This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 487 A New Beginning

Chapter 487 A New Beginning
According to the system prompts, Zhu Yuting put all the properties under her tourist ID into 'trusteeship', and when she gets the player's ID, she can inherit it.

The system charges 10%, and the national service charges 5%. If it is converted into money and remitted offline, the tax rate is higher, and basically half of it will be searched away. The high tax rate online can be seen.

It's only a fool who remits offline. Who doesn't use as much remittance?
Take a rough inventory of your own assets. Except for some fixed assets, a handicraft workshop, a "village license" real estate and miscellaneous materials and finished products, there are as many as 46 gold, 31 silver and 22 copper in cash alone. More, contacts, customer relationships, stable business orders, etc. accumulated as a tourist businessman.

After a few months of tourist career, it is enough to be proud of such an achievement.

Most of the tourists are still like migratory birds, looking for food here today, and flying there to drink water tomorrow, without any purpose, muddling along, content with the three melons and two dates of being hired by people every day.

It cannot be said that this kind of game is wrong, this "three melons and two jujubes" is still very generous, at least far more than the reality of being a 996 social animal, and it is also particularly free. Look at the face, otherwise they will slap their ass and leave, and Zhu Yuting will be careful to accompany them in turn.

It's hard to hire workers, it's hard to get along with players, it's hard to do business, people are cold-eyed, and Zhu Yuting doesn't know how much she has seen. Thanks to the help of a few noble people, she has come to this day smoothly. Today is the last day of being a tourist. Several nobles bid farewell.

In the Alchemist Association, Zhu Yuting waited several hours before being notified that she could enter.

Du Siyu stayed with a very delicate and intellectual alchemy glasses. Hearing her reason for coming, he slapped his head, "The lottery is over? Look at me, I'm so busy that I forgot such a big thing."

"Sister Xuewu's dedication is really admirable. No wonder you are Sanye. I heard that you will soon be promoted to an intermediate alchemist, right? I congratulate you in advance."

"You," Du Siyu walked out of the alchemy table with a smile, and pulled her to sit down beside him, "You've learned how to speak glibly, don't learn the good ones, and only learn the bad ones."

Zhu Yuting smiled embarrassedly.

"It's good to be a player, and you can do business as a player. Many things are more convenient than tourists... How does it feel to win the lottery?"

"I can't believe it... This, this is a player? That's what I thought at the time."

"Hehe, I haven't drawn a lottery before, so I can't experience this kind of surprise."

"I heard that sister Xuewu, you are one of the hundred elders in the first test?"



"Isn't it shameful that the hundred elders in the first test are mixed like this?"

"Whoa, you've surpassed most people now, okay, you need a level, a combat power, a cape, a seed player of the Alchemy Association, a talented alchemist beautiful girl... Wow, You can be the heroine in an anime." After finishing speaking, Zhu Yuting looked at her seriously, and said sincerely, "Really, you look very similar now, you don't need makeup at all."

"Really?" Du Siyu touched her face, feeling a little happy in her heart, and hurriedly changed the subject, "I'll be a player in the future, what's the plan?"

"I want to choose the human race, and the human race is very average in all aspects."


After chatting for more than ten minutes and successfully maintaining the relationship here, Zhu Yuting left with great insight.

"Little Zhu, you will become a player in a blink of an eye. I think it was the same as yesterday when you came to work in my workshop. Time flies so fast."

"Brother Niu, thank you for taking such good care of me all the time."

"Do you know why I want to take care of you?"

"Brother Niu is good"

"Nonsense, then why don't I take care of others?"

"Here, Brother Niu, does it mean that I'm pretty?"

"There are reasons for this, but it's not the main reason. The main reason is that when you come to work with me, whether you are willing or not, you can listen to people's orders and complete the work you should complete during the working hours. "


"At that time, I saw that you are at least a trustworthy person. As expected, I just helped you a little bit, and you grew up. How much trouble did I save? I helped myself by helping me, you don't need to thank you Me, our partner, a win-win kind.”

"After that..."

"business as usual"

"Thank you brother Niu, thank you brother Niu"

The two most important relationships were well maintained, and the remaining less important relationships took more than two hours to complete one by one. There were more and more ticks in the small book, and finally came to the work where I had concentrated all my energy. Outside the square gate.

No tourists are online, and only seven or eight aboriginal NPCs work inside. Compared with tourists, these NPCs are more 'stupid' and not the best source of workers.

But there is no way, tourists are a great cause, no matter how miserable the players are, they will not fall to her, and they have to use them if they don't need them.

Zhu Yuting casually picked up a finished product, frowned slightly, and looked at the frightened aborigine NPC worker who was about to turn into a quail.

—Oh, poor people.

If Canaan is regarded as a real world, these aboriginal NPCs are really living a life that is not human, as can be seen from their numb eyes, skinny bodies, and timid spirit.

Don't say that the system or Zhu Yuting treats them badly, at least here, they can solve the problem of eating enough, have a shelter from the wind and rain, and live in the so-called 'civilized world'... Forget it, for these NPCs What the hell.

During the 3-day holiday, the basic salary is paid as usual. Zhu Yuting is still very patient with these workers whose personal affiliation belongs to her workshop.

She could see that no matter how many tourists there were in the 7th test, tourists were not a suitable source of workers, only these people.

It doesn't matter if you are stupid, just cultivate them slowly, and improve their living conditions within the scope of your ability. Naturally, there will be more NPC aborigines begging to exploit themselves.

After closing the workshop and locking all qualified and unqualified finished products and materials into the warehouse, Zhu Yuting will be clean and her tourist status can be cancelled.

Offline, the house is also being cleaned up inside and out, the moving company's car is waiting downstairs, and people from the street and the neighborhood committee are talking to her mother.

"Sister, the street won't leave us alone."

The younger brother hurried in and said, "They look down on people."

"It's right not to keep us. Your sister and I are players who turned from tourists. Why should they let us stay?"

"I'm just not convinced. Why can some people stay, but we can't?"

At this time, Zhu Yuting's father came in and said, "Don't worry about it, clean up quickly, your grandma and the others are waiting for us to have dinner at home."

Zhu Yuting thought that this relocation, even if she left the big city where she lived, should be a small town with convenient life and well-developed transportation. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a town located in the deep mountains.

"There are no quotas in the city or county. I'm sorry, but it happens that your family's place of origin is in Kaoshan Village, so we arranged to come to Kaoshan Village."

The car was driving on the winding mountain road, and Zhu Yuting's family was speechless looking at the pristine natural environment outside the window.

Perhaps seeing the resistance of their family, the township civil servants in Guashantun quickly said: "Now our Guashantun has also developed, and eco-tourism receives many tourists every year. Some retired old men and women don't leave. , just settled down in our backing mountain, saying that our environment is good, the air is good, and it is really immortal to spend our old age in this kind of place.”

Zhu Yuting's family was speechless. The problem was that they didn't come to support the elderly.

Why was he suddenly assigned to such a corner place?

"Grandma and them?"

"Your grandma moved to the city a long time ago. I lived in this place when I was a child. It's been decades, and I have long forgotten it," said Zhu Yuting's father.

Once you come, you will be safe, and you will have a look at the place before you talk. If you are really not satisfied, you will move to live in the county.

This kind of "allocation" is a two-way choice. If you don't stay here, you can change to Linshi.

"Have you done everything online?" Zhu's mother asked.


"All the people you mentioned have bid farewell?"


"Zhu Yuting, shall I call you Xiao Zhu?", a civil servant from the backer village interjected, and Zhu Yuting nodded.

"I heard that you are still a factory owner online?"

"Yeah, my sister is amazing. She has a lot of tourists and NPCs to help her work." Brother Zhu couldn't wait to say, fearing that he would be underestimated.

"That's really great. Next, I'd like to ask you to take more care and support the construction of your hometown."

"I'm definitely trying my best... just don't know how to do it"

"It's very simple. Advertise for our Guashantun, and the things you produce online, can you put our Guashantun's trademark on it? We are not well-known now, and you will know it when you get there. The scenery is beautiful."

I don’t know if the scenery is beautiful or not, but the road is really well repaired.

The four-lane asphalt road has no potholes along the way, because it is a road around the mountain, and it is naturally winding. The scenery along the way is really refreshing.

"Wow, why is there a reservoir on the mountain?"

After climbing over several mountains and crossing several rivers, when we were about to arrive at the place, a reservoir built on the top of the mountain came into view suddenly. The blue sky, white clouds and sparkling water almost blended together. Together, it is really beautiful.

Kaoshantun is built next to the reservoir. It doesn't look big, but it is exquisite everywhere. On the way from the intersection to the town, there are all kinds of farmhouses, farmhouse hotels, and farmhouse big stages. There are indeed many tourists. , life is also very convenient, supermarkets, hospitals, shopping centers, etc., are not much worse than big cities.

Zhu Yuting fell in love with this place as soon as she saw it, and her dissatisfaction disappeared along the way.

"How's it going, isn't it?"

"so beautiful"

"Is this really a mountain village?" Zhu's father couldn't believe it. "I remember when I was a child, I couldn't even eat enough. At that time, there was no such reservoir, and it often rained, or torrential rain. It was dry for three days and waterlogged for seven days, and the mountains were bare. Mudslides and torrents, I was swept by floods when I was a child, and I was almost swept away."

"That's the old calendar from so many years ago." The civil servant in the backing village looked proud. "We are not famous, not worse than those 4A-level national scenic spots."

After being amazed at the first sight, Zhu Yuting soon discovered that the popularity of the place is not strong, and there seem to be not many tourists here.

Aside from the bright and beautiful shops facing the street, most of the houses behind are relatively dilapidated. There are not many young people, and most of them are the elderly, women, children and young children.

"Your old house can no longer be used by people. It is allocated to you by the town."

In front of a small three-story farmyard, Zhu Yuting's grandma tremblingly greeted the family with a cane and the support of a group of strangers.


"Hello grandma!"

"Okay, okay, okay...this is your aunt, this is..."

"This is Tingting, big girl. Back then you were so, so big..."

It took a while for the parents to make a fuss before it subsided, and it was already the next day when the real resettlement was settled.

"Sister, sister, your helmet and game compartment are here, your helmet and game compartment are here."

The courier car was parked outside the courtyard, and the three floors inside and outside were surrounded by a crowd of spectators. Even the leaders of the township came and shook her hand and said congratulations. Congratulations. I hope you can help promote your hometown and publicize Let's go back to Shantun.

The number of players in the 7 test has officially exceeded [-] million. This base is not low, but there are still many people who are seeing a creature like a player for the first time, especially those who have three aunts, six wives, seven aunts and eight aunts, and have quietly arranged her marriage. .

"Unfortunately, it's a girl~~"

Her aunt quietly told her grandma.

Her grandma nodded deeply, looking at her granddaughter who was being watched and surrounded, both proud and worried.

"I heard you earn a lot of money?" The aunt rolled her eyes and gestured, "No less than this amount every month?"

Her grandma laughed secretly at the eldest daughter-in-law's ignorance, completely forgetting that when the younger son confessed to her last night, he was so startled that he almost fell off the bed.

The game cabin and game helmets were placed in the computer room, and the tourist helmets were sent away by courier. Zhu Yuting felt lost and bid farewell to the tourists.

"Nizi, come down quickly, the leaders of the county are here to see you"

Zhu Yuting sighed. If you want to say that everything in this place is good, you can basically be satisfied with it, but it's too... well, it's not like living in a city, where the neighbors on the same floor have lived door to door for decades, and you may not know each other.

At night, after finally taking care of all these people, Zhu Yuting picked up the gaming helmet and lay down in the gaming cabin a little stiffly.

"Sister, from now on you are a player, and so are players!"

The younger brother was even more excited than her, "Go online, I'll help you watch, and don't let them disturb you."

Keep updating the server. Today is the first day of the 7th test. It has been delayed for a long time. It is time to go online and inherit the online assets first.

On the line, Zhu Yuting walked out of the resurrection point in a safe area of ​​Earl Walter Xia.

There are many people, but there is no chaos. The new players used to be tourists, and they may not see the chaos on the server opening day in the future.

The player template is more complicated than the tourist template, and I don't feel anything else for the time being. Zhu Yuting first goes to the NPC to go through the inheritance procedures, and everything is easy to handle with money.

(End of this chapter)

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