This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 494 Total War

Chapter 494 Total War
What Xiao Ai said is not unreasonable.

If you know the enemy and the enemy early, the players will not be at a loss and give the enemy a loophole to exploit. The root cause of this large-scale abnormal event is that there is no distinction between the enemy and the enemy, so that the players still have certain illusions about the red-edged NPC. It is not difficult to understand.

But even if you turn your face, you must know yourself and the enemy. Even if it is difficult to know the enemy, at least you must know yourself.

It's time to take stock of your current possessions.

The family is big and the business is big. Players and tourists count tens of millions. The total population of the civilized world is only a small number, and it is still a high-quality soul from the earth.

First of all, the magic net has reached the seventh floor.

The seventh-level magic net, level 7 magical creations, can be said to be immune to most spell effects, but the protection against levels above the seventh level is not enough, and the enemy still has a way to 'hide' the magic net. The soul hands and feet.

This is not because the magic network is not enough, but because it is too big, large and comprehensive, and there are countless aspects that need to be monitored and managed. Even supercomputing is limited by insufficient computing resources, and there will be certain delays. Not to mention the magic net.

After all, the magic net is not designed for 'monitoring'. Mastering everything in detail conflicts with the core definition of occultism. In the foreseeable future, even if it is a 9-layer magic net, it cannot be scrupled in every aspect.

Therefore, loopholes cannot be blocked. If there is a thousand days to be a thief, there is no one to prevent a thousand days to prevent a thief. We can only prevent this situation from the utmost extent. When problems arise, check for gaps and make up for them in a timely manner, so as not to expand the losses.

You can set up a false god of monitors, who don't care about anything, just inspect the system, a false god, a kind of representativeness, this kind of representativeness should be easy to condense, and the original program can be separated from Xiaoai.

The monitor has no emotions, just a mechanical and cold life, only obeying the will of the system, which is Bei Gaoyang's intention, and is a cold-blooded and ruthless executor.

This can ensure that it will not go wrong to the greatest extent.

Secondly, the number of players and tourists has exceeded 2000 million. It is not uncommon for the number of new tourists to exceed 7 million when the 5000th test is launched. Such a huge population and the consciousness of sentient beings are enough to support all civilizations in the civilized world. The gods are gone.

However, the problem of the quality of beliefs of players and tourists has been troubled until now, and there is no solution in sight. The convergence of the consciousness of these 5000 million sentient beings has to be discounted.

Although from the end of the 6th test, the problem of the system context was raised, and began to solve the fundamental event of players and tourists truly integrating into the occult narrative, but after all, the time is still short, and the fit of the magic net has not increased due to The population has increased, but it has decreased. This will take time to resolve.

The problem is that now there is no time to digest the fruits of the 7th test. To catch up with the ducks, we must strengthen the guidance of the system in this regard.

In other words, the degree of freedom should be reduced, and the frequency of system intervention should be increased. In the short term, a strong "game" atmosphere should be created, and most players and tourists should stay online to minimize the number of offline users. influences.

Finally, if you turn your face now, you must also pay attention to your own safety.

For thousands of years, the church has accumulated many cards. Isn't the Book of Canaan one of the cards?

Don't, don't own the magic net. If you have tens of millions of 'anchors', you will be invincible. You must also guard against direct intervention from the Kingdom of God. In terms of high-end combat power, you and The magic net is no match for the opponent no matter what.

Compared with the vast human gods, I am alone. Although limited by the main material plane, the true god cannot send all the power to the lower realm, but it is only one-tenth, one-hundredth, or even one-thousandth His strength is enough to drink a pot by himself, so don't underestimate the enemy.

After turning their faces, the enemy's subsequent counterattack may be unprecedentedly violent. This is not like a bloody battle in the abyss. Most of the demons in the chaotic camp focus on the frontal battlefield. This is the first time for players to face the unanimous pressure of the gods. Whether the four natural disasters can withstand it depends on the accumulation of the system.

It is expected that for a long period of time, they will be at an absolute disadvantage until the majority of players grow up.

It is expected that for a long period of time, the magic net will be infiltrated by the enemy's capable forces. Maybe you can no longer guarantee absolute safety around you. You must do a good job of "there is an enemy in me". Don't block the frontal battlefield, and the inside will be drilled Kongzi, isn't there a saying that a strong fortress starts from the internal disintegration.

To prevent the enemy from engaging in a 'color revolution', it is necessary to strictly prohibit the earth's forces from contacting them, to ensure the authority and authority of the false gods of the system, and to allow them to integrate and represent as soon as possible.

Only when representativeness is integrated can it be truly bound together with the magic net. What is the representativeness of the magic net without the magic net?This is tantamount to denying itself fundamentally.

Any false gods that cannot be integrated with representativeness must be eliminated. Keeping them is a hidden danger, but don't take chances. Even if it is Xiaoai, if it cannot be integrated with representativeness, it can only be discarded.


Bei Gaoyang's face became as cold as iron, and the order of the fusion representative had been conveyed. He needed to find a monkey to convey his determination to the false god.

Calling up the background data of the system, staring at the "matrix data" representing the false gods with cold eyes, Xiao Ai has already begun to integrate, the recording and protection of the system, such a representative topic is direct, the direction is clear, and the representation is very cohesive Clearly, with her qualifications, there should be no problem.

After reducing the difficulty of the question, Apollo, the sun god, became Apollo, the god of dawn. Luckily for him, Bei Gaoyang did not trust this native intelligent program from Beimi deep down. Yes, maybe we can take him as the monkey.

Artemis, the moon god, changed her name to Amyerola, the moon god, because she wanted to avoid Xiao Ai's first confidant, and also integrated the symbol of moonlight, becoming the goddess of moonlight.

The earliest follower of him was Tias, the goddess of the harvest of life. The topic was too big, and she only integrated [Harvest], but what happened to her, she was already a divine creature, and now she merged with [Life]? , she is not afraid... Forget it, forget it, it depends on her luck.

Goddess of the forest Mitheus, the second term, the first term has already been a monkey once, very honest, and is also carrying out orders, forget it, and the representation of the forest against him will be useless.

Reaper Clever, the guy with the most petty tricks, the most keen on infiltrating offline, so far it seems that he is doing a good job, and he also facilitated the city of offline players... It is useful to keep him, but this guy is not To be honest, I have to mark it emphatically. If the integration is not smooth, it will be a proper unstable factor.


This monkey is still quite difficult to find, because they are very honest. Of course, the failure of the fusion is another story, and it must have received wind from the bad guy Xiao Ai.

Bei Gaoyang couldn't help being a little depressed, so he had to wait for the result of their fusion.

[System announcement: Lord Rumsfeld, head of the Rebel Army, is extremely angry at the NPCs of the alliance camp colluding with some opportunistic players to wantonly attack towns within the jurisdiction of the public service, and will announce major measures soon. 】

[System Announcement: World Plot: Where to go, it is just going online, and the plot is undergoing drastic changes. 】

[System Announcement: The red-bordered NPC category has been cancelled, and Lord Ramsfield, the head of the Rebel Army, has ordered that these Canaan aboriginals leave the country within a time limit, otherwise their safety will not be guaranteed. 】

[System Announcement: Any interaction or alliance with the hostile faction of the Rebel Army is a betrayal. The Rebel Army will not provide any protection for the traitors. Please let me know. 】

"What's wrong with the system, is it fried?"

In Guards City, the players who had just recovered from the monster siege saw a series of 4 system announcements and talked a lot.

"The red-bordered NPC is cancelled?"

Someone immediately thought of something, jumped up and ran somewhere in the city.


The players who finally came to their senses followed behind one after another, and Wolf Run Fox rushed to a shop.

"It's late, you are late!"

The store has been occupied by players, and an orc player proudly blocked the door, "The enemy's property has been accepted by our Tiger Wolf family."

The players who came in a hurry lamented their wrists, and some wanted to pester them, but most of them turned around and left.

In the only large inn in the city, the sudden battle had ended, and corpses were lying all over the floor. An elf player was beaming and describing it to someone:
"Slot, before the system announcement came, I was still making friends with them. These humanoid monsters, each with five people and six people, are too difficult to talk to. Guess what happened when the system announcement came?"

"Haha, one second they called brothers and sisters, and the next second, everyone picked up the guys and started doing it. Before these humanoid monsters could react, they were knocked down several times, and they exploded on the spot. The exploded goddess scattered flowers, and the things on their bodies It all exploded."

"Look, look, Ultimate Blue, haha... Fortunately, my buddy reacted quickly enough."

Well, it's late again.

A large wave of red-eyed people went out again, looking for any humanoid monsters left in the city. I don’t know who made a bluff, and these monsters were gathering to attack the city gate. Surge in one direction.

"What's going on, what's going on, they are the baron's guests..."

"Bullshit Baron, do you want to monopolize a river of spring water?"

"Take Nima all by yourself, let's help them do business with them, I'll see who dares to move."

"You dare to go against the system..."

"Who the hell is against the system?"

"Didn't read the system announcement? You are betraying, betrayers, be careful and write a note to you from the headquarters of the Rebel Army."

At the city gate, the backbone of the Guards gang was at a loss, and all the guests protected by them turned red like monsters. Many of them had dealt with each other for a long time, and they were not at all the same as the group of people from the Church of the Gods and the siege thing.

It was also judged as an enemy by the system.

How can this be done.

"Chunshui, this is a business deal with several platinums, and they gave up because the system fainted? This business route is very profitable."

"Yeah yeah."

"The system is so one-size-fits-all, isn't it overreacting?"

"What's the matter? If someone makes a small report, I'm afraid that the headquarters of the Rebel Army will have opinions."

"Stupid rebels, when you get along well with them, you are the Grand Duke of Norman, and when you turn your back on them, you call them spies and traitors, fuck!"

"That's the system, can you still go against it?"

Shao Bing was also uncertain about paying attention, so he had to ask Jiji Nancheng.

The Chief of Political Affairs sent by Extreme South City looked resolute, "The enemy is the enemy, even for a while, Baron, you have to stand firm, don't forget your title, your residence, everything you have is given by the rebels , it was endorsed by Jinan City, don't betray this feat, honor and prestige."

Not bad.

No amount of money is worth the hardships and sacrifices before and after the establishment of the gang.

Compared with the risk, this benefit is nothing.

There is no ambiguity about the fundamental position.

"Let's withdraw our people, and the rest...what to do."

At the gate of the city, as soon as the Guards gang withdrew, the 'Humanoid Monster' was submerged by the players, and within 5 minutes of resistance, it turned into corpses and falling all over the ground.

In terms of drops, the system is extraordinarily generous, which also makes players red-eyed, even looking at the NPCs in the system with red eyes.

The Imperial Guard City is just a microcosm. Following the four unprecedentedly severe system announcements, a vigorous movement to eradicate the "four evils" in the territory of the public server, the national server, and the "private server" started like this. Many friendly and neutral people The fire at the city gate of the business hotel affected Chiyu, and the communication and trade between the game area and outside the game area were hit hard.

Just returning from the 'civilized world', Zhang Miao feels sincerely grateful that the 'civil war' in the caravan has broken out, and the hired red-bordered guards have been assigned to humanoid monsters by the system, and are being besieged by their former partners and comrades-in-arms.


Not long ago, Zhang Miao asked them not to care about their origins. The Duke of Norman is kind, free and broad-minded, and he will definitely accept them. His words of encouragement are still in his ears, and he will confront them life and death in a blink of an eye.

It is undeniable that there are bad people among them, but most of them are good people and ordinary people, just like the intelligent NPCs in the system. Isn't it a little too much to be implicated by innocent people like this.

Fortunately, this is on the way back. If this is outside the civilized world and the game area, it is not them who are besieged at this moment, but themselves.

I'm afraid when I think about it.

Why is the system so impatient this time, just to attack the city for monsters?

At this time, Yu Qingdong finally contacted Zero.

"Chairman, chairman, everything is urgent."

"I see, it's being processed."

"Chairman, can you change it back?"


"Please do your best, otherwise...the impact will be too bad."

"You also have to prepare for the worst."

"Worst case... you mean?"

"War is about to break out. I mean all-out war. Things like this are inevitable in the future."


"Wars naturally have casualties. Is this difficult to understand?"

"I...but...yes, yes, I know."

(End of this chapter)

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