This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 485 The Distress of the Demon Lord

Chapter 485 The Distress of the Demon Lord

Whether it is online or offline, some players and some mainstream game processes have been 'forgotten'.

The sky of the abyss is always rust-colored, the lead-like clouds are low, the earth is dry and cracked, and the rust color makes up for the large and small cracks. The sulfur-smelling smoke that emerges from it is the favorite of the abyss worms. Without food, endless abyss worms were born in such an environment, as the lowest link in the ecological chain.

It can be said that the abyss worm can represent the entire abyss.

But this is not the case on the 97th floor of the abyss ruled by the system.

The rusty color of the sky has faded, and large patches of green representing life and hope appeared on the dry and barren land. The cracks and canyons, large and small, were either filled with rich green, or turned into the players' bodies one by one. A farm for raising worms.

The unique environment of the abyss naturally produces unique minerals.

Mines, large and small, are the busiest, but they are all divided by the players. The system implements a business-oriented gameplay in the abyss. Therefore, each demon player is like playing a simulated city management game, trying his best to talk Develop your own territory.

In the game area of ​​the material plane, it is extremely difficult to obtain a territory, but here, there are some unowned lands waiting to be divided.

Brother Ruoran's territory is not large, only equivalent to the size of the Viscount of Norway.

On the day of May Day, there are big events both online and offline, but the 97th floor of the abyss is the first day of polar night.

Covered in darkness where you can't stretch your fingers, and the lighting like will-o'-the-wisps, it's like shooting Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio. In the 'castle' of bones, bricks and stones, Brother Ruoran just finished communicating with Zhang Miao, and immediately there is a snake-like The body wraps around.

With lingering fear, he watched the succubus lazily put on the leather tights. The clothes were like a second skin. Not only did the nosebleed figure not be covered, but it made it even more troublesome and sexy.

"This is you human beings... no, is it the 'face' that the players refer to? You clearly bear this huge debt, so that you have to repay it physically, and you brag to others that you are a lord and a rich man, huh?"

"I will pay back the money, don't provoke me!" Brother Ruoran slapped the table and shouted angrily.

The succubus chuckled, and lifted his chin frivolously with one finger, "When, remember that it's a profit, my handsome demon lord."

"You guys are extorting, oh no, fraud."

"How can you say such unqualified words? Fraud is a kind of compliment to the devil. My handsome lord, when I signed the loan contract, I explained the risks and benefits clearly to you. You were willing to be" Fraud'?"

"...I will pay back the money!"

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore, seriously, do you really not consider the last suggestion?"

"I will not go to the battlefield to be cannon fodder for you."

"Pfft, you look so cute when you are annoyed, people are a little bit in love with you, what should I do?"

"You... get out!"

"Hee hee, I'll take it as a compliment...then, see you tomorrow"

Finally, the succubus sent by the creditor was dealt with.

Brother Ruoran collapsed on the tall seat, panting for breath.

Under the lighting like a will-o'-the-wisp, his stalwart figure is almost like the boss in the game area. He is a demon in the middle, and the speed of the rocket is soaring. It is actually very simple in the abyss, but what is the price?
It's the current one who can't help himself, the one who was played and applauded by the original demon, and the forced gigolo... Ah, it's too shameful to say it, I must not let anyone know, I must.

Fortunately, because there are too many taboos in the abyss gameplay, both online and offline are 'keep silent', as if they have been forgotten.

After panting for a while, the feeling of being hollowed out gradually dissipated. The recovery power of the median demon is amazing, and the bull can't compare.

Get up, pick up the candlestick like will-o'-the-wisp, and walk in the deserted 'castle'.

I was really inexperienced at first.

For such a big castle, I only wanted to complete it in one step. As a result, after it was built, there was nothing to fill it. I didn't want to waste it, but it caused the biggest waste.

With the brain circuits of players and normal people, it is not good to play with demons. Only lunatics and perverts can play like ducks in water here.

Unfortunately, he discovered this too late.

What 'NPC gameplay', you treat others as NPCs, and others treat you as a little party dish delivered to your door, tell him a painful lesson, playing tricks with native demons, his knowledge is far from enough, just like kindergarten children Breaking into the university campus, there are five people and six people, people only think you are 'cute'.

Fuck 'cute'.

A demon lord's castle must have the following basic intelligence.

The first, of course, is 'Favorites'.

One of the devil's hobbies is collecting.

The collection mentioned here is not a collection of antiques, but a collection of various powerful creatures, monsters, powerful souls, rare treasures from various planes, etc.

These things are the background of a devil and his strong support.

Collectibles are equivalent to force, equivalent to strength, and equivalent to the confidence of a demon lord.

A demon lord without a collection, what kind of lord is he, like a beggar.

In the abyss gameplay, money is not the priority, but filling your own collection room is.

And Brother Ruoran's collection room is still empty.

Can’t say no, for example, an old kobold chieftain is howling in the storage room, a strong and rebellious werewolf is screaming in another room, a slime king is eating his excrement, desperately breeding his own group Wait.

Second, it is natural to provide residences for all kinds of subordinates and thugs, and the most important thing is to make them "comfortable" residences.

A vampire, still a loli, lying in a small coffin like a doll, brother Ruoran bought it from the 'boss' at a huge price, but he paid a lot of money at the beginning, thinking he got a bargain In the end, he turned out to be a waste, who only knew to eat, eat, and sleep every day. When he woke up, he couldn't do anything except to be cute and satisfy his inhuman hobbies.

There is also a group of subordinates, who can't be called subordinates, are little devils, but they are all players.

In other words, it is a player who is worse than a beggar.

The 6th test is over, and he is still a little devil, one can imagine what kind of stuff they are.

No matter what you do, make trouble No.1.

The outside is not very safe for the little devils, but they are willing to pay for a bed in the castle, saying that they are subordinates, if Brother himself doesn't believe it, that player is willing to be a puppet for others, isn't that full of confidence , feel good about yourself?

Therefore, these people just hugged his thighs and could not be treated as younger brothers.

But apart from them, there is nothing else. Players in the material world can form gangs, get mounts and pets, and he doesn't even have one to take to the table.

Third, the demon lord's castle is also a battle fortress.

The real castle is still a 'magic weapon' or 'formation eye'. The ready-made examples are the castles of those high-level demons in the bloody battle. They can be 'moved', change the spatial coordinates and positions, and are the center of managing the entire territory , to a certain extent, it is possible to monitor the entire territory, and even control some superficial lawful 'artifacts' in the territory.

Brother Ruoran didn't even dare to think about this part, so his castle is just a vain name.

He looks good on face, and those who don't know what's inside will respect him in awe.

This time I inspected the little devil's 'dormitory' and found that they were all lying dead in their respective 'beds'. Needless to say, they must have gone offline to join in the fun.

If you don't understand, it doesn't matter if they win the lottery or not. Since a few days ago, these guys have been 'excited' and said they want to take the opportunity to fool around... Ah, no, it is to persuade some newcomers to develop a little material world Business or something.


Just them?
The little devil fooled Mengxin and signed an unequal contract... Not to mention, it might really work.

It is well known that demons obtain 'power' from the demon contract. The reason why brother Ruoran was able to rocket up to the rank of demon is that he followed a 'good' boss. Naturally, there is no disadvantage in terms of contracts, and there is no need to worry about not having business to develop.

But it all comes at a price.

Now it has become a debt with a rolling interest rate, and it is impossible to pay it off in my lifetime without making a fortune.

The "dormitory" of the little devil players, there are all kinds of belongings in it, there are all kinds of weird things. As the master of the castle, he is naturally defenseless, but the real good things, these cunning guys I won't put it here either.

I searched it out of boredom, and found that the 'simulation doll' that a guy didn't know where it came from was good, and it seemed that he hadn't used it yet. Brother Ruoran accepted it with a smile, and holding the 'ghost fire', he came to the highest place of the castle. on the tower.

Standing on the towering tower, Brother Ruoran spread the wings of the devil, stepped firmly on the slippery spire with his sheep's hooves, and looked down at his territory from a high position.

Darkness is naturally not a problem for the devil. The devil's vision has the functions of 'radar wave scanning' and 'infrared imaging' at the same time.

The territory is so large that it can't be seen at a glance, but it is very barren.

Facing the castle, about five kilometers away is a farm. It was built at a huge cost, and almost all of its wealth was put into it just to adapt to the environment where the worms grew. Get all kinds of rare and exotic plants, and vow to cultivate your own "Godzilla", so that it will grow and counterattack.

Now that 'Godzilla' has not been bred, there are a lot of useless 'Snoopy'.

This 'Snoopy' is a ghost thing that looks like a Teddy. It doesn't have much combat power, but it looks cute. It can be used as a pet, but it has no combat power. It is the first and only one he cultivated as a middle-level demon. A living organism.

This is also the only decent fist product in the entire territory. Unfortunately, the passage to the material world cannot be opened, so it can only be sold to other demons for barbecue at a low price, or sold to stingy plane merchants to sell to other planes at a low price , still barely pay back.

If the passage to the material world can be opened, if you can guarantee it, it will be very popular, especially female players, who will definitely not have much resistance to this kind of foodie who only sells cute.

Once the market is opened, the farm will be revitalized, which can greatly alleviate the current predicament.

Thinking of this, Brother Ruoran regained his composure, held his breath and listened intently to the voices from the material world, and was disappointed to find that those who called his real name were very weak, mentally retarded, full of food, weather, and cold. Similar, more primitive prayers.


When can it be opened.

Thinking about it makes me sad.

He is already a mid-level demon, and the high-level native demon boss can’t or doesn’t want to give him a little trouble anymore, and he can’t afford it. The routine of the little devil and the big devil has no effect on him, only from the material world, only the devil’s contract, only to please The abyss (system) allows him to gain power.

A true, median demonic force.

Strictly speaking, Brother Ruoran is currently in a state of severe starvation, that’s why he’s so ‘weak’, he’s going to have to go to the succubus for some exercise, the middle demon’s talents and magic are all gray, and he’s in urgent need of fresh, powerful ones. , conflicted, struggling soul tonic.

Beyond the farm is a mine.

This place has not been developed due to the lack of labor force, but some licenses have been issued to players, little devils or plane merchants. The current profits are all overdrafting the future of the territory. There is nothing to see, and it is sad to see.

To the left of the castle is a market.

No business no wealth, that demon lord every bazaar?

But there are so many bazaars, you either have convenient transportation and well-developed plane teleportation in all directions, or have unique products that allow plane merchants to endure harsh traffic conditions, and even build a large teleportation circle for you at your own expense.

But there are none of these territories, let alone 'Snoopy', in the eyes of demons and planar businessmen, that thing is only worthy of a dining table.

So this market can only be a ghost market, empty, not even a ghost.

Speaking of Snoopy, if Brother Ruo Ran was hungry, he ended his "watching husband's stone" and returned to his bedroom in the castle.

"Wang Wang..."

"Go away, silly dog"

He still has the first 'Snoopy' bred, and he is a bit reluctant to put it on the grill several times.

Brother Ruoran rang the bell, and a few native little devils brought up a huge grill with a gigantic, golden-yellow bird grilled on it.

I don't know what kind of bird it is.

Maybe it was brought by the plane merchant, maybe the demon neighbor sent him to try something new.

Snoopy lay at his feet, drooling.

"Eat, you know how to eat, you were roasted that day."

"Wang Wang..."

"Silly dog, if you can't learn anything else, learn how to bark. How come I don't remember that there is dog meat in the recipe? I stewed you that day."

"Wang Wang..."

"Eat, eat, it's best to feed you to death"

After enjoying a big barbecue meal, the apparent hunger was relieved, but the real hunger became more serious.

Brother Ruoran was drowsy, lying on the huge throne and snoring.

The daily life of a demon player is so boring, and it keeps repeating like this. Others use the day as the unit, but he is measured by a polar day and a polar night.

Falling asleep, falling asleep, I can't tell where I woke up online or offline.

May Day.

If only I could fool around... Ah, no, just talk about cooperation with the newcomers and develop the business.

(End of this chapter)

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