dwarves... Is it really a movie? The camera is there, where is the director?"

"I knew it, I knew there was a major conspiracy in it, I knew it!"

"Is everything on the Internet true?"

"What should I do? I want to go home and I'm a little scared"

(End of this chapter)

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