This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 476 Reform of National Service

Chapter 476 Reform of National Service

"... How long has it been since we contacted Zero?"

The conference room was filled with smoke, and Yu Qingdong fanned it with his hands in disgust. He tried to ask people to open the window several times, but he held back.

"It's been 97 days."

Afterwards, the conference room fell into silence again, and the cigarettes became more and more hateful, as if they were competing with the flickering cigarette butts.

"97 days, dereliction of duty, everyone, 97 days!"

"Why is Beimi the first to release the news of the 7th test this time, and it is still waiting for an answer."

"It should be because of that city."

"So, what did the Americans do to please Number Zero?"

"They got in touch with Number Zero."

"Can you be sure?"

"Isn't that the lice on the bald man's head, obviously?"

"Then what do we do?"

"What can we do, we can't compete for favor, can we? Legend of Zhen Huan in the Harem?"

"What time is it, you are still in the mood to joke."

"Then what should we do, also build a city of angels?"

"This is impossible, the crowd effect of players is too late to avoid, how can..."

Listening to their quarrel, Yu Qingdong's thinking diverged.

The Beimi national server was the first to break out the news of the 7th test. Canaan's parent company treated it as a joke. Why, we don't know the news, so why did you know it first?

In the end, he slapped them in the face.

Originally, the 7th test should be a good event, a happy event, and a highlight moment for Canaan's parent company to maximize their interests, but the reality gave them a blow.

Maybe it's because I'm used to it. Number zero is like "my family", and Canaan is my child. This sudden "transfer" not only makes people feel at a loss, but also has a crisis and "jealousy" that have never been seen before. .

Huh, jealous.

Isn't it Legend of Zhen Huan in the Harem?

Perhaps this is exactly what Zero is trying to achieve?

Listening to colleagues arguing without saying a word, Yu Qingdong knew that the people in this office could not change anything, the ones who really made up their minds were the ones above, and they were obedient.

Jingle Bell……

When the phone rang, Yu Qingdong's expression shook, he got up and left the meeting room, walked into the connected small room, and connected the phone.

The rest of the people stopped making noise, quietly waiting for the 'result of processing' above.

"Yes, yes... It is true that our work is not in place..."

"No. Zero can't get in touch... We've tried all the methods... Yes, we will never give up, we must find a way."

"At present, the only one who can be contacted is Artemis, the god of guardianship and record... ok... she should be artificial intelligence AI... I just don't know which supplier supplied it... Yes, we will never take risks backdoors...after that incident, all 'reserved interfaces' were cleared...yeah, we didn't think so far ahead."

"Artemis should be the system's central brain AI... Context? You mean?"

"Okay, we must implement it seriously... As for enfeoffment... At present, there are scruples in various aspects... Yes, we must study it carefully and come up with a practical plan as soon as possible, and strive to take care of all aspects."

"I won't disturb your rest. I will report to you as soon as I have the result."

After hanging up the phone, Yu Qingdong breathed a sigh of relief, wiped off the cold sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, and looked up to see the photo frame on his desk, which was a photo taken with dignitaries from various countries at the World Metaverse Conference.

With a silent wry smile, Yu Qingdong came outside and sat down in the center of the conference table.

"Everyone, it's time for us to take a crucial step. Emancipating the mind, reform and progress will always be the main theme of the times, both online and offline."

The others were shocked when they heard the words, knowing that the higher-ups had finally made a decision.

"We have major interests in Canaan, so I won't talk about its impact on various aspects. You all know that our work, in a sense, has played the role of a locomotive. This year, the GDP of the national economy has returned to two Canaan has contributed a lot to the increase in digits. What is the concept of an online economy that has surpassed Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen? It has already accounted for 30% of our overall economy. 30%, everyone, it is the third in the world when taken alone. For a large economy, if all national services are included, the online economy has already accounted for more than 50% of the offline economy, half!"

"It has also permanently changed the world's political, economic, and cultural patterns, greatly improved our living environment, and greatly enhanced our right to speak, especially in terms of soft power, allowing us to achieve leapfrog development .”

"Its role in scientific and technological productivity is also undoubted, because new technologies, new processes, and new applications brought by new materials have greatly changed our lives. The 'wind' blowing from the 'door' blows All walks of life in Green, relying on Canaan, relying on Infinity, and relying on the virtual reality economy of the Metaverse, we have not only achieved the maximum employment, but also achieved the maximum prosperity... These are all hard-won achievements."

"But can we be satisfied with the status quo and not think about making progress, just lying on the merits and muddling along?"

"No, even if we are satisfied, our competitors will not be satisfied. They will try their best to achieve cornering overtaking, even if this method is harmful to them."

When the people present at the meeting heard this, their expressions all changed.

The Great Migration of the North Mi that took place is well known in the world. What is the city of angels, what is a future city composed entirely of players and tourists? Other national servers don’t know the truth, but Huaguo national server doesn’t know?
The clustering effect of players will inevitably bring about a series of unpredictable results. Online and offline will overlap to some extent. This is the truth that Huaguo National Server has discovered long ago.

Under normal circumstances, it would be too late to evacuate, so what about the City of Angels.

Americans do this for only one purpose, and that is to please the online and number zero.

Does Number Zero hope that online and offline will overlap, and that mysterious invasion of reality will bring about great instability and hidden dangers?
According to the analysis of previous observation results, he seems to have no intention in this regard, but the fact is that the Americans succeeded, successfully bypassing Canaan's parent company and hooking up with No. [-].

This is very dangerous.

"We want to reform and emancipate our minds. The first point is to integrate into the context of Canaan."

"What context?"

"The city lord's mansion and the magistrate are, but the office and the tax bureau are not. The master and your lord are, and the comrades and old irons are not... Everyone, go down and come up with a plan as soon as possible. All institutions on the national server will be renamed. All staff members are named after NPCs. Offline words are never allowed to appear online, and offline things are not allowed to be brought online... From now on, every online staff will have to go through strict Training, and only after passing the assessment will you be allowed to go online..."

That's it, that's it?
Many people think in their hearts.

"There is also the issue of entrustment and the general agent of the national service online."

I'm coming!
The atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became solemn, and the participants stared blankly at the things in front of them, as if they could spot a flower.

"It is the general trend to change the national service to a noble fiefdom under the Duke of Norman. If we don't change it, our competitors don't have such scruples, and they won't wait until we are ready to change it."

"This general agent will be the authority symbol of the national service online. This candidate will naturally involve all aspects. It cannot be denied that such a heavy responsibility and power will be placed on a certain person. Don't say that the superiors are worried, we are worried. The 14 billion citizens will not be at ease."

"But there must be someone, what should I do?"

"Let's discuss it."

After such a long discussion, this sensitive issue was finally brought up. No one spoke for a while, and the senior officials of Canaan Company watched their eyes and noses, as if they didn't care much about this issue.

"Old Liao, you are in charge of online operations, tell me your opinion."

Seeing this, Yu Qingdong had no choice but to give up.

Lao Liao is a middle-aged man with a bald head. He just joined Canaan's parent company not long ago. Judging from the fact that he was entrusted with important tasks after joining, some people speculate that he came with the "Shangfang Sword", so he is very... polite.

"Then I'll tell you?"

"Speak boldly!" Yu Qingdong encouraged.

"At the sensitive juncture of the 7th test, this issue should be especially cautious. In my opinion, this candidate is nothing more than two aspects, one is the appointment of the superior, follow the offline situation, and the other is the online selection, follow the mass line."

"The former one is easy to understand, but the latter... how about a route?" asked the vice president in charge of human resources in the corner.

"That is to choose from among the players."

"...I'm afraid this is inappropriate?"

"Yeah, yeah, no, no."

"It's too child's play, how can you choose from among the players? How to choose? Level, combat power, contribution? Assets, prestige, money?"

"I think it's the first one."

"The first one doesn't fit the context of Canaan, right? The superiors have been emphasizing this context, and the system has repeatedly asked for it. Artemis, the central intellectual brain, has said it many times overtly and secretly, right?"

"What should I do?"

"Don't talk!" Yu Qingdong knocked on the table, "Old Liao, keep talking."

"The second option is not to choose from among the players, it can also be an NPC."


Everyone was surprised, this is a blind spot that most people have not thought of for the time being.

But if you think about it carefully, NPC is good. NPC can not only adapt to the context of Canaan, but also can avoid the sensitive point of "private power". Aristocrats, representing A1 authority, can be at ease up and down, because strictly speaking, it is just a tool.

In the end, the soup was changed but not the medicine, and it was still under the control of the offline.

"NPC is good, can we develop an AI specifically for this?"

"Can AI enter Canaan?"

"Can you mention it to the system, I think it should be fine."

"If possible, it would be a good solution."

"What do you think, Mr. Yu?"

Yu Qingdong was noncommittal, "You all agree with this plan?"

Most people nodded.

"Okay, let's decide like this, the next topic is enfeoffment!"

The conference room fell silent again. There is only one lord, who symbolizes the A1 authority of the national service, and has attracted the attention of both online and offline. No one dares to have any delusions about it.

This pack is different.

"Ahem, what's the current status of the national service points? How many people have met the entitlement conditions?" Yu Qingdong still asked Lao Liao, who was in charge of online operations.

Lao Liao had already prepared, and took out a thick notebook, "The players who have reached the minimum knight title and military rank are basically old players, and the number is 800. The numbers after those people."

"So much!?", one executive exclaimed.

"When the national server was developed, points accumulated a hidden danger of spamming, and later expanded again and again, and the area of ​​the national server expanded step by step, all players earned bit by bit, mission reward points have always been a large piece , resulting in a large amount of points scattered to the hands of the players, and since meritorious service and points can be bought and sold, a large number of points are therefore concentrated in the hands of a small number of people..."

"Can't points be exchanged for props, so no one will spend them?"

"Compared to the huge stock, the consumption only accounts for a small part. The reason is that there is a problem with the refresh mechanism of the points store, so..."

Speaking of this, several executives are very embarrassed.

At the beginning, it was they who insisted on adjusting the refresh mechanism of the point store to the 'slowest' level out of cost savings. , which greatly saves costs, and the financial statements are therefore extremely attractive.

But the price is that the consumption of points is greatly suppressed, which leads to the repeated depreciation of points in the national server.

On the one hand, it is spamming, and on the other hand, it restricts the consumption channels. Wouldn't it lead to a huge amount of existence?

It was no problem before, even if the value is depreciated, the national service tasks should still be done, and the points should still be the essentials. Now it is different. To see the truth, the national service points are the actual military ranks and titles.

Just like the gang resident, once it is entrusted, according to the rules of the system, it is basically difficult to take back the national uniform. A country within a country is really intolerable.

But reality forced it to do so.

How to do?
"Such a large amount of stock is absolutely not acceptable!" said an executive, "The land is allotted, what about the national service? How to account for it online and offline? No, no."

"Then think of a way to make a surprise consumption?" Another executive suggested: "The national service will take out some resources and let players exchange them?"

Yu Qingdong was still noncommittal, holding a small notebook and only focusing on recording.

"Then how many resources will be used!"

"Yeah yeah"

“Can only increase the price”

"I'm afraid that players won't buy it."

"Strictly confidential should be fine."

"It's hard, there are other national uniforms."

"There is no problem with the stock of points in the international server, right?"

"I'm afraid they will make trouble for us."

"How about taking some mandatory measures? For example, accepting missions, and forcing transactions to be settled with points?"

"That's a steal."

"Players will definitely be dissatisfied."

"This doesn't work, and that doesn't work, what do you say?"

"Mr. Yu?"

Only then did Yu Qingdong say, "Open the points store, guide and encourage players to exchange, is there any objection?"

Several senior executives who had dissent looked around, and had no choice but to admit it with their noses pinched.

"Okay, let the financial department figure out how much resources we need to prepare to cope with possible runs... As for the mandatory use of points for settlement..." He paused, "Not only should it be used as an emergency measure, but it should also be If it is fixed, we can’t ignore it after sending out the points, we must maintain the credit of the points, and we can’t let it be reduced to toilet paper, don’t everyone here don’t even know the most basic laws of economics?”

(End of this chapter)

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