Chapter 497

"We're just retreating strategically!", Leviathan the Flame Destroyer comforted the depressed mistress of the drow family during the migration, "I, a loner, only have these useless sycophants under me", said, Kicked the werewolf leader who was tidying her cloak more than ten meters away, "What about you, you have been abandoned by the Queen of God, and your family is in turmoil. That city is destined to be abandoned, its location is too close to the exit, It used to be an advantage, but now it is a huge disadvantage, there is no need to take all our chips for a dead city."

"Will you protect us?" asked the mistress of the drow family.

"Of course, I will. We are allies now. Do allies know that the dragon keeps its promise!" Leviathan the Flame Destroyer reassured the mistress, "This retreat will make the front of the plague soldiers no longer Come out, let the God Empress and her minions have a headache, we just need to hide quietly and watch them decide the outcome."

"I have to say, ma'am, your wisdom is beyond my expectations. It's the first time I've seen a giant dragon like you who knows how to advance and retreat. You know, your compatriots have a bad reputation in this regard. "

The same flattery, the octopus-headed Ross is much smarter, making Leviathan the Flame Destroyer very comfortable, "Don't compare me with those guys whose brains are full of muscles, if they follow my advice, they won't All will be forced back to Dragon Island, only me, only me, Leviathan the Destroyer of Flames has been staying in the main material world."

"Being under a leader like you really makes people feel so safe..."

The business bragged about each other, and morale improved.

But this cannot conceal the fact that a group of people fled in haste like bereaved dogs.

"Where are we going?"

The mistress looked blankly at the migrating team. Losing the grace means losing everything. Pastors, Rose's priests are the ruling class of the drow family, and only women can take on the role. The price of losing the grace is the authority to maintain the ruling position. , The power collapsed, and the men in the family were ready to move. Normally, such a family would be overthrown by the men who had been oppressing them internally without external enemies.

That's really vengeful revenge, and the end of women is often very miserable. Most of the female drow slaves in the surface world came from this way.

Fortunately, there is this arrogant dragon...

If it weren't for her, the mistress and her children would have been loaded into a prison van at this moment, abused wantonly by men, and then sold as goods, either to hostile family forces as female slaves, or to merchants on the surface. The team became the plaything of human nobles...

No matter what kind of ending it is, it is extremely miserable.

Fortunately, there is this dragon.

Leviathan the Flame Destroyer has no idea of ​​the psychological activities of her allies, and she is secretly proud of her wise move. Look, thousands of drow, more gray dwarves, plus other intelligent races enslaved by drow and Subspecies, the migration of 5000 people is really a big scene.

To accept all the strength and background of a drow family in one fell swoop, wow haha, it will not be difficult to establish your own dragon kingdom in the future.

The timing was well chosen.

A family abandoned by Rose happened to be at the forefront of the plague, and there was no need to find any excuses, just to evacuate a good-sized dungeon.

Speaking of the plague, Leviathan the Flame Destroyer asked the werewolves to carry out those coffins.

There are 'mummy' in the coffin, which is naturally the so-called skywalker (player), dense tattoo 'repression', used to isolate the powerful magic effect.

That kind of magic effect is everywhere, like a plague, spreading to the underground world. Flame Destroyer Leviathan has already felt that the smell of the plague from behind is increasing. What's even more frightening is that ten days ago, she could still smell To and analyze the existence of this kind of magic effect, it is no longer possible.

The seventh-order red dragon knows what this means. According to legend, there are endless such space walkers. Under the effect of such a powerful spell, they can be resurrected infinitely. Each of them has the ability to become a professional. It is said, but it is said that such Professionals no longer know how many there are.

This is really scary.

Many ants can kill a giant dragon. The reason why Leviathan the Flame Destroyer can live to adulthood is that he is still doing well in the main material world. It depends on this caution (cowardice) if nothing else.

A skywalker came out, and in the terrified eyes of the other party, the Flame Destroyer Leviathan showed his body, threw one into his mouth, bitten it into pieces, barely chewed it, and even sucked it with soup and water down stomach.

“It tastes weird!”

She muttered in her heart.

"But the soul is really powerful...well, relatively speaking."

Seeing the horrible end of the fellow sufferers, the rest of them fainted. The red dragon licked his lips eagerly, transformed into a human female and waved his hands.

The migrating team couldn't see the head and tail at a glance. This place was already a relatively remote place far away from home, away from the busy commercial roads, and was in a gloomy underground jungle.

Plants like ghosts and ghosts are everywhere, and there are mummies standing like stone statues for an unknown period of time, a dark and smelly river flowing, goblins that can be found everywhere like mice, a pale pink rolling poisonous mist, a jungle witch The avatar owl opened one eye, glanced at the human-shaped Tyrannosaurus rex in the migration team, and flew up with a croak.

Countless crow-like birds flew into the air and fled deeper into the jungle.

Wild werewolves kept running out and knelt down on both sides, praying for the powerful red dragon to accept them as family members. For this, the werewolves in the team killed them painfully, and showed no mercy because they were of the same kind.

The corpses were cramped by their cruel skinning, and they were happily roasted on the bonfires on the backs of pack animals.

While roasting, they also sang.

"Oh, delicious barbecue, with a powerful, beautiful, and wise master, you can eat delicious barbecue every day..."

The red dragon is not surprised, just like the lion, he is used to being surrounded by flies all the time. He sees Mistress Drow's face getting uglier as he walks away. Obviously, he is touched by the scene and is disgusted by this remote place.

"Thousands of tall buildings rise from the ground (translation)," she comforted, "wait and see, one day we will fight back and get back everything we lost, I swear."

Flame Destroyer Leviathan has great ambitions, who said that dragons have to live on Dragon Island?Back then, when humans were nothing, giant dragons were on an equal footing with gods.

The decline of the giant dragon is due to the lack of internal unity. There are metal dragons and colored dragons for such a small number. Each of them regards the camp and position as more important than survival. The second is that they like to work alone. I don’t understand. The truth of the three gangs of heroes.

She, Leviathan the Flame Destroyer, is different. She has a flexible position (or no position), and is working hard to manage her own small power. It is not impossible to become a prince one day. At that time, go to Dragon Island to recruit some people to watch For those of you who have passed the eye, isn't this a great cause already in hand?

His Majesty Leviathan the Flame Destroyer?

Woohaha... What plague, let them go to hell, it's better to turn the underground world upside down.

In other words, if it is planned in this way, will it also establish contact with the space waders?

Oh, if I knew it earlier, I wouldn't eat those space travelers. There are only a few taels of meat, and it would be bad if I delayed my big event.

Finally arrived at the place where Leviathan, the Destroyer of Flame, was about to bury his head in farming. Passing through the devil forest was a dark plain, very barren, so barren that there were so few fireflies to provide lighting, and even the sky above his head was full of It's gray, and torches are lit in 'bright day'.

A dirt enclosure, dirty, like a den of goblins ravaged by werewolves. Seeing such a miserable place, many drows wept silently, and many male drows began to move again.

Seeing the low morale, the Red Dragon started painting cakes again, loudly boosting morale.

I have to say that a giant dragon like her who can put down her figure is really a rare animal. Her kind, either has a hot temper and explodes at a touch, or is so innocent that she doesn't even like talking to lower creatures worth.

Flame Destroyer Leviathan is a different type of giant dragon, and what is even more rare is an adult red dragon. As we all know, among all adult giant dragons, the combat effectiveness of red dragons can at least rank among the top three.

With strong deterrent force, drows and gray dwarves dare not make mistakes, let alone sub-human races. They don't think there is anything wrong with this place. They celebrate with singing and dancing like it's Chinese New Year.

Taking advantage of this time, Leviathan, the Flame Destroyer, cleaned out his dragon lair, went to see her treasure first, and found that a few gold coins were missing, so he skinned and cramped the werewolves guarding them, and successfully smeared them in their intestines. Found lost property.

Cleaned it up, threw it into the pile of treasures that had accumulated into a hill, showed its true body with infinite satisfaction, lay down in the pile of treasures and yawned—satisfied.

It was only then that the last few remaining 'spacewalkers' were carried out. The werewolves thought she was going to have a tooth sacrifice again, and thoughtfully bathed the poor ghosts.

"Don't, don't eat me, don't..."

As a result, as soon as they saw the giant dragon showing its real body, several skywalkers poured out feces and urine, and one of them was so frightened that it only knew how to laugh.


Are you sure that letting people go back like this is not an alliance but an enemy?

Red Dragon was a little uncertain.

On the other hand, the players who took down a dungeon without any effort, did not fully believe that such a big piece of pie fell from the sky until they completely occupied the whole city and waited for a few hours. Hit it on your own forehead.

"Wow haha……"

Yijian Guanghan Nineteen States smiled like a fool. What kind of high-end character design and the self-restraint of the big water hose are all gone. After confirming with the system, a safe zone can be established, and there is no need to wait for a long construction period. After it can be built, I am even more happy and don't know what to do.

As we all know, the construction of the safe zone has high standards. The most difficult point is to expand the territory. It must be a territory recognized by the system.

The second is the investment in the construction of a safe zone. This is a high-risk job, because no one knows whether the huge amount of capital invested will be able to pay back. No matter how good the arrangements are on paper and in the plan, such and such problems will eventually develop. Maybe it will become a barren place. Players don't want to come, and tourists will naturally not patronize. Then your safe zone is a remote place where birds don't shit. Let alone recovering the cost, the daily maintenance fee alone costs one The big hose went bankrupt.

And this safe zone does not have such problems at all.

First, it is the bridgehead to enter the underground world, the first in the system, the underground world has massive resources, unlimited maps, and countless wonderful game content, how can no one care about it?
Second, it does not require a huge initial investment, and the empty city obtained can be put into use immediately, avoiding the biggest source of risk—if this is considered a risk.

Third, and most importantly, because the system encourages this kind of behavior of players, the opening of this safe zone is considered a special category, that is, counting special meritorious deeds, and the opened territories can be assigned to pioneers.

what does this mean?
This means that Yijian Guanghan and Nineteen States have picked up a city for nothing.

It is also the first city in the underground world, the location is extremely important!
Isn't this pie in the sky?
The city of the gang and the city of the family are all collective, but this belongs to his private, private territory.

A minimum of a baronial title to start.

Wow, it's really a lot of money, it's a lot of money...

"The head is going crazy with joy."

"Nonsense, if you are crazy"

"If it wasn't for the employment agreement signed at the beginning, this city is ours."

"Who wouldn't be wise after the fact? Money is hard to buy and I knew it earlier."

"It's really... so lucky to make people jealous."

"In the future, the standard of large water pipes will be raised. I am afraid that whether there is a private land is the criterion for judging."

"Tsk tsk..."

Xia Miaomiao is also very envious, it would be great if this was her own, private territory, baroness, dungeon master, wow...

She began to wonder if she was the protagonist. No matter how you look at it, Yijian Guanghan Nineteen States is like a villain. Why is he so lucky? The system is not fair.

Not to mention the complicated thoughts of the members, the big water hose is a big water hose, after the ecstasy, Yijian Guanghan Nineteen States calmed down, and started online and offline contacts, a lot of contacts.

A wide network is a standard configuration of a big water hose, not to mention the fact that there is a gang behind him. Of course, he will not forget the high-playing teammates who have worked hard with him all the way. The city got the promise of a permanent, free property.

This made everyone happy.

The only discordant factor may be the few unlucky players who were saved.

"We're going offline, woo woo..."

"It's terrible, this game is terrible, I want to go home..."

"Canaan Company, Idiot, I'm going to sue you for bankruptcy this time!"

(End of this chapter)

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