Chapter 479

As soon as the news of the 7th test was confirmed, all ghosts and monsters jumped out.

Not only are there people like Director Wu who can't shirk, who are unwilling to be lonely, but also those who are obviously not enough, and the Eight Immortals who cross the sea show their magical powers. This period is often the most dangerous. Yu Qingdong knows it deeply, so he is extra careful.

A powerful department and a powerful person intervene with various excuses. He will not offend him if he can.

If he is like this, the top management of Canaan Company will have less pressure to do it. Therefore, it is impossible to keep it secret.

There are well-informed people who know the trend in advance and then discover the outlet. During this special period, it is impossible to use the advantage of information asymmetry to crazily extract benefits.

It sounds unfair, but there is no absolute fairness in this world! ?
"What's the matter, several people asked me today if I still have points to sell?"

Zhu Yuting is doing 'handwork' with her gaming girlfriends.

On the flat operating table, the alchemy-made scissors have a sharpness +5 attribute, and the hard enchanted lizard skin can be easily cut into complex shapes in her hands, perfectly fitting the drawings.

She was concentrating on what she was doing, but the sudden sentence of the game best friend made her hands tremble, and she almost missed it.


"Points, national service points"

"You have points? How did you get them?"

"Didn't it be said that the national server was going to be revised some time ago, and tourists can also use points to redeem things in stores? I just collected some, and it's cheap anyway."

"How many?"

"It looks like more than 2000"

"Ah, 2 gold is too much?"

"Less than 2 gold, hehe, the price was the lowest when I received it, so I picked up a bargain"

"If someone wants it, you can sell it if the price is right. We can't use it anyway."

"Sold it, more than 3 gold, early in the morning, hehe."

"...You little elf, have you made a lot of money?"

"Exactly double the profit, huh huh, this is much easier than speculating in stocks and exchange rates."

"Are you still trading in stocks?"

"Stop talking, old leek."

'Handmade' production is very boring, just sitting for a day, with someone to accompany and talk, time flies very fast.

This batch of orders was placed by a senior tailor player. Tourists like her are only doing preliminary processing of raw materials. The process is relatively simple, but the rewards are very generous, because it belongs to equipment manufacturing.

The things in the game, no matter what they are, as long as they involve equipment manufacturing, they are high-end and high-end. Even if it is the initial processing of raw materials, it is many times more than DIY items without attributes.

The blueprint is for the shoulder pads, which are part of the top armor. Since the skin of a monster is used, the quality and price are not in the middle and low end.

After cutting out these batches of patterns, they will be sent to the senior tailor to be stitched into finished products, then the alchemy parts, and finally the enchanter's drawing.

Tailors do not belong to the system of life occupations, but are secondary and extended life occupations, primary, intermediate, and advanced. As long as they complete the specified difficulty of the work, the system will give certification, and tourists can also 'job'.

However, the tailors, blacksmiths, and pharmacists who are "employed" by tourists do not have the convenience of players' employment, and without the support of system functions, they have to talk about business face to face, let alone system guarantees involving a series of transactions and after-sales issues. , has not been eliminated by the impact of tourists.

However, the "employment" of a large number of tourists still affects the profit margins of some life and leisure professional players. Confrontation is inappropriate. The time cost of tourists is not the same as the time cost of players. Some flexible life and leisure professional players have adapted in time. This trend divides the work of subordinates into different units and outsources it, which not only saves man-hours, but also greatly saves costs, turning the enemy into a friendly army, and reversed the passive and unfavorable situation in one fell swoop.

Today, this model has become the mainstream, and people like Zhu Yuting have also participated in the high-end equipment manufacturing process.

She also used the capital accumulated in "entrepreneurship" to create this small manual workshop, recruited a group of tourists like "game girlfriends", taught them simple techniques and crafts, and transformed into a workshop owner, realizing the game. A jump in value and status.

In the post-6 test era, this deepened and advanced division of labor has become a common phenomenon. It has evolved from the lowest-level way of receiving tasks, completing tasks, and receiving rewards to the division of labor and cooperation derived from all walks of life, upstream industries and mid-downstream industries. Shaped through bumps and bumps.

"I don't know what the 7th test is like, how many player qualifications are there, and whether everyone can win the lottery... Sigh, tell me, if I become a player, what racial occupation will I choose?"

"Here we go again, how many times is this?"

"Tell me, tell me"

"Have you finished your work? Hurry up, the boss is pressing you hard."

"...The capitalists know how to squeeze and exploit me."

"Who do you say, who do you say, see if I don't scratch you"

"Ah, I dare not, Miss Capitalist, please forgive me."

The two made a fuss and put down their work. After playing around for a while, other 'employees' from the handicraft workshop arrived one after another, and the small 'factory' was crowded with people.

"I said boss, you should change to a bigger place!"

Said by a male tourist doing the 'ironing' treatment.

Zhu Yuting accompanied her with a smiling face, "I didn't find a suitable place. If I find it, I will definitely move it. Everyone will squeeze again."

The man curled his lips and stopped talking.

More than a dozen 'workers' were lazily doing their work, talking and laughing, Zhu Yuting was the most nervous, she had to point out who could do it wrong, she didn't dare to say anything serious, for fear that people would take her seriously. The boss was fired.

"Which one of you has points, I'll take it!"

"I have, how much?"


"1 Bronze 1 point? Is it that high?"

"I'll take it too, a lot."

"Fuck, stealing business?"

"Why do you want points? Tourists can't use them?"

"Don't worry about it, just sell me."

Points again.

Zhu Yuting really hated this point. She hadn't finished half of the morning's work, so she was talking about this bullshit point.

——What a group of uncles.

After the working hours are over, leaving a mess in the room, the wages cannot be reduced at all, and the rest is all her work, which is really tiring.

Everyone left, and she worked overtime for four or five hours by herself before finishing the rest of the work. The moment she put down the scissors, she was really dizzy and had double images when she saw things.

Tourists also don't have a player protection mechanism, the system doesn't care how long the explosion lasts, and if something goes wrong, it is also the responsibility of the national server, so there is no system prompt to let her go offline in time to have a good rest.

Dragging his tired body, he packed the finished products like a hill, and hired two NPCs to deliver the big and small bags to the rented carriage, from the west of the city to the east of the city, to the senior tailor's shop.

"Why did you send it here?"

Senior tailors and players are all waiting impatiently. If there is a private chat channel, Zhu Yuting has been urged countless times. Zhu Yuting endured dizziness and told others to be careful. Suddenly, a strong nausea appeared. line' up.

Before opening his eyes in reality, he fell into a coma.

No one in the family found out.

Since she became a tourist, especially when her online business became more formal, the quality of life at home has improved visibly. Now that her parents are no longer working, they collect information, contact business, and maintain relationships for her offline. What, the list of the senior tailor just now was contacted by her mother on the Internet.It just so happened that Zhu Yuting, the tailor of this player, also knew him. When the tourist first went online, he even worked for him.

The two hit it off right away, Zhu Yuting's workshop has this long-term and fixed upstream channel, so it dares to invest all its wealth to build it.

Zhu Yuting's father registered a company, and if he pays taxes as a corporate entity, the tax rate is lower than that of an individual. This model is encouraged both on the national server and offline.

Offline companies and online operations also provide many jobs offline, and online operations feed back offline, forming a benign interaction and deepening integration.

It wasn't until the evening that my mother found out that her daughter had gone offline, and she didn't wake up after calling several times, so she was in a hurry.

It's better if nothing happens.

Zhu Yuting's father came in, checked his daughter's pulse and body temperature, and said it was all right, she was tired.

When a mother loves her daughter, she feels that this is not going to work, so she lies still every day, so that her body will not be ruined.

Zhu Yuting's father disagreed, saying that this kind of thing is too common, and I have never seen that person collapsed because of being online for a long time. Let Zhu's mother not worry, Canaan is a black technology. No matter how long you are online, sleep well. Enough.

At this moment Zhu Yuting woke up, she didn't have time to care about her parents' bickering, she went online as soon as she woke up, for fear that there would be problems with the batch of goods.

"Why, I'll just say a few words to you and you'll be offline, who will you show your face to?" The senior tailor player was still waiting for her, naturally he was angry and his tone was very aggressive.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm too tired, in order to catch up with this batch of goods." Zhu Yuting naturally insisted on being careful.

"Didn't you hire a lot of people?"

"Those uncles... let's not talk about it, you should understand it all."

The senior tailor player was amused, "How about it, did you understand my mood at that time?"

"I get it, boss, it's really not easy for you."

"If you want me to say, there are not too many tourists but too few tourists. They are used to them, and they are more attractive than the uncle. Let 1 million people come in to see. At that time, I guarantee that they will cry and want to fuck you. "

This senior tailor player has a lot of grievances, but now he has outsourced this kind of trouble, and it has become a trouble for people like Zhu Yuting.

Looking at Zhu Yuting's distress at this moment, sympathy is fake, and gloating is real.

This man was trustworthy, and Zhu Yuting was relieved to see that batch of goods still in place. In this case, if it were someone else, they might be under the ignorance.

"Don't worry, I haven't moved anything, and I'm not greedy for your petty gain."

This is not cheap, it is worth more than ten gold.

Zhu Yuting was very moved, so after checking that all the goods were ok, she took the initiative to reduce the unit price by [-]%.

"No need to surrender, just do as we discussed, I'm not inferior to you!" Unexpectedly, the senior tailor player didn't appreciate it, "In the future, you can complete the order on time and ensure the quality. Brainy."

"Thank you, thank you."

"This order is not easy, is it?"

"It's a waste of money."

"Haha, that's how they all came here... Where did the money go?"

The so-called channel refers to the method of settlement, which is generally divided into two types, one is person-to-person, and the other party directly transfers the money to her personally. In RMB, there is also a 10% personal income tax. If it exceeds a certain amount, there is also a 20% self-employed business tax (regarding players and tourists as self-employed businesses), and the total tax rate is as high as 20%.

One is entity-to-entity. At this time, the registered company will work, and everyone will exchange public accounts, saving 10% of handling fees and 20% of personal income tax, and only needing 20% ​​of business operation tax and miscellaneous online and offline There is only remittance online and offline, and the total does not exceed 30%.

If certain conditions are met, such as how many people are hired, how many jobs have been created (both online and offline), investment made by corporate entities (both online and offline), etc., you can also enjoy certain tax rebates Proportion.

Under the vigorous promotion and guidance of the national service, almost all people like Zhu Yuting who have a small industry and wealth in the game have registered a company entity, and online and offline economic activities have benefited from this, and the integration has become increasingly close. The trend of interconnection has brought about a booming metaverse economy.

"Let's take the company's account"

"Okay, let's go to the bank."

The senior tailor had his own 'private car', and the two rushed to the bank branch near the city lord's mansion, and found a large group of people watching.

"What's the matter, is this going to close?"

"It is said to be ready for the revision"


"What do you mean, revision? 7 test?"

"What's the matter with the bank?"

"Maybe it will be changed into a bank in the future?"

"Isn't it superfluous to take off your pants and fart?"

Seeing that the bank was being 'dismantled', Zhu Yuting was in a hurry, and hurriedly dragged the senior tailor to rush in during the last window, and completed the account exchange procedures before the last time limit.

"How did the bank close? It's really strange."

"Not only banks, but also service centers, job markets, tax bureaus, public security, etc. are all being delisted."


"This game won't be pornographic, right?"

"Impossible, the earth cannot be yellow after it explodes."

"That is how the matter"

"It can only be the 7th test. It seems that there will be a major adjustment, just like when the 6th test started."

"Toss, toss hard!"

Leaving the bank, there was still a lot of discussion outside. The senior tailor player saw that Zhu Yuting was very worried, and said with a smile, every time at this time, ghosts and snakes will appear, let her keep calm, and don't be led into the bank by others. pit.

Zhu Yuting took the opportunity to ask him about the national service points.

The senior tailor player said disdainfully, this is someone who came out to cut leeks again, so Zhu Yuting must not be fooled, no matter how fooled outside, cash is king, just keep your money bag tight.

Zhu Yuting believed it was true.

(End of this chapter)

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