This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 499 Became the Aunt of the System

The launch of the 7 test tourists can be regarded as a complete complement to the ecology of Mowang. Huaguo has 5000 million, Beimi has 1500 million, and Omeng has 3000 million. In addition to other national servers, the online regular online population has exceeded [-] million.

Such a population base is enough for Mowang. However, the slogan from the beginning is the second world and spiritual home of mankind. Naturally, it is necessary to ensure that everyone has the right to go online and offline to experience the second life freely, so It can only be 7 tests, not public tests.

No game can accommodate the number of players and tourists who account for a few tenths of the total human population. The 7th test is not a public beta, but it is almost the same as the public beta, but it has not yet reached the goal of satisfying everyone, so it can only be tested like this .

But Bei Gaoyang is no longer ready to increase the number of players. Tourists are always coming. Considering the current depth and breadth of the magic net, there is no need for many system-supported tourists. Visitors are income and investment. Small, high output unit of efficiency, not a burden.

Now his and Magic Web's task is not to pursue quantity, but to improve quality.

First, the so-called context is only the first step to allow players and tourists to go deep into the narrative of Canaan. Only by doing this can the compatibility of the magic net be improved to the basic condition for building the next level of magic net.

Nowadays, what restricts the magic net is no longer resources, soul power, and belief values. These are not few, but many. The change of network quality needs to guide and transform the player's thinking, let them really immerse themselves in it, 'forget' the No.1 life, and elevate the second life to a higher level than the No.1 life.

It is difficult to do this. It is a process of boiling frogs in warm water and working slowly. It cannot be forced or deliberate. It is expected to take a lot of time, and it may exceed the energy and investment of the previous tests.

Second, we must straighten out the organizational relationship within the magic net.

To put it simply, it is to straighten out the ruling structure of players, tourists, meritorious service, military ranks, nobles, temples, theocracy, and secularism.

Players are professionals, superhumans, the main force of the system and the magic net. This is clear from the beginning. Nobility, meritorious service, and military rank are only generated among players. Players obtain meritorious service through various guidance, narrative, and tasks of the system. Use meritorious service to promote military rank and purchase noble ranks, and use military rank and noble rank to determine the ruling order. These have long had blueprints, but the current implementation is not good, because although the major operating agents and national uniforms have changed their appearance, they are all Selling dog meat as sheep's tricks, if they don't withdraw from the specific business, they will not be able to hand over the world's ruling power to the players.

Players are responsible for all online affairs and operations. This should be the general direction. What kind of national server, what earl and viscount land, this is a game designed for players from the beginning. At present, operators occupy this pit. It seems that If they are not going to move, Bei Gaoyang is going to use the revocation of the public server and the S-level authority higher than A1 to lure them out of the specific operation, and only supervise and supervise their due interests in the background up.

It is not easy to do this, but it must be done. If they are not allowed to withdraw, it is impossible to talk about integrating the Canaan narrative and context. Walter Xia, Earl Millikin, deceiving ghosts, and deceiving oneself and others are not counted.

Clean up the offline state entities and create an unlimited game content and environment for players, so that they can fully devote themselves to the online life process, and gain and discover more and more than No.1 life. The wonderful value of life can make them "forget" the reality and devote themselves wholeheartedly.

There is no way to talk about it without this.

To straighten out the internal organizational relationship, players and operating agents are only one aspect, and the Magic Network itself must also make changes.

The representative fusion of false gods is only the first step, and Bei Gaoyang must also make sacrifices and sacrifices. The representativeness of his system is very important. If he does not merge, he must choose a suitable one for fusion. In terms of breadth, the representativeness of this system has basically represented the entire magic net. It can be described as the supreme authority. No one can rest assured that only he can do it himself.

By merging representativeness, there is divinity, and his journey as a spellcaster has been suspended. Since then, he has shifted from "cultivation to immortality" to "promotion of Shinto career". It is not easy to make up his mind, but it must be done.

In this way, with the divinity representing the highest power of the magic net, the magic net has divinity. The 7th-layer magic net is no longer a simple seventh-level magic creation. The stability of the magic net and the hidden dangers at this stage are eliminated in one fell swoop.

Thirdly, we need to systematically integrate the internal resources, tangible resources and intangible resources of the magic net.

Those are unique to the magic net, those are real, those are not in line with the occult narrative and need to be independently supported and defined by the magic net, and those are not only based on reality but also conform to the mystic narrative and are close to the magic net.

For example, the level, professional equipment and props system occupy the largest proportion of the system.

Fortunately, Bei Gaoyang had predicted that such a situation would appear in the later stage since the first layer of the magic net. These things were not imagined out of thin air, nor were they completely borrowed. After several tests, this system has been optimizing. Now The level, professional equipment, and item system of the magic net have achieved 7 points for true and 3 points for false. Because of the particularity of the magic net, this comparison is appropriate and does not affect the fit of the magic net.

Other resources, such as various minerals, industries, handicrafts, agriculture, animal husbandry, collection industries, etc. in the game area, the magic net is just covered with a layer of systematic skin on their original basis. For players, 9 are true and 1 is false. Even in the early days when the system resources were scarce, he did not try to save trouble, allowing [bandages], a complete system creation, to dominate the mainstream. Class B items now have a very low sense of existence. Look, the amount of trouble saved is really immeasurable.

If you do well and do the above three points, the 7-layer magic net will become mature, and the 8-layer magic net will not notify you of any offline tests.

Representativeness—divinity, is on Bei Gaoyang's desk, a golden yellow and shining thing.

The representative of the system is a group of materialized, ever-changing, multi-dimensional nets. This layer of nets is contained in this group of radiant and pure divinity, which seems to contain infinite secrets and profound meanings.

Because of its existence, all perceptions and affairs are distorted, or shielded, even the soul quality of the 9-ring archmage cannot perceive anything other than it.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a priceless treasure. The essence of the magic net is not an exaggeration. It contains the imagination and definition of the magic net system by hundreds of millions of players. Of course, it is correct and does not contain impurities. System Abyss) is tumbling.

Now is probably not the best time to condense the representativeness of the system. If we can continue to improve the fit of the magic net, this divinity should be more pure, but it doesn't matter. The perfect time will always be in the future, and it doesn't make much sense to insist on this.

In the eyes of system pseudo-gods such as Xiao Ai, the relationship between Bei Gaoyang and the magic net has always been a mystery. How did he control the magic net, and how did he kill a system pseudo-god without any surprises?

In fact, the truth is contained in the first layer of magic net. The magic net at that time did not have them yet. Only Bei Gaoyang knew the 'source code'. The outer magic net with the first layer of magic net as its core was more like an advanced Language cannot read the 'machine language' at the bottom of the system.

The truth is as simple as that, the false gods... oh, no, it's your highness now, you may have guessed it, but unless you overthrow the magic net and start over, no one can change the subordinate position established from birth.

The magic net is more like a tool of Bei Gaoyang, but now it has to be integrated with this tool.

Looking at this representation, Bei Gaoyang fell into memories.

From the childhood of the earth and hometown, until the inexplicable crossing, after going through hardships and tribulations in Canaan, he embarked on the road of exploring magic and mysterious truth. The originally ignorant, naive, and weak youth on the earth gradually grew into The "Thousand-hand Human Massacre", which can stop children from crying, will inevitably follow the road of "rebellion" in the end.

It is said that character determines destiny, Bei Gaoyang's is an example.

He dismissed the olive branches handed over by the gods, and ambitiously tried to overthrow this corrupt and depraved old world and build his ideal country.

"Is there really no way out?"

Staring at this representation, he asked himself again.

"It really is!"

He smiled wryly.

Then without any hesitation, he pressed the radiant ball of light into his chest.

Almost instantly, the sparks of thought active in various parts of the magic net seemed to receive some orders at the same time, and the currents like countless nerve pulses gathered in one direction along the magic net.

In Bei Gaoyang's perception, the invisible magic net has become a huge, three-dimensional, multi-dimensional changing sphere. In the center of the sphere, a converging point of light appears. Countless electric sparks gather at this point to outline a virtual brain.

This brain is like a planet, covered with a mysterious band of light on the surface. This band of light is so hazy, as if it contains endless secrets. Interweaving, working together, and deriving together, endless profound meanings are born at this moment.

Each esoteric meaning has evolved into a symbol representing the direction of mysticism, and countless coincidences are combined to form something similar to the imprint of life.

Bei Gaoyang called it his real name.

It cannot be expressed in any known language, but can only be understood, because it represents a trace of high dimension.

During the teleportation, the dragon language has a bit of high-dimensional atmosphere, so the giant dragons are born extraordinary creatures, and it is reasonable to say that they represent 'divinity' to a certain extent.

Divinity is not a special material to be called, but a kind of sublimation and purity beyond the original life level.

The mage also advertised himself in this way. Of course, the gods and their minions would not admit it.

This real name is different from his real name when he was a mage and a mortal. It is not only more complicated and advanced, but also more difficult to understand and more difficult to be fully expressed in any way.

Because of this, this real name includes Bei Gaoyang's past, present and even a period of future, including all aspects that he can keep.

This cannot be kept, and it is naturally discarded.

At this moment, a part of memory, emotion, and cognition were inevitably discarded, or marginalized, and the condensation of his real name made Bei Gaoyang change from loose to solid, from mixed to pure, from "passionate and sentimental" to 'Calm and absolute sanity'.

It seems that I realized it in an instant, became transparent in an instant, saw through it in an instant, and obtained it in an instant, so...satisfied.

In fact, he has already prepared for this day. The sparks of thinking scattered throughout the magic net are proof that only by incarnating as the magic net can he better integrate the representation of the magic net. The previous hesitation and struggle are more like It is a memory of the past, a ritual.

That's it.

From the beginning to the end, he is a real creature, a "cold-blooded animal" who puts profit and loss as the first consideration. The sentimentality, sentimentality, weakness, and nostalgia he shows are just what he thinks and should be, but in fact it is not, but It's just 'self-deception'.

With the condensation of the real name, the fusion of representational-divinity is a matter of course.

In the past, it was just a lack of this program. In fact, he has long been the incarnation of the system.

I don't know how long it took, but he was still in the Mage Tower or the laboratory, and he opened his eyes.

In an instant, the entire magic net seemed to have opened an invisible giant eye. Everything that happened in the magic net was in the eyes, and all related things, from things that will happen in the future, were all within the observation of these eyes .

Hundreds of millions of players and tourists, countless events happening, countless probabilities colliding, constants and variables, all gathered in this pair of golden, radiant eyes.

The magic net is also different.

Before it had no soul, now it has.

Before it was just a tool, not anymore.

It starts to breathe because someone is breathing for it, and it starts to think because a divine brain thinks for it.

"feeling not bad?"

Bei Gaoyang let the luster of divinity recede from seriousness, spread out his right hand, and countless symbols appeared on the palm.

Pick up one of them with two fingers, and gently sway it out, and a round of bright moon appears in the void above the head.

Another tap of the fingers, bathe and change clothes, the beauty lying on the bed sleeping soundly appeared in front of him, and with a light snap of the fingers, the authority representing the moon sank into this snow-white body.

The Angel of Fallen Light began to convulse and began to suffer. Cracks appeared on a large area of ​​his body, and golden fire burst out...

Bei Gaoyang frowned when he saw the result after 5 minutes, and the moon emerged from this obviously incompatible body and returned to his palm.


Josephine woke up. "I can still...please, honey."

"There's only one chance."

With that said, let this depressed stunner leave here.

With the birth of the system temple, other temples will naturally respond.

"It's really great, big... oh no, it's the main hall"

Xiao Ai happily sent her spiritual thoughts to fluctuate.

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