This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 498 Became the Aunt of the System

"How many were rescued?"

"Most of them have been rescued... The enemy has already tested the key technology of shielding the magic net signal on them. The use value is not very high, and the disposal is very random. Therefore, it is not difficult to rescue."

"Fortunately, they don't know what kind of world the earth is, otherwise they could use these people to make deals with us, bargaining and so on... How many people have not been saved?"

"48 people, Huaguo has 48 people, and the international server is about the same number."

"Alright, can you finally explain the past, right? Tell our partners that such things will never happen in the future, and let them be mentally prepared."

"It has already been explained. The Beimi national server expressed understanding. The Omeng national server wanted to use this to benefit the system. Others... the Huaguo national server reacted more."

"The national conditions are different... For those who have been rescued, pick a representative one and bring me to see."


A coffin was brought in, Bei Gaoyang looked at the players lying inside, especially the 'tattoos' all over his body, and sneered, "I knew it."

"My lord, what do you see?"

Bei Gaoyang pointed to the 'tattoo' on the player's body and said: "They don't have the intelligent engraving technology of the magic net. How many of them can be depicted with such a precise magic circle? To put it bluntly, it's not worth mentioning that the magic net is On the server side, the player is the client side. Adding a blocking signal wall between the client side and the server side can remove the player from the magic net. The problem is the cost and efficacy... Such a magic circle will not be lower than level 5 , It needs a mage above level 5 to work for more than three days without sleeping and eating, how many such mages does the other party have?"

"Like manual workshops and intelligent assembly line factories?"

"This analogy is very appropriate!" Bei Gaoyang laughed, "If the technology cannot be popularized, it will not be able to pose a substantial threat to the magic net. This loss is completely irrelevant to the magic net. Since it is useless, the other party obviously gave up. , otherwise it won’t stop.”

"Maybe they want to crack the mechanism of the magic net's operation by studying the... secrets on the players, so as to find loopholes?"

"With the existence of belief value and tens of millions of active and powerful thoughts and souls as anchors, the magic net is invulnerable. Any attempt to find loopholes to destroy it from the inside is also futile and can only be used by brute force."

"Brute force?"

"For example, a divine punishment from the gods is like detonating a hydrogen bomb in the core area of ​​the game area, physically destroying the foundation of the magic net."

"Can they do it?"

"No, there is an upper limit of power in the main material world. If we do this forcibly, we can only die together with us. If the material plane is destroyed, other planes will also be lost. The gods will not kill themselves."

"Then maybe they want to find the existence of the door by deciphering the secrets on the player?"

Bei Gaoyang laughed when he heard the words: "I thought the shuttle of the crystal wall system was so simple. If it was simple, the gods would have colonized the multiverse long ago, and they would not be trapped in the cage of Canaan, with such serious involution."

"Then you..."

"You mean that even the gods can't do it, why can I?" Bei Gaoyang smiled and said: "Because I come from there, the crystal wall system will not refuse my passage, my life imprint carries the earth's passed imprint, It is like a coordinate, in the vast multiverse, you can locate the crystal wall system where the earth is located, and I didn’t go back, I just went to a similar dimension, that’s all.”

Xiao Ai smiled, and then stopped talking.

Such questions and answers are of great benefit to Him. This is a deeply hidden secret that helps strengthen His representativeness. The representativeness of 'recording' is also a gesture and trust, which is very subtle.

Xiao Ai obviously felt the joy from the representative, and felt that her authority was increasing, as if she had brushed away the fog that shrouded her eyes and saw the truth hidden behind the fog.

"Thank you, my lord!"

He thanked him sincerely.

Bei Gaoyang waved his hand, indicating that he should not be concerned. He looked down at the player carefully for a moment, then reached out to erase the layer of 'tattoo' engraved on the surface of his skin, and covered the top of the player's head with his palm, sensing the engraved magic net receiving unit inside.

The castrated version of the wish travel spell originally only had one ring, but after several upgrades, it has reached the third ring. The spell of the third ring is not difficult to crack. The problem is that there is a physical terminal that the minions of the gods cannot get. , that is the game helmet that exists on the earth.

Without this helmet, the player's body in reality cannot be moved. This spell effect is the player's "innateness", and it is easy to forcibly destroy it, but it is extremely difficult to separate it from the player's soul.

Therefore, the only option is to use 'tattoos' to isolate the player's soul signal within the body, so as to achieve the purpose of cutting off the connection with the magic net.

But this method only treats the symptoms but not the root cause. If the player is taken back and the wall is removed, the magic net will reconnect the player.

"Who am I, where am I, what the hell are you?"

Bei Gaoyang waved the player and threw the player out of the mage tower.

"How, representative?"

Instead, ask about business.

Yes, rescuing these players is just a small episode, and the advancement of the false gods is the current major event of the system.

"Record and Guardianship, Moonlight, Dawn, Death's Withering, Harvest, Forest, Hunting, Lucky, Monster, and Treasure are 10 in total, and the others all failed."

"The success rate is not high." Bei Gaoyang said with a smile, but he already knew it.

There are so many false gods in the system, and only these 10 correct results, the losers are all subroutines separated and copied from the original intelligent program without exception.

At the beginning of the 6th test, there were so many radish pits in the system, and the false gods ran around and separated their own subroutines, as if they were trying their best to have children to occupy space.

"And it's not systematic," he continued.

"The magic net is the system, the only system!" Xiao Ai emphasized.

"It's good that you have this awareness," Bei Gaoyang commented: "Not bad, 10 His Highnesses are enough for now."

"Are you going to meet them?"

"No, it's His Highness now, it's not appropriate to meet me again."

"My lord, you should also integrate representativeness, otherwise... there will always be conflicts. This may be the only hidden danger at present."

"Me?" Bei Gaoyang asked back, "What representation do you think I should incorporate?"

"Naturally, it is the magic net and the system."

Bei Gaoyang looked seriously at Xiao Ai, Artemis, the recorder and guardian of the magic net, and it took him a long time to confirm that the other party was sincerely making suggestions. He was quite surprised and moved and said, "I see, you Let me think again."

Although he hasn't mastered any 9th-level spells yet, he is already a genuine 9th-level wizard. Standing at the apex that all things can touch, half a step ahead is a legend.

As for the difference between legends and divinity, demigods and even true gods.

There are too many differences. The former is free and can be regarded as "cultivating the truth", while the latter is indeed "making things happen because of people".

Speaking of it this way, it seems that the legend is higher than the divinity, but it is not, because the mysterious core rule is rooted in the convergence of the consciousness of all beings, so the latter is the highest level of life, with an aspect, a field, a concept, a certain Supreme authority in terms of rules.

Legends don’t have such authority. Although they are free, their strengths vary from person to person. Just look at how many legendary professionals still exist. Under the siege and interception of the gods, I don’t know if there are any exposed nets. Even if there is a fish, I am afraid that it is hiding in a corner, and it is not easy to show your face. If you don't pay attention, it will become one of the collections of a certain Highness in the Kingdom of God.

According to Bei Gaoyang's nature, legend is naturally the only choice, but he is working on his career, his legend alone is far from enough, a hero with three gangs, even if there are too many ants, he can kill an elephant. The fourth natural disaster followed the path of ants biting elephants. It makes no sense to regret it at the last step.

However, the price of integrating representativeness and even uniqueness is something that Bei Gaoyang does not pay. What I am is because of my emotions, knowledge, experiences, views on the world and affairs, likes and dislikes, these common Bei Gaoyang constitutes the person, if part of it changes due to external forces, then am I still me?
Only people like him have the mind to worry about this kind of trouble that outsiders see as "moaning without disease". He has the capital to pick and choose, but others don't.

After sending away Xiao Ai, Bei Gaoyang came outside. Angel of Fallen Light surprisingly didn't watch the movie screen today, but sat on the armchair by the floor-to-ceiling window, basking in the sun with a little sadness.

"what happened?"

Bei Gaoyang went to pick her up, just like picking up a precious pet Persian cat.

"You promised me, you won't forget, right?" the Fallen Light Angel asked while panting under his touch.

"What?" Bei Gaoyang buried his head under her slender neck and asked vaguely.

"Chengshen, you promised me to live mine"

"……Have it?"

"Yes, it doesn't make sense that people like Tias can do it, but I can't?"

"I remember that you have a good friendship with Tias... Well, it doesn't matter, what do you want to be? How about Eros, the authority of pleasure? You are good at it."

" agreed?"

"Anyway, there are too many hats to give away now." Bei Gaoyang raised his head, shrugged and said indifferently.

"How about Luna?"

"The moon is not good, there is Amyerola."

"She is the moonlight, I am the moon, why not?"

"Are you sure? That hat is too big. I'm afraid it will break your neck."

"Hate, didn't you help me?"

"You really want to try?"

"Well, Luna naturally includes motherhood. I can give birth to many, many children for you in the future, so you don't have to worry about too many hats to give away."

"Tsk tsk, your abacus is too loud..." Bei Gaoyang didn't know whether he was mocking or joking.

"Can you help me, can you help me?"

"I'm afraid you will regret it in the future"

"Regret!?" Josephine couldn't understand, how could such a thing be regretted, after understanding the worries of the person next to the pillow, the look in his eyes was even more strange, "The you before and the you now are very different, right? According to your logic, you are not another person now? How could you have such a strange idea?"

"You don't understand, the changes brought about by representation and uniqueness..."

"Then get used to it, what's unacceptable? Is it because of such worries that you linger? This is not in line with your personality... You sometimes feel so strange, most of the time bold and arrogant It’s frightening, but sometimes he’s so indecisive, entangled in such inexplicable little things.”

Hearing this, Bei Gaoyang's heart moved slightly.

It is said that bystanders can tell that the beauty in her arms is not worth mentioning in terms of knowledge and experience, but it is because of "simpleness" that she is so brave. What she said is not unreasonable. Since the step of integration is already imperative, Then what is there to hesitate and entangle? Difficulties and losses also mean that this is his challenge and difficulty.

The goal of legend, which has been pursued for a long time, is no longer suitable for the present and the future, and the structure is not enough. The only way out is to integrate the representativeness and uniqueness of magic net.

If there is a loss, there is a gain. The balance between gains and losses and giving up are very important. You can’t want to take all the benefits, and you are not willing to pay any price. The origin of creation can’t do it either.

With the representativeness and uniqueness of the magic net, some of the current difficulties can be easily solved. With the blessing of divinity, the magic net can break away from the mortal setting of the 7th-order creation and become a divine existence. It can't be measured by Tier 7 creations. The enemy's deciphering of the magic net and capture of the player will be eliminated, leaving only the option of violent capture and destruction.

And that was exactly what he was least afraid of.

Whether it is now or in the future, whether it is online or offline, whether it is inside or outside the magic net, whether it is Xiao Ai and the followers in the magic net, I hope that he will take a crucial step .

The representative of the magic net, the most profound is [system].

This is the main representation, with it, other messy talents can be connected in series, because it is unique, without any ambiguity and interference from competitors, the representation of [system] has almost condensed its uniqueness, that is to say, it is only near the door With one kick, Bei Gaoyang even has a priesthood.

Becoming a god is at your fingertips, that is, him, and it is too hypocritical to entangle legends and degrees of freedom.

Then integrate representativeness first, and then uniqueness?
Suddenly, Bei Gaoyang found that becoming a god, which seemed so far away before, has become something close at hand.

"How is the enemy clearing up in the game area?"

"To clean up."

The monitor of the magic net replied mechanically and coldly.

In the end, Bei Gaoyang still didn't let Xiao Ai separate the subroutine to act as the spider guarding the center of the spider web, but reawakened a backup of an artificial intelligence program, but this time, he didn't intend to give life to the monitor, so he let It's purer.

At present, it is what Bei Gaoyang trusts in the magic net, and it is conscientious and diligent.

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