This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 483 Points and titles

Chapter 483 Points and titles

In a blink of an eye, it was the day before the end of the 6th test.

The flea market in New Magic City was still crowded, and Zhu Yuting's stall was almost sold out, and the rest were hard to sell. Anyway, if I had time, I chatted with the stall owner next to me.

"By the way, have you registered yet?" asked the stall owner next to him selling trinkets.

"Register? Don't you need to register this time?"

"I heard that some places require registration."

"We didn't say that, I asked, and the Canaan company doesn't need to register."

"Then it's a place to generate income?"

"Hehe, we all know we have money..."

"They all want to get wool from us."


"Haha, but this time being plucked is also willing, right?"

"To be honest, I'm not very interested in winning the lottery. It's fine now. Even if I become a player, it's still the same as it is now. I'm not interested in those who fight and kill."

"You're only interested in small bucks"

"Yes, it's very rewarding."

How about Canaan's magical power? The current Zhu Yuting is very different from the shy, weak and slightly socially phobic Zhu Yuting before. She has a workshop and recently bought a house in Xinmodu. Once you get the money, you will have confidence, and you will no longer be afraid to deal with strangers.

Compared with other people's game experience, she feels that she is very lucky. She does everything step by step. Let's start a business. So many tourists say they want to do it by themselves, but very few actually do it. After the 3 minutes of enthusiasm, Most people will lose their enthusiasm because there are too many opportunities and it is too easy to make money. A small number of people persist depends on their luck. If they are not lucky, they are better than ordinary tourists.

She is the only one who has always been helped by 'nobles'. The most important thing is that she has opened up the way of the Alchemy Association, has the capital to go it alone, and has met a few player shopkeepers who are willing to take care of her.

Now there is a company, and there are businesses both online and offline. It was like a dream a few months ago.

Canaan Dream.

A dream of getting rich overnight.

Nowadays, the success rate of such dreams is still very high, so after the 7th test, players were only produced among tourists, which caused a lot of doubts and dissatisfaction. Fortunately, tourists become players, and newcomers naturally need to become tourists. The number is often several times that of the players, and there are more opportunities to appease this dissatisfaction.

Become a tourist first, then a player, and this will generally be the model in the future.

Because of the large number of tourists, the chances have increased, and players are only produced among tourists, which seems to increase the chance of winning the lottery virtually.

"Business has been very good these days. Many things that could not be sold before have been sold, how about you?" The stall owner next to him finished another order and counted the numbers on his account with satisfaction.

"I'm alright..." Zhu Yuting answered casually as she was also receiving guests.

But this time the booth was visited by players from the international server. As we all know, the players from the international server are very stingy, and they must always pay attention to the things on the booth, and if they are not careful, they will walk away.

In fact, with Zhu Yuting's current level, there is no need to come out to practice stalls in person, and hire a tourist to look at the stall and give some commissions. This kind of easy and lively work, some people rush to do it, especially those older uncles and aunts. , They can be called professional watch stalls, they can sit and live, and it takes a day to look at them. If there are two catties of melon seeds and a pot of tea, they feel that they can see the world grow old.

People go online for leisure, and take care of making money to support their families. People like Zhu Yuting are so busy, they still don't like it.

After finally dealing with the difficult international server players, not many goods were sold, Zhu Yuting saw that there were not many things left, and was going to close the stall and go home to see the progress of the decoration.

Bought online. She bought a small house. Those in the city couldn’t afford it. I bought a house with a “village certificate” outside the city. It was developed by a certain institution, but I only got the institution’s “property certificate”. It also needs to pay a huge fee, so it can't be done, so it can only be counted as a 'village certificate.

The organization exchanged points for fiefs, and then engaged in various commercial developments in the fiefs to recover costs. The agents of the organization can still be a lord, baron or something... nothing wrong with it.

It's just that the intestines of the person who sold the points in front of him are all bruised, and the bad people are clamoring for being cheated, and they are still suing online and offline, looking for medicine for regret.

By the way, the said fief, there is still a lot of fun to watch in the afternoon.

"I closed the stall, how about you?" Zhu Yuting asked.

"I'm waiting for a meeting, and I'm also idle when I'm idle."

"I'm leaving?"

"Well, I wish you the lottery."

"Haha, each other, each other."

As soon as the stalls became vacant, some stall owners jumped at the chance to occupy them, and they were still acquaintances.

Greeted with a smile and exchanged some pleasantries, Zhu Yuting left the flea market, and now the 'bank' outside is depositing the money in the account into the 'public account', leaving only the amount for daily use in her backpack.

Online reform, everything with offline vocabulary and work nature has been revised. This kind of revision is not to change for the better, but to toss in the direction of the worse. Just say that this "bank", what is it called a chamber of commerce, is actually The bank work I do is just a lot less efficient, and a lot of primitive, cumbersome, and crude procedures are added to cater to the context of Canaan.

The business that could have been completed in a few minutes was completed in more than half an hour.

The stagecoach was gone, and it was replaced by a car dealership. Zhu Yuting wondered whether to buy a stagecoach, because it was necessary for business and it would be convenient to travel by herself.

After waiting for more than half an hour, the carriage that only served her arrived, and it was more than three hours after she got out of the carriage.

The efficiency visible to the naked eye becomes lower, the pace of life slows down, and the timeline becomes longer... I don't know the significance of the system doing this.

Close to West City, a construction site of about 20 acres, in the land of a certain organization, all kinds of buildings and houses are rising from the ground. The organization is full of ambitions. Although the planned CBD cannot have high-rise buildings and neon lights The city that never sleeps, but Hogwarts with magical lighting and medieval retro style is always okay.

Therefore, the architectural style here is all weird, shadowy, and heavy, with huge stones piled up into high walls, sharp towers, arched halls, narrow windows... If it is not that it cannot surpass the temple Well, Canaan also follows the status level, so they might be able to play a lot of tricks.

As a result, the construction site is like a large-scale fantasy movie set. Zhu Yuting's small house is actually not small, but the location is relatively remote and belongs to the residential area.

A two-story small building with a solid wood structure and a small yard in front. Zhu Yuting loves the wooden fence that surrounds the yard. In the future, some flowers and plants can be planted underneath, imagining that when green leaves and vines cover it, it will grow When small red, purple, and blue flowers bloom, the yard is full of refreshing floral fragrance, how wonderful it would be.

There are all the same small buildings all around, and the road is very narrow. There is no way to do it. It is not an exaggeration to describe this place as an inch of land and an inch of gold. Just such a small building is worth more than 30 gold. Under normal circumstances, no People can afford it, but luckily they can pay in installments, but the interest is a bit high.

It is a 'good deed' for people to take out a piece of fiefdom to solve the housing problem of tourists and players, and it is unjustifiable to let people lose money.

Push open the door of the small courtyard of D-19, the main building inside has been completed, and there are still some uncollected construction waste left in the courtyard. The decoration workers are NPCs of the national server, and only their labor is cheap. Players and tourists are all Uncle, I really can't afford it.

But the price of using NPC is poor understanding and execution ability. It takes a lot of effort to let them understand the decoration ideas in their heads. Only one floor has to be reworked many times. During this inspection, the other party finally understood the true intention of the employer. , Basically, it can be decorated according to the drawings.

The first floor is the layout of the living room, kitchen, dining room and leisure room (semi-open-air). The transparent structure seems simple, but in fact it is much more difficult to decorate than the split layout. My own home, in offline terms, It is the residence of the soul, Zhu Yuting was unwilling to compromise, carefully inspected the construction, found several places that were different from the drawings, and ordered rework without hesitation.

This blueprint was designed by someone who spent a lot of money online. It is not a copy of the modern decoration style. The national service has issued a series of regulations to cater to the Canaan context, and has restricted private territories or houses. Therefore, the overall decoration style Or 'back to the ancient'.

The second floor is still in its original state, with a living room, washroom, studio, prayer room and a semi-open-air garden, which is a place for drinking afternoon tea and holding parties, and there is a half attic on the top floor for storage Debris and placement of upper and lower line array substrates.

Although the sparrow is small and well-equipped, offline home buyers do not have this sense of achievement and belonging. Looking at this home, Zhu Yuting felt a sense of satisfaction and peace of mind that she had never had before, and she was almost overflowing with happiness. .

Calculating the total cost, I found that it is much more expensive than real estate with the same specifications offline. The total price of 38 gold can be easily bought in the golden zone of the first-tier big cities, right?And online, you can only get a 'village certificate' outside the city, and there is nothing more to do, but players, especially those tourists with little money and no idea about the progress of mainstream games, flock to them.

The first person who eats crabs is always full of food. Counting the number of small buildings here, you can easily estimate that the golden age of "online real estate" development has come, but the entry threshold for this industry is extremely high, not ordinary Players and tourists can get involved.

"How about it, Chunshui, you're still the first generation real estate developer in the Metaverse!"

At the same time, there is another group of people browsing in this commercial real estate project.

Xia Miaomiao and his party were accompanied by attentive institutional players, and they were coming out of a castle-like building that was far larger and more luxurious than Zhu Yuting's home. Shao Bing listened to Xia Miaomiao's joke, smiled bitterly, and subconsciously touched it. His gray hair was naturally blank, "The hero doesn't mention being brave in the past, I was tricked before, and I have lingering fears. Now I dare not jump into this pit of fire no matter what."

"It used to be a pit of fire, but now it's a pit of money, a cornucopia. Look at this area, how much will it cost to develop it?" said the leader of the Qingque Hall in the gang.

"It's not necessary, I think." The Saint Warrior of Huaguo Mountain, the head of the White Tiger Hall, looked around, "The gang resident has the same meaning as this. If you are interested, you can also set up a place to solve your housing problem."

"Village certificate or city certificate?" Someone immediately asked the key point.

"Naturally, it's a witness," said Huaguoshan Saint Seiya with wide-eyed eyes.


What if you leave the help?

Only the backbone of the gang will not have such concerns.

Ordinary helpers don't need to think about it. Under the same conditions, it is natural that a village certificate or a 'city certificate' can solve your worries.

"With that money, wouldn't it be nice for me to get some equipment to improve my combat power?"

"94, what a soul residence, the marketing is just rhythmic."

"By the way, tourists are really rich now. Look over there, the occupancy rate seems to be very high, tens of gold, and they have only been online for a few months? Tsk tsk..."

"Dozens of gold? I can't even get 1 gold now, I'm so poor and crazy."

"Who is to blame? You have some money to wash or gamble (strengthen), or spend it on the NPC girl in the tavern..."

"Hey, I'm a decent person, and I don't bring such slander."

"Pull you down"

"It is said that the 7th test will be completely realistic, so is that possible?"

"What what?"

"That's what, you know."

"You guys are disgusting."

"Boss Miao Miao, I didn't say anything."

"Don't think that I don't know what you are talking about. Why is the eunuch panicked after being a eunuch for a long time? The smell is all exposed."

"Ha ha……"

"Boss Miao Miao is mighty!"

"Don't tell me, it seems that an alchemist has made this kind of medicine, which can make the things below no longer just for display."

"True or fake, where and how to buy?"

"Almost done, you guys."

"Let's talk about it next time, let's talk about it next time."

Shao Bing smiled wryly again, declined the institutional player's suggestion to look at the next property, and walked towards the city with a group of people who were screaming and laughing.

This time they came to watch the ceremony as special guests of Earl Walter Xia.

The ceremony of ennobling the retainers.

There will be no national uniforms in the future, Shao Bing is really a bit inappropriate, seeing that the city has obviously lost a lot of offline color city appearance, I don’t understand why all the national uniforms and operating agents are collectively crazy .

The earl's mansion in the new magic city is decorated with lights and festoons, and the system prompts that it has entered the regional plot scene.

A man with the appearance of a butler waited for their carriage to stop, and started the plot in a strict manner, just like the old butler in the movie.

After Shao Bing finished talking with him, he turned around and waved to each of the regular gang members behind him, and climbed up the steps amidst the sound of ceremony and music.

Earl Walter Xia's public belief is Tias, the goddess of harvest, so the priest of Tias was missing on the scene. The main color of the hall is golden wheat ears, which looks resplendent.

Twenty or thirty of today's protagonists stood in two rows, well-dressed and dressed in aristocratic costumes, and were judged by the guests watching the ceremony like puppets. They were very nervous and their legs were trembling.

"How many points does a lowest-level knight need?"

"You have to be a sergeant major first."

"How much is the total?"

"More than 5"

"That's not much"

"Not much, I can't receive it at 1:10 now."

"1 to 10? Isn't that 50 gold?"

"That's still a trainee knight who is short. If you become a full-time knight, you will be doubled, and if you have a fief, you will be doubled."

"Depend on!"

"Don't think it's too expensive. Some people are taken advantage of. Look at these people. There are a few decent ones. They are all fucking professional players."

(End of this chapter)

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