This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 478 Unwilling to be Lonely

Chapter 478 Unwilling to be Lonely
Before the meeting time came, Yu Qingdong, led by Ding Jian, visited the core laboratory of the Death Project.

The rest cabins are very similar to the game cabins. In fact, the game cabins are modified, but the game cabins are life support systems, and the sleep cabins are 'hibernation systems'.

What is a hibernation system?

It refers to minimizing a series of indicators such as people's physical activity and vital signs, and 'retaining' the life that is delayed due to aging, disease and organ failure at the last moment.

This system is specially designed and developed for the past life plan. It uses a lot of new materials and new techniques. It is currently only used in the past life plan. The outside world is not allowed to hear about it, and there is no plan to promote it.

The purpose of "reservation" is to wait for the breakthrough of life science and medical technology. Perhaps one day in the future, when human beings overcome diseases and overcome a series of problems caused by aging, then these people will be "cured"?
It sounds like something out of science fiction, but it's actually happening on a massive scale.

So who is worth 'holding' for the last minute with such an expensive piece of equipment?

Of course, it is a person who has made great contributions to the country and has great value.

Thousands of dormant cabins are arranged together, divided into more than a dozen floors. The intelligently controlled mechanical arm has not started, and the thick pipeline is also in a silent state. Through the transparent hatch cover, one can see ice-blue mist churning inside. .

Most of the dormant pods are still empty, but they already have numbers and owners. The identities of the owners are kept secret, and Yu Qingdong cannot check the level of confidentiality here.

I can only take a quick look outside, and my first feeling: Isn't this a 'factory'?

Really got some people right.

Life is 'reserved' at the last moment, but the soul goes to Canaan. This is the core secret of the afterlife plan.

It's simple and it works, especially for those who are 'worthy'.

— I don’t know if I have a chance.

Yu Qingdong thought in his heart.

But he quickly put this idea behind him. He is still young, so there is no need to worry too much about what happens behind him.

When he needs to seriously consider these things, what will happen to this world?

The future has never been so full of unknowns as it is now.

Visited the dormant cabin, and visited the supporting supply factories, energy units, laboratories, etc.

This lab is very interesting.

The offline simulation of the online environment is not new, but Yu Qingdong dare to say that there is no place that is as real as the simulation here, so real that it is even managed and operated by online NPCs.

If there are NPCs, there are naturally 'players'. These 'players' are also very interesting. They are strictly forbidden to contact the outside world. They are all 'played' by people from the military. The monster spawning areas are all huge laboratories.

"The forming."

Regarding this, Ding Jian gave a vague reminder.

It should be the system.

The ones extending from Canaan and the ones coming from the door are like radio signals, because the environment here is suitable, so...

This is playing with fire.

One day in the future, what if it spreads all over the earth?
What if it makes offline the same as online?
Because of the A1 authority, Yu Qingdong is no stranger to the 'net', everything online is managed by this 'net', everything online is supported and defined by this 'net', this net is the magic net, Yu Qingdong still Have seen its 'source code'.

Facts have proved that this 'source code' is a joke, how can that kind of thing be described in a binary programming language.

It's just a shape.

"Xiao Ding, how is your school?"

“Okay, everything works”

"That's right, that's good. When I asked you to be in charge of teaching affairs, did you ever think about today?"

"You mean?"

"Become the authority of domestic occultism, and use No.1 in the field of practice?"

"You are too arrogant. I don't know how many experts and scholars have attainments in mysticism far surpassing mine. I just have some advantages in contact."

"Hehe, don't be too modest. Even a layman like me knows that the most important thing in mysticism is the so-called 'relationship with reality' you mentioned, right? Everyone's mysticism is different, just like... It seems that every Everyone's fingerprints are different? Is it okay for me to say that?"

"Mystery is a foreign discipline that focuses on personal experience and comprehension, but at present it can only be kept in a cage, and it can only work under certain circumstances and conditions."

"This is already very remarkable. There are already many new materials and new processes from here to the outside. As far as I know, deep space exploration, moon bases and Mars landings have all made breakthroughs and solved a series of problems because of your efforts. , not to mention anything else, just the application of new material batteries is enough to set off an energy revolution."

"Infinite graphene material batteries still have many limitations, and it is too early to say commercial use."

"But it's good enough for military use."


"It's amazing, who would have thought that today...Canaan is going to start the 7th test, have you heard?"


"Any ideas?"

"You mean?"

"Let me make it clear. It used to be our exclusive authorization, but now a competitor has emerged. The American guys have built a city of angels. Hehe, it's incredible. This move not only pleases the system, but also...he, and also let The 'Internet' is no longer exclusive to us. With the urine of Americans and the greed of capital, what we can't do, they can do, and what we prohibit, they must have no taboos. This has been proved in the Middle East, South America, and Southeast Asia Now, when do you think they can catch up with our progress?"

"I... can't tell"

"Is it because my confidentiality level is not enough?"

"No, I mean...they're missing one very important thing"



"School? Haha, if you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten it. Yes, the school is a school that cultivates professional knowledge of occultism. You are one of the students who have been taught by No. [-]."

"Ashamed, my aptitude is blunt, and I am ashamed of my teacher's teaching."

"Don't be modest with me... So, you are optimistic about the actions of the Americans?"

"Some things don't just need to keep up with the hardware facilities. The lack of the most basic theory is like a blind man feeling an elephant."

"Okay, I'm relieved to hear you say that."

In fact, Yu Qingdong didn't care about the American people, what he really cared about was Ding Jian in front of him.

This Ding Jian can be said to have been born out of nowhere.

At the beginning, he was just a skilled worker who made game helmets, but once he was spotted by No. [-], the situation went up.

After entering Xiaohonglou, there were only a few people who learned it, and he was one of them. Later, because of a series of things, he gained the trust of his superiors, so he focused on training him. It is currently the No. 1 de facto mysticism. Of course, this first term refers to the one under the sky.

This caused his importance to rise sharply, surpassing Yu Qingdong, the boss of the so-called umbrella company, and was honored by Time Magazine as one of the 10 most influential people in the world.

Who would have thought of it?

"It's time, shall we go?"

"So fast... that's good!"

The Afterlife Project, or rather, a meeting within the Afterlife Project.

Yu Qingdong only "puts a name" in this plan. This kind of meeting is usually a coordination meeting, asking Canaan's parent company for online and offline support.

The meeting was held in a small room, on a tree, not far from the small red building.

Now the red layer on the surface of this building has faded long ago, but it was painted with red paint for a certain implication, or to keep it as before. Now it is the fifth batch of students studying in it, and Ding Jian is in charge of it. The 'teaching director' arranges the teaching plan and content, and some of the talents cultivated are arranged in the special precision factory of Canaan's parent company to supply players, game helmets and game warehouses to the world, and some are arranged in various confidential units. Engaged in technical application and research level work.

The many research institutes and bases seen outside are the final destination of these people.

As for the source of was carefully and strictly screened, and it was really checked for three generations. Those with a history of living abroad were not accepted, and immediate family members were not allowed.

Even if it is so strict, the source of students is still plentiful. Some well-informed people have come to Yu Qingdong in order to send their children to study.

Before the meeting started, people from the Rebirth Project came in in twos and threes. Everyone was serious without exchanging greetings. Yu Qingdong sat in an inconspicuous position and seemed to hear the sound of reading books from the red building.

Once there is a change in the future, these cultivated students are the most useful force, and they must be used to the fullest... I hope that there will be no such day.

"Director Wu is here."

"Hi everyone, time is tight, let's start now... Mr. Yu?"

"Well... I'm here"

"Mr. Yu, don't be so low-key, sit here."

Yu Qingdong first shook hands with Director Wu, and then jokingly said, "I'm very nervous every time I come to a meeting. I don't know if I can meet your request this time, Old Wu."

"It's all for work." Director Wu ignored the meaning of his words, and pulled him to sit down with a smile, and his expression became serious.

"Let's start the meeting"

The confidential secretary began to record.

It is not allowed to bring electronic equipment in this kind of occasion, and the special environment also makes a large part of the electronic equipment unable to work normally. There is no recording pen, and the four confidential secretaries stay in the corner and write quickly.

"The 7th test will start soon, and our work has also entered a key implementation stage. Let me introduce to you some previous work achievements."

Yu Qingdong is well aware of the so-called work achievements, because they are all arranged online through his hands, and he knows what the next content will be without listening.

Since the implementation of the death plan, a total of [-] "newborn babies" have been born in the national service. The national service is responsible for arranging their birth places, including selecting suitable families for them, taking care of them, meeting their daily supplies, protecting them, and Through them, a large amount of first-hand data is harvested and fed back to the offline.

The death plan is extremely simple to say, but it is extremely complicated to implement. If you think about it with your toes, there are no ordinary people who can be arranged to be "fallen to the ground" online at this time, although everyone's identity is kept secret , but it is impossible to keep it secret from Yu Qingdong.

Their influence in life and offline, their daily life and future arrangements behind them and online...Complicated enough to write a book, and technical issues are only one of them.

"There are so many achievements. Thanks to Mr. Yu's strong support for our work, let's talk about the difficulties we encountered and the focus of follow-up work."

I'm coming.

This is the main purpose of this trip.

Yu Qingdong quickly concentrated on listening.

"This is the first thing, as I said before, I hope Mr. Yu will arrange some online tool people, and even provide us with an online research environment and excuses, so that we can better collect first-hand experimental data... ..."

Yu Qingdong immediately raised his hand and said, "This was possible before, but it's impossible now."

"Why?" Director Wu frowned unhappily.

"The context of Canaan, everyone... this is the latest change, please take a look."

Yu Qingdong had already made preparations and distributed the materials he brought to everyone present at the meeting.

"This context is very, very important. The system has reminded me many times. Now that the Americans are the first to make changes, our national server has to keep up, otherwise it will affect..."

The sound of a piece of paper being flipped.

10 minute later.

"Let's put this one on hold for now." Director Wu put down the document with an ugly face, "It seems that Mr. Yu has already prepared for it?"

Yu Qingdong could only deal with it with a wry smile.

Any department hopes that its own department has unlimited rights and unlimited resources, and likes to pull everything into its own bowl, and wipe everything with its own hands.

Director Wu was dissatisfied with the fact that Canaan's parent company and Yu Qingdong, a middleman, made the difference, and wanted to leave him alone and do it online and online.

Naturally, Yu Qingdong would not let him get what he wanted, he had used various excuses to procrastinate in the past, and this time he had Shang Fang's sword to completely dispel the other party's delusions in this regard.

Just kidding, I have the final say on online matters, if I want to intervene, there is no way.

Yu Qingdong felt ruthless in his heart, but he was indeed smiling.

There was a brief silence in the meeting room, because the following request could not be raised, the first one was rejected, what else is there to ask?
After meeting into garbage time...

The mobilization of the teachers and the end of the anticlimax, Yu Qingdong did not complain about his wasted time, he was smiling all the time, and listened carefully to everyone's work report, no matter how trivial, he gave superficial attention.

Yes, on the surface.

To put it bluntly, there is nothing worthy of research in this plan or project. What to study, how are reincarnated people living well, how are they adapting, and whether they have psychological problems?

It is because people who are able to "fall into the ground" online at this stage are very important, so this plan and project are important. To put it bluntly, it is a logistics support unit. The real technical work is Canaan's parent company, which is the Red Building outside. Research institutes and bases outside are undertaking.

Director Wu is unwilling to be lonely.

When they parted, Yu Qingdong shook hands with him while thinking in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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