Chapter 496 Rescue
Today is the day when the 7th test tourists go online. After a week, Xia Miaomiao came to the entrance of the dungeon with the group.

This time it's not an adventure, but a mission of 'Saving Private Ryan'. Specifically, a certain unlucky player was captured by monsters in the dungeon, and he urgently needs the rescue of his compatriots and comrades, so blah blah blah...

Everyone in the regiment followed an unlucky guy who didn't know each other, but the task given by the system was a special plot and special merit calculation. Anyway, I had to come here, and it didn't cost much to do it casually, so I accepted it.

Yijian Guanghan Nineteen States vowed to hold the revenge of the group's destruction last time. This time, the team's strength is even stronger than before. Let's say Xia Miaomiao has already obtained a fourth-level profession and a fourth-level cloak, and her level and combat power will be even higher First floor.

Looking around, all the [Shocking] titles, equipment, mounts, and pets are all temporary choices. There are a total of 50 high-end combat powers among the players here. Well, there is a high probability that the group will still be wiped out, but it won't be like last time, so aggrieved that they didn't even touch the tyrannosaur's clothes... right?

For this reason, Yijian Guanghan Nineteen States spent a lot of money, and Xia Miaomiao was allocated several fourth-order scrolls, as well as the golems and puppets in the front, and so on. I really can't get the throat out, it has to be sponsored by a consortium or a large online organization.

In fact, there are indeed sponsors, and it is said that there are more than one. The picture is the first safe zone that goes deep into the dungeon, and the system gives a lot of rewards.

'Saving Private Ryan' is incidental, and it's not a difficult task to do if you think about it.

It's still the same passage, and it's still the same way, this time it's much easier than last time, the golem opened the way, and the "little monsters" like Komodo beasts they encountered just crushed them all the way.

It took two days last time, but this time it took only half a day to arrive at the real entrance of the underground world. In the stone forest with strange rocks, the team set up camp and carefully observed the underground city in the distance.

I don’t know if the humanoid tyrannosaurus has left or not. I don’t know how high the dome is, so that the water vapor in the underground space condenses into clouds in mid-air. Can you believe it can still rain in the underground city? At this time, the city in the distance Just shrouded in rain.

The scouts sent out did not move for a long time, and Yijian Guanghan Nineteen States was a little uneasy and anxious. They assigned people to carefully explore the entire stone forest, found several ghoul lairs, and solved them quietly.

Xia Miaomiao took care of the last elite ghoul and was carefully dividing its head. The most essential part of a ghoul is its head. The brain and cerebellum are common materials for alchemy. The ghouls on the ground The number of ghosts is rare, and almost all of them have been harmed by players. The underground world is very rich, and I have encountered more than a dozen of them along the way.

Cleaning the ghoul's lair, the smell was really touching, but Xia Miaomiao did it meticulously. Many clues were found on this occasion, such as hidden treasures, mission props, certain relics, and even treasure chests.

The treasure chest system's "big sprinkle of coins" depends on luck and the mood of the system lady. This time there is obviously no such thing, but a clue to the mission of "Saving Private Ryan" has been found.

"What did this unlucky guy go through?"

Xia Miaomiao looked at the blood characters engraved on the stone slab. It was obviously a blood book left by some unlucky guy, because he wrote Chinese characters, and several key information were harmonized by the system, making them blurry and unclear.

The mission prompt was updated, indicating where the player was trapped. Xia Miaomiao reported to Yijian Guanghan Nineteen States, intending to complete this mission along the way.

Yijian Guanghan Nineteen States was a little unwilling, and he didn't know what would happen next. The loss outweighed the gain if he delayed the business for such an insignificant task, but Xia Miaomiao insisted that he had no choice but to agree on a gathering Time, give release.

There was more than one person who was greedy for special meritorious deeds, a total of seven people, including the plastic girlfriend and the first priest who saved lives and healed the wounded, set off, left the stone forest, and followed the arrow given by the system to feel the darkness in the northwest direction.

A shocking thief opened the way in front, and two shocking savages protected Crispy Skin. Xia Miaomiao's perception was fully activated, and her agility officially breaking through 70 points allowed her to move, which was simply inhuman.

Glittering, Lingbo microsteps, that is not an exaggeration at all, let's put it this way, with a combat strength of [-] and a level-three occupation, it is free to come, and you may not even be able to touch the hem of her clothes.

It's just that the bow in my hand is getting weaker and weaker. It's not the attribute, but the basic attack has been unable to keep up with the rapid development of strength, and the strong 6 has not been able to get stronger. This time, Xia Miaomiao is going to break it down for her. It happened to be that dragon crystal, and her best friend could already make her own weapon tailor-made for her.

In the beginning, she relied on this piece of equipment to take off. Looking back, it really seems like a lifetime away.

They are all experienced veterans. The scouts in front learned a bird call on the team channel, and everyone in the team immediately knew what happened.

Each entered a state of combat, and the only amazing mage began to silently recite the spell.

Spell reciting silently is a difficult advanced skill. Currently, there are very few players who can do it. There are always occasions where it is not suitable for singing aloud and needs to be prepared in advance. Large-scale spells, especially spells above level 3 occupations, are all powerful, not to mention It may be instantaneous, and silent recitation becomes the identity proof of a high-level mage. If you don't know this, this kind of high-level regiment is not necessary, even if the level of combat power is high.

The mage's silent recitation gave the team enough confidence to face any danger with confidence. After a while, the thieves came back and said they had found the target.

It was vaguely a camp, shrouded in a thick haze, which was obviously abnormal, and looked like some kind of magical effect.

In order to warn the system, it is marked in dark red, and 7 people are lurking behind the boulder, some of them don't know how to do it.

At this moment, a gap was suddenly opened in the abnormal haze, and a humanoid monster walked out from it.

"NPCs with red borders? I guess it's them."

"Siege of the city some time ago, I heard that many players were recruited?"

"That's the official explanation. In fact, these players are colluding with them and attacking public service towns."

"Sapling, the city you helped was also attacked?"

"Well, these scumbags."

"No matter how scumbags are, they will be saved... I guess they are definitely not good in reality."

"How to say."

"I can't say it. If I say it, I will be harmonized...Here, I will grab my tongue and come back."

"Be careful!"


Humanoid monsters are different from ordinary monsters. They can be afraid, escape, and know how to turn around. They can naturally extract information from them. Under the threat of life and death, they are not much different from ordinary people.

The astonishing level 43 Wanzhan Rogue caught a humanoid monster equivalent to an elite militia, wouldn't that be easy to catch?It didn't take long for the rogue to return with a terrified, immobile humanoid.

"I'll ask you to answer, if you don't want to die, be honest."

The humanoid nodded desperately.

"How many people are there, how many professionals are there, how strong is it, is there any space wader (player) like me?"

Skywalker is the special name given to players by humanoid NPCs of the hostile camp. They describe their characteristics of "coming from the sky", and they also call players "undead". The system did not translate these before. For some reason, It's been offered recently, maybe it's some kind of wind change?

The humanoid monster answered honestly.

It turned out that there was really a camp there, and it was a caravan sent by the Church of the Evernight Goddess to the dungeon to "contact". what research.

Well, it should be a sacrifice dedicated to Rose, the queen of spiders. As we all know, that female spider likes all kinds of weird creatures the most, and she has sex with almost every creature that looks good, and then gives birth to a bunch of A strange hybrid, and used it to protest Corellon, the lord god of the elves.

Speaking of this, there is a well-known story.

Rose and Corellon used to be a couple. Corellon created the elven god system. Rose was his first work and later became his wife.

This is where the name of the Queen of God comes from.

Later, I don’t know what happened, maybe it was because the elves were in decline, maybe it was because of their limited development, Rose hooked up with one of Corellon’s opponents for some reason, and put a green hat on Corellon, after Corellon found out Naturally, he was furious. Not only did he personally strip Rose's godhead, remove her from the god system, but also turned the skin color of the early followers and believers into black, and no longer recognized them as elves.

The dark elf drow came because of this, and a big split of the elf race finally made the human gods take advantage of it. I don't know what happened. Rose, who was supposed to be devastated, suddenly turned around. The original maternal god Afterwards, he degenerates into the ghostly appearance of a thousand-eyed spider, and leads the dark elf Drow to move to the underground world, where he is still in a state of chaos.

The drow and the elves can be described as feuds. Rose has been working hard to return to the surface. Naturally, she hooks up with the human gods, so the underground world does not prohibit the entry of human forces on the surface. This small night camp should have other purposes , from the number of player sacrifices they carry with them.

Asked for valuable information, the shocking thieves casually dropped their tongues. The seven were bold and confident, so they no longer covered up their tracks and launched an attack on the camp.

The battle was one-sided at the beginning, and all the humanoid monsters that rushed out were elite militia level. Under the arrows of Xia Miaomiao and another elf ranger, they were killed in seconds. It was not until the professionals inside joined the battle that the trouble started.

The only amazing mage lifted off, and the humanoid bomber appeared on the stage, easily blasting through the camp's protection, the haze on the surface dissipated, and the inside was full of panicked figures.

At the most intense stage of the battle, a priest tried to summon the creatures of the kingdom of God to fight, but Xia Miaomiao and another elf ranger set fire to them. The door shattered in the air before it could take shape.

The thieves immediately attacked, taking advantage of the priest's rigidity to kill with one blow. Without this backbone, there was no longer any suspense in the battle.

In less than an hour, the battle was over, and I recalled the dungeon of the night camp. The difficulty was similar to this camp. At that time, I don’t know how many players were tortured by the sacrificial BOSS in the camp. Let’s look at it now.

There are several coffins in the dungeon of the camp, and a few "Private Ryan" are installed inside. When I opened it, I thought it was a monster like a mummified corpse. I peeled off the layer of cloth wrapped outside and saw the player ID The real body was confirmed only after reappearing above their heads.


As soon as a mummy-like player woke up, he hugged Xia Miaomiao's calf and cried loudly. Xia Miaomiao kicked him away in disgust, and the others also howled.

The system prompts that the mission is successful, and the special meritorious service is very happy.

"Just kill it!"

There is no use value after the task is completed, the thieves teammate suggested viciously.

"No, no, we can't fuck right now, can't fuck"

A mummy player howled when he heard the scare.

"Can't what? The system is muted?"

"Prohibited words?"

"You can still do that!"

"I'm asking you guys!" Xia Miaomiao picked up one of them who looked more sober, "Have you really betrayed the rebel camp and mixed up with monsters?"

"No, we were deceived. I haven't had sex for seven or eight days. Help, I don't want to die."

"What's dead and alive, is this guy crazy?"

"It seems that I was confused by the monster..."

"Wait a minute, what's with the tattoos on their bodies?"

Every 'Ryan' has densely packed tattoos on their bodies. These tattoos are like moving snakes, and they are still twisting on their bodies.

"Leave it alone, take it back and talk about it."

After cleaning the battlefield, the harvest is okay. Humanoid monsters are notoriously rich, and the goods in the camp can also be used, but they can only be sold to the system at a low price.

Returning with the loot, the team is ready to build a safe zone bridgehead.

With just 50 of them, it is impossible to capture the dungeon in front of them even if they have three heads and six arms. Besides, it is not certain whether it is an enemy or a friend. enough players to overwhelm any dungeon, even dragons.

"We are so miserable, woo woo woo..."

"I want to log off, I want to sleep, I want to eat and take a shower!"

"This rubbish game is not good at all, it's disgusting, woohoo..."

Bringing these few live treasures back home brought a lot of fun to the teammates. Looking at the tattoos on their bodies, many people murmured in their hearts.

"Shout again, if you shout again, I will throw you out as monsters!"


Just like that, the camp became lively. Strangely, such a movement could not be hidden from the dungeon, but there was no response there.

Until the scouts came back and said that it was already an empty city!
And such a good thing?

Yijian Guanghan Nineteen States couldn't believe his ears. What about the giant dragon from last time, and the arrogant dark elf drow? Are they all gone?

(End of this chapter)

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