This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 481 Context and fit

Chapter 481 Context and fit
"and after?"

"Yijian Guanghan Nineteen State guy saw that he seemed to be able to communicate, so he went out to get close to him in a smart way. In the end, he didn't say a few words, and when he breathed out, he was instantly killed."

"Huh? I remember him fighting [-] battles, right? A master of the hundred, or a paladin, is that not worth it?"

"Please, that's a giant dragon, a genuine adult dragon, and a red dragon with the strongest fighting power. Not to mention that he is only level 42, a level 50 profession, and a shocking cloak. This has nothing to do with combat power, a golden commander-level BOSS, understand?"

"Oh, what happened next?"

"The fight hasn't started yet, the leader died, what else is there to say?"

"How did you destroy the group?"

"Of course we didn't dare to go out. Thinking about the size of the giant dragon, we couldn't rush in, right? As a result... he really can."

"How did you rush in, summon mobs?"



"Transformed into a 2-meter-tall red-haired beauty, wow, she is so handsome, her long legs, tsk tsk... really enviable."

"Hey, is your focus wrong?"

"The figure is really nothing to say. Do you understand the golden section? It's just that the facial features are too sharp. How can I describe it? The sword eyebrows are in the temples, and the knife and the axe are slashing? When I rushed in, it was a random killing. My skills beat most of them." It's all MISS."

"Where's the mage's?"

"Mages are even worse, they are immune."

"Immune to spell damage?"


"Then how do you fight? Rangers and mages can't output."

"Yeah, all of them are close to the combat profession, and I can't even touch their sides... It's the first time I know that there are monsters that can be so strong. It feels that they are not at the same level at all. No matter how many people there are, it is useless."

"So you are wiped out."

"If we can't beat us, can't we run? We ran away and ran away. Later, the dark elf drow came, and the environment was left alone again. The end can be imagined... I barely changed two, and finally only saw As soon as the red shadow flashed, it hung back."

"Hehe, it's rare to see you still have a day of convincing."

"I'm convinced, this time I'm really convinced, I haven't been like this in the abyss battlefield before, I can't do anything, I can't use any strength."

"The safety zone is also yellow?"

"The safe zone is probably the dungeon. With that red dragon guarding it, it's useless... Wait until you reach level [-] or [-] and try again... By the way, Xiao Yu, can you make scrolls?"

"The scroll is enchanted, right? No"

"It's a pity. I guess the price of scrolls will increase in the future. When you go out, you need manpower. This time the feeling is too deep. Several times, scrolls are used to save lives."

"Why do I think you look excited?"

"I lost 5% of my experience, and I'm back to level 40. I'm so excited, but this time it's a non-combat crime, so I can barely accept it. After all, I've learned a lot... That's a giant dragon."

"Okay, I won't tell you anymore, I have something else to do."

"I'm going to get back the 5% experience, and try to get the amazing cloak before May Day."

After finishing the call with his best friend, Du Shiyu turned his attention to the 'clients' who had been waiting for a long time.

Outside the reception room, one of her player apprentices called a very handsome tourist in, exchanged a few pleasantries, and began to deliver goods.

"Level 20, green outfit, general-purpose necklace for first-level occupations, need to lower the required attribute, and the continuous recovery of physical strength attribute has not been refined, but the others are not bad." Du Shiyu introduced five bronze rings on the table.

"Thank you, thank you, master, but... can green clothes be enchanted?" asked the handsome tourist.

"Yes, I paid special attention when refining it. There is an enchantment slot, which can be used with a low-required attribute of level 15."

"Thank you master, thank you master..."

"It's okay to deliver."

The rich-looking tourist couldn't help leaving with five custom-made green rings, and the apprentice brought in the second one.

"It is you!"

Du Shiyu looked at Zhu Yuting who walked in, and made out a lot.

"Hello, Sister Shiyu!"

Zhu Yuting greeted her affectionately, not respectfully.

"I said the cutting skill +2, so it is the big boss who asked for the attribute of [No distractions], I didn't expect it to be you." Du Shiyu laughed and teased her, "How is it, the business is starting? I heard that you have a job. Fang?"

"Well, just do primary processing, the business is okay, thanks to your help, otherwise..."

"That's your own effort, don't be too polite with me... Come, let's take a look at the equipment."

20 small and exquisite scissors are lined up in a line, and the glittering gold makes people look away. This kind of "equipment" used by tourists is very popular at present. You can get 20 pieces at one time, except for money. In addition, the contribution, points and reputation of the Alchemist Association are also required.

It was very inconvenient for Du Shiyu to open the back door for her. It can be seen that Zhu Yuting is doing well now, and the association can send the commission to Du Shiyu.

Scissors are fine, there are only two attributes, and the total price is 11 gold and 20 silver.

Zhu Yuting gritted her teeth and took out almost half of the working capital to pay, and made a few words with Du Shiyu, and said goodbye with great insight.

"Next time this person comes, there is no need to line up."

Du Shiyu told the apprentices.

"Got it, boss!"


"Yes, teacher."


Du Shiyu nodded like a mentor, and the apprentice led in the third person.

This man is an orc player.

This person is very good at business, and he offered a small gift as soon as he came up, saying that alchemy is too brain-intensive. This is the formula of a blue drink that he found after searching for a long time. It can be taken for a long time, and it can refresh the mind and relieve fatigue. effect.

Reaching out and not hitting the smiling face, Du Shiyu had no choice but to accept that he was so 'sincere'.

What this person ordered was also a production tool, but it was a mining shovel, mining skill +2, luck +1 with [sturdy] attribute, and he ordered 50 of them at a time.

Du Shiyu was curious, could he find so many miners?

Players mine mines for themselves, and there are many ways for tourists to make money. Few can stay in the mines for a long time to endure hardships...then it can only be the aborigines NPC.

But the aborigines NPCs are public and systematic, without certain military ranks or titles, and they can't be hired with any money.

Thinking of military rank and title, Du Shiyu's heart moved, and when he asked this person, he was indeed a [Third Sergeant Major] and a [Apprentice Knight].

The military ranks are initially [Militiaman], and then [First Sergeant Major] to [Third Sergeant Major], which are the first four ranks.

A regiment must have a certain level of military rank. Generally, for a regiment of 50 people, [first-level sergeant major] is enough, but if several regiments are mixed, they must be [third-level sergeant major], followed by one level to [third-level regiment commander] 】, Corresponding to the number of people in different groups, the first-level regiment leader is said to be able to command a player army of no more than a thousand people.

Only when the military rank is promoted, can one be eligible to obtain the corresponding title. The military rank is the door frame, and the title is exchanged for meritorious service.

When the military rank and knighthood system was first launched, Yijiang Chunshuiliu was the [Third Sergeant Major], how many tests did it take?Du Shiyu couldn't remember.

At that time, the military rank and title system was immature, and it was not linked to group formation, team battles, gang warfare, and national warfare, and military ranks had no other benefits. Now it is different.

It seems that they have been raising their military ranks and titles recently?

Such an inconspicuous guy is not even level 35, so what's the use of raising such a high rank?
Enduring doubts, Du Shiyu completed the deal with him, and became friends with each other. There was no way, this person was too enthusiastic, and he made Du Shiyu very comfortable.

The next four or five people are all similar clients. In the morning, all the commissions for nearly a week are dealt with, and the afternoon can be freely arranged.

Ah... no, there is another class.

Du Shiyu asked the apprentice about his recent study progress, and the apprentice player complained in his heart. Such an irresponsible tutor made people speechless.

Unexpectedly, the class in the afternoon was not completed, and the national server summoned—a regional plot task.

All the "head and face" characters of the new magic city have come, both players and NPCs.

Nuoda’s mansion seems to be different, there are no busy staff, only inexplicable characters such as housekeepers, attendants, grooms, cooks, gardeners, tax collectors, magistrates, and retainers are receiving them.

"The count is finally coming back?"

An NPC on the national server whispered in the crowd, "This is really great."


What the hell?

Du Shiyu was wondering, someone reminded him to read the announcement of the national server.

The great Earl Walter Xia finally finished his studies at the Grand Duke of Norman in the Principality and returned to the hereditary and irreplaceable territory. He specially invited the Earl Walter Xia to a dinner of "sages from all walks of life". Rewards for meritorious persons and entrustment release important decisions...

With a bang, the entire banquet hall was 'bombed' like this.

How did the national uniform become the Earl of Walter Xia. ?
Walter Xia?

Isn't it Huaxia, I don't know you wearing a vest for you?

Why bother?

National uniform What does this mean?
Is this to grant state authority to private individuals?

Or is it a trick to sell dog meat, this Walter Xia is not a secretary, is there a deputy minister?
Merit, shit, I said, why do people keep mentioning this recently, so they are waiting here.


Is it finally here?Lao Tzu's national service points have just been sold, don't want it...


When the freshly baked Earl of 'Walter Xia' appeared, the hall was still in a mess, and an attendant shouted loudly, silence, it was useless.

Next, the players realized that the earl is not in name, but also represents the power of 'life and death'.

The attendant actually directly used the authority of the national server, banned everyone from speaking, and deducted prestige, points, favorability and other punishments for those who danced more happily. A group of NPC bands poured into the hall, playing a grand and Without losing the joy of celebration.

Earl 'Walter Xia' in full attire came slowly, looking young, in his twenties, with an ordinary appearance, followed by his wife and a pair of twin daughters.

Well, the whole family is complete.


On the steps, Walter Xia officially entered the role, which seemed to be a matter of course, as if there was no national uniform at all, and it had always been the earldom of 'Walter Xia'.

"Thank you for your contribution to the Earl Country. I heard about you when I was studying under the Duke."

Whoa, whoa...

It was only then that the players discovered that the three teachers and nine streams attending the meeting were all people with particularly high sympathy and prestige.

Because of Du Shiyu's occupation and the completion of the commission, the City Lord's Mansion...ah no, the prestige and favor of the Earl's Mansion have only recently been raised. I thought it was useless, but I didn't expect it to play such a big role at this time.

Du Shiyu's mind was in a mess, chatting privately with her best friend, and found that all channels were banned.

She didn't know that the outside world had been bombarded by a series of national service announcements.

Hua Guoguo will be delisted from now on, and will be changed to Earl of Walter Xia.

Respect to all players and tourists, in order to provide a better and more realistic game experience, in order to adapt to the context of Canaan, and deeply integrate with the background of the world of Canaan, there will be no offline units and things online In the future, all retainers, servants, merchants, and nobles who serve Earl Walter Xia must follow this principle, and all players and tourists in the Earl are encouraged to abide by this rule.

For tourists who are particularly outstanding in "integrating Canaan context, world background, and narrative", special care will be given in the player selection of the 7th test. For players who "deeply fit the world background, plot, and narrative" In terms of sensitivity, give instant rewards...

The national server of Huaguo has just made a big move here, and the national server of Beimi has also released a series of heavy announcements, announcing the delisting of the national server and the official establishment of the Earl of Millican Fant. The content is similar to that of the national server of Huaguo...ah , No, it's the same with Earl Walter Xia, and the context is also emphasized.


Why is it so important?
The 'Abyss' of the magic net is a demiplane specially opened up to store 'garbage'.

Following the bombshells released by the two major national uniforms, waves of the 'Abyss' were set off one after another.

Standing in mid-air, Bei Gaoyang saw with his own eyes that the 'sticky' sea water finally started to solidify, pieces of reefs were congealing, and were piled together by the waves, forming pocket islands one by one.

Islands attract and repel each other, gradually forming larger landmass.

The "Blessing of the Abyss" carried by the magic net, which Bei Gaoyang called "SAN" value, seemed to like this place naturally. The newly formed land was soon covered with a layer of rust, and even the chaotic sky began to recede. The transparent void is stained with a faint rust-colored background.

- Magic Weave and Fit have been increased.

This is where the biggest role of context lies.

As an 'foreign thing', there has always been a problem of compatibility with the magic net. It will increase or decrease with the number of players and the degree of integration into the Canaan world, and there will be peaks and valleys with each server opening test.

Before the 7th test, this "fitness" must be brought up. What kind of national server, what kind of operating agents, do not conform to the context of Canaan, and are incompatible with the Canaan world.

In the past, Bei Gaoyang was unable to guide, but now the strength of cooperation between the two parties has been reversed, and the time has come to guide the players to truly integrate into Canaan.

At the moment, changing the name, launching an earl or viscount is just a superficial effort, but such a prestige project is enough for now, and there will be time and opportunities to guide it slowly.

In the mage tower of Punk City, Bei Gaoyang removed the two question marks behind 'context' and 'fitness'. On the huge magic net design diagram, once these two 'loop matrix' are connected, most of the difficulties will be solved.

The design of the 7-layer magic net is nearing completion.

(End of this chapter)

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