This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 482 Old Yu, Be Careful

Chapter 482 Old Yu, Be Careful
"Xiao Yu, what's the matter?"

"Dong, chairman, I finally got in touch with you."

"Hehe, it's been a long time since I've contacted you. What's the matter, is there something urgent?"

"Well, well, it's about the 7th test..."

"This is based on what the Central Intellectual Brain tells you, and I have nothing to say here."

"Chairman, Central Intellectual Brain has elevated the authority of the national service of the United States, do you know?"

"Is there such a thing? Let me see... Oh, there is really such a thing."

"Chairman, in this way, the organizational structure of Canaan Company will be messed up. Look..."

"Let's just mess around, we've already tested 7 times, and we don't have to control everything like before. Don't you always talk about the degree of freedom? Let's make the degree of freedom even higher."

"That's it... okay, we got it."

"Anything else?"

"Yes, yes, yes, didn't the United States build a player city? We want to know your opinion?"

"I don't have any opinions, I only care about online, offline is your territory, I understand, hehe..."

Yu Qingdong felt that he couldn't continue talking, but there were countless pairs of eyes staring at him, sweat came out from his forehead, and his typing fingers trembled a little.

This time, No. [-]'s attitude was significantly different from the previous ones, indifference, distance, pushback... Yu Qingdong felt that the golden elephant leg was moving away from him, and his importance and value were being shaken.

Without the relationship with number zero, he would not be able to sit firmly in this position. It is not all for the benefit of the public, but more for himself.

Under such pressure, he couldn't care less about the 'script outline', "If we follow suit, what do you think?"

This question almost caused the people behind to stop it.

"I don't object, but I don't encourage it either. You have to consider the gains and losses yourself."

"Yes, yes, yes, Chairman, you should know the crowd effect of players, right?"

"Crowd effect?"

"It means that if there are enough players in a certain area, some online things will appear offline, which will lead to a series of supernatural phenomena."

"This... Since you guys are so frank, I'll make it clear."

Yu Qingdong breathed a sigh of relief, and turned his head to give the person behind him a peaceful look.

Dialogue with No. [-] according to the outline, No. [-] is all clichés and evasions, "official answers to diplomatic rhetoric", this model no one wants to see.

Zero likes to listen to more direct words, even if there is a little offense, he won't care, but it will bring him closer to him, which Yu Qingdong has known for a long time.

But how important it is to communicate with him, the "script outline" is naturally reviewed and reviewed, and after review and review, it becomes the tone of the official model. With the sensitivity of zero, naturally I don't have the patience to deal with these. You use the official , I will use 'diplomatic rhetoric', and end this opportunity to get in touch with me in a few words.

"Your so-called player cluster effect is due to the various encounters players have encountered online, leading to a certain degree of...uh, evolution, evolution, do you understand?"

"I understand, I understand."

"I know you are very sensitive to these, but I think this kind of evolution is a good thing, have I told you this before?"

"Yes Yes Yes."

"However, everything has two sides. This change of players will cause some Canaan things, it should be said to be 'program' things, to be brought back offline."

"Cheng, program?"

"Rules, rules, whatever you want to understand."

"Yes Yes Yes"

"The rules and laws of Canaan are mysteries. It distinguishes science, and sometimes even stands on the opposite side of science. It is ideal, do you understand?"

"Understood, Chairman."

"The afterimage of the rules that a single player brings to reality is neither stable nor negligible. It may cause them to have a certain degree of 'hallucination', or they may also have a 'fever', which is to cause some visions on them or in a short period of time. appear in the surrounding environment, but this cannot be sustained unless you artificially intervene, concentrate them excessively, and let the drops of water gather to form a small pond."

"Chairman, your description is too apt, and it solved my long-standing doubts."

Yu Qingdong finally seized the opportunity and offered a flattery.

"Ha ha……"

Zero is really useful.

"You must have thoroughly studied these. As I said before, it is a good thing and a bad thing. The good thing is that it provides you with another choice, another path, and it can even be combined with your original path. , it is more convenient for you to explore the truth, prolong your life, transcend the greenhouse of the earth, and enter the infinitely broad universe.”

"It's also a bad thing. It will impact your comfort zone. At first, it will make you feel at a loss. Fear comes from the unknown. Normal people will be wary of unknown things, trends and signs that are beyond their control. It is understandable. But my suggestion is to be brave, to have wisdom and courage, to look at it from a strategic height, and to have a long-term vision.”

"Yes, yes, you support this model of the Americans, right?"

"I didn't say anything, it's up to you how you choose."

"I get it, I get it"

"Anything else?"

"When will the chairman come back? The whole company is looking forward to your return."

"I won't come back, at least not in the near future."

"That's such a pity...and one more thing, Chairman."

"You said."

"Recently, the system has been emphasizing the context, and the national server is also undergoing reforms. Do you have any specific instructions?"

"The context is not emphasized by the system, but by me... Well, let me tell you what's going on."

"Well, well, thank you, Chairman."

Yu Qingdong completely turned into a well-behaved problem baby, and tried to prolong this communication, even if he said some worthless polite words, this was his selfishness and public interest.

The more Zero says, the better.

In the future, there may not be many such opportunities.

"The reason why this context is important lies in the smoothness of the system's operation. Too many things that do not conform to the Canaan context will interfere with the normal operation of the system, making the system confused and using a lot of resources to think and analyze. In the past, when there were few players That’s all, now that there are more players, there will be more 7 tests, it’s time to shift from chasing quantity to demanding quality.”

"This quality is to allow every player and tourist to integrate into Canaan's narrative, use Canaan's language and behavior patterns to play the game, I call it 'playing', play the role defined by yourself and the system, and play offline A certain degree of cutting."

"Didn't you keep talking about Second Life? This Second Life should not contain too many things from No.1. It will be more real and have a more game atmosphere."

"It turned out to be like this, the chairman is really far-sighted!"

Only then did Yu Qingdong realize that he actually had the potential to be a courtier, and he said such nasty flattering words with 'sincerity', and he didn't feel nasty or ashamed at all.

What's wrong with me, uh, why is it so... there is a lower limit for number zero every time?
Just flatter it, and it’s so low-level, I didn’t think it at the time, but I couldn’t bear to look at it afterward.

"Hehe, is there anything else?"

Nothing but three.

Yu Qingdong received a reminder to end the communication, and said a nasty, courteous, and reluctant farewell, and waited until the profile picture of number zero went dark before closing the chat window.

Then came the trouble.

"Who allowed you to ask that kind of question without authorization? Who gave you the right? Do you know how dangerous it was?"

"Me, what's wrong with me?"

"You have surpassed my comrades, do you still realize the seriousness of the situation? If something goes wrong, do you know how much responsibility you will bear?"

"But... the situation at the time... besides, I still have the right to adapt to the actual situation, right? At that time, number zero was very cold, and those who kept using bureaucratic words were alienated."

"We'd rather alienate than risk the potential."

"What risk, isn't it good?"

"Okay? Zero has expressed his views on the 'player cluster' effect, what should we do?"

"We, we..."

"We do it, who will bear the risks and consequences, you? If we don't do it, what will he think? Will talking so much at length aggravate his resentment?"

"But...but...but I think Number Zero is right. Risks and opportunities coexist. We already have a door and a secret area. If there is an uncontrollable hazard, we have already discovered it..."

"This is not something you need to consider, my comrade, do you really think you are the big boss of the umbrella company? You are floating and inflated."

"...Then what should we do?"

"What to do, wait for the superior's opinion."

"Wait and wait, the big deal is dismissal, whoever loves to do this job."

"Don't think you can't do it without you, don't have the idea of ​​coercion and self-respect, it's dangerous, my comrade."

"I do not have!"

"Do you know it yourself?"

Have it?

Yu Qingdong asked himself.

It really does.

So when No. [-] showed a cold and distant attitude, he was in a hurry, and it should be said that he was radical.

It's not that he can't ask those questions, but that they can't be so easy and hasty. The most important thing is to ask the people who really make up their minds before they make up their minds.

In a word, he overstepped.

This matter can be big or small, if it is big enough to be able to go online infinitely, it is enough to pull him off the horse, judging from the look in his friend's eyes before leaving, it should...maybe...maybe...really will!

He, the CEO, was the one who pulled the "strong man" on the horse when he didn't pay enough attention. People like him should be said to be unsuitable for this position. There are some more suitable and reliable candidates than him, and he has not been moved. It's because the attitude of number zero can't guarantee it.

But now...

The never-before-seen sense of crisis made Yu Qingdong restless all afternoon. When the evening approached, there was still no news from above, neither accountability nor rewards.

Returning home in a dull mood, only when I saw a room full of people did I remember that today is the end of the month, and the 6th test will be over in two days, and the 7th test...isn't the 'debt collector' coming to the door?
In the past, Yu Qingdong could barely deal with them, but now they saw that their noses were not noses, and eyes were not eyes. They told him to drive him out of the house in a few words, and even lost his temper at the yellow-faced woman who made her own way.

"What's wrong with you, you've taken gunpowder, who provoked you?"

It is said that he is the big boss of Umbrella Company, so it’s fine for others to believe it. My family members also believe it, but it’s really killing me, but there are some things that I can’t tell my family members clearly. Seeing their tails up now, I’m really angry one place.

"Dad, how are you doing with the business in Huidu? I've been urged several times, so if you drag it on..."

This one is not waiting.

No wonder men like to find a confidante outside.

"Can Yu Qingdong be removed?"

"I agree, this person has abilities, but it is not suitable to be placed in this position, and he cannot make the best use of it."

"I also agree that this position is too important and requires a person who is excellent in all aspects."

"This person can't move yet. If he moves, his whole body will be affected. There are still concerns above. Wait and see again..."

"Okay, so what's the content of this conversation?"

"Let the Americans walk the road for us first, don't worry, the emperor is not in a hurry, why are we in a hurry?"

"That's it?"

"Well, what's the next topic?"

Little did he know that Yu Qingdong, who dangled from the edge of the cliff, returned to the company. Everyone was working overtime. The lobby on the first floor was bustling with Canaan elements everywhere, as well as players and cloud player groups from all over the world.

In the past, he would never stay in this place, it was too noisy, this time he found a remote corner and sat down.

"Brother, is the official uniform or the national uniform?" A bald middle-aged man approached to strike up a conversation, Yu Qingdong glanced at him, "National uniform, what's wrong?"

"Do you want inside information about the 7th test? It just passed down from upstairs."

"What inside information?"

"Hey, this..."

"how much is it?"

"2 gold bars"

"...How can I give you offline, you are also a player?"

"How fresh, it's not what players are here for."

"No money!?"

Not to mention, Yu Qingdong really couldn't get the 2 gold.

Besides, what news is worth 2 gold?
It's worth it if you say it's worth it?

"Forget it, just treat it as a friend, and I will give you this news for free."

"tell me the story"

"The parent company of Canaan is about to undergo a major shakeup, Yu Dazui's status will not be guaranteed, and his disciples and grandchildren will all be laid it super explosive inside information?"


Yu Qingdong never expected that while he was still waiting, someone would sell all over the sky the inside information that he was about to leave get out of class.

"Mr. Yu, the arrangement for the 7th test is out, take a look."

Back in the office, the secretary sent a thick plan and work arrangement, but Yu Qingdong couldn't take it into account at all. He lived like a year, sitting on pins and needles until it got dark, so he couldn't help but call a friend.

"I reckon you're about to call. You're lucky this time, and you got through the danger, but there will never be a next time...Old Yu, be careful, let's take this time as a lesson."

(End of this chapter)

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