This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 473 Start here

Chapter 473 Start here

With such an obvious vision, why is there not much movement outside?
Entering the diaphragm, Anderson thought to himself.

The feeling of passing through the boundary membrane is unforgettable for a long time. The migrating team is like grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden. Everything she sees is new and everything she touches is amazed.

This place seems to be a completely strange different world. Even if someone shouts loudly, we are on a different planet, and we will still believe it.

Look at the clouds above the head, which are almost constant in a fixed position in a posture that completely violates common sense. There are no popular science programs, no scientific exploration, no scientists and experts to analyze the principle of its existence to the audience in front of the TV, and no curiosity hunters to put it The photos of the photos were spread everywhere, and they were given horrific titles, which aroused widespread heated discussions all over the world.

A plausible Bermuda Triangle can last for a long time. Whenever it is mentioned, a thousand-year mystery, a scientific black hole, or a Loch Ness monster can extend countless carrier words and videos... Such an elephant stays in the refrigerator. It was ignored.

Is it normal?
Anderson, who likes to think wildly, was thinking about these messily.

When he first came to the noble land, he looked at the city he was in like everyone else.

Originally it should be dead silent, but now it is extremely lively, but I don't know if it is a psychological effect, this kind of excitement seems to be shrouded in a filter.

Looking at people and things through this layer of filter, it seems a little strange and a little weird.

Every new immigrant has a card with the housing assigned to them. All the housing are the same, 8-story small building, one family for each family, one floor for each family, and it is free.

God, everything is possible in the capital world, and things that are free are usually extremely expensive.

The large troops began to disperse on the main road into the city. Under the command of the loudspeaker, Anderson and a dozen RVs and trucks left the main road, entered a straight side road, and headed for the F area on the card.

In a newly designed smart city, the greening should be very good, but the time is too short, the transplanted vegetation is listless, many workers and professional vehicles are still busy, the traffic lights have started to work, but there is no police, everywhere All advanced cameras and sensors take up such work, and the intelligent control center can instantly feed back information to everyone.

The City of Angels is a utopia, and this kind of ubiquitous monitoring has a strong dystopian color. It is precisely because of its great violation of "personal privacy" that there is a little noise.

But it's just a little bit of noise, which is covered up in many "advantages" such as how great it is, how incredible it is, and how it surpasses the times.

With so many people and vehicles rushing in at once, the congestion did not happen. Anderson's black driver looked at the countdown prompt of "...please wait 12 seconds and go together" projected on the windshield in amazement. Once the countdown ended, the busy Sure enough, the crossroads were clear again, and then saw the countdown of 'You have 1 minute and 20 seconds to pass', and the convoy passed the intersection before the countdown ended.

"How did this come true, I said, did you see that thing just now?"

Anderson was also at the location of the projection device or the camera, but he couldn't find it after searching around, so he shook his head.

"It's not friendly enough for some people." The black driver quickly grasped the point, "I don't want to be sent to jail for urinating on the street."

Neither do I... Anderson said to himself.

But he estimated that the time spent offline will be very little in the future. Residents of the City of Angels have no time limit for online time. If they are offline, they will either rest or purchase daily necessities. A city that is almost a "grave" cares about these things. meaning?
Anyway, it is difficult for him to feel the feeling of home from this place, he just treats himself as a tenant, maybe, he will be able to leave this place soon.

The 7th test is about to start, and there will be more players and tourists. If it changes from a very small number to a minority group, this situation will surely be changed, right?

Can't a few percent of the total population be locked up in 'concentration camps'?

Anderson thought to himself.

The exact same street, the exact same community, the exact same building, I don’t understand why it was designed like this, is the designer’s brain flooded?Doesn't this encourage people to associate with bad aspects?
Maybe he is sensitive, but the father and son of black drivers are not as sensitive as him. Instead, they are full of praise for such a neat, clean city with a sci-fi style everywhere.

You know, these are all free.

In the end, the RV parked in front of a small eight-story building. If it wasn't for the nameplate, no one would be able to find their home.

The neighbors of a building just met, a single woman, very beautiful, a family of three, I don’t know if the husband or the wife is a tourist, a jerk player and his Asian girlfriend, an old man with a seven The eight-year-old granddaughter, the little granddaughter can't be a tourist...

The others, Anderson, didn't pay too much attention. They greeted each other hastily, and while the workers (drivers) were carrying things down, they chatted a few words, and they knew each other.

More than two hours later, all the belongings were settled in Anderson's house on the fourth floor. Seeing the silver-white living room was finally filled with other colors, the sense of sight of the hospital ward finally weakened.

After settling the payment with the father and son of the black driver, sending them away, and closing the door, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally got internet.

A home of seven to eight hundred square meters is as empty as a square, with all kinds of facilities, and a small home theater, which can be called a luxury.

In order for people like them to 'voluntarily' relocate here, it can be said that they have spent a lot of money. Such a large cost has been paid, so naturally they will not be stingy with a small game warehouse.

But the tourist helmets have not been delivered yet (unified consignment), and Anderson can only go online first to learn about the news of the 7th test.

North Micanan's official website has been blown away by the news of the 7th test. It took a long time to open the page. Sure enough, seeing the official announcement that the 6th test is about to end and the preparations for the 7th test are about to start, Anderson's heart was put in his stomach. But I didn't see the content that player qualifications are only drawn among tourists.

The news of the 7th test has already overshadowed this "migration of the century". The population of Beimi is more than 3 million, and the number of players plus tourists is only about 150 million. Most people are looking forward to it and guessing how many player qualifications will be released this time .

As tourists go online on a large scale, the difference between tourists and players has become well known to the public. Whoever can qualify as a player will become a tourist and become a second-class online citizen for nothing.

Anderson naturally hopes that the new player qualifications will only be drawn from tourists. If 100 million tourists collectively become regulars, it will make sense to move to this ghost place.

It's still chaotic outside. It's not easy for more than 100 million people to settle in. The upstairs is also buzzing and I don't know what to do. Living in this kind of apartment building is not good, although the place is big enough.

Anderson looked at the time, it was almost noon, the outside still looked like the evening, the sun covered by the dark clouds above his head, I don’t know if it will disperse in the future, if it’s like this, don’t even think about sunbathing, angel I think it is the city of the abyss, there is no angel who cannot see the sun.

Anderson had quit smoking a long time ago, so he couldn't bear it anymore and had to take one. He felt like grass had grown in his heart, he couldn't sit still, and always wanted to kill something.

The information on the Internet is chaotic and clueless. Excluding the largest number of emotional vents, there is not much really useful content. Suspicion is at work, and I always feel that there is an invisible hand directing something.

Simply go out for a stroll, as if you are familiar with the surrounding environment.

When going out, the smart butler reminded him to change the password and enter fingerprint iris, etc., and Anderson did so.

When I came outside, I met my neighbor on the seventh floor in the elevator, that beautiful blonde single young woman.



I don't know what to say, the atmosphere in the elevator is a bit awkward, but fortunately I can't wait too long, the elevator has reached the first floor.

There are no residents on the first floor, and the structure is transparent. In the future, public service facilities will be built here, such as canteens, bars, entertainment and leisure halls, and so on. Every building has them. Anyway, it is on the drawings, and it depicts the future life. Way, extremely utopian.

Now nature is empty.

The parking lot outside was full of vehicles from 7 families. A seven or eight-year-old girl was playing with a big yellow dog under the car. When she saw the two coming out, she hid in the car fearfully. Her grandfather came out. .

"...Come here and sit down?"

They were both tourists and neighbors, and they had to deal with each other frequently in the future. Anderson and the beautiful blonde accepted the invitation and sat on the beach chairs around a round table.

"Tea, coffee?"


"Tea, thank you."

"Emily!", the old man called his granddaughter to bring a drink, and poured coffee for Anderson and black tea for the blonde, "How do you guys feel about this place?", he asked.

"Uh...", Anderson didn't know what to say.

"Very good," said the blond girl after taking a sip of her tea and thanking her in a low voice.

"This place is very wrong. I don't mean the sky, but..." The old man hesitated to speak, and the little girl, Emily, snuggled up timidly, looking at the two of them with big eyes like small animals.

"Emily, right? You're so cute," Anderson gave her a gentle smile, then turned to the old man, "I'm Anderson, Anderson Williams"

The old man said, "John, John Cloud, this is Emily, my granddaughter"

Blonde puts down her teacup, "Halle Bailey"

The three of them knew each other, and continued with the previous topic.

"What if Emily goes to school?" Anderson said. "There doesn't seem to be a school in this place? No one ever mentions this?"

"I booked an online school course for her... School? Yes, there is no school in this place, it is a city of tourists and players.", John said, "Others can only exist as vassals, no one cares, or Said it was deliberately ignored."

"I don't understand, they have built a city out of thin air, and the cost is so huge, why not improve its other functions as a city?" Anderson said.

"I don't know, I think it's weird here," John said, "from going through that... membrane."

Seeing someone like him, Anderson breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to say something when Harry suddenly pointed to the sky, "Look!"

Anderson followed the sound and saw a black dot floating under the dark clouds... Ah, no, it was flying.

At first Anderson thought it was some kind of bird, but then he realized that it was wrong... Was it a person?
people! ?

He didn't notice that Harry had already stood up screaming, and Old John picked up Emily and hid in the car.

The person who was flying at low altitude was staggering, he couldn't see any flying equipment on his body, and his posture was very unskilled, so he happened to fly towards this position.

Getting closer, getting closer, close enough to see that she is a woman, with a high-decibel scream, she fell suddenly when she passed the top of her head.


At least tens of meters high, Anderson didn't know what was wrong with his brain, but he ran towards her landing point stupidly, and just raised his arms to try to catch her.

"Are you crazy!?", Harry screamed in the distance.

A person cannot be saved if he is dropped from such a height, and it depends on his luck whether he is safe or not.

I was unlucky, and if I caught it right, there was a high probability that I would be smashed into meatloaf, but it was too late at this time, and with a whoosh, Anderson had already seen the other party's frightened and distorted face.

- Unexpectedly beautiful.

Fortunately, when he was about to die in the underworld, the speed of the person's fall slowed down. Anderson vaguely heard an awkward syllable, which seemed to be a spell, and was then crushed to the ground by a huge impact.

It felt like he had caught an iron ball, his arms were so sore that he couldn't feel it, but the woman on top of him was much better, and with Harry's support, he could even stand up.

"How are you? Do you want to call a doctor?"

—Is there a hospital in this damn place?
Anderson thought to himself before he passed out.

When he woke up, he was indeed lying in the living room of his home. There was a doctor, and he came to serve him.

"...It's just a broken bone, it's not serious, it will be fine after a few months of recuperation, and no other problems have been found, Miss Maria."

"Ah, he's awake."

What caught my eye were two beautiful faces.

The blond one is neighbor Harley, and the one with curly brown hair should be the heroine who saved the beauty, a player named Maria.

"Thank you so much for today, I'm so sorry for hurting you!"

More than an hour later, Anderson was a little more awake, his arms had been put in plaster, and his ribs were broken in two... Thank God, he felt as if his internal organs were about to be pressed out.

"What happened?" Anderson asked.

Female player Maria: "What?"

"Why are you...uh..."

"Hehe, don't you know?" Maria smiled and handed him a glass of water, and carefully raised his head, "The city of angels, the city of miracles, the middle ground between reality and virtuality"

"What do you mean?" Harry asked nervously.

"That is to say, the intersection of online and offline is here. Naturally, some online things are also working here, so some abilities in the game will... er, you should understand, yes Bar?"

Despite their psychological preparation, Anderson and Halle were still stunned by the shock.

How can it be?

Is today April Fool's Day?
Is 'change starts here' such a change method?

(End of this chapter)

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