Chapter 474
"Hey, I opened this mountain, and I planted this tree. If you want to pass by here, leave money to buy the road!"

"Ah, unlucky, I ran into Jie Dao again!"

"No, it's the bastard from the international server."

"Fuck, the international server has come here to rob us?"

"Come on, help, the robbers from the international server are coming!"

Zhu Yuting stuffed all the things she collected into her backpack, and stuffed what couldn't fit into her companions. She hid behind the noisy others and stretched her neck to look at the blocked intersection ahead.

I don't know that the player of the national server is occupying the road and robbing. The location he chose is really good. The narrow intersection between the two mountains, the only way back to the city, blocked hundreds of tourists returning home at once.

"Hey, those who don't pay, all of them are dead!"

"Ah, it's the little devil!"

"Fuck your mother's foot pot chicken, don't pay the big guy, let's see if he dares!"

"If they really dare, how many times will they be resurrected!"

"20 silver only"

"It's easy to say, how long do we have to save 20 silver?"

"Forget it, ask how much they want to buy the road."

"Why are you so cowardly? Let the little devil bully us?"

"Who told us to be helpless tourists?"

"Hey... Our players are here, our players are here."

During the clamor, a group of Chinese players suddenly jumped out from the bushes on one side. The tourists thought they were rescued, but unexpectedly...they actually blocked the back road and drove away a few tourists who were about to escape.

Dare is a team!

"Scum, scum!"

"Leader, traitor!"

"I will offer a reward when I go back, and kill you guys to level 0!"

"Wow, how many times is this? How annoying."

Well, there is no need to run away now, just pay the money honestly.

No matter how the tourists scolded, the Huaguo players who blocked the escape route didn't care, and drove the tourists through the intersection with a playful smile. The price for each person to buy the road was 50 copper. I recognized it with my nose.

"Yaoxi, Hua girl's, it's so beautiful!"

When it was Zhu Yuting's turn, something happened. We all know that tourists can only randomly or scan their real faces. Compared with random luck, tourists who are a little bit confident in their appearance will choose the latter, which makes tourists Beautiful women have a certain degree of authenticity, and gradually spread among some old women.

The player who harassed her was obviously one of them. He asked for money, and even touched her face if he owed it back.

Zhu Yuting slapped the salty pig's hand away, and shouted righteously, "Don't go too far!"

"Yaoxi, you have a temper, I like it!", said and leaned over again.

Seeing him coming, Zhu Yuting panicked and didn't know what to do. A few male tourists couldn't see her and stood in front of her. The player yells, "Are you all dead?"

Looting is robbing, it's another thing to help players in the international server, especially the little devils, to molest 'your own good women', and it's a bit of a gossip if it spreads.

"Zutaro, it's almost done!", a Huaguo player couldn't see it, and shouted.

Only then did Zhu Taro stop, clicked his tongue regretfully, and waved his hand, motioning for Zhu Yuting to pass.

Zhu Yuting hurried away.

Converting 50 coppers into soft sister coins is really distressing, but it is not unacceptable if you can bring back all the harvest in your backpack.

I don't know when an unhealthy trend blew up, and the number of "house robbery" outside the safe zone is increasing day by day. Is it because the 6th test is about to end and the 7th test is about to start?So you don't even need a face?

Fortunately, even the players from the international server have come. It seems that the wealth of resources in the Huaguo national server is well known.

The backpack is full of materials collected this time, including both food and medicinal materials. Returning to the safe zone is a considerable fortune.

Now the tourists are getting bolder and dare to step out of the safe zone to look for opportunities in the wild. The national service also encourages this, and has introduced a personal safety insurance benefit for them, that is, after paying a certain fee, as long as they are in the wild In death, even if the three resurrection opportunities are used up, the national server will be used to cover the bottom, and the tourist qualification can be kept.

This wiped away the worries of most people. Thousands of tourists stepped out of the safe zone and began to truly explore this wonderful and unknown Canaan world.

Zhu Yuting waited for her companions in front, and returned to the safe zone together. When entering the city gate, she reported to the city guard NPC what had happened on the road. The NPC said indignantly that the 'culprit' would be brought to justice and the big guy's life would be saved. loss.

Either way!

Tourists don't have much hope, because there are too many people who rob the road, and the national server can't handle it, and there is no way to control it. Fortunately, even the international server is here to make a fortune. It can be seen that they will gradually become rich The tourists who got up were regarded as fat sheep.

It is infuriating that there are still people colluding with them.


"If only we could win the lottery!"

The little sister on the side said, "If I suffer today, I will get it back in the future!"

"I heard that the 7th test is only selected from tourists?"

Another companion recounted the rumor that was spreading.

"The official website has never mentioned it, I see Xuan!"

"There is a commotion offline, Canaan Company dare not?"

"Isn't it natural for players to choose from tourists? Tourists are already familiar with it, so how can newcomers enter the role faster than us?"

"Li'er is so reasonable, but in this world, you can't just be reasonable."

"No, we're having trouble too?"

"What the hell, you dare to have nothing, do you dare? Just say that the national service will no longer 'guarantee' you, do you still dare to leave the safe zone?"

Having said that, everyone was very discouraged.

Don't dare to make trouble, the current situation, tourists are the fucking vulnerable group, anyone can get kicked, oh!
The safe zone is still as lively as ever. In the post-6th test era, everyone is hurrying to accumulate capital. I don’t know what will happen to the 7th test.

There is also gossip that the file will be deleted.

Before this kind of news was fermented, Canaan Company came out anxiously to refute the rumors, saying that there was no such thing, at least Huaguo National Service had no such plan.

This voice-over is to say, whether to delete the file or not to delete the file is determined by the national server of each country?
System permissions delegated?
So, who will delete files?Even a fool can't do that.

Players, especially the old players in Huaguo, took a reassurance. Affected by this, the exchange rate, which had been falling, rose in a straight line, and stood at a high of 1:240.

"I'm going to set up a stall, how about you?"

"I'll go as well"

"It's too troublesome, just sell it to the national service"

"The national costume is too dark, and you still earn a lot by setting up a stall"

“There are no booths”

"Look for it, let's see luck, let's talk if you can't find it"

"Then...keep in touch, bye"


Zhu Yuting broke up with her companions, but instead of looking for a booth, she went straight to the delivery point.

It is a luxury for tourists to do teleportation, and the cost is several times that of players, but there is no way, the road is not smooth now, monsters are one aspect, and players rob the road is the main reason.

Instead of spending a few days on the road and not going far, it is better to take a teleportation, and the cost is passed on to the collected things.

Take the teleportation and go straight to the new magic capital of the national server.

Now the new magic city is located in the rear, the players are penetrating into the depths of the fairy forest little by little, the area of ​​the national server is expanding little by little, new safe areas are born almost every day, the massive resources of the forest are developed, and the degree of affluence is in the It is second to none among all national costumes.

In the past, it relied on accumulation, but now it completely depends on the background of the national uniform.

It was an extremely wise strategic decision to choose this direction to develop at the beginning. The benefits have been clearly demonstrated. Other national servers, including Beimi and Omon, can only stare blankly. With a few words, they can only acquiesce in allowing their own players to come here to profit.

The problem is, these swarms of international server players do not take the right path, and the business without capital is called a boom. In just a dozen days (game time), the "security" of the Huaguo national server is huge. Bad, at the beginning it was just a robbery aimed at players, but now even tourists are not spared.

The national server was planning a regional plot, called "strengthening law and order", but it came to an abrupt end because of the news that the North America national server was the first to release the 7th test, and I don't know why.

The new magic capital is already a huge city imitating the ancient style. The towering city wall is more than 30 meters high, all of which are made of the hardest rock and a kind of alchemical adhesive. It looks even taller than the ancient city gate of Yanjing Be majestic, the surface is engraved with a precise magic pattern pattern, and the defensive facilities on the city wall are readily available. The city guard NPCs hired by the system and up to level 4 are patrolling all day, rain or shine. It looks really solid, not afraid Any level of monster siege.

Since the completion of the new magic capital, there have only been a limited number of monsters attacking the city. Just this has already made the national server panic. The city, in terms of scale and defensive facilities, has surpassed the seven main cities in the public server. This feeling is especially strong when standing on the mountain-like city wall.

The outside of the city wall should not belong to the safe zone, but the spontaneously formed market and workshop still stretch out for several kilometers, with four gates and four directions. Even without the protection of the safe zone, the tourists and players who set up camp here are also Crucian carp across the river.

This has led to the illusion that the inside of the city is not as 'prosperous' as the outside of the city, because there are many rules in the city, and there is no freedom outside the city.

But the national service will not let go of the extra-legal areas under the nose, sending various agencies to manage the four markets, don't think about paying less taxes, and the others are more relaxed than those in the city.

Zhu Yuting went straight to the West Market at the west gate, gritted her teeth halfway and got on the public carriage. It took more than two hours to reach the outside of the city, which shows how big the safety zone is.

The hustle and bustle at the city gate is overwhelming. At first glance, there are many shops and crowds of people. Players, tourists, NPCs, all kinds of faces, professions, and races...every bumpkin who comes to the precious land for the first time will be shocked by it.

Carrying a full backpack, Zhu Yuting walked against the current in the crowd, and bought a bottle of "Fairy Water" at a tourist booth halfway. This cheap alchemy product can be mass-produced because of its simple formula. Tourists take it It also has a certain recovery effect, and has become the fist product of many workshops. It is not only popular in the national service, but also "sold overseas", and even business travelers in the "civilized world" also buy a large amount.

Speaking of 'civilized world', the business travelers who were obviously out of tune with the surrounding environment came towards them. Zhu Yuting hurriedly avoided seeing them, and, like the people around her, watched them pass swaggeringly as if they were watching a show.

"Fuck, I really want to explode!"

A player sitting at a roadside stall said.

"Minimum level 40, go explode!"

said another player.

"Call more people."

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if you have too many people. If you have a truly powerful regiment, if you don't have [-] battles, no one will even look at you."

"[-] battles? If I have [-] battles, I'll go heads-up."

"Just blow it you"

There have been more and more NPC business travelers from the 'civilized world' recently. They are different from all the NPC camps they know. Although they are reluctantly marked as alliance camps by the system, the system prompts them with red borders, and they may change at any time. into hostile camps.

It’s okay to say that in the city, if you go outside, it’s no different from the monster army. Many player teams have already paid their attention to them, but there are few successes and many failures. After a long time, they all know these "humanoid monsters" It is extremely difficult, even if the level and strength are equal, under normal circumstances, the players are not opponents.

After Zhu Yuting heard about these things, she drank the unpalatable fairy water, regained her strength, and hurried to the stall in the West Market.

This was originally a warehouse with a large site and a stream passing through it. Because it already belonged to the rear, the warehouse was abandoned. A player organization contracted this place as a distribution flea market for players and tourists, especially Tourists without system stall function are open.

Set up a stall here for 1 silver a day, and the transaction tax is 15%. The former is for player organizations, and the latter is for national service tax officials.

It was already an hour after queuing up to complete these procedures. It was getting dark in the evening, and countless torches, miner's lamps, candles and magic lighting were lit up like the Milky Way. Not unusual, but for an 'NPC' from the red-bordered camp of 'civilized world', it's a bit shocking.

Jaeger, the pastor of the Mother Earth Church disguised as a businessman, was also wandering in this flea market. He was stunned by the sudden light of the "city that never sleeps", and the booth Zhu Yuting chose was right under his feet.

"I'm sorry, let me go?"

Yeager responded and looked back, seeing that it was a cowardly female human 'undead', smiled slightly, and gave up the position under his feet.

Zhu Yuting hurried over to occupy the booth, planted the signboard on the ground, spread out a marching blanket, and started begging for all kinds of things from her backpack.

Most of them are things she collected during her outing, and a small part are DIY trinkets made by herself.

Jaeger didn't leave, and watched with great interest as she arranged all the samples neatly.

— Huh, it's finally open.

Zhu Yuting, who has all her belongings here, doesn't care who the other party is. Seeing that Jaeger seems to be interested, she sells them hard.

(End of this chapter)

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