This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 493 Sharp turn down

Chapter 493 Sharp turn down
At first, no one realized the seriousness of the problem.

The major cities in the public server were suddenly attacked by red-bordered NPCs at a certain moment, and a large-scale siege phenomenon occurred, because it was only in the public server, and other national servers were only when the system launched some plots.

Monster siege? It's not new. It's just that the system can't announce it, and it doesn't mobilize players to defend the city or counterattack. The major cities in the public server, except for a little hectic at the beginning, are all defended, and there is no big wave.

If you ignore it, there are a large number of players participating in this siege, which is as inconspicuous as a wave.

Trouble is behind.

"What, what do you mean when you say that many players cannot go offline?"

That night, Yu Qingdong was awakened in his sleep, and the other party reported such an inexplicable news.

"That's right, that's right... Mr. Yu, come to the company quickly, we have detected a lot of player data abnormalities."

"Wait, I'll be right there."

Hurriedly rushing to the company, the online data monitoring department seemed to be pardoned, and the head who was still on duty seemed to have found a backbone.

A bunch of data materials were brought over to show him.

"Just tell me what's going on."

"It's...that's...the players who participated in today's monster siege all have abnormal data. We can't perform any operations on these data, and..."

"And what?"

"Moreover, we found that none of them can go offline, and even...even after dying in the game, they cannot be resurrected."

Yu Qingdong was stunned, "Could it be some kind of punishment by the system?"

"No, absolutely not. The system can't read their data anymore. We just contacted the central intelligence brain and have ruled out the possibility of this."

"Joke!" Yu Qingdong still couldn't believe it, "There are still things that the system can't read? It must be a mistake in your communication."

"Why don't you come over, Mr. Yu, if things go on like this, something big will happen."

"If something big happens, you all calm down!"

Yu Qingdong was strong and calm, in fact his fingers were trembling a little.

Personally communicate with the A1 authority on the line - Earl Walter Xia.

"These players have turned to our enemies, and they have been influenced by the enemies. Their souls have no longer belonged to the magic net. Therefore, the system can no longer perform any operations on them..."

The news from Earl Walter Xia was like a bolt from the blue, and Yu Qingdong was stunned. He was stunned for a full 10 seconds before pushing the operator away and doing it himself.

"The Grand Duke already knows about this matter and is looking for a solution. You should count these players first, and find a way to get them offline... Don't stay online, it's dangerous."

Yu Qingdong turned around and asked, "How many players are there?"

The staff immediately handed over a list.

Looking at the dense names, IDs, home addresses, and ID numbers on the list... Yu Qingdong felt dizzy for a while, "Many, how many?"

"Two thousand six hundred and eighty four."

"Two thousand...", he almost didn't come up in one breath.

After calming down for a while, he asked again, "Where is the international server? Only our players?"

"The addition of the international server is only a little more..."

"No, this matter is too big. I have to respond to the higher authorities and activate the emergency mechanism."

An hour later, everything that should be known was known. 138 operating agents urgently checked their respective players, and found that the 'abnormal' data was aggregated, and it had exceeded 5000 players.

"... There are various urban areas, because our players have been evacuated very well, and there is no risk of news leaking at present, but it will take a long time..."

"It must be concealed first, so as not to cause unnecessary panic."

"We have sent agencies from all over the country to go to the residences of players with abnormal data, and find a way to wake them up."

"Isn't there a scheduled wake-up service for the game cabin?"

"We have used it, and this function has been disabled for these players."

"What's invalid? Do you want me to die? How can such an important function fail!"

"Mr. Yu, the wake-up function is just a reminder like an alarm clock. Players don't want to go offline, so we can't force it."

"Yes, yes, the system used to monitor it. Once the player's data showed a dangerous value, he would be forced to go offline. There has been no problem. Who would have thought..."

Yu Qingdong's eyes were already bloodshot, and he was excited and anxious like a trapped animal. As more and more information was collected, the situation did not develop in the direction of prayer, but became more and more serious.

"What are you guys doing? The player colluded with the NPC bordered in red. Why didn't you find out beforehand?"

"We... the system didn't find it either!"

"The system... can the system be an excuse for your dereliction of duty?"

"It should have taken advantage of the loopholes in the data interface between the public server and the national server. During the process of jumping between the regional servers, the player was caught by someone. On the one hand, he escaped the system and the national server. On the one hand, the supervision of the service, on the one hand... Yu Zong, we are in big trouble this time, and there may be big troubles."

"No, not allowed, try every means to wake up this part of the players."

"Then... let's start with the players who live alone, try first, but hurry up."

"The operation team has arrived."

"The signal came in."

In the large conference room, all the executives rushed to deal with the sudden crisis. On the large LCD screen, the door of a high-rise apartment was forcibly opened, and those who rushed in quickly found the game room.

The players lying inside seemed to be normal, but when the staff forcibly opened the game compartment, the people inside... the people inside... dried up and rotted visible to the naked eye, and within a few seconds they turned into a corpse that seemed to be buried. Hundreds of years of mummy.

There were bursts of exclamations on the screen, and the meeting room was completely silent.

"Call me this player's data immediately!"

"He... this man was killed during the siege, and he never came back to life!"

"Where's the system, where's the system!"

"The system can't guide the player's soul into the 'resurrection program'... The central brain explained it this way."

"That is, that is to say..."

"he died……"

"Then why did his body...corrupt so quickly?"

"Maybe it's because his soul was...we need more information!"

"Ah, damn it!"

"How to do how to do?"

"How should I explain this?"

"Are there many players like this? I mean they were killed on the spot when they attacked the city?"

"Preliminary statistics have 440 five people."

"More than 400 people, more than 400 people"

"Mr. Yu, Mr. Yu?"

"Uh... I'm fine, you go on."

Yu Qingdong's mind is no longer here, he is thinking about what this sudden crisis portends.

Does it indicate that the system and number zero are finally 'unable to cover'?
Has the herald Zero's enemies finally started to strike back?
So what's next?
Players are 'forced' to participate in a war in another world?

It seems that this kind of war has always existed. If nothing else, just say that so many national uniforms were taken from the natives of other worlds?

You can't expect people to wait to be beaten without knowing how to fight back! ?

The world thinks Canaan is just a game, whether it is a game, or whether it is just a game, is not a secret among a group of people at all.

It is like a layer of window paper, the emperor's new clothes. Those who should know already know it, and those who don't know will never know.

Yu Qingdong counted the benefits that Canaan could bring, and felt that he was overthinking it. At this stage, no one, no country or region can give up Canaan. Compared with the huge base, it is still possible for these thousands of people to have problems. The accepted option, the question is, is this just the beginning, or can it prevent similar things from happening again.

Zero must be contacted.

——The superior also meant the same thing.

Players die in the game, it has happened before, but most of the problems come from the players themselves, this time...

Soon, the operatives of the second group opened the door of the second anomalous player's house.

Also living alone, the camera flashes past the luxurious interior and messy furnishings, and freezes on the game cabin.

The same abnormal player who had died in the game, the moment the game compartment was opened, the same thing happened to the player's body.

Rotten, withered... Everyone in the conference room looked extremely ugly.

"Hurry up and find out the detailed addresses of these players. We must deal with them properly before the outside world finds out."

"Properly disposed of?"

"...Contact the family members first to see how to compensate. This is within the risk range of force majeure. There should be similar clauses in the player agreement?"

Yu Qingdong asked the legal department.

"Yes, the question is how to prove that this is a force majeure factor?"

"The public relations department, I leave it to you. You cooperate with the legal department to come up with a feasible plan as soon as possible. I only ask for one thing. The impact must not cause too much impact, and the current good situation must not be endangered!"

The heads of the two departments agreed with a bitter face.

Yu Qingdong then left the conference room and made a separate phone call to report the latest progress.

The other end of the phone also asked someone to report. This night, the senior management seemed to have stayed up all night.

"Number zero must be contacted to get a clear explanation from him, and...we must prevent similar things from happening again."

"Yes, yes, yes, we have a plan for the aftermath"

"You have to take into account the risk of feedback to the country after a huge impact abroad. You must be flexible, and you must also follow the principle. The public has the right to know the truth, but it cannot be the truth that is embellished or rumors with ulterior motives. It must be treated with caution. this matter……"

"Yes, yes, we must pay attention."

"That's it, report any situation at any time"

After hanging up the phone, Yu Qingdong heaved a sigh of relief. At this time, more than 200 players who had died both in the game and in reality were found. Except for one or two alarmed outsiders, the whole process was under control. It is to deal with the one or two thousand abnormal players who have not been able to go offline until now.

Thinking about it gives me a headache. Number zero has never recovered. Do I feel like I am in the same state of distress.

"Little love, how are you doing?"

"The preliminary judgment is at the end of the 6th test and the time node during the construction of the 7th floor of the magic net. It's time to move."

"Okay, okay, let me tell you why it's so easy to get rid of this time to force the palace. It turns out that I laid an ambush here."

"My lord, what about these players?"

"What to do, what can be done, they have escaped from the magic net."

"Leave them alone?"

"No matter what, they are free now and are not bound by the system."

"My lord, now is not the time to talk angry, we must consider the impact it will bring... The operating agents are going crazy."

"Let them go in a hurry, and don't bother me, let me think about it."

"It's better to take the opportunity... to reverse it!"

"...I don't want you to say that."

"I know my lord, you have always wanted to be safe, but how can there be a foolproof plan? Our enemies are not fools. If we continue to be so ambiguous, there will be more loopholes to exploit. It is better to turn our faces, so that the enemy is the enemy, player We’re not going to be at a loss and let people catch loopholes.”

"Let me think, let me think again"

Is it coming soon?
Is it coming soon?
Bei Gaoyang has been waiting for this day for a long time.

After planning for so long and preparing for so long, it is hard to create the situation that appears now. Just sit at the gambling table, win everything, lose everything, and maybe even the earth!

It wasn't until now that Bei Gaoyang realized that his fear of the gods was deeply rooted in his bone marrow. He hated them because of his fear, and he was so cautious because he understood the strength comparison between the two sides.

two months?
Hehe, what a joke, I really took the other party for a fool.

Wishful thinking is not only that he can fight, but the enemy can also fight. They don't care about the past two months, they have already done it, and they stabbed the magic net and his pain points as soon as they did it.

The 6-layer magic net is still too weak to protect the player's soul, is 7 layers enough?
To be honest, Bei Gaoyang was not sure. If it was him, the method of the 9th-ring archmage would have a way to bypass the magic net, and even tamper with the player's soul without disturbing the magic net.

In other words, the magic net can't do much to protect the player's soul with an iron wall, it can only prevent the probability of large-scale occurrence, and the 7-layer magic net can still be guaranteed.

It is necessary to allocate a large part of resources to be a monitor. Like a spider, it is entrenched in the center of the magic web, and it scans around the clock like a radar, sensing the movement from every spider thread.

Such a monitor should have done it on the 6th floor, but he was careless, and was paralyzed by the enemy's connivance, showing weakness, and the illusion created.

Spread out the blueprints, the seven-layer magic net still reserves a large number of blank units, and designing a monitor does not require major surgery.

"Little Love!"

"grown ups!"

"The notice goes on, all false gods must integrate representation in the shortest possible time, including you."

"You mean..."

"With divinity, you have the capital to protect yourself. I don't want what happened to the players to happen to you again."

"Yes, I understand."

All of a sudden, the situation changed. The 2-month period seems to be a joke at this time. Obviously, they can't wait any longer. They are using this method to exert pressure. It may be a warning, but it just strikes a balance point superior.

(End of this chapter)

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