Chapter 492
Everything in the world has a name, no matter it is material or ideological, intelligent creatures are good at naming everything, otherwise they cannot distinguish and locate things.

According to the latest version of "System-Genesis", the Canaan universe evolved from chaos, and everything started from chaos. Auntie System was born in chaos, and Auntie System transformed the tiny molecules in chaos. Definition and naming make the same aggregation and different repulsion. Therefore, the clean air rises and the dirty air descends. The former becomes the sky and the latter becomes the land.

In the process of countless times of clean air rising and turbid air falling, one by one 'bubbles' were born, each bubble is relatively independent, and the volume, quality, and nature of the bubbles are different, so there are main material planes, planes, The elemental plane and the demi-plane.

The Canaan universe is like a big bathtub bounded by chaos, with countless bubbles crowded together, layer upon layer, and Aunt System is the one who is lying in this bubble bath and taking a bath.

Haha, well, this is the most unserious answer, and it is said to have been fabricated by a player who watched "System-Genesis".

Auntie System names the things that make up the plane world, which is macroscopic.

The microcosmic, specific, and low-level things will naturally not let His old man worry about them. Intelligent creatures, such as me, will become the namers.

For example, the rock under my feet, or the 'pig' running past me, it's hard to imagine the system lady sitting in the mud and pointing to the player's 'fat pig' mount and saying, from now on you will It's called a pig, and those two round pieces of meat sitting on your back are called buttocks.

Speaking of pigs, the guy riding the pig is back.

This is a handsome guy who looks a little shy, I looked at him with encouraging eyes, and waited for him to come up to connect with me.

Ah, by the way, I naturally have a name, my name is "City Guard Floyd Quinn Coulter" - I stand on the left hand side of the city gate of the Guards City Lord, holding the 'Qinglong Crescent Knife' ', majestic.

Standing across from me was my colleague "City Guard Jon Smantel", a fat man with red face, rosacea, and round belly, compared to me, I was much handsomer.

——Thank you Aunt System.

"Excuse me, Master Sergeant Major Floyd, is there anything I can do for you?"

Oops, I'm finally not shy anymore.

It's rare to see such a shy player.

As we all know, most of them just can't get rid of flies, can't get rid of rogues once they get on, I have a good feeling for this guy, yes, I'm ready to give him a chance.

It just so happened that the city lord has just delegated the authority of such opportunities to me.

Of course, steps are essential.

I started to rant:
"Of course, the young rebels. As we all know, the recent public security situation has been deteriorating. Many players who have gone astray have embarked on the criminal road of robbing houses. Many residents of the military city have been bewitched by them. Your Excellency, Chief of the Corps: Yijiang Chunshuiliu is worried about this situation, and intends to strengthen the law and order inside and outside the city, but manpower is tight, and people like you who are enthusiastic about public affairs are especially needed."

"I have a commission here, but it involves a dedicated colleague of mine, can you keep it a secret?"

The handsome boy's face became ruddy visible to the naked eye, he couldn't speak anymore, he just nodded wildly.

"Very well, you seem like a guy who can keep a secret..."

In fact, I can hand over the task directly to him, but I really like this guy so much, it would be great if he was a girl, look at his shy eyes, twinkling little stars of expectation, just look at me like this, let me ...Oops...

At this time, my colleague, the fat man standing opposite suddenly yelled at the two players who were arguing at the city gate: "Don't cause trouble in the city, unless you want to be put in prison, be honest with me!"

"See that guy?"

The handsome boy nodded repeatedly.

"You can see that he is in a bad mood. That's because he has a younger sister who joined a gang of bandits outside the city, and also specializes in robbing players and business travelers going to and from the city. Your Excellency the Baron is very annoyed. If you know that his sister is also a bandit gang One member, his future is very bad."

"Can you help the poor guy, and persuade his sister to return from her lost journey?"

"Well, I'm glad to meet such an enthusiastic guy like you, but you're only at level 7, and the gang of bandits are all vicious guys, but I know his sister will come back at night to visit her worried mother, you Come back when the sun goes down, and I'll show you how to do it."

Watching the handsome guy go away excitedly, I was still a little bit unsatisfied. At this time, an ugly monster seemed to see an opportunity, and came to make friends with me with a big face.

"...Don't get too close to the water pool outside the city. To be honest, I don't know why the baron didn't send someone to fill it. You know, when the weather is hot, blood-sucking insects will cover the sky and cover the sky, even near the city gate. They are all harassed by these nasty little bugs. If you have time, the young rebels and the owner of the pharmacy, Lao Ferol, are collecting the [blood glands] of these blood-sucking bugs. You can try to accept such a commission and kill them. Kill 100 blood-sucking worms and bring back their [blood glands]. In addition to the reward that Feanor gave you, the baron will also give you some merit..."

What, you are so ugly, you still want to get cheap from me?

I dismissed this cute orc in a few words, and I yawned boredly. At this time, the sun came out, and the sun was shining on my body lazily.

Unless there are players fighting in front of me, I'm lazy. Of course, everyone has to pay the city entry tax, which is related to my salary and bonus.

In other words, it has been a while since I was sent to work in the Guard City. Since the city was founded, there have been more and more players coming and going, especially the newcomers of the 7th test. This is inseparable from the effective governance of the Baron. Take the most In terms of important taxes, Guard City is about [-]% lower than the main city of the system, and small transactions are not free of tax.

This move is especially welcome to newbies. We all know that newbies are the kind of people who can’t wait to break the city in half, but it’s not absolute. Some newbies are more aggressive than old players, such as this.

"Morning, Master Sergeant Major Floyd."

The person who came was a beauty and a newcomer, but she was very rich, to what extent, so rich that she bought a house in a big city, and a factory, and dozens of people worked for her.

Although I don't dislike women, I only like handsome guys, but I still have a clear distinction between such people.

"Morning, today is such a beautiful day, isn't it?"

"Yes, yes, Master Sergeant Major Floyd, this is the nectar you mentioned last time..."

"Oh, what's the point of this?"

"Hehe, we are friends, right?"

"Yes, friend."

"Shouldn't friends help each other?"

"Okay...thank you, Ms. Shuixie after the rain."

Reluctantly accepting this small gift, the generous lady said, "Is there any news recently?"

I will not admit that the nectar I just received is a bribe, but within the scope of my ability, I will not refuse to help this "will come" player lady, "Uh... the red-bordered NPC in your player's mouth .”

"What happened to them?"

"There have been too many exchanges recently, and the gentlemen in Extreme South City are a little worried. You know, our relationship with them is complicated. Don't forget, the establishment of the Rebel Army has not been cancelled."

I swear to the system lady, I haven't even said such information to the city lord Baron. I heard it through my own channels, which are the intelligent NPCs in the players' mouths.

For those NPCs with red borders, players may not feel so strongly. We, especially us, are very wary of them. After all, we have been indoctrinated since we were born. They are bad, bad Thorough, bad and terrible understanding. Although they have formed an alliance now, everyone knows that this is just a stopgap measure by the Grand Duke.

But the players don't seem to feel this way. Some players have a fierce fight with these people. I really don't want the Lord Baron I serve to fall into the trap of those villains when he is not vigilant, and then...maybe...uh, Tired myself.

Well, I am serving the Lord Baron now, with the salary and bonuses of the Lord Baron, but there are some things that are not suitable for me. In this case, I will remind you through this roundabout way. should do.

"That's it, thanks..."

I'm a little embarrassed, after all, I just accepted someone's nectar with a smile, and turned around to take advantage of him again. In a compensatory mentality, I racked my brains and finally thought of something, "Uh, there is one more thing."

"Tell me, what do you need me for, Mr. Chief Sergeant Floyd?"

"You know that the number of new players has increased recently, and their popularity has increased. This is a good thing. The baron is planning to build a new city in the valley 15 kilometers outside the city..."

"New City?"

"Yes, it is used to accommodate more and more permanent residents and business contacts. I have already negotiated with agencies. It seems that I don't understand the real estate development mentioned. You should understand."

"Thanks, this news is very important, dear Floyd"

"Hehe, it's good if I can help you."

Who needs what, I am clear about this, I will not use the commission of cleaning to fool players like Yustopshuixie, what they really need is such news, I am also very happy to see her satisfied , the other party's nectar with peace of mind, waved and sent the other party into the city.

My name is Floyd Quinn Coulter, and I have just been sent by the aunt of the system to work as a city guard in the Guard City. I like this job because it has enough oil and water and a high degree of freedom, unlike in As in the system city, there are so many rules, and there are not many opportunities to make a fortune.

Compared with my cleverness, my colleague, the fat man standing opposite is very dull. He can only recite lines and move along a fixed trajectory like a marionette. I feel sorry for this guy, although I and him Did not say a few words.

Coming and going, going in and out of town, seeing more players, I became bored again.

The sun is getting more and more poisonous, and I desperately want to go home from get off work, cook a pot of nectar, and maybe invite that lovely person from the tailor shop to have a cup of afternoon tea or something.

The days were repeated like this, and one day, I saw that handsome guy riding on the 【Porcupine】 again.

"Hello, Master Sergeant Major Floyd."

"Hello, Your Excellency, First Class Sergeant Major with One Sword into the Soul."

It’s really sad to say it, my little Kexin, my handsome boy has lost the shyness that makes my heart beat the most, like a stamen that has experienced wind and rain has produced a hard fruit, becoming rough, smooth and accidental .

Players change too fast, and if we don't see each other for a day, we will be completely different from before. I feel sad for it, but I won't show it, but don't think I'm still as enthusiastic as I was before.

"Is there anything I can do for you, Master Sergeant Major Floyd, just like last time..."

"Oh, speaking of this, I'm troubled by one thing... You know that the new city is under construction, and there are too many people applying every day..."

I started fooling around with formula articles.

Seeing the disappointment on the face of the former sweetheart, I felt happy and painful at the same time.

——I really want to have a drink at a time like this!
But I swear, I never thought of harming the other party, but in the next second, I was shocked to see that a sharp knife point came out of his chest, and after [-] seconds of astonishment, I found the wound murderer of people.

Before I could take action, my colleague, the fat man standing opposite had swung the 'Qinglong Yanyue Knife' and slashed at the air not far away, clang!With a bang, the handsome boy returned to the city, and a human thief with a red ID mark fell from the air.

I didn't step forward to arrest it, but carefully observed my surroundings.

Suddenly, I found something, a smart, blew the whistle on the neck.

"Enemy attack, close the city gate!"

But it was already too late, more red names appeared near the city gate, and they were coming here in groups.

I should have reacted earlier, so many red-bordered NPCs gathered... It was the players, yes, some players were covering these people, and some people's worries finally happened.

I swung my big knife vigorously and my companions desperately resisted, trying to buy time for the city gate to close, but the enemy is strong, especially those guys with red borders.

I thought, I might die, looking back at Aunt System's arms, I was sad and scared, but I wouldn't back down.

Finally, when my companion Xiaopang died in front of me in battle, the damn city gate was finally closed, and I was also heavily wounded. I heard the players who were in the same rank as the enemy shouting, the city guards at level 55 have long wanted to explode! that's it.

I suddenly wanted to laugh, these guys don't know what they are doing, they kill me and expect the system aunt to reward you?

The boundless darkness came, and I fell down. My body leaned against the city gate I guarded with my life, smiling at a 45-degree angle.

(End of this chapter)

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