This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 480 public server, national server, private server

Chapter 480 public server, national server, private server
The entrance to the fairy forest of the dungeon is 15 kilometers deep underground.

The huge karst cave should be formed naturally, but after artificial expansion, it looks so regular.

An underground waterfall cascaded down from the entrance of the cave more than ten meters high, and the rumbling water spray spread out the water mist that covered the cave all the year round, making everything here drenched.

A special kind of underground creature thrives here.

They are still them, the players are not sure.

This is a sub-human species that looks like a water monkey at first glance, but looks like a gorilla without hair when you look closely.

In Canaan, there are so many of these demihuman species, the system didn't mark them at the beginning, it only said unknown humanoid creatures, and it was marked as 'subterranean murlocs' after brushing a few of them.

This thing is also a murloc?
What about the scales? What about the fish's skull?

It's just a water monkey.

Since it's a murloc, it's a monster. Since it's a monster, players don't have to worry about it. Although they have a high degree of social organization and a certain degree of civilization, they are like primitive tribes, with old and weak women and children. There is dedication and sacrifice to protect the old, weak, women and children.

"Forget it, don't brush it, it's meaningless."

The head of the group Yijian Guanghan Nineteen States said when they stopped to rest.

At this time, the team had captured the altar of the underground murlocs, surrounded by murloc corpses, some members of the team were collecting them separately, and the large mosaic could not completely cover the bloody scene.

"It's too weak, doesn't have much experience, is so poor, and has nothing."

"It actually unlocked a monster picture sign!"

"Did you find the way?"

"The scout hasn't returned yet."

Xia Miaomiao sat on a relatively clean blanket to reply to messages from the private chat channel. This blanket was obviously sacrificed to the underground murloc of the BOSS. It depicted a large number of unexplained magic lines and a lot of ghost symbols similar to hieroglyphs. There are some scattered sacrificial utensils, some made of bone and some made of metal. Obviously, this murloc tribe has developed to the 'Bronze Age' and is already able to smelt metal tools.

"When will you come back? The 6th test is almost over."

"Are you sure about the time?"

"The official website has not released an announcement, and the gossip says May Day"

"It's still a few days, don't worry"

"Have you found the entrance to the dungeon?"

"It's not that easy. I've been wandering around in the underground labyrinth. Today I set up an underground murloc's lair. All I met a few days ago were Komodo beasts. I'm so bored."

"Can a Komodo be a mount?"

"Well, you are interested, riding a thief ugly"

"Remember to bring me specimens, all of them."

"Got it, got it, I just collected the local murloc's notepad for you."

"What notebook?"

"I can't understand again... let's not talk about it, I'm starting now."

After shutting down the communication with the buddies, the team members have rested and are ready to set off again.

The scouts have come back and found more than a dozen passages leading to different directions, but no one knows which one leads to the real underground world. The underground murlocs must know, but players and monsters cannot communicate, even if they catch It's useless to live.

It's just a matter of luck.

Still using the lottery method.

"Let's go to passage number 7!"

"Let's go, let's go."

It has been more than ten days, and I have been going around in the dark underground. No one knows where it is, and I haven't found a place approved by the system where a safe zone can be established.

Only by establishing a safe zone can their expeditions be rewarded. The system will give a lot of meritorious rewards, and the organizer can even name the safe zone.

Most of the members of the regiment are from the public service, and the territory they explored naturally also belongs to the public service. The public service is relatively generous in this regard. This safe zone is 'taken into its own', and it should be a city lord.

This will test his eyesight and courage.

This safe zone can be turned into a private domain, and he can only pay for all the meritorious deeds by himself. He also needs to compensate the members of the regiment, and there are various huge expenses for building the safe zone. What kind of big water pipe can afford it?
One is in the collective name of gangs and families, and the burden is relatively small, but this safe zone belongs to all members of the family and gangs, and the city lord is far less free and prestigious than a private territory.

If you see a place with potential for development, act decisively. In the future, as the importance of the resources and traffic location of this place will be brought into play, the safe area will develop into a town, and the town will develop into a city recognized by the system. Resources are included in it, and then developed into an aristocratic collar. The aristocratic collar has obtained the management authority of the system and thus has its own qualification to expand the 'population'.

Yijian Guanghan Nineteen States had such a big spring and autumn dream, becoming an existence comparable to the national uniform.

Theoretically, it is promising, but its realization is extremely slim.

Plain clothes?

Public server-national server-private server?
Is there any more challenging and exciting gameplay than this?

there is none left!
Almost every major plumber and institution is dreaming of such a dream.

This is also the fundamental motivation for them to explore and occupy new maps.

From this point of view, the environment of the dungeon is fully qualified to realize this dream, but a suitable place to establish a safe zone has never been found, which makes Yijian Guanghan Nineteen States very anxious.

No matter how anxious you are, you can't show it on the surface. After the team starts again, the accompanying alchemist and enchanter process the materials collected along the way, and let the pharmacists, tailors, pharmacists, etc. process them into the necessary supplies... The team members are very familiar with the road, everyone knows what to do, and no one needs to teach.

This time I had better luck in choosing the route.

Not long after Passage No. 7, the scouts found a large number of wheel marks. After removing the thick dust covering the ground, they found that these marks were very deep. At first glance, it was obvious that a large number of horse-drawn carriages had been running through them all year round.

The discovery lifted the spirits of everyone on the team, who followed the ruts and soon found an abandoned bivouac at a fork in the road.

"Finally found the right direction!"

"It's not easy!"

"The 6th test is almost over."

"Hurry up, hurry up."

"Wait, I'll try to put down the 'signpost'"

Yijian Guanghan Nineteen States put down the 'system signpost', and it succeeded once. After the signpost was activated, everyone's map was updated. From the entrance to the underground world to here, all the maps explored in more than ten days were all deleted. light up.

Ten days of hard work finally saw the light of day, the team channel burst into cheers, Yijian Guanghan Nineteen States was even more relieved, saying that the more than 40 high-level players will not always compensate him for wandering around like this, isn't that time precious?
The road sign was put down, which proved that the direction was correct, but the passage became narrower and lower as it went forward, and the traces of artificial carvings gradually disappeared, and the wheel marks were also broken at a fork in the road.

There are two forks, one to the left and the other to the right. The left side can only allow two people to pass side by side. Carriages and the like are definitely not acceptable. The right side of the road is very wide, but it is a cliff after a short walk. The bottom is bottomless, and the carriage is also not allowed.

"Look again, there must be other passages!"

Yijian Guanghan Nineteen States shouted to his teammates, "No matter what, the road signs can't be wrong."

More than 40 people searched at this fork in the road, shrinking almost inch by inch, and every rock wall was touched. Finally, someone hit and accidentally touched the mechanism made of raised rocks. The wall slides away halfway between the two forks, revealing a flat entrance.

Before the players who found the intersection had time to notify their companions, a large black shadow rushed out from the intersection. It was a level 25 [Vampire Bat]. This kind of monster is not common on the ground. Fortunately, he was a paladin, and he subconsciously launched a [Holy Light's Blessing] at a critical moment to support him for a few seconds, giving his teammates time to react.

There were as many as seven or eight [Ice Roars] whizzing up, freezing the player and the [Vampire Bats] besieging him into an ice lump, and more [Vampire Bats] rushed out from inside, crow It was so overwhelming that it overwhelmed everyone at once.

Xia Miaomiao's reaction was quick, but there was no room for reaction around her. The energyized arrows were shot out like raindrops, using [Explosive Arrows] and [Burning Arrows], and the flames that spread out from the explosion could not be stopped [ Vampire bats followed one after another, and things the size of house cats pounced on their bodies, biting and injecting toxins, losing one-third of their blood in less than two seconds.

How many big rivers and waves have been crossed, is it going to capsize here.

If you hang up, there is no safe zone, and you have to start from the beginning again. The 6 tests will be over, which is almost equal to failure.

In times of crisis, she showed the basic qualities of a high-playing player. She did not panic, and calmly tore open an unpopular scroll of [Group Repulsion Force Field]. Sensing found the location where his teammates started to gather, he fired out all the skills at once, clearing the path that only existed for less than a second.

The only third-level occupational displacement skill was activated, and her agility as high as 88 made her instantaneous speed not much slower than the voice.

With the [Vampire Bat] pounced all over its head and body, it landed firmly behind the defense line supported by the paladins and barbarians, and poured a bottle of [Sunwater] for itself when it landed, and drained the blood that had bottomed out. Pull back to the third position.

Two healing white lights fell immediately, clearing away the negative state caused by the toxin.

Countless [Vampire Bats] crashed into the shield wall supported by the paladins and barbarians, and the small defense line was like a paper wall in a torrent, which might collapse at any time.

Intensive damage values ​​rose densely on the heads of the paladins and barbarians. Several priests opened their arms and used their big moves to restore blood to them. The mage finally had time to cast spells, and the spells he chanted were extremely fast.

The rangers defended their heads, but they still couldn't completely stop the vampire bats from falling. Almost everyone had one or two hanging on them, and they didn't have time to clean them up. They could only rely on potions and priest bards to hold on.

During the stalemate of less than 10 seconds, people kept falling into the formation like Xia Miaomiao, covered in vampire bats. Roughly, there were less than 30 people gathered. The others who couldn't come back should be in bad luck. .

Finally, the chanting of the Faye ended. Wind, fire, lightning, black mist, swamps, magma falling rocks, etc., all caused huge group damage in a large area, and the intensive bombardment was at the position where the ghost bats were most concentrated in front of the shield wall.

The experience value refreshed the screen in an instant, it was really like a waterfall, the sound of falling was connected together, and the pressure of the paladin and the barbarian was relieved... Finally, they survived the most dangerous moment.

The rest is just mechanical harvesting.

Even though the situation just now was so critical, it was because the incident happened suddenly, and there were too many ghost bats. If they could have been predicted in advance, or given a little time for them to prepare, no matter how many ghost bats came, it would be useless of.

After all, the space here is so narrow, and by making good use of the terrain, it can be harvested without injury.

more than an hour later.

Xia Miaomiao's slow experience progress bar finally climbed to the full bar, and a white light for upgrading lit up - 41.

At level 41, you can challenge the third-floor dungeon of Baldwin's cemetery, get a gold medal, be promoted to a level 4 profession, and exchange for a stunning cloak.

The team channel resumed relaxed chatting and laughing. During this period of time, seven or eight unlucky people were rescued and returned, each of them was 'dying'. Many people had never been in such a state of embarrassment.

After coping with the congratulations from her teammates, Xia Miaomiao's mind was no longer here. If she could be promoted to a level 6 profession before the end of the 4th test, the 7th test would have a perfect start.

When the number of vampire bats became sparse, these things that were unknown as monsters or monsters finally retreated, and the number of corpses left behind was unknown. This was because it took too long and was 'refreshed' by the system.

Level 25 monsters drop a lot of things, but the good things are limited. High players naturally look down on them. Those who can be placed on consignment can be put on consignment. Those who can’t be put on consignment will take them away if there is space in their backpacks. No one cares.

However, no one thinks that the alchemy formula and alchemy materials are low-level. After a small internal auction, Xia Miaomiao helped his best friend to buy a dozen [glands of ghost bats]. The real entrance, and after two hours, arrived at the underground 'wasteland'.

It is a real wasteland, located underground, between the two crusts, the endless space, the sky is the upper mantle, the earth is barren, hard rock, water resources are abnormally abundant, and it is not common to grow everywhere on the surface vegetation.

There are more mineral resources than the surface, and the traces of the gray dwarves' activities are everywhere, making holes everywhere like mice.

At the exit is an abandoned stone forest. A group of dwarves fled in all directions scared by the sudden intrusion of players. A small road passes through the stone forest and extends to an underground mountain range. A city can be vaguely seen lying between the two mountains.

Everyone was shocked by such a scene, and suddenly heard a dragon chant, and then saw a huge red dragon flapping its wings and flying towards this side.

"Dragon...Dragon...Dungeons and Dragons!"

Someone trilled and yelled.

"Fuck, question mark (level)? Golden monster!"

"Back, back, back!", the team commander yelled in a distorted voice, "Go back to the cave, quick, quick!"

(End of this chapter)

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