This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 475 The Cheers of the City

Chapter 475 The Cheers of the City
"Chenghui, a total of 68 silver and 21 copper coins"

Zhu Yuting boldly asked for an extremely high price, and the red-rimmed NPC Jaeger took out a money bag and handed it to her without counting.

This is the first time Zhu Yuting received this kind of real coins, and Zhu Yuting poured out all the tinkling little things inside. There were a few golden ones, and a few shiny silver ones...they were obviously gold and silver coins, but when they arrived in her hands, they were It was recovered by the system and became 68 silver and 21 copper on the account.

They obviously paid a lot of money, the system is too dark.

But Jaeger felt the ubiquitous magic effect, the coin he just gave disappeared, including the soul imprint he left on the coin.

This gave him a deeper understanding of the magic net.

"Guests go slowly!"

Jaeger nodded and walked to the next booth.

On the day of the bright moon, the sky was full of bright moonlight.

In a world of silver light, the New Demon City is like a huge pearl. The defensive effect on the city wall is fully opened, and an inverted 'jade cover' spreads out, distinguishing it from the dark, unknown, and dangerous world. Open, like an isolated island.

In this huge 'pearl', countless light spots outline a bustling and bustling city that never sleeps. Natural light and magical light are harmoniously intertwined, making people dizzy and immersed in it unconsciously.

Among them, this flea market is the place with the most intense light spots and crowds.

It is the best trading time of the day, where all kinds of people and things interact, and there are huge material and money exchanges every minute and every second.

Those who are hot, those who are new online, those who have returned from missions, those who are going to go out on an adventure to buy supplies...

The wealthy tycoon, the beggar who has no money, the honest person who works hard to help others, and the three hands who look at other people's wallets...

Zhu Yuting slaughtered the legendary "Fat Sheep" for the first time. She was in a daze at the booth when she suddenly found that something was missing. She hurriedly checked the booth and found that several samples were missing.

It's that bastard! ?
She looked for the suspect in the crowd, but people came and went, and she could tell which one was the thief?

Tourists' stalls are not protected by the system. This situation is unavoidable. Some players specifically target tourists, so they must be vigilant at all times.

At this time, two players, a man and a woman, wandered towards this side. They were an elf (female) and a human (male). They were both wearing ordinary equipment of level [-] or [-]. There was no title cloak. It's a very unsatisfactory mix.

"Husband, we seem to have shared a little more this time, and Lao Zhu doesn't seem very happy, why don't we make up some money for him?"

"Zhutou is good at everything, but he is too fussy. This time the things are not easy to divide, so we can only estimate the approximate value. How much to sell depends on each person's ability. We can't sell more, he sells more. It’s not fair, right? You can’t spoil him, the more you spoil him, the more problems you will have.”

"But... we managed to form a fixed team. It's rare that everyone knows each other in real life."

"Uh... what do you think? Make up the money? He also wants face. I'm afraid he won't be able to lose face and do bad things with good intentions."

"Why don't we just buy some things here to replenish him? Isn't he practicing his cooking skills? Buy some ingredients or something?"

"Well, that's fine too."

The two were talking softly, and they were not conspicuous at all in the crowd coming and going. They walked over from booth to booth patiently. It was not true if they didn't like something. When they passed by several player booths, Obviously there is something they need, but the woman always smiles softly and shakes her head again, and the man sees it in his eyes, full of distress and guilt that cannot be concealed.

Afterwards, the two looked at each other and smiled, as if they understood each other's intentions, the woman leaned on the man's shoulder, and the man put his arms around the woman's waist, like a pair of candy dolls pinched together. not open.

Zhu Yuting was fascinated by watching.

When she got closer, the woman found her booth. She was attracted by the dazzling array of medicinal materials and ingredients. Just as she was about to come over, an orc player squatted down to pick up a bone ornament and asked, "How do you sell this thing?"

"Ah?", Zhu Yuting quickly cheered up, "This is 2 silver"

"2 silver, why don't you grab it?", the orc player glared and shouted.

"It's made of alchemized materials. You see, it also has the attribute of luck +1, and it doesn't take up equipment slots. 2 silver is already very cheap."

"Now the gadgets that add luck are all rotten, what's the use of +1 luck? Is it worth 20 copper?"

"Do not sell!"

Are you kidding me, twenty coppers is not enough money for materials?You simply went to grab it.

"Hey, why haven't you seen money? I think you've been a tourist for the rest of your life."

It's fine if this person doesn't buy it, but he still utters bad words?

But Zhu Yuting doesn't care, there are too many people like this, and she has to experience everything when starting a business alone, and she has already experienced it.

"You man, if you don't buy it, don't buy it. Why are you scolding him?" The couple couldn't see it, and the woman said something for Zhu Yuting.

"Fuck you mother, what's the matter with you?"

"Speak more cleanly!" The man in the couple stepped forward.

"Why did I scold you?"

"Husband forget it"

Zhu Yuting also said: "Both of you calm down..."

"What, are you scared? Haha, I'm level [-] or [-], and I don't even have a title cloak, so I'm standing in for someone else?" The orc player was still relentless, talking nonsense.

The man in the couple was so angry that he wanted to go up and start a fight, but it was his girlfriend who stopped him from backing away.

"Bah!", the orc player turned around triumphantly, "2 silver, right, I want it."

"I'm sorry, it's no longer for sale!" Zhu Yuting put away the lucky +1 bone ornament, pretending to be immersed in tidying up the booth, not looking at this person.

"Yo, are you still angry? You have to sell it if you don't sell it today. I'm not leaving."

How come I met this kind of person again!
Zhu Yuting was touched by that couple just now, and then she was disgusted by such a person in an instant, really...

In business, one must be kind to others, and one must not be complacent, and one cannot blush with others. Zhu Yuting understands this truth, but sometimes there is no way to deal with this kind of top quality.

— had to call the guards.

"Okay, Zhu Yuting, right? You wait for me!"

Driven away by the guards, this person finally left, but before leaving, he put down his harsh words, and would trouble her in the future.

It is so easy for players to trouble tourists, even the ID cannot be hidden from the players.

Zhu Yuting felt a little regretful, she sold it to him just now, why did she fight for it?


Jaeger returned to the camp and found a large group of people blocking the door. Instead of rushing over, he sent out a crow and hid himself in a shadowy corner to wait.

After a while the crow came back.

"...It was two adventurers who broke the law here."


"Brother Docker."

"so what?"

"Let's hand over people."

"What did they do?"

"I broke into a forbidden area, it should be the mage's tower."

"Have you found anything?"

"No, I'm worried, it's not Brother Dockel who came back."

"You mean..."

"So I am going to hand over these two people, but Viscount Wilson disagrees."

"Hand it over, tell Viscount Wilson, it's my idea."


The crow flew away, Jaeger came out from the shadows, and the people at the gate of the camp dispersed. A group of city guards escorted Brother Dockel and walked towards the city lord's mansion.

Back at the camp, Viscount Wilson was waiting for him.

"This is what the Docker brothers discovered."

Jaeger took a sticky, almost solid mass from his hand, sniffed it with his nose, "It should be an active substance."

"what is that?"

Jaeger smiled, "The basic consumables for making 'flesh puppets', demons are very good at this aspect of magic."

"That means……"

"It doesn't explain anything... how about the mage tower?"

"The Mage Tower is empty... Brother Dockel found nothing."

"How did they sneak in?"

"I don't know, it doesn't look difficult?"

Jaeger shook his head with a wry smile, said nothing more, and walked further inside.

Most of the clerics and professional guards disguised as merchants in an inn under the contract did not come back.

A bonfire was burning in the yard, and professionals and clergymen in twos and threes sat around and shared their impressions of the city.

"It's hard to imagine that they are undead. They are more... all..."


"Fresh, fresh flesh, fresh spirit, fresh soul... How could they be undead, but the strong breath of undead can't be mistaken, it's really strange."

"This city is more prosperous than most capitals."

"It's a city that never sleeps, and Goddess of the Earth, I never knew it could be so lively at night."

"They are very arrogant. The arrogance pervades everywhere, even to their own gods. What is unimaginable is their way of getting along. Even if they are false gods, they shouldn't be able to tolerate it, right?"

"Their food is terrible, I mean the taste."

"It should be flesh and blood magic, especially the cheap food, which has a strong ghoul smell, but their high-end food is okay, but the price is extremely expensive."

"They look rich?"

"The wealth is unimaginable. I think the Fairy Forest is only one of the reasons. They have other channels to obtain materials."

"I have seen the farmland outside the city. With this scale of output, it cannot be so prosperous."

"There are too many unreasonable places."

"They have a lot of professionals?"

"It seems that the cloak is used to distinguish and position class?"

"It should be. The more gorgeous the cloak, the stronger the strength. Based on the evaluation of all aspects of information, the top professionals are no less than the Church's Templar Knights. The bloody battle seems to be true."

"How many professionals of this strength do you estimate?"

"They seem to have a leaderboard?"

"From what I've heard, there are tens of thousands of top professionals with the strength of the Templar Knights."

"1 people?"

"Their leaderboard only counts the top 1 strong players."

"Goddess of the Earth, how many Templars do we have?"

"200 people? Probably not."

"It seems that the strength of the Norman Duke is out of control."

"Maybe, last time it shouldn't be..."

"Okay, okay, let's talk about something else."

Jaeger picked up a piece of wood and threw it into the fire. The blazing flames couldn't dispel the chill that enveloped the surroundings.

The more he learned about this Norman duchy, the more mysteries became more. Over the past few months, he followed the caravan and visited countless towns, and found more and more that this was a country that he could not imagine and understand.

As he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard loud cheers outside, and hurried out to see, only to see that all the residents of the city were cheering and celebrating something.

The undead were very excited, yelling something.

"What happened to them? Are they crazy?"

Viscount Wilson, who was disguised as the leader of the caravan, whispered beside him.

Jaeger shook his head, the magical effect of 'knowing languages' had failed, and he didn't know what the earth-shattering cheers were celebrating.

After the huge commotion subsided, the Commercial Affairs Officer of the City Lord's Mansion came to tell them that the 'Customs Clearance Document' had been approved, and they could leave for the 'Public Service', the core territory of the Grand Duke of Norman.

The next morning, the caravan drove away dozens of huge pack animals with the supplies they purchased from the city, and left the city that never sleeps, heading for the final destination—Gongfu.

Until now, Jaeger didn't know why the whole city cheered and celebrated yesterday.

At the flea market, Zhu Yuting's things were sold out, and the number on the account exceeded 5 gold for the first time.

5 gold is also a huge sum of money for most players, not to say that players do not have it, but that tourists do not consume as much as players and can save money.

With this 5 gold, she can try to rent a shop, or buy a house in the property developed by the organization.

Although you can't buy much.

She happily put away the stall, carefully put the marching blanket into her backpack, and followed the flow of people who were spreading the stall.

"The player qualifications for the 7th test are really only drawn from tourists? It's really like a dream. I couldn't believe it before."

"Yeah, this is really great, but I don't know how many players are eligible."

"Tourists should be able to turn into players, right? Each test is 10 times the number of people in the last test."

"I hope so... Haha, we can be players too."

"The money I saved is waiting for this day."

"That's the way it's settled? There should be a lot of opposition offline, right?"

"Sure, but it's useless, the system announcements have been sent."

The tourists I met were all elated. When the system announcement was released yesterday, the whole city was really celebrating.

Who has the largest number of tourists?

In the blink of an eye, the 6th test is coming to an end.

Time flies so fast.

—Are you a player?
Zhu Yuting was not as happy as most people. She felt that being a tourist was good, and she didn't feel so much pressure. Besides, she wasn't very interested in the progress of the mainstream games of fighting and killing.

However, the huge difference between tourists and players made her a little uncertain. How can players not be regarded as tourists.

"Players can also focus on leisure life"

In the Alchemist Association, Zhu Yuting handed over the last material payment to Du Shiyu. Du Shiyu enlightened her and said, "The functions of tourists are too limited, it is better to be a player."


Zhu Yuting laughed, too, it's not certain whether she will win the lottery or not.

(End of this chapter)

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