This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 488 Let the storm come more violently

Jaeger's face changed color as he watched the players pouring out of each teleportation point like locusts.

"They're like the plague, a real plague"

The person who spoke was a Templar disguised as a caravan guard. This samurai was known for his perseverance and courage. Even when he was facing a giant dragon, he was not like this now. His eyes were full of fear, and his face was inexplicably shocked.

"Let's all go out and find out more information."

The high priest, the leader of the caravan, said, "Look more, talk less, don't do anything, come back at noon."

Jaeger took the mission and went out. As Walter Xia, the earl who didn't know where he came from, he had a bigger territory than other viscounts and earldoms, a more prosperous market and more... player.

Yes, these locusts bill themselves as 'players', as if their life is nothing more than a game.

According to Jaeger's observation, they also carry out their human bodies with a game mentality. Because they are undead, they are not afraid of death. As long as the magic effect that is constantly in the air is on (Magic Net), he can die infinitely And "resurrection", it can be seen that to deal with this kind of locust, the first thing to deal with is this magical effect.

But it's not easy to deal with this kind of magic effect. Anyone who can do it has a level 5 mage, which is already a very high level of magic in the civilized world, but they can't even touch the door frame of this magic effect. Guess it is at least level 6, probably level 7 .

"Different, different!"

Recalling that time, the accompanying mage danced wildly and shouted nervously: "Even if it is only 6th order, you can't look at it with a simple 6th order. It's like, it's like... Ah, I don't understand, I can't describe it. , I can't even understand."

Since then, the 70-year-old accompanying mage has fallen into a huge self-doubt, doubting whether the occult knowledge he has learned and immersed in all his life is correct, and he often talks nervously, "He is here, he is here." Here, I see, he is omnipresent, omnipotent...

Omnipresent, omnipotent?

Did he mean that the Norman Grand Duke had almost godlike powers?
it is ridiculous.

How can mortal things reach the sacred level? This violates the basic common sense. Even if the magic effect is so miraculous, it is just miraculous.

These locusts are enough in number, and have superb intelligence, and... Forget it, let the real big shots have a headache.

Walking on the streets of the safe zone, the players coming and going will stop and look at him. Jaeger knows that they want to receive a "quest" from him. The task is probably a kind of reward. After completing it, you will get money, magic Rewards such as props and experience.

It was easy to understand before, but he only recently understood this experience.

Experience is probably similar to the accumulation of combat experience, magic knowledge, and mysticism, which can help these locusts grow faster.

It has to be said that this is a genius design idea. The Grand Duke of Norman summoned such a large number of souls from other worlds, and based on this simple 'task', he gathered them together and organized them effectively , let them go in the direction he wants.


On the square, there are many 'NPCs' who can issue tasks. Jaeger understands that he is also an 'NPPC', which probably refers to the natives of Canaan?In addition to those flesh and blood puppets without souls, there are also some professionals who have taken refuge in the Grand Duke of Norman and are also acting as so-called 'NPCs'.

Players seem to be able to see the difference between different 'NPCs' from somewhere. Obviously, he does not meet the category that can issue tasks. From the curious and slightly malicious eyes of the locusts, Jaeger knows that he and his own In such a sea of ​​locusts, the caravan is as conspicuous as a fire in the dark night.

Those who receive tasks, those who hand in tasks, those who form teams, those who ask for groups, those who buy things, those who sell things, those who quarrel, talk and laugh, argue, can't see such "lively" people in the civilized world Even if they are undead, Jaeger can feel the vitality that other creatures do not have from these locusts.

"This is the activity of the soul!"

Recalling the solemn evaluation of the high priest, "Each of them, even the weakest one, is far more than a noble free citizen."

In fact, more than that.

Jaeger wanted to say that it actually surpassed the average professional.

Thinking about how terrifying it is, countless professionals with such active souls have the potential to become professionals who master supernatural powers. It is no wonder that they can easily learn and master all kinds of difficult mystic knowledge and skills.

This is an army of tens of millions of professionals.

In terms of strength on paper alone, the Grand Duke of Norman already has the force to fight against the entire civilized world. Of course, this is without high-end combat power.

But how long can the advantage in high-end combat power be maintained?

Jaeger was skeptical.

He watched a group of tall, strong locusts with gorgeous cloaks pass by the square. From the shape of the cloaks, it can be seen that they are the fourth-level occupations of the locusts. What is it about?
The caravan had privately evaluated this so-called stunning world.

The conclusion reached is probably similar to that of a real level [-] professional.

This is just too scary.

Level [-] professionals are the core figures in that principality, and they are very rare, but here, they are mass-produced?
In time, it is not impossible for a level 5 occupation, a level 6 occupation, or even a level 7 major occupation.

The more he understood, the more worried Jaeger became. His instinct made him feel a huge threat, and he wondered if the church was breeding tigers. Such a dangerous and alien force should not be destroyed before it grows up. When you really grow up, can you still deal with it?
"We still have the Lord!"

The high priest refuted his thinking, "The Lord is omnipotent. You can see the present, but the Lord sees the future. Don't worry, Jaeger. Power on paper cannot withstand flames. Under the power of the Lord, you can see the future." No matter how powerful mortal things can be, they are just slightly stronger ants."

Yes, and the Lord.

There are gods and a god system that dominates everything. Even if the Grand Duke of Norman advances to legend, he is just a slightly stronger ant.

"Ah, this beautiful lady, do we know each other?"

Jaeger blocked the way of a player, and asked politely with a smile. …

Zhu Yuting stared at the red-bordered NPC in front of her, recalled for a moment, and said with a friendly smile: "It's you, you used to patronize my booth."

"It's an honor to see you again, how is your business? Is it over?"

"I'm a player now, and I can only redo my old job after level 5."

"Level 5? Is there anything I can do for you?"

"You can't send me a mission."

"Who says you can't?"


Jaeger took out a shiny little thing, the storage ring, "My commission is private, just the two of us, how about it?"

" talk about it first."

"It's very simple, I just want to accompany you for a while, until you reach...uh, level 5, how about level 5, you will be able to work at level 5 and become professionals, right?"

"It's that simple?"

"Of course, you still have to answer some of my questions truthfully."

"First of all, some questions are not that I don't answer you, but are forbidden by the system. If there are sensitive words, just say I said it, and you won't hear it."

"Then let's avoid sensitive words and say something less sensitive."


A storage ring alas.

I was reluctant to buy it before.

After that, Jaeger followed Zhu Yuting, went with her to an NPPC to pick up tasks, and after completing the tasks, he went to various shops to buy supplies.

"This is a bandage, a Class B consumable, you can't see it? Of course, it's not the real thing, it belongs to the recovery status given to the player by the system."

"When the tasks are full, the efficiency can be maximized. Go to one place to spawn monsters and finish the tasks in the adjacent places by the way, so as to save running back and forth, wasting time."

"I have to go to the training camp. If I want to work as a ranger, I have to go to the training camp to practice archery and eagle eye specialization. Otherwise, even if I reach level 5, I won't be able to take the job."

"Training should I explain it? It can be understood as a kind of task scenario virtualized by the system. In it, various actual combat environments can be simulated to exercise corresponding abilities... Actual combat environments do not exist all the time, and the ease and difficulty cannot be adjusted. , The training camp is different, we can conduct special and targeted training for some insurmountable points, so as to quickly master a certain skill and possess a certain quality.”

"Players are not all based on level and combat power. Like me, I don't like to fight and kill. I plan to be a casual player, but no matter what kind of player you are, you must pass the door frame of level 5 inauguration, otherwise many None of the system functions can be used. Besides, without the corresponding level and combat power, it is a lot of inconvenience to be a casual player. If it is not so troublesome, I can improve it by the way, but the focus is not on this.”

"Of course, that place doesn't need money. Without money, it's hard to move..."

While talking, he has already reached the level 1 Slime dungeon refresh scene, and Jaeger cannot enter here. After Zhu Yuting asked him to wait outside for two hours, there are three tasks inside, and he will be upgraded to level 2 after the time is completed. up.


In the evening, Jaeger came back from Zhu Yuting, who had been upgraded to level 3. In the inn, all the other caravan companions had returned. There was a bonfire burning in the yard, and the high priest was leading everyone to do evening classes. …

After finishing the evening class, the high priest first set up a barrier of silence before letting them talk about the harvest of the day.

"7 test, what is 7 test?"

"Can it be understood as the seventh large-scale summoning of souls from another world?"

"should be"

“I think so too”

"So you said it six times before?"

"What is the national uniform?"

"The predecessor of the national service should be the cooperation between the kingdom of the foreign world and the Grand Duke of Norman. In the name of the kingdom or the royal family, the people of the foreign world of the kingdom were led to serve the Duke of Norman? It was later changed to Earl Walter Xia Leader, it should be that the Grand Duke of Norman has digested or tamed the power of the foreign royal family, and realized the stability of the internal power structure?"

"Well, the Viscounty lands that I passed by before are obviously poorer than this Earl Walter Xia's land... It means that this Earl Walter Xia should be a big country in another world, maybe even an empire."

"It's worth noting that the... players in Earl of Walter Xia are the most 'arrogant'. I guess, this alien empire may not have any gods to believe in."

"How to survive in the world without faith?"

"Maybe there is no real god in the other world? I have noticed this more than once, that is, these visitors from other worlds lack the reverence they should have for the gods."

"Okay, let's not think about these things first, and continue talking about your findings."

"Only the Earl of Walter Xia...the number of players exceeds 1000 million. This is 1000 million. 1000 million can... take a job, that is, the number of professionals. All Canaan, plus the Lost Plane, Are there a million professionals?"

"Numbers don't tell a whole lot."


"Okay, Jaeger, tell me what you found."

Jaeger stared at the burning bonfire, thousands of words came to his mouth, but found that there was nothing to say.

He wasn't touched much today, and most of them confirmed the previous observations and speculations, but it was because of this that he was given a lasting, not so strong but long-lasting...shock.

Yes, shaking.

From an ordinary player, from an alien soul who used to be a tourist and is now a player, or even from a young female civilian...

"My lord, let's go to war against the Grand Duchy of Norman immediately, before he sets off the plague that will destroy the world..."

"What nonsense are you talking about!" The high priest smiled, "Are you scared by what is in front of you? Tell you, we are going to spread the glory of the gods all over the world."

"Yeah, there are so many lost lambs in the other world, and there is no true god to believe in. It's too pitiful. We are going to rescue them." The accompanying noble knight, a rough and bearded man with an obscene look on his face laughed.

"Land, gold, wealth, beauties... Belief is to the Lord, and all that is left is ours... Amen!"


Jaeger was very frustrated. Isn't arrogance deeply rooted in the bones of these people?
"It's time, go to the so-called public service tomorrow, join other teams, and meet our Grand Duke!"

The high priest felt that he knew the opponent's details, and he was full of ambition and confidence, and made the decision to meet with the opponent for the final showdown.

At the same time, one of the thousands of thought sparks in the magic net suddenly sensed that a certain string was touched, so the several sparks gathered together and turned into an electric current, stirring in Bei Gaoyang's brain inside.

Bei Gaoyang froze the pen in his hand, raised his head slowly, and looked in a direction thoughtfully, "Is this coming?"

It's about time.

In fact, it is a surprise to be able to delay until now.

Then, the pen in his hand continued to fall, and he wrote a famous saying on the dynamically changing white paper: "Let the storm come more violently!"

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