The tourists are all offline waiting for the result of the lottery. The online place is deserted, and the bustle of the past is no longer seen. Most of the shops facing the street are closed. It was not until then that the players realized that they were used to the presence of tourists. If they're absent, at least half of the life would be lost.

Zhang Miao's caravan is also at a standstill because the tourists are not online, so they can only stop near the border of the 'Literary World', the Norwegian national server... Ah, no, it should be the Viscount of Norway that has stopped now, and waits for 6 The test has officially come to an end.

This is a non-stop server update, and there is really no feeling online. In the past, when the server was stopped, it was like the end of the new year. Everywhere was very lively. Players all took advantage of the last period of time to do something. Very active, not like now, just like people go to the Beishan Guangshen where the buildings are empty.

Norwegian Viscounty...

Overnight, almost all national costumes launched their own representative characters, as a symbol of online power territory, and all adopted AI artificial intelligence as online representatives. This Norwegian viscount is said to be a woman. Wearing animal skin and animal clothes, the dress is very original and cool.

Almost every representative character represents a certain symbol of a country, region and nation. Earl Walter Xia is customized according to the culture, history and myths and legends of China, such as what he looks like, how tall he is, his skin color, his hair Every detail of the body has undergone strict demonstrations and extensive discussions, and finally a virtual character that best fits the history and cultural traditions of China was chosen to bear the heavy responsibility of representing the entire national uniform.

Zhang Miao's caravan is composed of players, tourists and NPPC aborigines.

More than 100 people have been sent, more than a dozen pack animal carriages, the total value of several platinum goods, one trade, a few weeks long, a few days short, footprints all over the game area, 138 national servers... ah, It's the aristocratic collar under the Norman Duchy, and they've been to all of them.

This time he is going to cross the limit, go out of the Grand Duchy of Norman, and go to the "civilized world" ruled and oppressed by the evil gods. This Norwegian Viscounty is the last stop.

Because it is located on the edge of the principality, Zhang Miao found that there are many NPCs in the neutral and alliance camps with red borders. Compared with them, the system NPCs and aborigines lack a lot... Angry, because their actions cannot be predicted, Can't guess what they're thinking or doing.

Regardless of their honesty, they may be planning to capture this safe zone and wantonly loot, burn and kill.

Similar 'disasters' have happened more than once in the Norwegian Viscounty, and several safe areas have been captured. Therefore, the atmosphere here is completely different from other places. The security is tight everywhere, and there are NPCs and soldiers on the walls all the time. Players are on patrol.

The Norwegian Viscount Territory is not big, and it only looks like a dozen safe areas. The largest safe area has become the seat of the territory, called Norway City. It is not as good as a second-tier main city in China. It stands to reason that it should be barren and depressed. That's right.

This is not the case.

The well-developed "import and export trade" has made this small, seemingly precarious Viscountdom very rich. This can be seen from the shops along the street and the high-level and title cloaks of players generally. The prices are extremely expensive. This kind of broken inn, It only provides a basic function of going online and offline, and the daily fee is as high as 2 gold coins. …

2 gold coins for a day's accommodation fee, Zhang Miao would rather camp in the wild before, but now she doesn't care much about it. In today's security environment, monsters are no longer the biggest threat to business travelers, but players are.

When there are more heroes who rob houses, the cost of security will rise, and the cost will naturally be passed on to the goods.

Zhang Miao hopes to open up a business route this time and establish a preliminary connection with the civilized world. If successful, it will be the discovery of the river that flows this gold coin.

With this expectation, no amount of difficulties and risks can be tolerated. He now understands why the Dutch and the British traveled thousands of miles to trade with China in the first place. It is best to open up business routes as they wish. , he doesn't mind being a robber who forcibly kicked down the door of his master's house.

The NPC employees are all recruited NPCs with red borders, that is, adventurers from the civilized world. This kind of character system will not provide "guarantees". If you want to control them and not be betrayed by them, it will really test Zhang Miao's ability .

Fortunately, there are system aboriginal NPCs as the team, which can calm down these unpredictable desperadoes. Apart from these two groups, there is also a management team composed of four players and seven tourist shareholders.

There was a bonfire in the yard, and the two groups of NPCs sat clearly and did not speak to each other. When Zhang Miao came in, except for the core team composed of system NPCs and aborigines, they all got up and said hello. .

Zhang Miao smiled and signaled everyone to continue, sat cross-legged on the main seat, cut off the browned meat with a knife, and ate it boldly.



A guy with a fierce face among the NPC employees suddenly said to him, "Under the leadership of the Grand Duke, as long as you make meritorious service, you will not hesitate to distribute it, is it true?"

"It's absolutely true," Zhang Miao replied, "Merits are hard currency, just like gold coins, shining brightly."

"Ask for conversion?" asked another half-elf.

"The Grand Duke of Norman advocates freedom of worship."

The NPC outlaws with red borders started talking about it. This 'freedom of belief' is a heresy, and its impact is very strong, enough for them to digest it for a while.

"Those masters who left went to another world... your hometown?"


"What kind of world is that, my lord, I heard it's like 'heaven'"

Paradise is a systematic translation. There is no heaven in Canaan, and the literal meaning should be the Kingdom of God.

This is really hard to explain.

Zhang Miao was trying to change his wording when another 'Master' in the room called him and just escaped.

"What's the point of talking nonsense with these guys whose brains are not as big as walnuts? Just do it if you don't obey, and you can still get experience and drops."

Partner, another merchant, the player whose ID is Xiao Xie Feidao said.

Zhang Miao smiled and didn't get serious with him.

"Look at the map. After passing this safe zone, the civilized world is ahead. There are obviously more bandits on the road. The guards need to be strengthened. I think all the players in Norway are poor. How about hiring a team? "

"Do you have a suitable candidate?"...

"Just register at the Mercenary Guild. If you agree, I will do it."

"Okay, I guess there will be trouble offline for a while, so take advantage of this time to choose a good candidate."

"Then I'll go."


"By the way, don't talk too much to those people outside, about the world, hometown, etc., it won't make sense."

"I see."

With the in-depth understanding and exploration of the world of Canaan, many players have something called a "sense of optimization". Originally, what sense of optimization can they have for the program code?The problem is that the natives of Canaan, whether they are system-intelligent NPCs or aboriginal NPCs from other camps, cannot be described by program code.

That is a living, flesh and blood person, intelligent life.

Some players 'evolved' empathy for them, and some developed this so-called 'sense of superiority'. The more you understand them, the deeper this 'sense of superiority' will be.

Players think that they are noble, the opponent is 'low-level', they are civilized, the opponent is stupid, they are smart, and the opponent is stupid... such a comparison.

This is a proof of getting deeper into the play, and it is also the result of getting more and more integrated into the systematic narrative, although it does not bring only positive things.

Zhang Miao also has a sense of superiority, but he will not let this boring emotion affect his career.

After giving up the mainstream game process, he chose the "talent" profession that was inadvertently opened up as a game merchant.

He hasn't leveled up for a long time, and the missions to spawn monsters and PK adventures are getting farther and farther away from him, and his wealth is getting richer, but he is more and more identified with the profession of merchant.Now he has long forgotten his original intention (to increase his combat power level after making money), and he has gone further and further on the road of no return as a profiteer.

Making money as a businessman can also bring pleasure no less than the progress of mainstream games, and he has never experienced the three flavors of it until now.

Hosting and operating such a large caravan, more than 100 people of all kinds, etc. need to be managed by him. The long-distance trade route, the journey full of opportunities and risks is unknown, and traveling thousands of miles is not as good as reading thousands of books. I also.

Therefore, as a minority shareholder, Xiao Xie Feidao can do as he pleases, but he can't.

After he left, Zhang Miao came outside again, mingled with the two groups of NPCs, patiently answered each NPC's seemingly childish and ridiculous questions, and grasped each of them's thinking trends, so as to know what they were thinking.

After appeasing the hearts of the team, he went to the warehouse to check the goods, then took out his own map and looked at it repeatedly, as if he could see a flower from it.

This map is what he values ​​most. The markings and routes on it completely record a player businessman from being ignorant on the road to being proficient now. The big business trip... This sense of accomplishment is indescribable by how many gold coins you have earned.

Just as he was concentrating on watching, the system prompts that there is a 'dimension long-distance call' coming in.

"Haha, Xiao Er, guess who I am?"

"Isn't this our demon lord Da Da?"

"Haha, you guy, how is your business doing?"

"OK How about you?"

"Me? Haha, you can see that I can use 'Plane Communication'"...

"Big devil or middle devil?"

"The median is a demon, woohaha..."

"Do you have a territory?"

"Must, my territory is bigger than some national servers, haha..."

"Fuck, so arrogant?"

"It's just that they are lonely, and they can't easily go to the material plane, so what... how about the last time I asked you?"

"Help you develop believers?"

"It's not a believer, it's the coordinates of the plane. Without this thing, you can't come here to play. When can our brothers meet?"

"I scattered the things you gave me last time."

"This won't work, you have to come off the stage and help me to spread the word."

"What propaganda, isn't it just to help you deceive you? You are a middle-level demon, and intelligent NPCs must not believe it. You can only look for kobolds and jackals with low intelligence."

"They'll do, please."

"Okay, I'll take some subhuman slaves on the way to help you try."

"Thank you, I'll treat you to the abyss whenever you come, Miss Demon can take care of you, you can really come."

"real or fake?"

"Of course it's true, you don't know how comfortable it is to be a devil, woohaha..."

"The system doesn't care?"

"What the hell is the system, the devil can still obey the three virtues? That kind of thing is not as common as eating and drinking. I'm not bad. Some guys are singing and singing every night."

"Damn it, why is there no news?"

"It's all fucking pretending to understand."

"I really envy you kid..."

"I'm envious of committing suicide again, I have an indicator, and I'll forward it to you."

"Just blow it."

"I'm serious, there is a way, I can't, my boss is good, he is a high-level demon, there are indicators in the system."

"Forget it, let's talk about it later, I will go to you when I have nowhere to go that day."

"That's it... Holy crap, long distance between planes is so expensive? A black-hearted system..."

After the interplanetary communication was hung up and the light of the magic circle dissipated, the floating black hole also melted into the void like fireworks.

In reality, Zhang Miao has not seen her former friends for a long time. They have all moved away. Most of the time is online. The offline home is more and more like a tomb. Except for the aunt who comes to clean regularly, There are basically zero social activities, which leads to many problems. It is unnecessary and inconvenient to live together.

Besides, if you have all the positions in the game, and then force them to join together, you will feel uncomfortable, and others will feel uncomfortable.

It's good to be separated.

After separation, I seemed to be the only protagonist, carrying out a real second life, with other people around, always reminding myself that this is just a game, a dream, which hinders excessive devotion and immersion.

Only by truly immersing in can you find the fun after immersion.

Zhang Miao has won the three flavors, so his second life is becoming more and more real and exciting.

Xiao Xie Feidao completed the entrustment. In the afternoon, players from the Norwegian Viscount Land came to 'interview', and the inn under the contract was quickly overcrowded.

May [-]st has just passed on the antenna, and when other small shareholders of tourists go online, the scale of the caravan will expand again.

"Did you win the lottery?"

"I hit it, hehe"

"Damn it, there's a one-third chance that I won't win. I'm so unlucky, am I destined to be a tourist?"

"The lottery draw for tourists is about to start. This time it's 2000 million. It's going to be a bad street."

"The system doesn't allow people to survive"

"It's better if there are more people, at least there is no shortage of manpower, and now everyone looks like a grandfather."


Some people won the lottery, some people didn't, the one who won was not happy, and the one who was not won was not so depressed.

For these people, players or tourists don't seem to be that important, because they have already found their place in the game, and they already have goals and plans for the future, and winning is just icing on the cake.

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