This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 490 Who Do You Think You Are?

Chapter 490 Who Do You Think You Are?

The Church of the Goddess of the Night, the Church of the Mother of the Earth, the Church of the God of Light, and the Church of the God of Justice and Judgment are collectively known as the Big Four, and each of the gods they believe in leads a powerful pantheon.

In their respective pantheons, they are all main gods. The Goddess of the Night is called a sister. According to legend, this goddess has a 'cleanliness', hates dirty smelly men, and likes pure girls like flowers.

The Goddess of the Earth Goddess is the other extreme. The Goddess of the Earth has an important priestly domain—maternity. Therefore, the entire godlines are bred from messy people, gods, demons, angels, and even dragons. a big family.

The Church of the Bright God is relatively orthodox, and the sources of the gods are also very diverse, but since the saint Paul thousands of years ago was sanctified after his death, he was bestowed with divinity, rewarded with priesthood, and then conferred gods, there is no new one. Blood has been added.

This God of Light has no gender, it can also be said that he is male and female, and his holy emblem is the image of men and women relatively shining brightly.

The last god of justice and judgment is relatively the most low-key, and its church follows the upper-level route. It has a far stronger foundation and authority than the other three gods in the ruling class such as the aristocracy and the royal family. The middle and lower floors seem very 'low-key'.

Note that these four major gods are not eternal, they are only the final winners, and the gods they lead did not exist from the beginning, but have undergone complex, long, cruel struggles and evolutions , and finally merged together.

The original god system was just gods of the same camp holding together to keep warm. Usually, they were relatively weak. The gods are becoming more and more "professional", unable to hold too many authorities concurrently, and have to separate conflicting or weakly related authorities.

The separated authority, that is, priesthood, is a little 'stingy' and made into a so-called 'artifact' for personal use, not cheap for others.

It's like the Book of Canaan.

Give generous rewards and win over someone you need or love, and let the other person become a god, so as to strengthen your own strength.

History has proved that no matter how powerful the artifact is, it is still a dead thing, and it wants to occupy everything, for fear of taking advantage of others, there will be nothing left in the end.

The last one is gradually becoming mainstream.

But the authority of the priesthood made the new god, and the new god has been grateful to Dade since then, and no matter what he does, he will follow the lead?

No, the gods who originally distributed the power of the priesthood to the younger ones no longer exist. The original gods have undergone aggregation, splitting, re-aggregation, and splitting again... almost none of them survived. The law of survival of the fittest is at the level of gods. It also works. Today's god system has become much more reasonable, and there will be no more internal strife, rebellion, or even catching up from behind.

If a new god wants to develop his own pantheon, if the rigid indicators such as divinity, divine power, number and quality of believers are all up to standard, he will correlate and subdivide from his priesthood authority.

For example, the Mother Earth is subdivided downwards, and there are forests, fields, lakes, rivers, hunting, sowing, harvesting, gestation, childbirth, etc., and some of them are suitable to be used as priesthood authority, because the uniqueness of cohesion has The audience has the basis of sentient beings consciousness, some are not suitable, or are not suitable now, and need to be guided and cultivated.

When a certain day is suitable and there is a 'mass base', the uniqueness will be settled.

Look, no matter how much the relationship is subdivided, they are all deeply related to the main priesthood authority of 'earth and motherhood', or they are simply extended branches.

The god system built in this way is completely owned by the Mother Earth. Don't worry, that guy was bought that day, or he betrayed because of his disagreement, or he was just a [-]-year-old boy, a spy who came in, etc.

Anything can be faked, but the uniqueness of priesthood and authority cannot be faked. Even if it is 'false', it can become 'true'.

For such an extremely selfish, selfish, extremely cohesive, and pure creature like a god, only this kind of 'marriage' is an effective combination. Any other methods, blood relatives, allies, etc. are all unreliable , almost like paper paste.

But such a pantheon has a limitation.

That is, it can only be reflected within the framework of a subject matter, phenomenon, rule, and concept. No matter how the light priesthood is subdivided and related, it is impossible to derive darkness, and it is impossible to derive happiness, joy, etc. from a fair ruling. .

Gods and gods all require believers to get closer to themselves, how to get closer?
It is natural to worship the uniqueness represented by the gods, and regard it as the truth, in terms of thought and behavior, so that this uniqueness can be strengthened, deepened, deepened, and even sublimated, so that the gods can be strengthened, and the godhead and power can be promoted.

But can a single pantheon or even multiple pantheons represent the entire world, all the truth, the truth?

Obviously it is impossible.

This leads to the great imprisonment of people's thoughts and souls, and the colorful world is eliminated from other colors, leaving only black and white.

This kind of understanding of the world is undoubtedly narrow, decadent, depraved, extremely reactionary, and the most thorough 'evil'!
Bei Gaoyang wants to eradicate this 'evil' and return the colorful world to its original appearance, so he is also building his own god system.

His god system is not based on the magic net after mastering the authority of a certain main priesthood and then making related subdivisions.

The advantage of being based on the magic net is that it avoids the inherent narrowness of the gods, and is not bound by a single thing, a single concept, a single phenomenon and rules, and can freely express any color. Under the magic net, the harvest goddess Tias , Apollo, the god of dawn under the magic net, Metheus, the forest goddess under the magic net...

The limitation is that, restricted by the height, depth, and breadth of the magic net, until now, no real system god has been born, and even fused with a representative, only a few false gods have succeeded, and others dare not try.

With the omnipresence of the magic net, and the tens of millions of people under its control, it is not difficult to extract representative or even unique authority. Giving such resources to a wild animal is like the fairy forest That one, don't you think she rushed to the altar very quickly, riding a rocket to improve her godhead and power?

Success is also the magic net, 'defeat' is also the magic net, where the achievements of the magic net have reached, the upper limit of Bei Gaoyang and the system gods has reached there.

Inside the mage's tower, Bei Gaoyang wrote the last stroke in a fluttering manner, handed the calligraphy to the Lich Nicholas who was standing by, and said, "Everyone is here?"

"All are waiting for audience"

"Have an audience?" Bei Gaoyang said with a smile, "I really think of me as the Duke of Norman."

It was rare for the Lich to say something humorous: "You have to do a full set of acting."

Bei Gaoyang glanced at him unexpectedly, this guy's attitude is a little bit wrong recently, he is more lively and playful than before, not so boring.

"What do you think they came this time, forcing the palace?"

"Maybe, the gods are salivating for...the world the player is in, and they must have come to showdown with you. After all, in their view, the Grand Duke still has such a large territory, and they rewarded you. You After taking such a big benefit, it is natural to pay the bill.”

"Haha... ok, let them in then."


"Won't the four giants all come?"

"Almost there."

"Tsk tsk... It's been a long time since there's been such a grand event on the main material plane... Since that's the case, I'll go to welcome these distinguished guests."

Outside the mage tower, Jaeger was at the back, basically unable to see the front row, let alone what the giants were saying to the Duke of Norman.

To his relief, the atmosphere of the meeting was quite friendly, and no accidents happened. Under the warm welcome of the Grand Duke of Norman, the giants followed their master into the Mage Tower, and started a very important meeting for the whole of Canaan.

Most of the suite waited outside.

It wasn't until evening that there was no sign of the end of the meeting, when a priest with the highest status in the Church of the Evernight Goddess came out to speak, and only then did they let these little shrimps finish standing outside the mage tower.

It was not easy to leave too far, so Jaeger entered a large tavern near the Mage Tower with a few familiar faculty members.

The tavern is very lively and has a very strange layout. The first floor is a transparent hall with many tables. The second and third floors are a corridor-like structure. The hollow patio allows the guests upstairs and downstairs to sit together. under a golden dome.

As soon as Jaeger entered, he was attracted by the altar in the center of the hall on the first floor.

False gods!

The spontaneous anger was restrained by him in time.

The many criminal activities of the Grand Duke of Norman are no secret. What makes people like Jaeger the most intolerable and incomprehensible is that he created so many ridiculous false gods. To use a famous saying on earth: his heart Can be punished.

What does he want to do? Doesn't he know that this is the most serious blasphemy? Isn't he afraid of attracting divine punishment, and his soul will be nailed to the wall from the fire to endure eternal calcination?

Is he afraid?Do you understand?

To Jaeger's disappointment, the giants of various churches turned a blind eye to such a serious crime, which made him unable to understand anyway. Could it be that the illusory alien world is so important, important enough to be such a serious crime of blasphemy? Can all be tolerated?
What he didn't know was that the showdown at this time had already involved this environment.

"So... you represent the will of the gods, promise me a... god system?"

On the negotiating table, Bei Gaoyang tapped Guanghua's flat table with his fingers, smiling half-smile.

The cardinal in red who was sitting across from him also smiled, "There is indeed a definite oracle."

"I'm not even a demigod," Bei Gaoyang spread his hands lazily.

"We all know that this is a piece of cake for you... Your Excellency Ramsfield Bei Gaoyang, the archmage of the 9th ring." said another archbishop in red with a slightly lower status.

The others didn't do much, but the lich behind Bei Gaoyang was shocked by the title of the 9-ring archmage.

It's not that people in the circle can't understand the gold content of this 9-ring archmage. Let's put it this way, Nicholas has lived for so long, not to mention knowing the past and the present, at least he can be regarded as a strong learner, and he will not be the second person on the scene with his knowledge and experience. In his mind, the nine ring masters he had seen were alive, not the ones in the pile of old papers or legends, and there were no more than three.

One is the honorary chairman of the Association of Mages who has only heard voices but never seen a real person, and the de facto creator of the Little Demon Abyss, His Excellency the 9th Ring Archmage Kane Fanst.

One is a mysterious planeswalker. There is no rumor about him in the outside world. Nicholas doesn't even know whether he is a man or a woman. He only met during a coincidence of a plane trip. He only knows that she or he is called 'Jane' .

An existence that has 'degenerated' into an abyss lord, the order camp, and the only mage who has survived the 'test of the abyss' (corrosion).

And as a living person, he was recognized by the abyss and demon lords, and he was the 121-ring archmage Oster Guman who commanded the 199st and 9th floors of the abyss.

Look, in the material world, at least in the main material world, there is no 9-ring archmage anymore, and now one pops up out of nowhere, and he is still an acquaintance. Even if he had psychological expectations, it is conceivable that he will be shaken.

What is the concept of a 9-ring archmage?
The 7th ring involves law-casting, known as the law-maker.

Ring 8 involves space casting, called weavers.

The 9th ring involves time casting, called traveler.

The 9th ring is one step closer to the legend, it is a sub-holy existence, a level that the gods do not allow mortal things to reach, and it is a monument that is blocked from Tianjian by the barriers set up by the gods.

The 9th-ring great mage is also an almost infinite immortality, transcending reincarnation, and can jump out of the river for a short time, leaving a projection in the upstream or downstream of time.

At least in the main material world, you can choose to advance and retreat calmly even if you are facing the incarnation of the true god without fear of opponents at any level.

——Is this the 9th ring?
For a lich who can never break through the 7th ring in his life, it is too dreamy. He pursued it all his life, worked hard all his life, and finally turned into a lich, but he couldn't shake the barrier at all. With someone, it's like does not exist?
How embarrassing it was for him.

For a while, the tide of thought was ups and downs, and I didn't notice the following conversation...

"Legendary? No problem. Divinity, priesthood, and even a god system are all as you wish. My lord only needs one door, the one you master."

Such words are not suitable for a mortal, not even a cardinal.

A will descended on the cardinal, distinguishing his old voice, this voice is very young.

Could it be that……

The lich was shocked, and subconsciously wanted to raise his head, but he stopped abruptly the moment the muscles on his neck started to work together, resulting in sprains in the limbs spawned by the flesh and blood magic.

——Do not look directly at the gods!
But he quickly realized that something was wrong, my didn't sound like a real god's tone.

If it is a sub-god of the pantheon, it would not use such a humble title, it could only be those archangels and saints who have a status close to the sub-god and have not gone through the final formalities.

"What if I refuse?"

Nicholas replied in a casual tone when he heard Bei Gaoyang.

"Who do you think you are? What do you think the Book of Canaan is? Do you think you can easily steal the 0-level sealed item behind the wall? Do you think my lord doesn't know your true origin? Do you think your Is the achievement achieved by your own hard work?"

A series of rhetorical questions filled with deep disdain struck the dead silent room like thunder.

(End of this chapter)

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