This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 495 Lost and Gained

Chapter 495 Lost and Gained

"Damn, damn it!"

After finishing the conversation with No. [-], Yu Qingdong angrily pushed everything on the desk to the ground. He himself didn't know who this anger was aimed at. If it was No. [-], he wouldn't (dare not), Maybe it's more about himself.

He found that he was not as powerful (important) as he imagined, as if anyone could force pressure, dissatisfaction and negative things on him, he was like a marionette, enjoying the glory in front of others, but when it came to the really important moment , There is no freedom or right at all.

This discovery made him extremely angry. All the illusions in the past have become so absurd and ridiculous in the face of the sudden crisis. One of the ten most powerful figures who have influenced the world now seems to be a joke, a joke.

The point is, he can't find a way or way to change these, and the only self-restraint he has has become insignificant in the face of Zero's sudden change of attitude.

Who am I, what should I do, what can I do?
Even this conversation record, he can't modify it at all. Even a punctuation mark has to be faxed to the person who really made up his mind. Maybe there will be complaints and he will be held accountable at that time.

For some small matters, he needs to make up his mind.

The confidential secretary pushed the door open and came in, reminding him that today is the day for the lottery draw for tourists in the 7th test, but the TV station was told to postpone it for two hours, waiting for the notification from the superior, and the Canaan company was actually kept in the dark beforehand. In the drum, everything was ready before I got the news from the TV station.

The confidential secretary asked what to do, and the forum exploded.

How to do?
How did I know what to do?
Something went wrong, Canaan Company and he are the ones who top the tank, usually just a rag, all the troubles, pressures, and responsibilities are all his own, but he has no real rights at all. You also need to know the news through the TV station.

what is this?
Rags were not treated as such.

"You ask me, who the hell am I asking!

"President Yu..."

"Get out, let me be quiet!"

After driving away the confidential secretary, Yu Qingdong sat slumped on the office chair when the harsh phone rang.

"Old Yu, how did the lottery for the 7th test tourists change? What happened?"

"I don't know, I haven't been notified by my superiors yet."

"Could it be that the amount of signatures needs to be reduced again? Don't, the grouping has been completed. If there is a change at this time, the pressure on you will be greater."

"What can I do? There are so many mother-in-laws up there, and if anything goes wrong, I can drink a pot."

"You sound very resentful."

"To tell you the truth, I want to quit my job. It's boring."

"Hehe, you want to resign? The CEO of Canaan's parent company, are you sure?"

"What, what do you want to do?"

"I think so, but the qualifications are not enough... You should stop joking, hurry up and ask for news, the lottery for the 7th test can't be delayed for too long."

"I see, thanks for the reminder."

After hanging up the phone with his friend, Yu Qingdong picked up the red private plane again, dialed all the numbers, but hung up at the last moment.

No need!
The superior should be more anxious than him.

As far as the content of the call from number zero is being passed on, it's uncertain what kind of chicken and dog jump it will be.

When the think tank comes up with an analysis opinion, the time for the lottery will not be able to catch up anyway, and delays are inevitable.

I'm afraid that No. [-] will have opinions if he finds out.

Why, I just said those things to you, and you threw me face and countered me with the tourist lottery?You've got fat, Xiao Yu!
ah ah ah...

Thinking of this, Yu Qingdong's head exploded.

"Mr. Yu?"

"Call old Dong and his department to my office."


Always find something to do for yourself.

Old Dong came in with a group of senior executives. As the company's policy information consultant, commonly known as the think tank, Yu Qingdong urgently needed their help in analysis.

"Zero really said that?"


"There will naturally be casualties in war... Zero is very rude, maybe he is impatient, or maybe he is under too much pressure and the situation is not optimistic, so that's why..."

"In other words, will such incidents as abnormal player data happen frequently in the future? many casualties? Mr. Yu, we are in serious trouble."

"You don't need to talk about this. I came here to analyze and analyze. What should we do?"

"Do we have a choice, Mr. Yu? No, we've already boarded the pirate ship, and we can't get off."

"Everyone has a choice, but we don't have it. A grasshopper on a rope. If Canaan is not good, we are not good."

"Our interests are highly consistent with those of number zero, and we must fully support him."

"Can be casualties..."

"In fact, there is no need to look at it so seriously. Birth, old age, sickness and death are natural laws. It is not uncommon for players to die suddenly online."

"But it's not natural..."

"Any large-scale project has this unexpected index. Canaan is considered a project of the last century, so it should have such an index."

"It's a joke, why do I find it awkward when you say that, it's human life, not a cold number."

"Then what do you say? Abandon Canaan and let tens of millions of players give up online interests? Abolish the online economic entities that account for 45% of the national economy? Stop all new materials and new technology research and development and application? Give up on us The favorable position and advantages occupied in the era of the new industrial revolution, will we hand over such an opportunity to our competitors? Another closed country?"


"Don't be naive, there is no turning back, nothing can turn back, we have fallen too deep, too deep."

"You mean..." Hearing such an opinion, Yu Qingdong felt surprisingly better.

Indeed, no one can turn back.

So what do you have to worry about?
I was really frightened by the murderous words just now.

It's really clear to the bystanders!
"As usual, just pretend that nothing happened, and the online returns to the online."

"The language of total war and casualties..."

"There will be a way, but one thing is that the public cannot know the truth. I think this is also the subtext of No. [-]."

"OK then……"

At this moment, the call I had been waiting for finally came.

On the red dedicated plane, Yu Qingdong chased away Old Dong and the others, and got through the phone.

It took more than half an hour to talk.

An hour later, the 7th test tourist draw ceremony, which was rumored to be delayed, continued as usual. 2000 million people were divided into groups to draw lots, and it became a major event that attracted attention from all over the world.

"Let me just say, it's impossible to skip the ticket. Who would dare to play tricks on such a big event?"

"Blessed by gods and Buddhas all over the sky, bless the believer girl to win the lottery, sure to win the lottery!"

"The exclusive cheat book for winning the lottery. I have studied Fengshui, Zhouyi and gossip all my life. I professionally help people calculate the fortune of group numbers. The price is fair and the fees are reasonable. No one can deceive you."

"Is there any little brother to play with, is there any little brother to play with?"

"Sorry, my mother chose the group with 444 digits, and said to do the opposite. Damn, I'm going to be tricked this time."

"2000 million to 14 billion, the probability of winning the lottery is less than 3%, which is higher than the probability of winning the lottery when buying [-]D."

"You can buy multiple sets of numbers when you buy a lottery ticket. How many groups can you divide into groups?"

"I will definitely win this time. If I don't win, there will be shady scenes."

"There are only 7 tests, so there are only so many quotas. When will the public beta be? It won't be tested until the end of time, right?"

The lottery was held as usual, and the Internet was full of voices like this. At two o'clock in the afternoon, all the major TV stations began to broadcast a scene. As for the things that the high-level and big shots were worrying about and worrying about, there was no news from the outside world.

"How about it, have you checked all the players with abnormal data?"

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the entire Canaan company was watching the lottery ceremony on TV, and only a few people were dealing with this crisis that was far from over.

"Everything has been investigated. So far, none of these people has gone offline."

"This must be abnormal, right? They can no longer go offline?"

"should be."

"What can I do, is there a way for No. [-]?"

"He said the system was processing it."

"Hey, it's really sad."

"Contact Zero again, no matter what happens in the future, these people must be rescued if they can be rescued."

"How about the international server?"

"The American people's troubles are not as big as ours. Their news is covered up very well. Those big capitalists don't allow noise to appear. In terms of the ability to control the media, they are not much weaker than us."

"Death plan?"

"When will you still have the time to care about these things?"

"Okay, wait a few more hours, I'll contact Number Zero to ask."

"Be sure to do your best."


Yu Qingdong's thoughts were no longer on the lottery ceremony, and with more than 2000 million new tourists, the number of people on Huaguo Online alone is approaching 5000 million.

With 5000 million people, the area of ​​the national service is exactly equivalent to a Korean peninsula, which is equivalent to the territory and population of a medium-sized country.

This is no longer a deep problem, but a high degree of binding online and offline. Huaguo cannot live without Canaan, just as the world cannot live without Canaan.

With 5000 million people online, it will profoundly change the online ecology. For follow-up research and future trends, universities and research institutions will make special predictions, just like economic situation reports. The field of material and technology application is highly concerned. There are a few turmoil online, but there are turbulent waves offline.

In this case, the players with abnormal data cannot be leaked out anyway, and it is best to solve it silently.

After finally waiting for several hours, Yu Qingdong sat in the computer room built with new technology and materials supervised by Qingyu, and contacted No. [-].

"what happened again?"

"Ahem, chairman, we have checked out those players with abnormal data, and the list and their respective detailed information have been uploaded to the central brain."

"I know, that's it?"

"Chairman, please save them and try to recover the loss and impact, otherwise...they won't be able to account for it both offline and online."

"……I will"

After a few words, the contact was cut off.

The zero number now is really incomparable with before, and he never had such an attitude before.

Not to mention Yu Qingdong's concern about gains and losses because of this, just say that Bei Gaoyang got the list and information of these players from Xiao Ai.

"Your representative fusion was successful? Congratulations, should I call you Your Highness now?"

"If you wish..."


Bei Gaoyang choked on his breath, this fusion representative little love is indeed very different from before, serious?Rigid and direct?arrogant?Lower EQ?

It seems there are.

The representative of the system's records and protection, the divinity is highly pure and cohesive, and if you look carefully, He no longer has much of the gentleness and humility of the past.

— Lost her forever, got Him!
This discovery made Bei Gaoyang feel sad for a while, and his attitude adjusted accordingly.

"Record and Guard Your Highness, is there any way to save these people?"

Divine creatures, demigods and even true gods all have a title similar to His Highness.

This Highness is not under the eaves of a certain person, but the highest palace of consciousness and soul built by representativeness and uniqueness. A certain Highness generally refers to the highest under a certain palace, just like calling Mr. So-and-so offline , Ms. So-and-so, it is basic courtesy.

"That depends on how bound they are to our enemies... Look, my lord!"

Xiao Ai called up a light screen, and a player with a head and face full of tattoos appeared on the screen, and the environment he was in seemed to be a certain dungeon.

Beside him, there are all humanoid monsters with red IDs and monsters from the dungeon. One of them is very familiar. Bei Gaoyang looked at it carefully. Isn't this the octopus-headed Ross who disappeared after he was dispatched?
The player was scrutinized by these humanoid monsters, the residents of the dungeon, and the octopus-headed Ross. The head and face full of tattoos effectively isolated and shielded the signal of the magic net. The humanoid in the robes of the teaching staff was aware of it.

The screen went off, and Xiao Ai said, "Most of these people have been taken out of the game area, the core of the magic net. To rescue them, we must find them and take them back."

"did you mean?"

"Issuing special plot characters to some high-level players is called 'rescue the lost companion', as much as it can be saved, other than that, there is no other way."

"Is that so..."

"It's time for our high-level combat power to leave the greenhouse and experience the wind and rain outside. My lord, including offline, you are too generous to them, let them know the risks, there is no free lunch in the world, so as to reduce their resistance to you. maybe better?"

"Okay, just do what you want."

Xiao Ai, which is fused with divinity, is already the representative of the system's record and protection. A divine creature, if it ignites the divine fire, is a demigod, and if it condenses uniqueness, it is a true god.

The 7-layer magic net can't bear the demigods and true gods that exceed the ceiling. From this moment on, he and his highnesses are highly unified and bound together with the magic net. To deny the magic net is to deny them and integrate into the In the pyramid built by Bei Gaoyang.

But what follows is the positioning of both sides.

Cooperation contains huge conflicts, unless Bei Gaoyang completely fades out of the daily management of the magic net and hands it over to them.

But to do that, Bei Gaoyang was worried.

This may be a bigger problem than abnormal player data, and Bei Gaoyang is thinking about a solution.

——It's time for the so-called grand duchy and the public service to retire.

The daily affairs of the magic net exhausted him physically and mentally, bored and bored him.

(End of this chapter)

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