This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 471 Dungeons and Dragons

Chapter 471 Dungeons and Dragons


His thoughts seemed to be wandering back from a far, far away place. Bei Gaoyang stopped writing. On the huge crime, the configuration diagram like a micro-processing chip had just been drawn halfway, each circuit, each logic unit, and Xiao Ai beside him She couldn't quite understand it anymore, because this was not the sixth-layer magic net she was familiar with, but the design of the seventh-layer magic net.

On the surface, it seems to be no different from the offline integrated semiconductor circuit design, but it is indeed a high concentration of combined magic patterns, array diagrams, and a large number of mystical symbols with unknown meanings. Some symbols themselves have mystical attributes. On the map, it is changing, just like three-dimensional figures that are constantly rotating, merging, and dispersing on the plane, and these mysterious symbols that cannot be accurately described in words are gathered together in large numbers, using complex and changeable symbols. The magic pattern is connected with it, and finally weaves together like a spider web.

The seventh layer of the magic net!
It's as if only the Seventh Ring Mage can be called the Great Mage. Magical creations and things defined by mysticism are at a completely different level once they reach the seventh level. There are no 'cheats', instructions, and illustrations in the paper sense. Neither words nor language can accurately summarize and describe the implication and height contained in it. They can only be accurately expressed through abstract symbols and descriptions with the spirit and soul as a 'pen'.

To use the concept in Hua Guo's Xianxia novels to describe it, it is: "Spiritual Mind".

Xiao Ai, who has not yet integrated the 'representative', naturally cannot understand the blueprint.


"Why doesn't he come in person?"

Little Love:"……"

"I see," Bei Gaoyang smiled, "Afraid? I found that they have been avoiding appearing in front of me since the Metheus incident."

"Please understand"

"I understand... Forget it, it's rare that he has the heart to tell me the latest progress offline." Bei Gaoyang didn't know whether to laugh or sneer, "Tell him, I already know, let him figure it out "

"My lord, you...don't object?"

"I object, why object?" Bei Gaoyang put down his pen, his figure blurred for a while and then stabilized, "It's going to rain, mother wants to get married, let it go."

"Then... Kelemvor's request?"

"Tell him I promise"

Xiao Ai breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "The national server has been unwilling to integrate into the context of Canaan. One of the three major national servers, the American national server, is the first to set an example. It must be able to solve this situation soon."

"Hehe, your thinking is too simple."

"You don't like it?"

Bei Gaoyang didn't answer. In the next second, he and Xiao Ai appeared in the living room on the first floor of the Mage Tower, on the leather sofa in front of the TV wall, and casually put the Fallen Light Angel, who was sleeping beside him, into his arms, like a pet. Touching it all at once, "At least Huaguo won't give in so easily."

"...Hua Guo's national uniform is the most stubborn!" Xiao Aiyu said with resentment, "Many aspects are unwilling to compromise with the system, and unwilling to integrate into the context of Canaan."

"National conditions, cultures, and histories are different...Leave them alone"

"If the national server of the United States becomes an earldom, the 7-layer magic net will go much smoother, right?" Xiao Ai probed.

Bei Gaoyang answered the wrong question and said, "Why, Kelanwo hasn't merged with representatives yet?"

"The representation of death is too...he is not sure."

"What about you?"

"Didn't your lord suggest that I wait a little longer?"

"Wait, wait, is there anything else?"

"...Then I will take my leave, my lord."

"Well, let's go, the 7th floor of the magic net is coming soon."

Xiao Ai left disappointed.

When she came this time, the matter of Kelenvor was just an excuse. She intended to participate in the design of the seventh-layer magic net like before, but Bei Gaoyang no longer gave the opportunity.

—Have you lost the trust of adults?

Xiao Ai thought a little sadly.

"When will I become a god?"

After Xiao Ai left, Josephine stopped pretending to be asleep, she wound up like a snake, her red lips whispered in Bei Gaoyang's ear, asking hoarsely.

But Bei Gaoyang's body was scattered among the spots... The winking eyes were just for the blind man to see.


The Angel of Fallen Light threw down the remote control in frustration, and then watched the supermodel catwalk on the screen, and lost the previous interest.

In the laboratory, Bei Gaoyang sat down again, picked up the pen, and his thinking became extremely slow again. It took a long, long time before a spark appeared.

But his hand is not stopping all the time, the tip of the pen is like a high-precision drawing instrument, all kinds of symbols and formations with unknown meanings can be drawn in one go... like a machine.

In the hundreds of millions of system processes that exist at the same time, countless sparks of thinking are flickering. Although the generation of each spark is extremely slow, but enlarged to the entire magic net, it is like a galaxy of galaxies that complement each other.

The journey of the sun and the moon is as if it is out of it; the stars are shining, as if they are out of it!
One of countless sparks of thought.

In the depths of the fairy forest, a barren mine opened an entrance that seemed to lead to an abyss amidst a violent tremor.

"Dungeons and Dragons!"

Someone shouted excitedly on the team channel.

"Who, who is talking? Commander silences!", Yijian Guanghan Nineteen States shouted angrily, the commander hired with a lot of money will silence everyone, and then arrange the next steps.

Xia Miaomiao obeyed the command and stood in her place, watching the two high-playing thieves slide into the dark entrance without a sound, and waited for 5 minutes.

"There are Komodo beasts, elites, and possibly BOSS"

Komodo is a kind of scavenging monster that lives underground all year round, especially in mines. It is a bit like a pangolin and can dig and move freely in hard mine veins. Experienced kobold tribes usually use the mines they open up , On its basis, open up a camp that can thrive.

It's just that the temperament of this kind of monster is extremely cruel, and there is not much wisdom at all. They still live in groups, and the kobolds are using them. Why don't they store the cowardly kobolds as food?

Most of the suffering described in kobold poems and epics has Komodo beasts, which are similar to diseases, plagues and demons in human society.

With Komodo beasts, it is impossible for other mobs to exist. It is worth noting that the dark elf drow has a secret method to tame this brutal monster. Advanced drow will use it as a mount. From this aspect, Komodos also have the potential to be mounts for players.

I heard that there are such 35-45 level monsters, and they live in groups. The high-level battles in the team are very exciting. Since entering the fairy forest, they have not experienced a decent battle.

The wild elves have learned to be good now, and they no longer compete with this undead 'undead' for a day. They are retreating in great strides in all directions, using space for time, and shrinking their strength for the next more rapid attack.

When the magic net and the players advance and the aborigines retreat sharply, blood and brutality are inevitable. The destructive power of the players is unquestionable. The disaster brought by the system and the magic net makes the leading party among the wild elves lose The "mass base" was destroyed, and the forces that penetrated suffered a major blow. The leading party was either anyway, or was betrayed. At present, it has lost the information deeper in the forest.

The entrance of this dungeon was thrown to the players after this kind of retreat, which also provided an opportunity for the magic net to penetrate into the underground world.

The team composed of 45 high-level players is the vanguard, carefully stepping into the mysterious space where the magic net has not yet been extended.

System prompt: The network signal is weakened.

The commander had rich experience, ordered to set up camp on the spot, erected the altar of the God of Dawn (the original sun god Apollo, represented by fusion), and after a while, the golden luster was rendered from the center of the camp, spreading out the familiar game field of view.

But outside the field of view of the game, there is still a thick darkness.

In the darkness, there were more and more rustling sounds, coming from all directions.

Suddenly, an afterimage like a giant python shot into the camp, pierced through a human paladin at the edge, rolled in mid-air, and flew back.

"Haha, I got you."

What the afterimage penetrated was just a decoy. After the afterimage of the paladin dissipated, the main body grabbed the python in midair, and suddenly it was a pink tongue that looked like a tentacle.

"Come here for me!"

The paladin with strength as high as 60 points had a brute force comparable to the Hulk. A black shadow more than ten meters long was dragged over, and with a whoosh, it hit the ground like a hammer.

With a bang, a pitch-black Komodo beast climbed up with a three-digit damage value, screamed like a bird, and rumbled, a large amount of gravel rained down, dozens of hundreds of huge Komodo beasts emerged from all directions and rushed towards the camp.

"Ha ha……"

The monster was successfully lured, and the team commanded to remove the 'large phantom', revealing a formation of 45 players waiting in full force. Several Komodo beasts rushed in the air, and before they got close enough, they were traced by spells and arrows. Huo, bearing the explosion-like damage, howled and fell halfway.

at the same time.

At the end of this underground passage, about 25 kilometers deep underground, a real underground city opened its gates. Under the illumination of magic lamps, the gray dwarves drove pack animals and carried loads of goods through the gates. Go to an underground river bank outside the city.

By the river, a family member of the red dragon Flame Destroyer Leviathan - a tall and burly werewolf leader stood on a high place, watching the distant city, waiting for the gray dwarves to approach.

There are a total of more than a dozen carts, all of which are refined metal embryos. Dwarves are famous for smelting and forging, and the evil gray dwarves are the best among them. Every underground city will support a group of craftsmen. With the 'tribute' in his bag, the leader of the werewolf was even more envious of the skill of this team of gray dwarves.

It's a pity that the great master forbids excessive oppression of this city abandoned by Rose, the queen of the spider god, otherwise, the werewolf leader is sure to make the fearful drow obediently submit.

The underground world respects strength, and the drow rely on the protection of Rose, the queen of the spider god, for a strength. Such targets for bullying are not common.

Ten minutes later, the convoy came close, and the gray dwarves began to throw metal pieces into the ground without saying a word.

Seeing this, the werewolves clamored one after another, wanting to teach the dwarves who despised them a lesson.

The leader of the werewolf stopped the noise of his subordinates with a loud voice, and his eyes stared viciously at a female drow riding a Komodo beast.

- so beautiful!
Unlike the elves on the ground, the dark elf drow has a hot body. In a matriarchal society, women's status is far higher than that of men. They are like roses with thorns, and they are particularly exciting to ride.

The leader of the werewolf was still looking for a noble female drow priest to give birth to a monkey for him on the day of lust. He only heard a dragon chant, and he was so scared that he quickly rolled down from the height.

The red dragon Flame Destroyer, Leviathan, appeared on the stage. As soon as the huge and stalwart figure appeared, the drow city in the distance was shaken.

The werewolves knelt down on the ground and praised their master loudly and disgustingly. The gray dwarves were at a loss, and the dark elf drow had already abandoned them and fled quietly towards the city.

The huge fiery red figure flitted across the low sky, and the self-contained aperture was like liquid magma. If there was any real dragon power, it would be withdrawn immediately, and the gray dwarves who stayed on the scene turned into shivering quails curled up on the ground. .

"The great master..."

The werewolf leader took a few steps flatteringly, "Have you changed your mind? Capture this drow city?"

"No!", the red dragon shook her massive head, wringing a mind flayer out of a scale behind the dragon's horn, and threw it.

"It's you sycophant again!" The werewolf leader jealously watched the mind flayer Ross get up from the ground. When did this octopus head get so close to its great master?

You know, the great master is a lady.

This kind of skin-to-skin contact... Ah, I can't bear it, I want to kill him, I want to fight him.

"Roz, go to the city and explain it to the drows!"

The head of the werewolf was overwhelmed by jealousy, and the leader of the werewolf shouted without hesitation: "Great master, Figo intends to order the drows to surrender with your will, without this octopus head!"

"Idiot!" Leviathan, the red dragon flame destroyer, reprimanded sharply, "The plague has spread from the ground, we need to help each other!"


What plague?
Is there anything more powerful than the Great Master in this world?
The mistress who is as strong as the drow family can't make the master so afraid, right?

"Willing to serve you ma'am... But, seriously, I have a friendship with what you call the 'plague', I have lived with him for a few days, oh, I have to say, he is not easy to deal with Guy, very proud, the persuasion of ordinary people is definitely useless, but I am different, I am gay with him, comrade, do you understand? It is, it is..."

"Shut up, you freak, go and convey my intentions, or I'll fry you for lunch!"

"Fried octopus head, great idea, great master", the werewolf leader applauded wildly.



Offline, Anderson packed up his belongings and stood in the empty living room sadly.

It was almost time to leave, and he seemed to hear the horn of a car outside the door.

When the doorbell rang, he cursed inwardly, and when he opened the door, he saw that it was indeed an old neighbor who had lived together for decades.

"...City of Angels, that's a good place, Kid Anderson, I've known you since you were born, when you become a resident of Angel City, come back often and tell us about life there, Is it really like angels living in heaven?"

"... To be honest, Anderson, I really envy you, in fact I am very jealous, yes, fate is so unfair, if I can win the lottery, I will definitely move to the City of Angels immediately, think about it, How utopian would it be to be a city completely populated by players and tourists?"

"...very cool, very cool, Uncle Anderson, you are my idol, but I won't wait too long, I will become a player in the next test, and then I will go back to the City of Angels to find you, I swear! "

"...Bon voyage buddy, when I heard that you didn't want to move out, I thought to myself, is this guy crazy? Or is it true, as the rumors say, that he has mental problems... Fortunately, you did We made the right choice and dispelled our doubts, haha..."

I don't know what it's like to deal with the neighbors, and the moving truck has arrived.

The two drivers who came down were acquaintances. Like him, they were veterans of the Truck Drivers Union. When they came up, they laughed rudely, joked, envied, jealous, and mocked. They drank whiskey like water, and they blushed when they got excited. guy.

"Seriously, there won't be police checking for drunk driving on the road, right? We're serving the residents of the City of Angels."

"Locke, shut your stinking mouth!"

"Or, you have a bite too"

"Fake, help move things quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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