Chapter 489

The moon is dark and the wind is high, the night is murderous and arson.

Wang Yanan of the Jianghu bandit "Tieguai Li" is the favorite to do business without capital.

Although she is a soft and cute girl with a clip sound in reality, she is indeed a rough orc man with shoulders and horses. Since she embarked on the road of no return by robbing houses, she has developed an unknown talent, especially likes robbery The thrill of killing, killing, and winning treasures.

In reality, on May 5th, the second day of the 4th test, she couldn't help reopening the business, and called a group of familiar "heroes" to inquire about the route that a good fat sheep must pass, and lay down early to lay an ambush. Wait 'hey! ' jumped out with a bang, and shouted the classic line: "This mountain is driven by me...".

Some people slandered her, saying that she doesn't like to rob, but likes to act like a bandit, a villain, and a rough guy. It is said that what is lacking can make up for it. It is because she can't do it in reality, and there are various regrets, so she is online. Make it up.

Every time he hears such slander, "Tieguai Li" takes it seriously. Of course, he will not admit it on the face. Once he understands his own crux, he will have no psychological burden, and he will be even more unscrupulous when he does business without capital.

She dares to grab someone others don't dare to rob, and she is "ignorant and fearless" to those who others dare not mess with. After a long time, she forgets the fact that she is a female player, and only uses "Iron Head Lee" and "Iron Guai Lee" , such a bandit number instead.

"What does the boss mean by bringing a few newcomers? What can you do at level 3?"

At the ambush point, one of Tieguai Li's two Hunha generals, who is also deeply addicted to robbing, asked his companion in a low voice.

As one of the two generals of Henha, the 32-level 'Sister Yu has a handsome younger brother' glanced at the three fiery newbies who were chatting with the boss, and said in a low voice, "You're blind, that's the boss."

"Boss!?", Wei Shu Qiao Loli looked at the three people carefully, and after a while, she suddenly realized, "So it's those three profiteers."

The looted goods will naturally be sold. In order to prevent the victim from finding them through the channel of selling the stolen goods, this person must be absolutely trusted. Otherwise, if the victim finds out and provides evidence to the system, he will be wanted.

Whether this costless business can last for a long time, the channel for selling stolen goods is very important. In the past, Tieguai Li and his small gang mainly had three tourists and merchants to do this kind of work. They have been dealing with each other for a long time, and they know each other. It should be said that trust and tacit understanding have it all.

In the 7th test, the three profiteers have all won the lottery. They have become players, and their feelings are completely different from their pursuit of themselves. This is the first time they come out to participate in this kind of no-cost business, and it is like experiencing life.

So you can't look at it as a general cuteness.

"Whether the information is reliable or not, we may not be able to eat the NPC caravan with red borders"

Wang Yanan stared nervously at the big tree where the scouts were waiting, and spoke viciously to the three level 3 Mengxins who were staying by his side in the voice channel.

"Don't worry, the national service has accurate information. They don't have many people. There are no more than five professionals. The rest are elite militia level."

A level 3 Mengxin who is an incarnation of a profiteer said.

"There are really only five professionals?"

"It's absolutely unmistakable, the two are still priests, and they don't have much fighting power."

"That's good."

Wang Yanan excitedly licked his thick lips, as if he had tasted the bloody smell of a fat sheep. More than 30 men were ambushing on both sides of the road that must be passed. If there were only 5 professionals, even if it was difficult to deal with, heaps would If the pile is dead, it should be said that it is a sure thing.

At this moment, the scout on the team channel hurriedly shouted: "Here we come!"

The atmosphere in the team suddenly became tense. Just as Wang Yanan was about to issue orders, Mengxin, a profiteer, hurriedly shouted: "Lao Li, don't forget to leave us some experience packs."

"I can't do without you!"

At this time, Jaeger's caravan officially left the Earl of Walter Xia and entered the territory directly under the Duke of Norman.

After passing through a small forest, there was a flat piece of land, and there were fewer headless new players scurrying around with the naked eye. The original ecological environment looked far less prosperous and noisy than the earldom.

But everyone in the team became even more nervous. The accompanying fifth-order mage lifted off, looked towards the direction of Extreme East City for a while, and then landed.

"What's going on, the idea has been discovered?"

"How come, it's so far away."

"The NPC with the red border is so evil, everyone be careful."

"What should we do now, rush out?"

"Wait, wait, wait."

Jaeger and the others didn't find anything, it was just a routine precaution in an unfamiliar environment.

The caravan has more than a dozen pack animal carriages, fully loaded with goods bought and exchanged by nobles in various game areas, worth no less than 5 platinum.

Such a large piece of fat is naturally impossible to attract only one fly. On a hilltop farther from the ambush point, another group of Liangshan heroes called the "Spike Special Brigade" was also staring at this side, but they didn't notice it. Tieguai Li them.

"The magic effect is more... stronger." Jaeger listened to the accompanying wizard muttering nervously, "We shouldn't have come, we shouldn't have thrown ourselves into a trap..."

Poor thing, what's left of a mage who loses his cool?
This guy was frightened silly by the methods of the Grand Duke of Norman.

Priests don't have such reverence. No matter how powerful the magic effect is in front of the power of the gods, it is only sand and gravel, which will disperse when the wind blows.

Seeing that the fat sheep was getting closer and closer, and finally entered the predetermined ambush circle, Wang Yanan couldn't wait and jumped out with a roar of the tiger, and the two-meter-tall man slammed into the middle of the road with a bang, "Hey, this mountain is the one I opened!" , this road is driven by me, I want to pass by from now on, and leave money to buy the road!"

Every time he reads this line, Wang Yanan is very excited and dedicated. If he can see the fat sheep panicked and showing the expression of the little white rabbit, he will be even more excited and violent.

The subordinates all know this habit of hers, and no one will compete with her, and they all tacitly wait for her to finish her lines before jumping out.

But this time, the script is different.

Wang Yanan had just finished reading "I want to pass by from now on", when a hidden ray (dissociation technique) shot from Fat Sheep, "Leave money to buy the way" just finished shouting, a huge damage value of -1887 popped out from the top of the head, white light Get up, bang, leave a pair of crutches (mace), and appear at the resurrection point in the safe area with a look of astonishment.

Only then did more than 30 heroes jump out, and they were shocked to see that the eldest sister was returned to the city for free for the first time. If there is any kind, rush to the caravan.

Jaeger was also more surprised than frightened. He looked back subconsciously, and the 5th-level mage who exploded at one point actually used up a 5th-level [Dissociation] scroll, killing a worthless man who could be revived infinitely. 'locust'.

Shooting mosquitoes with cannons doesn't even describe the waste.

"Fuck, someone is grabbing food?"

"That, that?"

"Looks like that old lady Tieguai Li"

"Hey, brothers, go ahead, don't wait for the time to break up..."

"Wait a minute, Boss, the idea is difficult, and Tieguai Li has been sent back to the city."

Not to mention the other gang of Liangshan heroes behind, just say that the boss was sent back to the city by a face-to-face ceremony, and the remaining 30 or so "angry" robbers had already rushed to the front of Jaeger and the others.

The high priest snorted coldly, and he didn't know whether it was because of the pain that the 5th-order scroll was hit by flies just now, or the anger at the player robbers who suddenly appeared. The Templars disguised as caravan guards followed this With a cold snort, a charge team of 3 horses was arranged as arrows.

The horseshoes sounded a few times before they became one, and in the prayer of the high priest, all the knights seemed to become one.

A thick halo covered the charging knight, like a sharp knife out of its sheath, ruthlessly crushing into the formation that the players rushed over.

In an instant of collision, the tracer of the system skill and the group magic had a fierce confrontation. As a result, the radiance scattered all over the sky was splashed in all directions like tattered fragments, and the charging knight was like a sharp knife cutting through butter. The plowing in the array brought seven or eight white lights back to the city, and the rest turned into rolling gourds or figures fleeing backwards at high speed.

"Help, don't abandon me!"

"Wori, damn Tieguai Li, don't do this business if you don't have something to do, it will cause me to die, and there will be no good fruit for you"

The three profiteers who came to experience life did not wait for the so-called experience gift package. Except for one unlucky Mosaic who was trampled to the ground by horseshoes, the remaining two threatened and cursed Tieguai Li's team while running away. The business is not good, threatening them not to abandon themselves...

Jaeger also saw these two particularly weak and funny figures, and whispered to the high priest, and the scattered knights who chased the enemy caught these two guys back like eagles catching chickens.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, our brothers were innocently involved, and have nothing to do with these bandits."

"Yes, yes, yes, I don't even know them. It's really useless to rob houses."

Jaeger held back a smile and stepped forward, "So, the two of you were just coerced by bandits?"

"Yes, yes, it was coerced, but we are good people."

"That's it." Jaeger seemed to believe it, and said to the high priest, "Since they are not bandits, my lord, I think it's better to let them be a guide?"

The high priest just ignored this kind of ants, nodded, and watched the knights clean up the battlefield.

Almost face to face, the famous and vicious Tieguai Li criminal group was killed as a local chicken tile dog. The "Spike Special Brigade" behind looked terrified, so they had to give up this robbery and lead the people in despair. retreat.

Half an hour later, the caravan continued the rest of its journey.

"It's not me bragging, Jaeger is in charge, there are no places and people I'm not familiar with in the Far East City, even the city lord N... ah, even the city lord Viscount Baldwin has a [friendly] relationship with me, you have any responsibility... ...If you have any entrustment, just leave it to me, I will report to you first, so as to save you such a large group of people approaching the city gate suddenly, and it would be bad to cause any misunderstanding."

"It sounds like the Grand Duke is less peaceful than the Earldom?"

"No way, the Grand Duke is merciful. That's why so many criminals, desperadoes in the country... who can't get along in various noble fiefdoms took advantage of the loopholes, so it's best to report in advance to avoid any misunderstandings."

The two profiteers waited for a while, and after a while, they took out the purpose of Jaeger's trip, and began to brag about themselves, to see what benefits they could get from it.

Jaeger gave them a horse, and the two of them sat on the horse like clowns and twisted their bodies, eloquently making various funny poses, turning a blind eye to the mocking and sneering of other NPCs, and their skins were as thick as the walls of the Far Eastern City.

"Are you also new players in this... 7 test?"

"You even know this?"

"We toured the entire duchy."

"Admiration, admiration... That's right, I was tricked into joining the bandit gang just because I didn't understand anything."

Jaeger laughed out loud. At this moment, another warning signal came from ahead.

He smiled mischievously, and blinked at the two of them: "Guess, are there any good people who have gone astray like you?" After speaking, before the two of them could answer, he patted his horse and stepped forward to check the situation.

This time, it wasn't another robbery, but a large-scale siege battle between two player gangs.

A soil fence that is obviously a gang resident is on the right side of the road, and the city wall is built on a small hill. The main building, the castle, is on the top of the hill and can be seen clearly from the outside.

Dozens of defensive players stood on the city wall, and hundreds of attackers surrounded the city outside.

The sound of shouting and killing was loud, and the tracers of skills came and went like meteors. The large siege vehicles fired huge stone projectiles, which were all blocked by the magic aura on the city wall. The magic aura swayed under the blows again and again.

Players riding griffins lifted off into the air and tilted their firepower towards the top of the city. The players in the city did not show weakness. They also raised their air troops and started a fierce battle between you and me in the air above the city wall.


Whether it is the attacking side or the defending side, their performances are remarkable, much better than the gang that robbed the road just now. Jaeger looked at it for a while, and his expression became dignified.

If what they attacked was not this castle but their own caravan... they must have been unable to escape just now, right?

"I know, I know, the people who attacked the city were members of the Grand Guild 'Iron Blood Elite Brotherhood', that is a big gang with 2000 people. I heard that the city can be built. ...Milikan gangster, what are they called hell bobtail cats, they are arrogant. They have only been in the public service for a few days, and they have made enemies with many gangs. No, people from the 'Iron Blood Elite Brotherhood' came to teach them a lesson , Judging by this posture, we are not planning to attack them, just a war of attrition, just a small scene to consume them."

This kind of "small scene" has already caught up with the battle of life and death between two medium and large nobles.

"Does the Duke not care?"

"Master Duke is kind, as long as the ban is not triggered, the disputes between players are resolved by the players themselves. This is the charm of the public server. Otherwise, why did Millikin come here to mess around? It's free here. Free and unrestricted, without...cough cough, unrestrained or something like that."

What a freedom.

This is training, right?

Jaeger saw the deep meaning behind it at a glance.

After watching the large-scale offensive and defensive battles between the players for a while, the caravan set off again and arrived at the easternmost main city of the official server, Extreme East City, in the evening.

When they got here, the caravan transformed into an envoy from the Church of the Mother Earth to meet with the Norman Duke.

Just in the past two days, more than a dozen such missions arrived in the main cities in four directions one after another, and after getting permission, they gathered together to the Punk City in the hinterland.

(End of this chapter)

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