This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 477 The Direction of the Door

Chapter 477 The Direction of the Door
All of you here are high-level intellectuals, so it is impossible for you not to understand such common-sense issues.

Points are really easy to use. A point store can solve most of the problems, allowing the national server to spend ahead of time when there are not many resources in the early stage, which greatly encourages the enthusiasm of players and mobilizes players to contribute to the national server. .

Because of the scarcity of items exchanged for points, the so-called "spam" does not exist in the eyes of some people. Although points have been depreciating, they are still within a reasonable range. The 'spamming' act is a sell order.

As long as there is no problem with the game itself, the problem of points will not explode, and inflation will never occur like in reality. A large number of points will be circulated, and the "circulation" will be solved, so that points will gradually become a parallel currency with copper coins. 'vouchers', so there is no issue of spamming at all.

If no one takes the lead in making changes, this is of course not a problem, but Americans have taken a crucial step, forcing them to keep up, otherwise they will fall behind on the road of "competing for favor".

Once it falls behind, it is really possible that Canaan will change from a Chinese game to an American game, and such a price cannot be paid anyway.

In this way, it is time to pay the bill for the part of the advanced consumption, not to mention whether the national service can afford it or not. I am used to living a life of luxury, and I have to pay off the debt on the credit card in full at once. It is difficult for anyone to accept the tight clothing and food.

But no matter how difficult it is to accept, we must do it, and we must keep up even if it is a waste of money. This is a fundamental issue of principle.

There is no other way but to scold the Americans for being a shit-stirrer, and the atmosphere in the meeting room is a bit dignified.

"Okay, Mr. Yu, I'll hurry up and do it when I get down."

"The financial department and the online resource coordination department come up with a safe solution as soon as possible."


Catering to the context of Canaan, the lord uses NPCs, and the enfeoffment has been finalized. All-round online rectification is about to start. relieved.

At any time, people's work is the most important thing. No matter how big the difficulty is, as long as we work together and work together, we can always solve it.

Of course, it seems quite simple to talk about it now, but isn't the one mentioned above a thousand clues, and isn't that one related to countless problems and problems waiting to be solved?
It is expected that these people will not be able to go home for several days. The 10,000+ online and offline employees of Canaan's parent company will be very busy in the next period of time.

"...Let's talk about the 7th test at the end." Yu Qingdong himself smiled wryly, "Don't be so sad, you have to eat every meal, and you have to do things one by one. There will always be a day when you get over it."


"What about player qualifications and draw methods?"

"Player qualifications are only drawn among tourists."

"How many?"

"The system does not make mandatory requirements, it is up to the national service to decide"


What do you mean by not mandatory?
For a while, everyone couldn't react.

Yu Qingdong knocked on the table, "This is a good thing. Let each operating agent decide on the player's qualifications, so that we can make comprehensive considerations based on our own actual situation. This is the system's delegation of power to us. In the future, such decentralization will surely increase. more……"


In the past, the test was not a red-faced one, just like a Latino, how many players must be available?

Why is it not mandatory this time?

As for delegating...

That's really talking nonsense with your eyes open. When did the system delegate power to the national service, and then compromised on that important matter. On the contrary, the national service itself has played "The Legend of Zhen Huan in the Harem", and said What decentralization, isn't this self-deception?

Everyone gradually slowed down, and they already understood what was going on in their hearts.

This is a sign that the system no longer needs to beg for itself.

It means that the current number of players is sufficient.

Since then, the family has lost a very important weight to check and balance the zero.

It means that my family's status in the cooperation has declined. Considering that there are so many national servers, and the zero number has been unable to be contacted, I really can't just lie on the credit book and wait to die.

It wasn't until this moment that they understood why the higher-ups were about to reform suddenly, and why Yu Qingdong acted so forcefully that it was not negotiable... This was already pushed to this point, and he had to change if he didn't change.

"What are you all doing in a daze? Tell me, what do you think?" Yu Qingdong didn't care what they were thinking, and urged coldly after speaking the official words that no one would believe.

"Ahem... Since no mandatory decision is made, can... the status quo be maintained?"

"What do you mean? No player qualifications will be issued?"

"It's not that we have fewer players, but too many players, and they still refuse to accept the management."

"How is it possible, we don't have all the other national uniforms issued? How to explain?"

"We have more than 400 million players, which is enough, let's wait for other national servers to catch up."

"No, no, if you do this... I'm afraid the system will have opinions."

Got it!
In the end, it still has to fall on the 'competition'.

The system has opinions, and number zero has opinions. This opinion is a big deal. What's worse, this opinion may be just one's own imagination, and number zero may not care at all.

But no one can guarantee whether No. [-] did this on purpose. It depends on the sincerity of that national server, and that national server is more cooperative. In the future, it will be more biased towards that national server, and even change its course, shaking the online and offline advantages of the Huaguo national server. status.

Yu Qingdong doesn't want to increase the number of players anymore. A few million players are enough. Besides, since the tourists went online, the profits of the national server and the interests of online and offline have been supported by tourists. Even if there are no players, only these 1000 More than [-] tourists are enough to support the national costume.

Players have to consume a lot of national service resources, refuse to obey the management, are unruly, and bring a series of problems and risks online and offline. How can tourists worry about it.

What a pity, what a pity!

If only there were no players, just tourists.

I'm afraid he's not the only one who thinks so.

"The possibility exists!", Yu Qingdong could only abandon unrealistic fantasies, clicked on the table, and emphasized his tone, "This risk cannot be tolerated. The qualifications of players in the 7th test can only be more than those of the 6th test, not less."

"Then what's the point of doing the 7th test? It's just a public test!" Someone said angrily.

"Don't complain about meaningless things!" Yu Qingdong interrupted unhappily.

"No less than 6 test player qualifications... 500 million?" Someone tentatively proposed.

"In this way, the number of players is close to 1000 million, 1000 million people, almost one percent of the population."

"Less than one percent"

"If this continues, there will be big problems... We all know the crowd effect of players, what should we do then, when the number of players in a city or area is large enough..."

"Stop, this kind of thing is not suitable to talk about here."

"What do you mean, Mr. Yu?"

Yu Qingdong remained expressionless, "Then let's make it 500 million...To make it all up, we now have 451 million players, and only 549 million players are qualified. If everyone has no objection, we will issue a national server announcement."

The worried executive sighed and fell silent.


After the meeting, Yu Qingdong rushed towards the 'door' without stopping.

That area is a no-fly area, and it is extremely unsafe to take a helicopter, so I can only take the special high-speed rail, which takes less than half an hour to reach the destination.

This area in the southern outskirts of the magic city has become a no-man's land. A wide range of plants and animals are growing at an extremely abnormal speed. There are great changes almost every once in a while. The dedicated railway track requires 24 people Clean up every hour, otherwise it will be covered by vines with high vitality and growth speed.

The small, unnamed station has the highest level among the secrecy units. It has gone through more than a dozen procedures for security checks since getting off the train. The car passed through iron gates, and finally saw the extremely eye-catching sky.

It was an upside-down, transparent 'bowl'. The towering giant tree in the 'bowl' had grown to the dome, and the emerald green branches and vines almost completely covered the sky. From the outside, it was extremely strange and spectacular.

Sophisticated electronic equipment such as mobile phones cannot work normally when they arrive here, and optical signals will become extremely blurred after a period of time and distance transmission, which is why the sky cannot be seen from a distance.

It is like a black hole, which cannot be seen from space or observed on the ground, but it does exist and is constantly volatile to the outside world.

Well, the infinite quality is just a statement to confuse outsiders, but it is actually magic power, the magic power flowing from Canaan on the other side of the gate.

In the past, the astronauts on the space station had to go through strict biological security checks when they returned to the earth, for fear that unknown elements or viruses from space would bring huge ecological disasters to the earth. This door and the magic power brought by the door should completely belong to the "ecological disaster" ', however, the more you study it, the more no one can reject it, even if it brings various troubles and hidden dangers.

In terms of hidden dangers, the most worrying thing is not the so-called player crowding effect, but its interference with a series of modern high-precision instruments such as electronic components. The more sophisticated something is, the more fragile it is in its environment. Currently This question is still unresolved.

This will undoubtedly shake the foundation of modern scientific civilization. It is impossible to imagine what a world without sophisticated electronic components will look like, degrading from the information age to the electrical age, or even further?
Even the gasoline engine is "extremely excited" when it comes here. The thermal efficiency of fossil fuels has increased dramatically. The original 150 horsepower and 1.8 displacement engine immediately transformed into 300 horsepower. The 3.0 also has a T turbocharger. However, with a light step, the engine roared like a lion, and the body of the car slammed forward, almost hitting the guardrail.

"Hehe, driving in this place is really exciting!"

Yu Qingdong's driver, Xiao Li from the secret security department, jokingly eased his embarrassment.

"Seat belt, Mr. Yu!" The man in glasses who was in charge of 'guiding' on the co-pilot reminded.

Yu Qingdong buckled himself up with his seat belt, and silently looked at the scenery outside the car window.

Relying on the door, I don’t know how many scientific research bases are located here. You can see one almost every once in a while. On the surface, it looks like an inconspicuous gray house hidden in a dense jungle. The strict barbed wire is completely covered by vines. , the more such bases there are, there are huge air molecule receiving devices like the intercontinental high-power long-range radar working, and the circular 'pan lid' like the giant deep-space telescope is rotating.

Because too sophisticated electronic components cannot be used, these devices are all stupid and thick. Fortunately, they cannot be observed from the outside.

The sky has arrived.

One of the open entrances was allowed to pass through the most stringent security check procedures.

When you get here, you have to walk.

The so-called dismounting of civil servants from their sedan chairs and dismounting of military officials is no exception to anyone.

When passing through the sky, Yu Qingdong felt that all his fine hairs were left outside, and he felt that his whole body was spotless, cleaner than after soaking in hot springs for several days.

In the sky, a reception station is built on a tree, because the ground is really uninhabitable. The experience of fighting with vegetation every day is unbearable, and no one wants to entangle it anymore.

The man had no choice but to retreat to the tree and give way to the ground.

Hastily meeting the staff at the reception station, Yu Qingdong was already mentally prepared to travel through the 'prime jungle' in the next few days.

"Are you all ready? We have to leave immediately, and time is tight."

"No, we have a faster way"

"any solution?"

"You come with me."

Yu Qingdong followed the person in charge of the reception station to a tree house, staring at the familiar magic pattern engraved on the floor in a daze, "This is?"

"A recent breakthrough"

"Pass, teleport!??"

"Yes, a kind of interfering with the space structure with magic power, so that the short-distance space can be folded, so as to realize the instant leap from A to B."

"This, this, this is offline."

"Don't talk about online and offline when you get here, we all know what's going on."

"Okay, okay!"

"Stand up, please."

Teleportation has been experienced online for a long time, but offline is the first time in the world.

The principle is simple to say, but it has only been realized in science fiction. Some people say that to realize even the smallest space folding, a curvature engine must be used. The miniaturization of controllable nuclear fusion should only be the door frame of access. Now, in Draw such a ghostly symbol on the ground, and then use a little magic power to do it?

The familiar, teleported white light lit up, interrupting Yu Qingdong's wild thoughts. The next second, he had already appeared at the destination—the core laboratory of the Death Plan. Ding Jian, who had become a "technical master", and a group of people had been waiting for a long time. .

(End of this chapter)

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