Chapter 484
"The number of players in one city or one area should not be too many. We all know that because the real experience of Canaan is too strong, it will cause cognitive confusion for most people, and then travel to a certain extent. The illusion, while the players in one city and one area When the number exceeds a certain safety value, due to unknown reasons, this kind of cognitive confusion will deepen... It's like a group of mental patients gather together, but think that normal people are crazy... Don't laugh, now about superpowers , There is still a market for online intrusion into offline or something, and on the Internet, there are some people in reality who believe it is true, and all kinds of unimaginable theories prevail."

"Therefore, the players who won the lottery this time should consider these situations comprehensively, first count the distribution of players in the city and region, and then allocate specific places, and have certain requirements for the living environment of the players."

"It is definitely not possible for everyone to live together. They must be dispersed and such risks must be minimized. A psychological profile should be established for each player, and psychological assessment and counseling should be done regularly."

"If there are too many players in a city or region, you can consider evacuating to those areas with low density. You don't need to consider whether you are willing to accept the land. Players are only taken from tourists. It will become a norm in the future. Local acceptance It's too late, who would push such a good thing out?"

"Currently players in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen need to be further evacuated to make room for the new lottery players. That's why we issued a notice asking all localities to do a good job in the reception and logistics support of players, especially old players, and strive to be on May 400st. One day, more than 500 million old players and more than [-] million new players will be reasonably arranged."

"As for Beimi's player cities...we don't comment. We have always considered a series of risks and problems that may be brought about by the principle of life first. If the Beimi model is verified to be feasible, it will not be ruled out in the future. Make corresponding adjustments. In short, everyone looks at it with a normal mind, which of the two models is the best, and some people are doing experiments. We seem to be relatively conservative, but being conservative has its benefits.”

"Xiaoyu, are you going to move there?"

"I haven't figured it out yet, what about you?"

"My parents told me to go home, I don't want to go back."

"Then stay in Wudu."

"The people in Wudu talked to you?"

"Well, they want me to stay, and I can be an associate professor or something in the school."

"Associate professor? Why, why no one keeps me, I am, but..."

"High play, right? They only want technical talents like me, hehe..."

"Beautiful girl, I won't leave, let's see what they do."

There is no never-ending banquet in the world, and Du Siyu and Xia Miaomiao, who have always been inseparable, have also reached the time to separate. According to the latest "notice", in principle, it is recommended that players not gather together, and pay attention to taxation, game behavior, content, and rewards. With some guidance on the Internet, the players did not show the resistance that is generally believed.

As more and more time is spent online, the time spent online has far exceeded that of offline. Isn't lying there lying down?
If lying down, someone helps to take care of the body and the environment in reality, and this person can be absolutely trusted, then why refuse.

what to live with.

Just lying together.

Separated offline, online still together?
There are also quite a lot of players in Dawudu. Last year, the first carnival event was held, and this time it was also included in the 'evacuation'.

Wudu naturally wants to keep the most valuable people in the local area. Who to keep, who not to keep, and what conditions to keep, reflect the value of each player.

At least the most valuable person in their eyes.

Obviously, Du Siyu's 'value' was higher than Xia Miaomiao's, and Xia Miaomiao was also retained, but the strength was not as good as that of his best friend.

Du Siyu was preparing for promotion to an intermediate alchemist, and Xia Miaomiao was also preparing for the 4th-level profession [Shocking World]. The turbulent lottery winning and personnel evacuation did not attract too much attention from the two of them, so they stayed offline for a while , as if fulfilling some kind of obligation, hurriedly returned to the line.

There is no 'festival' atmosphere at all online, tourists are not online, and everywhere is 'deserted', Du Siyu parted with his best friend, returned to the Alchemist Association in the new magic city, plunged into the laboratory and never came out again.

Xia Miaomiao joined her teammates and teleported to the instance of the Baldwin family cemetery in Buck City, preparing for her seventh attempt to clear the level with a gold medal.

A team of five has a minimum combat power of [-] and an average combat power of over [-]. It has been a few days since this dungeon has been passed, and it must be cleared perfectly today on May [-]st.

The high-playing teammates were very reserved, and they briefly talked about what to pay attention to later, without much nonsense, they downloaded the dungeon.

Offline, the turbulent lottery ceremony has already begun. More than 1000 million players waited intently in front of the TV and computer screens with bated breath. After the bell ringing ceremony, the familiar lottery machine appeared in the center of the screen.

This time, there is no need to draw lots in groups. Every visitor has an ID, and all IDs will enter the 'prize pool', and whoever wins is the winner.

There are 10 lucky winners to be shaken at a time, and more than 50 batches are sealed in total, and each time lasts more than 10 minutes. The models all over the world are similar.

The difference is nothing more than the fact that some national server players have a small number of players, and this time they all won the lottery, regardless of whether their small territory and resources can accommodate them. Or if you have concerns about the expansion of the number of players, just like Huaguo, hold a lottery ceremony to achieve procedural fairness.

Zhu Yuting's family sat together and nervously watched the staff of Canaan Company press the red button. In the huge transparent glass box, each ball representing 10 lottery IDs began to dance, and more than 100 balls were in the Then turn and turn, jump up and down, but no one is lucky enough to fall into that narrow exit.

Zhu Yuting wasn't very nervous, it would be best if she won the lottery, even if she didn't win the lottery, it's okay, her family was different, her mother didn't look at the screen when she was nervous, and her younger brother gritted his teeth as if he could exert himself.

Finally, a ball filled with IDs and IDs fell into the prize pool. Under the supervision of the notary, the staff opened the box, took the ball out, and read the ID on it to the camera. number.

"How, how, did you get it, did you get it..."

Zhu Yuting was stunned, a little unbelievable, "It seems... that I hit it."



"Long live!"

The younger brother jumped up and cheered, and both parents showed relieved smiles.

Zhu Yuting laughed unresponsively. There is a one-third chance of winning the lottery, and she won the first lottery. The luck is not bad... right?

It's just that after winning the lottery, I will be separated from my family.

"We move, the whole family moves!"

The father waved his hand, indicating that her concerns are not a problem, "Your grandma has been looking forward to us going back, and it just so happens that the whole family will go back so that it is convenient to take care of the elderly."

"But what about this family?"

Overjoyed, my mother looked at the newly built home with reluctance, feeling a little bit reluctant.

"It's not that I won't come back, don't worry, I'll just go back for a vacation."

"I don't have to go to school anymore?" The younger brother's eyes were full of hope.

"Why don't you go to school? When you transfer back to another school, you will go to the junior high school I went to, my alma mater. It's all about memories."

On TV, after the first group of lottery draws, the notary notarized and told the camera that the results of the lottery were true and valid, and that the 10 7-test newcomers were freshly released.

Is this a player?

Zhu Yuting still couldn't believe it, it was too easy, and with this identity, the result was far less than the ecstasy she felt when she won the lottery as a tourist.

Zhu Yuting is just an ordinary member of tens of thousands of families. Some people are happy and some are sad. Canaan has gone so far, and the live broadcast of the lottery is not counted how many times. Judging from the reaction of the outside world, people have long been accustomed to it , It’s a pleasant surprise if you win, but if you don’t win, you still have a chance next time, and the probability is getting higher and higher.

On the Internet, a big Internet V initiated a topic discussion, that is, the number of players in the 7th test is far lower than expected. According to the usual practice, the player qualifications issued in the new test should be at least several times that of the previous period, but this time it is barely enough. In the past, the total amount remained the same. What does this mean?
What does it mean?
Explain that the national service is stingy and stingy, what else?
Canaan is not like this when there are no agency operators involved. How can it become such a virtue once they get involved?
Those who denounced, abused, said that the national server was ugly, and said how generous the foreign server was, completely disregarding the player base of the foreign server, and only cared about venting their grievances for not being able to win the lottery.

Cursing, cursing, he scolded the blogger, saying that he was taking the rhythm and alluding to something.

"These idiots!"

A certain Internet celebrity angrily closed the comments. These days, it’s getting harder and harder to fool people. It’s not like in the past, what you say is what you say, Reader’s Digest, Chicken Soup for the Soul, a bunch of words that can’t stand scrutiny. Being regarded as a standard... This is the consequence of too much information.

Watching TV again, the results of the second group of lottery came out, and the TV camera randomly inserted a scene of ecstasy when a family won the lottery.


The internet big V wanted to turn off the TV, out of sight and out of mind, but he was reluctant to do so.

As someone who has certain influence and popularity, and is outstanding in terms of academic qualifications, knowledge and experience, why can't I enjoy special care?
Tourists and tourists can't win the lottery, players and players have no chance, starting from the fucking second test, they fail every time!
Will he be blacklisted by a certain department?

The more you think about it, the more likely it is.

So even more angry.

Open another post to start a fight.

"The third group, mom, the third group."

Xie Xiaomeng sat in the living room and shouted to the kitchen, "Come on, the third group will start soon."

"Got it, got it, I'll finish frying this dish."

It's rare for the mother and daughter to have a meal together offline (there are many times online). In the past, either the time was out of sync, or they were too lazy to order takeaway. This time they finally had this opportunity, and Aunt Xue wanted to show it off. First hand, to see if you are used to the food in the game and the skills are unfamiliar.

"I've never seen you like this. The emperor is not in a hurry to kill eunuchs."

Aunt Xue smiled and said in the kitchen: "Even if I win the lottery, it will be the same as now. I am not as young as you, fighting and killing all day long."

"Players are first-class citizens, and tourists are second-class citizens. You've been playing for so long, don't you know?"

"I know, it's more convenient to contact someone to talk about something... Wait a minute, it will be fine."

"Hurry up... Ah, the lottery is starting."

By the time Aunt Xue came out with the steaming braised fish, the third group of lottery had already ended. Seeing how angry her daughter was, she must have failed the list.

"Eat first, there will be opportunities later."

"Mom, you really don't want to be a player?"

"If you can, you can do it. Who would push away the good things that come to your door? It's okay if you can't do it. Mom is very satisfied with the status quo."

"Satisfied?" Before the dining table, Xie Xiaomeng rolled his eyes, "Is it because of a certain person, a certain uncle, huh?"

"What nonsense, eat!"

"Mom, can you tell me about your other half? The secrecy work is also done very well. How many times have I screened out everyone I know, but I didn't find it."

found, found what?
Did she find that the other half of her mouth, the uncle, is just an NPC?
Aunt Xue couldn't say anything about such shocking world, but her eccentric daughter could always find faults from clues, which made it more and more difficult for her to resist.

What to do!

Aunt Xue's heart was full of sorrow, she picked up a chopstick of vegetables and blocked her daughter's mouth.

In a certain dark room, Brother Ruoran woke up from a deep sleep, and couldn't tell where he was for a while.

There was no light in the room, the light coming in from the window provided dim lighting, floating in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, the brightly lit metropolis pervaded the mood and soul that made him intoxicated and 'hungry'.

The emotions converge again, and the souls have similar frequency bands. Brother Ruoran obeys this drive, turns on the TV, and just in time sees the fourth group of draws.

"Hey... seven tests, seven tests"

He laughed nervously, but he didn't realize that there was a hidden camera hidden in the room, and his every move was appearing on the surveillance screen tens of kilometers away.

A certain young man on the night shift just finished talking on the phone with his girlfriend, and comforted her that she still had a chance after not winning the lottery. In a blink of an eye, she saw an 'alien' appear on the screen, and sprayed a sip of tea on the monitor. .

The alarm was sent out quickly, and the person in charge of the monitoring team rushed over angrily, but what he saw was brother Ruoran laying down in the game field again, laying his corpse like a normal one.

"Just now, just now, clearly, clearly..."

The young man was stunned in front of the video playback screen, there is no 'alien', but a sleepy player who went offline in the middle of the night and got nervous, didn't they all have one nose and two glasses, horns, sheep's hooves, eagle claws, devil wings...these Where is the thing?
The young man almost suspected that he had a mental problem.

Ten minutes later, Zhang Miao also went offline.

The fifth set of draws was conducted while watching TV.

have to.

It seems to continue to wait.

(End of this chapter)

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