This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 500 Crazy System

Chapter 500 Crazy System

What is the main hall? It’s too low. When will it be upgraded to the main god? But with the current depth of the magic net and the upper limit of the capacity, it’s still a little bit reluctant to ignite the fire. The quantity of ideas collected is sufficient, but the quality needs to be improved.

This quality may be the only shortcoming of the magic net, so Bei Gaoyang has to take the so-called context as the top priority. For this reason, he does not hesitate to let the public server withdraw, hoping to use it as an example and bait in turn, so that the major national servers will also follow suit. Rapid retreat.

This is not a question of whether it can be done, but a prerequisite for it to be done.

Incorporating representativeness, that is, divinity, becomes the incarnation of the system to a certain extent. The so-called representative is naturally a symbol and authority.

Due to the uniqueness of the magic net, the system is also unique, so there is a unique advantage in condensing the uniqueness in the future. Things that others are distressed or can't pursue are easy for him, just like the fruits on the tree. Mature.

Others, to say that it incorporates the changes of divinity.

Bei Gaoyang touched his body, and felt that nothing had changed. The entanglement before the fusion seemed to be a joke at this time. At least now, he felt that everything was fine, as if it was not much different from before?
After dealing with the congratulations from Xiao Ai and other system temples, Bei Gaoyang is still not ready to meet them.

Experience with your heart that the divinity in the body grows at a speed visible to the naked eye. It used to be only a trace, but under the nourishment of the magic net, it rises against the wind and grows every minute and every second.

If there is a scale, the speed of divinity growth has far exceeded common sense, and I believe it will soon accumulate to the point of igniting the divine fire.

Shenhuo has to wait until the eighth magic net.

The return of the System Temple has made the magic net "justified", as if it has a backbone and a soul, and Bei Gaoyang does not need the cumbersome "procedures" for the magic net. The net is under control, and the divine brain is like a supercomputer with super AI functions, which can handle countless processes at the same time, and can incarnate into every corner of the magic net. Whatever is caused by the system, the tentacles and authority will be extended get there.

In the future, the upgrade of the magic web does not need to be designed on the blueprint, it is more like a brainstorming, just like a spider entrenched on the spider web to weave more and more complicated silk weaves.


There is no more.

After all, it is only divinity. Because of the particularity of the magic net, this divinity has power and authority far beyond ordinary divinity, but it can only be confined within the magic net.

As far as the mind is concerned, at this moment, all the voices and even mental activities that are 'calling' the name of the system are perceived by Bei Gaoyang.

"Auntie System is here, Qiang 3, give it to me!"

"The system of Gou Ri has such a low explosion rate, what can we do!"

"Oh, the system is going crazy, why isn't it refreshed when it's obviously spawning monsters?"

"System boss, please do me a favor, who can tell me how to do this bullshit treasure map mission."

"The system is fair and just, and there will be no such thing as favoritism or fraud. It's the central intelligence brain AI. Would it still embezzle your tax dollars?"

"My lord, the system seems... to run smoother than before?"

"The system is a fart. It made me anxious. I even sued Canaan Company. You haven't heard that there is a big mistake in the system this time, and the truth has been restricted. Damn!"


System, system, system...

This word, this definition, this endowment, this imagination, have billions of echoes at the same time, and these echoes reverberate in Bei Gaoyang's ears and consciousness, nourishing the growth of divinity.

Most of them are miscellaneous and impure, and some of them are negative at all. Fortunately, there is a garbage dump with a magic net, and everything that is not needed is thrown into it and ignored for the time being.

The system does not have a temple, but it is more deeply rooted in people's hearts than any other temple. In terms of style and level, other temples in the system are naturally higher.

This advanced level is not defined, emphasized, or guided, but formed naturally and subconsciously.

Subconscious things are the most difficult to change, just like players and tourists subconsciously use offline thinking and common sense to carry out Second Life.

How can we make players and tourists more immersed and more involved, and try to eliminate offline interference as much as possible.

This question is really unsolvable.

Bei Gaoyang satisfied all the voices of the system's prayers, so those for strengthening, alchemy, enchanting, collecting, tailoring, opening treasure chests, quests, spawning monsters, touching corpses... here Every moment ushered in a happy time.

He also casually taught the bad guys a lesson, thunder from the sky, and scolding the system for being struck by lightning will become a common phenomenon in the future, so as to teach the players to be human.

The most fundamental thing in the generation and sublimation of belief is awe.

If you don't know what awe is, how can you talk about faith?

Maybe start with this.

After merging with divinity, Bei Gaoyang's thinking was like lightning, processing and running a large number of processes at the same time, but his sensitivity to time became slow. It took more than a week for this thought to flash.

Offline, with the smooth progress of "Rescue Private Ryan", the losses and influence have been recovered to the greatest extent, and the major national servers are relieved. On the one hand, they tacitly suppressed and blocked relevant news to avoid unnecessary panic. On the one hand, he used this matter to bargain with the system to ensure that similar incidents would not happen in the future.

The consistent action of the national service, the system could only be handled passively and mechanically before, but at a certain moment, it got a very 'emotional' and 'silky' reply.

"...Guarantee, there is no guarantee, do it if you want to do it, if you don't want to do it, get out!"

"... Compensation? Who is the compensation for, you guys? Have some face, how about I make an announcement to tell the players what you want?"

"...The official server is going to be retired, and you are going to retire too. This is not a discussion, it's a notice!"

"...There will be no more Norman Dukes in the future, and the position of head of the Rebel Army will be given up to the player, all to the player."

"... Those who are obedient will be rewarded, and those who are disobedient will cancel the cooperation. The enemy is already at the door, who cares so much?"

"...Who is Lao Tzu? I am the system that you have been thinking about. From now on, Lao Tzu wakes up and tells you that I will bear with you for a long time. If you don't do business every day, you will know to find Lao Tzu's loopholes, damn!"

"...The retreat of the country and the advancement of the people is the general trend. Context, context, you changed your name to fit the context? You advocate Second Life every day. Since it is Second Life, what are you doing all the time on stage? Jia Is Nan your colony?"

"... Obedient ones have fruit to eat, whether it is A1 or A2 authority, all mention S level, it is possible to jump from the boss of the branch company to the shareholder, director, and even the chairman of the head office. Guarantee your interests, my only request It’s the context, integration, if you don’t do this, everyone will be over.”


Who says divinity can't be emotional?
After such a blast, Bei Gaoyang obviously felt much better.

Even though it's just a 'thread', the joyful response is well presented, even better than before without any divinity.

His scruples have dropped a lot, and his hypocrisy has gone a lot. He has long wanted to do this.

But offline, there were too many people staring at the screen dumbfounded, including the front desk and the backstage, especially Yu Qingdong, who almost suspected that someone had hacked into the system and was impersonating.

" this the central brain?"

"should be."


"It doesn't matter Mr. Yu, what the hell is going on with the country retreating and the people advancing? Do you hear this so familiar?"

Does it sound familiar?

"So... the system... is alive?"

"It should be, just like those artificial intelligence programs we bid on."

"This, this...a humanized system, anthropomorphic? What about number zero?"

"Number zero should be this system."

"how do you know?"

"A guess, a reasoning."

"What's the basis?"

"Is it important? Mr. Yu, now is not the time to struggle with evidence."

Not to mention the offline brainstorming, just say that after such a vent, a series of big moves that have been brewing online also came.

The population after the 7th test revealed many problems, the most obvious problem being the lack of resources.

With so many people, it is comparable to a country with a large population in reality. In the case of limited resources and land, it is definitely not enough to allocate. Players are taken care of by the system. Tasks, spawning monsters, all have system resources that are sold. Besides, The number of players is still relatively small compared to tourists. Even so, the system is also carrying a heavy burden, and tourists can only be fully stocked.

Many people who landed in Canaan for the first time found that their utopia was not what it was.

Jobs are hard to find, money is hard to earn, and even the unscrupulous factories are overcrowded with people who screw screws. Online food, drink, housing, and transportation require everything except breathing.

In the case of vicious competition, jobs that no one cares about before have become sweets and potatoes, service prices have plummeted, players have a better life, and tourists have suffered.

It’s been more than a week, and some people haven’t even earned a single copper coin. It’s no longer news that they are starving to death online. Every system’s main city and national server town, when they walk out of the teleportation array, they see Tourists begging like beggars, what kind of second home, hometown of the soul, I come online to enjoy blessings and earn money, you get this for me?
Therefore, a huge amount of dissatisfaction has accumulated, and some people have mobilized these tourists to make trouble.

The method of this trouble is also very strange, that is, the containment system and various functions of the national server provide entrances, such as an important task NPC, the entrance of the mercenary guild, and so on.

The system took control, and the earls and viscounts came forward to guide them, but none of them could satisfy the appetite of these people, so since the 7th test, what they got was not prosperity, but chaos and complaints everywhere.

It's time to fix this mess.

A system announcement with a flat tone, no one took it seriously, and then in the main cities of the system, a large number of heavily armed NPCs and players who had accepted the mission suddenly appeared, and they rushed into the siege like wolves and tigers. Among the troublemakers, no one gave any persuasion. Those who caught people were beaten, and those who resisted were killed. A large number of tourists were thrown into prisons with a system with almost unlimited capacity.

Just when everyone was startled by this move of the public server, the system also broke the tacit understanding with the national server. The major temples cooperated with the system NPC to bring the same repressive measures to the national server. Therefore, a game called The world drama of 'strengthening law and order' was staged in such a grandiose manner.

In two days, millions of tourists lost their tourist qualifications (there is no money to revive after death), and millions of players were driven by the system to use tasks to raise the "butcher knife" to tourists.

——Some of the villains among the tourists were even beaten into monster sequences and marked with red names. It is conceivable how unscrupulous the system is.

That's really... For a period of time, players looked at tourists strangely.

It's all money and experience.

The major operating agents are digesting this explosive fact. They were so slapped so suddenly that they really don’t care what they think and do offline. Tourists who have been "suppressed" online will naturally not let it go. Operating agents are equivalent to those who have become "notorious" one by one, being criticized, sued, spurned and condemned by various organizations and media...

The offline pressure finally fed back online, and some operating agents began to openly sing against the system, and even issued tasks to fight against the system.

After that, the second system announcement came.

All of these national service operating agents were disqualified. The words that fit the context are that a certain noble led a rebellion, was deprived of the title and territory of the noble by the Grand Duke, and launched a crusade against the world plot of rebellion.

This, this, this...

The players were stunned at first, and then cheered loudly.

The battle of destroying servers was staged vigorously in this way, and in another week, 24 noble territories were destroyed, and the original territories were confiscated by the system. Naturally, the players and tourists in the original territories did not end well. Becoming obedient citizens of the system, one by one has eaten their brains and intestines.

Such a move online has also set off a turbulent wave offline.

Today's Canaan is already the de facto second world. It is not an exaggeration at all to sneeze online and catch a cold offline.

The parent company of Canaan undertook the first wave of pressure. As the top tank, it was soon completely numb by the violent counterattack.

For a while, everyone lost their voices and were at a loss.

Please, the abnormality of the player data has not been digested, what retreats and advances have not been figured out, and the system has not yet been concluded... This continuous tossing, we must give people a little time to react, right?
But the system ignores it, or in other words, the zero number doesn't care, what can they do?

As a last resort, I had no choice but to come up with a panacea excuse - the online deduction is completely controlled by the central brain, and offline cannot interfere, so I can shirk it.

It's just that I can't shirk this time.

In this context, the world's first Two-dimensional universe conference was held.

(End of this chapter)

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