Chapter 491
"It's my lord!"

"My lord has long known your origin, known your specialness, and intended to give you a chance!"

"It is my lord who made you from a sinner (abandoned citizen) to a powerful spellcaster"

"It is the Lord who gave you strength, glory, status, power, wealth and authority"

"It is my lord who is willing to give you another chance, an opportunity that all living beings and even countless powerful and noble people dream of, an opportunity that is called a 'sin' for all mortal beings."

"It's my lord..."

"Sorry to interrupt!" Bei Gaoyang rubbed his aching ears, tapped his finger on the table, and the thunderous voice of questioning fell silent, "Who is the 'my lord' in your mouth?" bit?"

The descendant was shocked by his careless arrogance, so he replied with an even more angry roar: "The supreme and only temple of light!"

"Let me just say..." Bei Gaoyang laughed, "There are so many long-winded talks in the beginning, and I don't report the background, so it can't be blamed for me not understanding, right?"

The descendant was silent for a while, "Then what is your choice?"

"I heard what you said earlier. The old man of the Temple of Light noticed me from the very beginning? So he was extra merciful, interfering with my fate, arranging for me to become a powerful spellcaster from a precarious abandoned citizen, and acquiescing to my committing many crimes." It's... er, sin, against His minions everywhere, getting the notoriety of Nuo Da, and taking care of stealing the Book of Canaan, knowing that I will use the Book of Canaan to recruit helpers from my hometown, through me, to facilitate the door His existence, now the old man wants me to give him this door in return, and in return, the old man promised me that I will become a god in the future, even the grass-roots team I created now will be accepted by the whole class, and I will be given a god-type organization... ...that's how you understand it, right?"

"...Your arrogance shocked me. What kind of world can cultivate a person like you who is unrestrained and sinful to the depths of his soul!"

"It seems that my understanding is correct." Bei Gaoyang is still tepid, while the others have become 'puppets' as early as the moment of the advent, no matter how high their status is, they have no room to speak .

The only participant on Bei Gaoyang's side, Lich Nicholas, was already dull and numb, and there was no room for him to intervene.

"Why didn't I know that the Temple of Light still has the priesthood of prophecy and fate? As far as I know, there used to be a God of Destiny, but you killed it? Didn't the Temple of Light successfully integrate the priesthood of fate? No, he His honorary title has not changed, so is it the Light of Destiny, or the Destiny of Light? The uniqueness is somewhat irrelevant, right?"

"...Are you going to refuse!?"

The descendant's voice became low, like a volcano about to erupt, like lava that would explode in the next second, invisible power projected from a star above his head, bathing the entire mage tower in a strange brilliance.

The descendant also became white and transparent like jade, and his eyes flashed a golden yellow that represented the condensation of divine luster. His voice had finally faded from the human voice, and it became a thick sound composed of metal, machinery, and electronics.

A voice contains dozens of tones and timbre changes, as if countless people are whispering in unison.

The mountain-like pressure made the mage tower tremble. As the point with the strongest pressure, Bei Gaoyang didn't exist like a phantom.

Therefore, his face remained unchanged, "Did I say that? I didn't say anything, I said this... Well, Your Highness, are you too impatient? Are you in such a hurry? I guess you are still in the probationary period , Haven’t got a priesthood yet? By the way, if I agree, my position here is very rich, do you want to consider jumping over here? There’s nothing to say about the position, it’s on me!”


The descendants have never seen such... audacity.

The arrogance of ignorance and fearlessness is not worth mentioning. The arrogance of this kind of person is the real arrogance.

So arrogant that the descendants don't know what to say, a little 'overwhelmed'?Still a bit 'riding a tiger'?
Such a mortal thing, why should he! !

If it wasn't for the boss watching behind him, if it wasn't for the bosses who valued this person very much, if not, it wasn't... The descendant swears that he will make him pay the price immediately.

"Just kidding, don't mind...By the way, I still don't know what your honor is called?"


"Don't be like this, maybe you'll end up under a boss in the future."

"Phoenix Te Cuman"


Bei Gaoyang had never heard of this name, so he was obviously not a god. He looked behind him, trying to get a hint from the Lich.

Nicholas had heard this name before, trembling slightly, and reminded respectfully: "1097 of the Holy Era, Holy Son of Light, Prince of the Kingdom of Phoenix"

"Oh, it turns out that they were saints more than 2000 years ago. Disrespect and disrespect."

"Don't delay, tell me your options."

"If you're in such a hurry, give me time to think about it, right?"

Son of Light took a deep breath, "How long do you want?"

"There must be seven or eight months in a year, right?"

"Don't think about procrastinating!"

"Not for seven or eight months, but for one or two months at the head office."

" do you look like a scoundrel? Where's your courage, your honor?"

"Two months, that's it!"

The golden halo in Guangming Shengzi's eyes was about to overflow, and just when he was about to explode with anger, a cold light suddenly shone down.

"My lord!"

In an instant, all the people in the room were shortened, Bei Gaoyang didn't dare to push him any further, he stood up, lowered his eyelids, and when he was having a headache what to do, the light disappeared again.

"Two months!"

Guangming Shengzi's arrogance has completely disappeared, and he has regained his calm, "Don't let this grace down, if you still have a little sense... go!"

The bishops and priests in the room turned around and left without talking nonsense.

"Oh, why don't you just leave? Is there any oracle in the Temple of Light... I said, let's talk about it after staying for one night? Really leave? Well, I won't send it off."

"grown ups……"

"Uh... I was never rude, right? The boss of the Temple of Light has just arrived? Are you sure?"

The Lich was silent for a moment, and sincerely saluted Bei Gaoyang as a mage, then retreated silently to the side.

This time he was really convinced.

A mage advertises that a free soul is not subject to any constraints. He thinks he has escaped from low-level interests and is a member of the "divine nature". 'Like this person in front of you?
This has nothing to do with rank, but a truly strong, independent and complete heart.

There are too many guys who look like a titan on the outside and dwarf on the inside, including him, Nicholas, who is one of them, and thinks that everyone is the same as himself, until today.

Regarding this, Bei Gaoyang wanted to say, if he was really not afraid of anything, why would he pretend to be a fool by 'gaggling'? Isn't it because his strength is not as good as others, so he delays time like this.

I'm really not afraid of anything, I just threw all those guys to the players to earn experience.

Got another 2 months.

But what's the matter with the unmasculine guy in the Guangming Temple, who looks like he's going to accept me?
Bei Gaoyang didn't take what the holy son of shit said at all. Anyway, this kind of religious lunatic is obsessed both in life and after life. He thinks that everything belongs to 'my lord'. The so-called all glory, authority, and power From my lord, and to my lord, it is no exaggeration for Bei Gaoyang's achievement to be called a gift from the Temple of Light.

But knowing Bei Gaoyang's origin by name in his words doesn't seem like a fake.

That's right, after making such a big commotion, all fools know to check the real details of this Ramsviel. He is a soul wearer, and the knowledge and insights from the earth have not been concealed. It is easy to guess his background.

In fact, Canaan is very "tolerant" to life outside the territory. If nothing else, mind flayers are also intelligent species from outside the crystal wall system that migrated to Canaan.

Did the gods ask mind flayers to believe in themselves?Do mind flayers have gods of their own?


Mind flayers are "psychic powers", and the characteristics of "psychic powers" are doomed to be unable to become believers of any gods. Coupled with the unique reproduction method and social organization structure of mind flayers, the gods can only The planes suppressed them crazily, and they were classified as monsters and swept into the dungeon all at once, out of sight and out of mind.

Players are different, the earth is even more of a desert of faith, once a god goes over there and adapts to the environment there, it will definitely be prosperous and shake Bei Gaoyang's fundamentals.

"...My lord, my lord?"

"Uh... I'm fine."

"... Am I honored to be able to access the magic net? My lord."

Bei Gaoyang raised his head in surprise, and saw that the lich bowed his head 'sincerely', as if he was talking cliche.

"Have you thought about it? It's a bit early to bet now"

"My lord, you are a real spellcaster, and I intend to run for a spellcaster like you."


Finally let this guy take the initiative to "sell himself".

It's really not easy to do this, how many things have you experienced before and after?

Why is it so difficult for me to accept a younger brother?

"I'm glad to have someone like you join our common cause."

"It is my honor, sir."

"Okay, come with me"

The red-edged NPCs outside the Mage Tower were completely gone, and the players who hadn't waited for the world plot to disperse one after another.

"Let me just say, the world plot is not so easy to open, and I wasted hours waiting there."

"Since you haven't, come back, the main hall will be upgraded in a few hours."

"Are we going to build a city?"

"Fuck, it's so fast."

"It would be great if the upgrade is completed by the end of the 6th test, and it will be qualified as a public service town, connecting with the system's various 7th test resource channels."

"It's not bad now, let's all come back, it's a moment of great significance."

Guards gang garrison, the newly renovated city wall is 12 meters high. As one of the infrastructure for building the city, the magic pattern of the city wall has finally caught up with the cumbersome and sophisticated level of the system town. And all kinds of prohibitive powers are available, and the city after the fourth expansion has finally caught up with the size of an offline small county.

Walking in from the main city gate decorated with lights, the straight stone-paved main road can accommodate four pack animal carriages driving side by side at the same time, and the shops on both sides have also been renovated. Prepare for the moment of building the city.

Moving forward along the main road, the City Lord's Mansion basically served all the functions of the gang resident, so it was very large, equivalent to an inner city.

The main hall in the inner city is being upgraded, and it is blocked by the system with a vague space interval. Only a small floating hammer and a small screwdriver are used to knock and knock, indicating that the main hall is being upgraded and is in an unusable state.

The inner city is located in the center of the city, and the main hall is located in the center of the inner city. These two centers are not open to outsiders.

The Guards Gang has developed into a big gang now, with a level 5 gang, the number of members exceeds [-], and there are more than a dozen families that have formed alliances and merged into the gang, which is almost equivalent to a small society.

The big gang itself has a lot of needs, plus the location of the gang resident is good, there are many resource points scattered around, some small families, casual players, life profession businessmen and tourists, etc., are looking for life nearby all the year round. The permanent residents of the resident of the resident further expand the domestic demand of the gang resident, so it also attracts the nearby aboriginal NPCs to migrate to the vicinity.

In this way, a circle of conscience was formed, which led to today's grand event.

People are in good spirits on happy occasions, Shao Bing is dressed in the outfit of a big gang leader, outside the main hall, he meets the backbone of the gang, the old man, the representative of the Yougang who came to witness, and the NPC liaison officer sent by Jinan City, etc., all gathered together, waiting The moment when the main hall was completed and the city was officially reorganized.

Once the city is established, the guild leader will be canonized by the Grand Duke of Norman. A first-level regiment commander cannot escape, and the lowest one can start with a lord. You know, this is all 'free'.

This is just a benefit on the surface.

There are also undisclosed ones. It is said that it is only said that a gang is like a small private server after the city is built. Much lower.

You can have your own regional tasks, you can have your own regional settlement, you can have your own regional taxation, you can have your own regional organization establishment, you can have... too many, only the leader who built the city knows.

From the leader of the gang to the owner of the city, the former is more like a non-governmental organization, while the latter is the institutional structure of the imperial court. Only when the people go from the people to the officials can they really make it through.

"Chunshui, you kid finally came out."

"It would have been nice if I agreed to merge with you at the beginning. How can I be a deputy guild master? Now I am the deputy city lord. Does the deputy city lord have a military rank?"

"Congratulations, congratulations, level 5 gang, Guard City, tsk tsk..."

"Chunshui, you have always been smooth sailing. To be honest, do you have any tricks? Why do I just do shit all day long, and if I don't like it, I will give up and leave..."

"Hehe...", Shao Bing just laughed, "Hehe, hehe...", he could only laugh.

(End of this chapter)

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